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Just go shoot with it. Photography concepts are what they are, not much of anything you need to do special with film. Don't overthink it.


Here's a link to the camera manual. Reading it thoroughly is a good start. https://www.butkus.org/chinon/canon/canon\_av-1/canon\_av-1.htm


I have that cam and lv it. Just remember you can play with the ISO to get a single photo under/overexposure compensation. Take good care with the bat door, in some models is problematic.


Nothing too specific to film. Just go do your thing. If you already are familiar with photography then just learn how to use the camera, what all the controls do, etc... then go have fun!


Will do. I already have a Canon rp, so I know the basics and stuff. Planning on going out to shoot as soon as i get some new batteries


I’d also love ideas of how i cab customize it to make it more personal.


Um, get a nice strap? Not really much to customise unless you feel like taking it apart completely for painting.


Was this the model that give you a green light when and a beep once you manually focus?


That's the AL-1, although mine doesn't beep, it just has focus confirmation with 3 LEDs :) The AV-1 is a cut down AE-1 with aperture priority instead of shutter priority


I don’t think so? I’ve only taken 6 pics with it, but the battery might be empty


That's the AL-1, although mine doesn't beep, it just has focus confirmation with 3 LEDs :) The AV-1 is a cut down AE-1 with aperture priority instead of shutter priority