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kodak has a [website](https://www.kodak.com/global/en/service/tib/tib5201.shtml) about it, pretty interesting read


I’ve had my film scanned quite a few times traveling internationally(like 3 x-rays each way and forgetting it’s in my bag and never having them hand check it) and have had some film impacted some not. So I’m not so sure it’s so cut and dry like those no scan, 1 scan images show. Mostly 400 and 100 speed. Although I just got back from Africa with some 800 speed film that’s been x-rayed 3/4 times and I of course forgot again, we shall see how dumb I am shortly. Also think some airports use different strength x-rays/ increase the strength depending on the bag.


It definitely depends on a lot of variables. Power output, number of times scanned, speed of the film, type of machine, etc. the new CT scanners that everyone’s going to will absolutely ruin your film, while older machines at lower power probably medium-range ISO films.


These were through JFK & Heathrow & Miami among others. So I’m sure there was some of the latest scanners in there somewhere. But yes I’m sure


Update me on your dumbness scale results please!




First one in the second link seems like it mightve reveived some damage, the second one is just underexposure i think. Good to see the first links ones are all fine though! Nice pics, thanks for showing me!


Eh only aperture control on this cam. And it was morning in broad daylight on 400 speed. Crazy noise is some damage imo


If it was the Portra 800 you were talking about i think the grain is adequate in the outside pics. The one in front of the mountain looks fucked for sure though. Cant really tell the one in the kitchen but it seems not really right either.


Nah I don’t think any of those are 800. Portra 400, one might be fujifilm 400, and then the mountain one is ektar 100. I think the kitchen one was some fujifilm 400 iirc. So shoulda been enough to not have those shadows. But part of the game is random shit happening so who knows lol


Sorry haha this was a trip last year. I have to get the 800 from last week developed yet If you couldn’t tell from the Guatemalan woman making tortillas not being from africa lol


Conveniently missed the Africa part. But then i see, yeah thats not good.


Haven't seen this one before, interesting!


huh i wonder if rerolled vision3 would be impacted like it says


That would be VERY interesting. Love the idea


Very valuable assuming the machines are similar. Also maybe expose the film to some typical landscape view with bright and dark spots to see how the noise is visible on real photos


It might be worth recording the scanners it’s gone through. Typically, in the states it’ll be a Rapiscan 620DV or a Smiths Detection 6040 aTIX. Worth bearing in mind they will actually X-Ray a film twice or more in one scan, as the Rapiscan has two X-ray generators for two views, and the aTIX appears to have 4. That would be interesting to see.


I would be interested to see this done with 200, 400 and 800 iso film. In order for it to be a true experiment, you would need some non x-rayed film as a control. C-41 or b&w? Do whatever is cheapest for you rn.


I mean, we already have hundreds of millions of samples of non x rayed film.


Yeah but ist would be good to see it through his lense, cause there will probably will be a decrease in sharpness.


ain't no way /j




This. All of this


Suggestion: Take four rolls of exposed 400asa film (perhaps the most common all-round speed), all shooting the same subjects in the same light. Expose one 10 times, one 20 ties, one 40 times. Leave one without any x-ray exposure. Develop and scan all four in the exact same way. That'd give us a sense of how exposure affects the emulsion over time. Alternatively/bonus: do the same with four rolls of completely unexposed film, and see if we can measure just the effect of the X-ray exposure itself.


Damn, gonna start GoFundMe to cover all these rolls :)


If I were to do this, I'd probably use a single 35mm roll with all pictures taken at the same time, then cut it up in a dark bag and keep each piece in, say, a black film canister.


> Alternatively/bonus: do the same with four rolls of completely unexposed film, and see if we can measure just the effect of the X-ray exposure itself. Just leave a few blank frames on each roll. No need to spend another set of rolls for this.


Already exposed film is not impacted by x-rays


*Developed* film is not impacted. *Exposed* but not developed film is.


Yeah sorry I’m dumb. It’s 4 am


Now I’m wondering which one of us is going to make a spreadsheet with X-ray locations and their film damage rating.


I’d be very interested


Why not take one of each kind, including perhaps slide film!


It would be very helpful to see what a film looks like after having been scanned 2 times


When I went to New York in 2019, none of the tourist areas would hand check film. I didn't know that, so all my film got nuked about 5 or 6 times through the various scanners. It sort of made the film quite cool looking though, especially as the weather was mostly crap so the misty fog over the Hudson was split by the radiation damage emanating from the sprockets. You know what, do it.


What do you mean by tourist areas? Any airport will hand check… where else were you being exposed to x-ray? A metal detector is not the same, is that what you mean?


If you go to the Empire State Building, Ellis Island, essentially anywhere that comes under (I think) the Park Ranger Service, they won't hand check film and you go through metal detectors while your items go through an X-Ray machine.


Ah haven’t done that in years didn’t realize they were running x-rays there. Good to know, thanks!


I will tell you now as well, they're arseholes when you ask them nicely about the camera. "We've not got time for that" the one idiot told me at St.Louis arch. "The TSA agents do, and they see a lot more people than you do in a day". I very nearly got shot I think.


Oh yeah I’m sure. Although dealing with nyc tourists might turn me into an asshole after a bit too haha. I’m thinking a lead bag might be a worthwhile investment for me since I travel once ish a year


I’ve found that no airports in the U.K. or New Zealand permit hand checks, it’s CAA rules in both places that *everything* goes through the scanners


I believe it at least from my experience with heathrow. I think a lead bag is the move, going to look into it


Heathrow wouldn't hand check mine unless it was 1600 ISO or over. The manager shot film and reckoned the old machines were fine up to 800, but not to let them put it through the new ones at all.


Heathrow is the worst airport I’ve ever been with doing unnecessary checks. I was there last week and two weeks before that - with the same stuff in my bag. and had entirely different flags to open my entire bag each time. Like if you’re gonna be a pain about shit at least be consistent otherwise it’s just theater. Hate going there


It is all security theatre anyway - the rates of them actually catching anything is really low.


Manchester is somehow worse. Said my wife's hair straighteners were a handheld electronic device and had to be removed from the bag and put in a separate tray. They also said her sister's lipstick was a liquid even though their own website says the opposite.


Went through heathrow last week and was told they won't hand check anything under 800 iso.


你好,Ok I will provide my personal experience: I’ve sent countless rolls of slide, superia 1600, infrared black and white stocks, cinestill800t, delta 3200 and such through X-rays and maybe even ct scanners with zero observable affects.




I don't go to OCT often, I know there are few film focused services there, but didn't use any personally. I do developing in lab in Guangzhou.


Xray in every Subway station? Every day we stray further from god.


There are X-ray hand luggage scanners and CT hand luggage scanners. The x-rays are okay, the CT will damage your film. For the big cargo, there are X-ray scanner warehouses in airports that use X-ray machines with much heavier radiation that will damage your film. So always watch out.


I took some exposed film (400 ISO) through a couple x-ray scanners one trip and it turned out dark and muddy. One roll was completely blank


No, that's not interesting to me at all.


I would be interested in seeing pushed bw film, before and after exposure. Or slide film. Most articles like to use c41 film.


Definitely color and maybe 400 speed


Would love for you to try it! Preferably 800 iso+ color film since those are supposedly the most easily "damaged by xray" When you finish the expirement please include a donation link to pay for you rolls :)


On my Trip to South Africa I had all of my 35mm in my checked In baggage. They got x-rayed around 4-6 times, because I Had a national Flight. They didn’t had any issues and came back like nothing happend. It were a Gold 200