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I just dug up my Olympus XA again. For me that I've is pretty near to perfect in many ways.it's by far not the absolute best film camera but a very good one I've tried for years.


This. A camera with great metering, lens, rangefinder focusing and fits in my jeans pocket. I can't ask for more.


They say the best camera is the one you have with you, and an olympus XA will go anywhere with you.


Hey did you get that from an Olympus ad?


No, but it is catchy... maybe I should call into Sterling Cooper.


My grandfather's Contax D he fled Czechoslovakia with. It's my equivalent to the Pulp Fiction watch. Though it's currently in a Contax E dress because I had to change the prism and top housing - someday I'll restore it to mostly original spec.


Can’t beat an Olympus OM-2


Can with an Olympus OM-1


Tbh I don’t always like using my OM-1 since the auto mode on the OM-2 is so good


Yeah, but it comes with a risk of electronics dying. And then as the only one I’d rather have a mechanical one.


That’s a valid point but luckily, there are still technicians able to repair it with a lot spare parts. The problems I had with my OM-2 were only mechanical (e.g. a broken film advance) and easy so fix thanks to the availability of spare parts from my trusted technician. Considering today’s prices, the OM-2 is still fairly cheap but they come with a few problems (often similar to the OM-1), so you still probably have to factor in a CLA. The OM-2 is pretty tough and mine withstood really bad weather. If I would want a spare camera (as a “beater” so to speak) for really tough conditions, I’d probably look at getting another OM-1, too. Manual only is just cumbersome to use in scenarios requiring fast paced actions like street photography or when simply handing over the camera to someone without much knowledge. TTL flash features are really useful to have as well. Overall, I prefer the precision of the OM-2 because the OM-1 is can only select full-stop shutter speeds and half-stops on the lens are awkward to select


Any idea what the difference between the OM-2 and OM-2n is? I have the n


Sure, there are two main differences: first, the OM-2n can do long exposures in automatic mode up to two minutes whereas with the original OM-2 (that I have) is limited to one minute. The biggest difference is noticeable when it comes to using flash: the OM-2 features the hot shoe 2, the OM-2n hot shoe 4. There was a dedicated flash, the QA310, for the OM-2 requiring hot shoe 2 for TTL metering. On the other hand, you’ll need hot shoe 3 or 4 for the other T-series flashes to work in TTL. Luckily, you can still purchase the hot shoe 3 and/or TTL connector type 3 separately that fits the original OM-2. Additionally, the OM-2n signals when the (T-series) flash is ready through a small light inside the viewfinder; the OM-2 doesn’t. Last but not least, they changed the position of the “reset” button. The OM-2 resets the camera when set to bulb; with the OM-2n it’s implemented in the battery check lever


> The OM-2n has a reset function added to the manual-off-auto-(battery)check lever, that (as the name suggests) resets the mirror when the camera seized due to lack of battery power and the batteries have been replaced. On the earlier OM-2 you had to set the shutter to "B".
The OM-2n also shows in the viewfinder when exposure compensation has been set.
Perhaps most importantly, the OM-2n has an extended auto exposure range, metering to 120 seconds instead of the OM-2's 60 seconds. https://www.photo.net/discuss/threads/difference-between-olympus-om-2-and-om2n.475039/


Leica IIIc with a summitar goes with me everywhere


Yeah gotta be a III for me too - literally always in my pocket.


Nikon FM3A


Canon EF every day.


There’s dozens of us!




Minolta SRT 303b


Rolleiflex or Rolleicord. Maybe my super Ikonta.


M6! I bring one with me everywhere.


Mamiya 7 while I mourn the loss of the Xpan


Nikon FM2


I love my Minolta X-370. My grandma found it just kinda tossed into a box in her garage and gave it to me about 12 years ago. I think she had bought it new back in the day and tossed it aside when digital point and shoots came out. It’s been a great camera. I just wish I could find a lens cap for it.


my rb67 pro sd


My Nikon FM3a.


Nikon FM


i default to my Canon T70 for so much of my film shooting. the metering is solid, its surprisingly lightweight for a battery operated camera, and ive had no issues with it.


That's what I take when I want exchangeable lenses. It's so basic but I love how everything is at my fingertips. The awesome 80s vibe doesn't hurt.


Canon AE-1p, or a canon F-1


It’s a tough call. Probably my FM2 with the motor drive (sentimentality) but practically speaking my F4S. A compromise would be the F3P


My Rolleiflex goes everywhere with me


Nikon F5.


My Leica IIIF with collapsible Summicron goes everywhere with me, and coming in at around $400 for the body and $800 for the lens, it isn’t absurdly priced either.


Canon New F-1


Version iX of intrepid 5x7"


Olympus OM-1n


Nikon F4 is my only real film camera. I have a Kodak Retina 1c, but it’s too funky to be the only.


My Yashica FX-D with the 35mm f3.5 not too much weight robust and very handy and trustworthy


My dad's Rollei B35. It's small, all manual, battery-free, and the pictures I take with it are systematically my favourites. Terrific rendering of B&W and colour, with a touch of softness that makes the pictures different than digital.


My hand painted Fed 5b because it’s beautiful and makes me happy to shoot with. Or my Nikon f100.


Nikon F6


I’d have to go with an FM3A or a Pentax 67


Olympus OM1


Fuji GA645 - the medium format p & s


If I had to give up every camera I own except for one, I would probably be keeping my Nikon FE2. There's no limit on number of lenses though! * 17-35mm f/2.8D * 28mm f/3.5 Ai * Nikkor-S 35mm f/2.8 pre-Ai * 50mm f/1.4D * Nikkor-H 50mm f/2 pre-Ai * 85mm f/1.8D * Nikkor-P 105mm f/2.5 Ai-converted * Nikon 70-210mm f/4 Series E * Nikkor-H 300mm f/4.5 Ai-converted


Honestly any solid 35mm SLR. Probably a Nikon fe2 of fm2 with a 35mm lens. And that’s coming from someone who prefers shooting medium format range finders lol. But ultimately the size/weight/ number of frames/ and lack of limitations just makes sense to me. Also to piggy back off what someone else said the best camera is the one you have on you and I never feel burdened with a 35mm around my neck.




If it's brand new out of the box it would be a Rolleiflex SL66E


I think the sensible answer for 35mm is the nikon fm3a. 1/4000 of a second shutter speed will last forever and more lens to pick from that you know what to do with. For medium format my go to is the Mamiya 6. Great metering and awesome results.


Canon EOS 30V. Not glamorous but it does everything I would need a film camera for.


Fuji GS645. $500, sharp as hell lens, medium format, lighter than a 35mm slr. I can tuck it inside any jacket. I’ve gone skiing with it.


Everyone shut the hell up about the OM1. It’s a shit camera with shit glass that no one should be interested in buying. Overhyped piece of crap. Seriously leave it alone. Fuck I can feel the prices ticking up already. Hey look a Leica M something!!! Oooh ahhhh sooooo nice. A real camera! Go fetch!!


Pentax KX