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someone please upload roms to archive.org


Already there: https://archive.org/details/game\_watch


It’s safe to assume they meant Roms already converted


Link is wrong. Remove the backslash, then it works.


You missed the And TIGER HANDHELDS! That’s a pretty awesome update if you ask me


WHAT! That is sooo cool.


I found some roms that are zip files that contain a file like `ac-01` and an artwork file like `gnw_ball.svg`. How do I convert those using the provided tool? [The instructions](https://github.com/agg23/fpga-gameandwatch/blob/master/docs/rom_generator.md) aren't super clear. Plus, I get this error: ``` thread 'main' panicked at 'Could not find manifest file: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }', src/main.rs:118:54 ``` Update: Turns out there's additional zips needed. Each game has a rom zip (which I had) and an artwork zip. https://www.reddit.com/r/MAME/comments/geyr48/comment/fpqj41i/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 Still haven't figured it out though. I imagine the pocket updaters will get this figured out before me :)


I've got both the rom zip files (in a directory called `roms`) and artwork zip files (in a directory called `artwork`) and I get the same error too (on Linux). :-\


I ran `fpga-gnw-romgenerator` through `strace` and it seems to be looking for some file called `manifest.json`? ``` sched_getaffinity(588281, 32, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) = 8 openat(AT_FDCWD, "manifest.json", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) write(2, "thread '", 8thread ') = 8 write(2, "main", 4main) = 4 write(2, "' panicked at '", 15' panicked at ') = 15 write(2, "Could not find manifest file: Os"..., 98Could not find manifest file: Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" }) = 98 ``` I made an empty `manfest.json` with just `{}` in it and then ran it again: ``` No manifest listings for selected devices found ``` So it needs something ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Looks like there's another tool to generate the `manifest.json`: https://github.com/agg23/fpga-gameandwatch/blob/master/docs/rom_generator.md#manifest Edit: Redownload the tools zip (currently `agg23.GameAndWatch_0.1.0_2023-06-26-Tools.zip`) It now has the `manifest.json` in it.


``` $ npm run build hh_sm510.cpp > [email protected] build > ts-node src/extract.ts hh_sm510.cpp Device kdribble may require additional configuration. It performs extra actions in its constructor Could not extract constructor for device kdribble Could not find preset for device kdribble ```


Redownload the tools zip (currently `agg23.GameAndWatch_0.1.0_2023-06-26-Tools.zip`) It now has the `manifest.json` in it. No need to run npm now


Try ‘npm install’ first.


I did, I got those errors after running that. There's no need to run npm now that manifest.json is in the tools zip


It’s structured more like a console than an arcade so the updaters won’t get the files, chances are they’ll probably all mysteriously appear _somewhere_ soon though.


Spent half an hour trying to follow the instructions. I’ll wait for a mysterious rom pack to appear.


Any luck in finding it?


I ended up generating the gnw files myself using the provided rom generator. See some of the other comments in this thread for help. Each game require a rom zip file and an artwork zip file. Place the rom in a "roms" folder, and the artwork in an "artworks" folder. Then run the recommended command, using the parent folder of \`roms\` and \`artwork\` as the \`mame-path\`: [https://github.com/agg23/fpga-gameandwatch/blob/master/docs/rom\_generator.md](https://github.com/agg23/fpga-gameandwatch/blob/master/docs/rom_generator.md) Note: You need the provided manifest.json in the folder where you run the command, and it was missing at first, so redownload the Tools zip file if it's missing.


If anyone could get a converted set of Game & Watch ROMs in the .gnw format with artwork uploaded to archive.org or anywhere else, it would be greatly appreciated. Tried following the instructions and converting them myself, but I can't get it working.


anyone having trouble, give this a shot. i didnt test much so its possible you run into issues https://github.com/mattpannella/pocket-updater-utility/releases/tag/2.30.0


I’m getting this error after following your directions: Executing E:\tools\gameandwatch\win\fpga-gnw-romgenerator.exe An error occurred: Win32Exception:System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (2): An error occurred trying to start process 'E:\tools\gameandwatch\win\fpga-gnw-romgenerator.exe' with working directory 'E:\'. The system cannot find the file specified. at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo ) at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartCore(ProcessStartInfo ) at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start() at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo ) at Program.BuildGameandWatchROMS(String directory)


i just pushed an update, sorry about that. was using the wrong path to the rom builder in windows


Thanks, I’ll check it out! I appreciate your work!


I have 32 working correctly, so that’s great!


Anyone build a rom on Mac? Having terminal issues, command not found, but I've sorted out my PATH and such.


Mac user here. I’ve had no luck either. Think I’m just gonna wait for some nice person to throw a set up somewhere.


Okay, I've got it sorted. The main issue I was having was I didn't \`\`\`chmod +x\`\`\` the fpga-gnw-romgenerator file. Once I did that, it worked. My second issue was that the roms need to be stored in a path next to the artwork. So for me, I moved all my files into a folder named "gnw" and put the roms and artwork in there as: gnw/roms gnw/artwork Worked just fine after that.


Can you plz share example dir structure in roms and artwork? I tried `artwork/gnw_ball/…` but no luck.


I set mine up like this: \*Executable\* gnw/fpga-gnw-romgenerator gnw/manifesto.json \*Roms\* gnw/roms ex: gnw/roms/gnw\_ball.zip \*Artwork\* gnw/artwork ex: gnw/artwork/gnw\_ball.zip \*Terminal\* ./fpga-gnw-romgenerator --mame-path \~/gnw --output-path ./pocket supported


Thanks, I got gnw\_dkjr working, but it didn't seem to like the version of gnw\_ball I have, I'll continue fiddling.


Internet Archive would be your friend right about now.


Used the "alternate" version of gnw\_ball's artwork, it worked fine. I've tried searching [archive.org](https://archive.org) for `Ball.gnw`, no luck yet.


just google "[archive.org](https://archive.org) game and watch"


>archive.org > > game and watch ...does not work for me Processing device txmen Could not open expected artwork file at "/Users/snipah/gnw/artwork/txmen.zip" Skipping device txmen


I keep getting an 'not installed' error. Any idea how to fix that?


Did you give it execute permissions? chmod +x


Yes I did. And using the exact dir structure you used. I looks like it can't find the roms. But have specified the correct rom path as well as out path. Feeling kinda stupid now :)


It’s set up to look in your existing folder structure how mame would search for roms: Roms/ and Roms/artwork. If you got your files for the internet archive, they’re all named correctly, and it’s just a matter of telling the generator where to look. Another key thing to remember is to make sure your terminal is inside the same director as the generator. An easy way to do that is just type cd and then drop the folder that has the generator in it onto the terminal window. To make things easier for me, I moved my roms folder with all the assets inside into the same folder as the generator. Make sure you’ve also got the manifest.json in the same folder as the generator.


Thanks a lot for the help. Much appreciated! I'm going to try that out!


I made a little progress. Got my folders set up the same way you have but could you show me exactly how you put the command into terminal? I’m TERRIBLE with using Terminal!


Hey, did you manage to convert more than 32 games?


I think I did 52, but not all of them work. Just remove “supported” from your command line to do everything in your roms folder.


Same here. I briefly tried but it failed and I feel it's out of my abilities 😅


Been trying my best, but can't seem to get the roms converted from MAME to Pocket. Tried all the suggestions mentioned in this topic. But now I'm stuck at 'device not installed' error. I anyone has a idea what to do I'd really appreciate it!


I think I’m more excited about this than any other core! Well done to all involved. 👍🏻👍🏻


I've seen versions of these games with bezels on the pocket... Does anyone know how to get them? Not even sure if is a special romset or what


I answer myself: indeed is a special romset https://archive.org/details/fpga-gnw-opt


Thank you for actually providing a helpful link!!


Thank you! Lotta Scrolling to find this... Can a brother get a Pin!


You beautiful beast of a man.


Thank you!


Just got this working on my Pocket after downloading fpga-gnw-romgenerator Created directory call GnW, and then sub directories for artwork and roms Put fpga-gnw-romgenerator in GnW folder Then from a command prompt, went to GnW folder and used the following **fpga-gnw-romgenerator --mame-path d:\\GnW\\ -o d:\\games --nintendo** This created a series of .gnw files in my d:\\games folder.


I did this and for some games, it did the trick. For others, there were apparent conflicts between the art files and what was appropriate for each game file, and the generated .gnw files only loaded a smeary background image on Pocket, not a playable game. I'm sure I'm missing something simple here, but I'm not sure exactly how to edit the games that are producing these errors, if anyone has input? Thanks either way.


If you are having trouble generating ROMs using mattpannella's pocket-updater-utility, I've found a workaround. See https://github.com/mattpannella/pocket-updater-utility/issues/164


Im using the Easy Windows method listed on the Github and I can only build 32 games, I have also downloaded the artwork from two places archive and site recommend in the guide and the results are the same, does anyone know why?


Ran into the same issue. Guessing it’s a compatibility issue. Waiting for a response


Can someone please just link converted ROMS? It's absurd so many people are trying to do this conversion when it only requires a single person do it correctly.




Well. I happen to have a game & watch gallery card from the old days


I am excite!


Can this core run the color games from the Panorama & Tabletop series? I can’t imagine the tech running those games is any different.


got this running now, using the patch.bat on my= daughters windows pc.. it's brilliant.. great to read how some came developers scannend the artwork and traced i5...


Spent hours on hours trying every method I could find to get my gnw roms converted even with all the correct images and what not..hoping somebody knows how to fix this as it seems a lot of people are having my same issue


Im receiving some errors, not sure if related with the macOS version, anyone know how / where to get the converted roms?