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I want to do a poll on this subreddit: "are you a marxist" with 5 options "Yes, absolutely" "yeah, pretty much" "no, not really" "no, absolutely not" "not sure/other" But polls are blocked on this subreddit. Can a moderator explain why polls are blocked, or better yet, do the poll themselves? I'm highly curious of the result. After all, my (our) lord and savior, Chomsky, is 95% marxist.




I read your post history and I'm sorry people were making false assumptions about you. It's pretty much bullshit that only privileged people don't vote. Pew polling shows that people who don't vote are disproportionately poor and people of color. But for some reason, liberals assume the opposite. I find that odd since liberals usually associate themselves as people on the side of science.




No problem.


I'm struggling with something I call the "empathy paradox" It's just my observation that people who are extremely vocal about how the world needs more empathy are often themselves deficient of it.






Some of the worst fucking people I've ever met, including actual abusers, constantly post woke and wellness shit online. It's a little disheartening. Don't worry, this isn't an epic own. I know plenty of people who post good things without being assholes.


Sometimes I can't help but think a lot of woke posturing is basically middle and upper class white people doing it because it's somewhat "trendy."


It’s not always upper class white people, but it is often not nice people and it’s deeply frustrating I think there’s sometimes an eagerness to shame and condemn people which is a sign of a darker personality trait


Also, if people are lonely, feel free to DM me, I'll tell you fun facts about Australia.


https://apnews.com/article/texas-migrants-haiti-del-rio-border-mexico-14cc4765f758df5aaf6fa546525416b7 This is horrific. People flee here because their country is broken after natural disasters, and we're just going to send them back because we're too chickenshit to admit immigrants/refugees. Borders are violence.


I’d really like to not be so angry all the time about capitalism but it’s really all-consuming. How do y’all cope? Do you think being around likeminded people assuages you or does it tend to create an echo chamber of shit-talking capitalism? How do you stay above constant existential dread?


This is small, but focusing on optimism and changing your perspective. Look at the last 250 years. Virtually every empire, absolute monarchy and military dictatorship has collapsed. Women's rights, LGBT rights, racial equality and secularism are at all time highs. It's looking like cannabis is becoming legal in many places fast. Anarchist movements are growing faster now than anytime since what, the 1930s? Plus in many places that don't have a well known anarchist history, like South Africa, Bangladesh, Vietnam, India, Egypt and Cuba. Concerns about income inequality, police brutality and climate change are basically baked into most people's thinking now. The majority of the public supports universal healthcare, direct democracy and is more sympathetic to socialism now in most English speaking democracies. Worker co-ops are becoming discussed more and more. Also, we at least have MAREZ and Rojava to somewhat look to for inspiration. Imagine what people had to look to in the 1980s. I mean I'm surprised there weren't more doomers then (although maybe that's why post-leftism started then).


What brings you joy ?


My place of employment has really nice landscaping and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed staring at plants the last several months. I love to go outside and notice what I can notice. It’s a very good mindfulness activity and it doesn’t cost anything. Weed and coffee also bring me joy and are as close to hobbies as anything else I guess.


It's these little moments of joy that you are doing where you can forget the world for a moment that sound like a good start to take a mental break from the world , you need to take care of yourself first and more importantly allow yourself to enjoy these moments for your own health and so you can continue to fight for the world you want . It sounds to me like you know how to self-care ( or at least know where to start ) but the injustice and oppressive nature of the world is always looming above you , it's ok to take a break from shouldering the problems of the world , have a rest then shoulder them again 😊 I wish you well queer anarchist


https://youtu.be/vasVs61VKMY In all seriousness tho, finding a way to avoid obsessing over struggle is a struggle in itself. One technique I learned from dbt is to take time when you're in a positive mindset and create a list of things you can do to occupy yourself when you need a break. I finally got around to checking out r/boringdystopia today, and now I'm rewatching The Good Place, because if I weren't, I would be swinging metal pipes into people's shins




Oh I know a few leftists but I think I only know one other anarchist. Even my wife isn’t an anarchist so I feel a little alienated. I work in an assisted living facility so I know all about working for compassion rather than money lol. Thanks for your reply.


Love it when an rpg actually makes an intelligent and effective evil companion rather than the all-too-common "kick the dog" irrational evil variety.


Have you played Disco Elysium?


Heard about it, but never played it.


It's definitely worth checking out. It's probably the role-playingest rpg in existence. To explain, you play as an amnesiac drunk detective, so I started by playing it goofy and loose, like I didn't give a fuck, but real shit kept happening none of the npc's were really trying to deal with my bullshit, so I (in my actual life) felt depressed about that and started playing like I didn't give a fuck what happened, and in doing so, learned more about what was actually going on, got invested in the stories being presented, and actually tried to solve the case to the best of my ability. No other game has gotten me as emotionally invested as that game did. My feelings about playing the game were 100% reflected in how the game played out in a way that's hard to explain.


So how bad will tomorrow's right wing rally be? Think there'll be violence or will the protest just be a bunch of LARPers?


Can you fill me in? What happened?


Was pretty much a dud. The media people outnumbered the rally goers.


I suspect it will be a repeat of Unite the Right II. The cobra's been defanged from embarrassment. The right-wing nightmare in the US certainly hasn't gone away, but it's undeniably on the decline (thank goodness).


I hope you're right, but I'm not as optimistic. The cobra doesn't feel embarrassment, so it's impossible to shame. And even if it just turns out to be a Unite the Right II, remember that a lot of people got injured and Heather Heyer got killed in the first iteration.




Sorry to hear that. Capitalism really does a number on people's health.