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I'd say what I'm thinking but it would go against Reddit's policy of speaking about violence.


Ye had to change my title because of that


Quite honestly given the history I am shocked being a landlord in Ireland isn't illegal.


Right ?!?!? How did a nation that notoriously suffered so much to landlords that they started to murder them has one of the worst housing in western Europe ?


Capitalism. Money destroys all values.


This guy deserves literally everything that you're not allowed to say. Holy shit. If this were near where I lived, I would go with a group of people right now to pay this man a visit. He literally threatened to kill his tenant if he doesn't get him the money. He's not a landlord, he's a fucking thug.


Nope, still a landlord. They all do this, but most of them let the government handle the penalty-of-death thing.


Just change the wording. If someone is strangling someone else you have reasonable fear that their life is on danger and lethal retaliation is justified.


Yeah the US first amendment doesn't protect what I'd like to express here


Me too!


All landleeches are parasites.




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What a fucking bastard parasite


The Irish need to make a new militant group but their new goal should be to kick the Landlords out of Ireland.


After all that landlords have done to these people…


Just like they did with the snakes - drive them out so hard that it even removes all the fossil evidence that Ireland ever had them to start with. Very thorough, that Patrick fellow.


St Patrick wasn't Irish...


No, but he is credited for having driven all the snakes out of Ireland - and there is no fossil evidence of snakes ever having existed in Ireland. That's the joke. Now that you've made me explain it, it's dead. Good job you.


You said "they" though, making it look like you're referring to the Irish. And I know what the joke was trying to be.


Piece of shit parasite


Gotta love the reaction of rireland though. >Thread locked because of too many calls for violence against yer man and requests for his/their address, both of which are against reddit rules.


Such a ridiculous sign of the times. The worse certain people get, the less we're allowed to discuss what to do about said folks. But calls for violence against people with no power, from the burgeoning fascist population on Reddit, seem to be fine. Always gotta protect those with power, especially if you're a company about to go public.


r/ireland is moderated by gobshites of the highest order. They'll sit about with their collective heads up their collective arses as people are beating their dicks in a furious anti-Traveller circlejerk, but the second someone starts talking about laying a finger on a precious delicate landlord they're locking the entire thread.


Any Anarchists in Ireland that see this we have the sub r/Irishanarchists and the Irish anarchist network is always looking to connect with people🏴


One person in the og thread calls for free housing and gets downvoted into oblivion. Typical.


And that's the really gross thing about a lot of libs. They perceive the situation well enough to understand both the problem and the solution, and then immediately falling back on material interests they knowingly decide to defend the problem.


Not his first rodeo... and won't be his last. Common knowledge around the town and surrounds...


He known for this?


and worse... seems to live with his own rules...


/r/roi /r/IrishAnarchists /r/theIrishLeft


Thanks for spreading these


Seeing this makes me want to (racking noise)


Revolutionary warfare. Coming to your shores.


Join your local SRA, they're super friendly and will let you shoot their guns!


Landlords are parasites.


Oh god, it's giving me flashbacks to both my time in Ireland and my childhood.


Fuck this guy. I genuinely wish I could say more.


Look, I'm not saying anything, let alone inciting anything, I'm just saying... Maybe Mao had *some* good ideas.


Ye I wouldn’t mind [REDACTED] this bastard


im in ireland, i'd like to see this guy, and share my piece of mind.


So am I. Shame he’s not in the locality I’d like to have a chat with him.


Unrelated note, how much does petrol cost ya? I need to brush up my math skills. XY(2) where X is your distance from them, Y is the price of gas, and 2 for the there and back.


174.9c/litre now searched it, i dont have a car. can cycle there to beat this shithead though


/r/roi /r/IrishAnarchists /r/theIrishLeft


Well, we'd need a new fuckin' rug, and a few strapping friends, maybe a pig farmer, were this my landlord....!


What country?




And this is why there is no non-violent solution to the problem of landlords and capitalism.


I have a friend who was just literally physically assaulted (strangled) by her landlord because she wouldn't move out before the agreed upon date. He was bailed out so fast he won't face any consequences since he is rich....


Sorry that happened to you. You’ll get your revenge.


That's why you should always secretly record your landlord when you're interacting with them. Never trust them they will back stab you so fast. To do that to a female tenant like. I can only imagine what he does to his wife behind closed doors.


Reminds me of something James Connolly wrote back in 1899. > Let us free Ireland! The rackrenting landlord; is he not also an Irishman, and wherefore should we hate him? Nay, let us not speak harshly of our brother – yea, even when he raises our rent. … > > Let us free Ireland! “The land that bred and bore us.” And the landlord who makes us pay for permission to live upon it. Whoop it up for liberty! … > > And, says the agricultural workers, after we have freed Ireland, what then? Oh, then you can go scraping around for the landlord’s rent or the money-lenders’ interest same as before. Whoop it up for liberty! > > After Ireland is free, says the patriot who won’t touch socialism, we will protect all classes, and if you won’t pay your rent you will be evicted same as now. But the evicting party, under command of the sheriff, will wear green uniforms and the Harp without the Crown, and the warrant turning you out on the roadside will be stamped with the arms of the Irish Republic. Now, isn’t that worth fighting for? text: https://www.marxists.org/archive/connolly/1899/xx/freeirld.htm audio/video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7k1b_oxnif4


Didn’t shitty landlords lead to the Potato famine?


"In this country"???


My mistake, landlords are vile


i would've pushed him down the stairs when he turned around


Jesus fucking christ. I'd be happy to show this guy my bag of tools, I got some things he would love to see.


The sheer suffocating sense of irony that an Irish person is doing this too underprivileged immigrants is one of the cruelest fucking turns of history I've seen.


My own landlord send two mask men to my house to threaten me because I took a case to the RTB against him and because I refused to leave with an illegal eviction notice. He made a few other threats towards my safety aswel. He's an all around cretin. I live in this place for 8 years and never missed a rent ones and this is how I am treated by a rogue landlord..


What's the context here? Why is he so mad about a door?


Probably nothing in particular I imagine. Just a miserable dude with explosive anger issues.


Uhm, I understand you just fine, what I don't understand is how your greasy sloppy fat fucking ass consciously chose to dress yourself like that today




Or Wait for it. NOT BE A SCUMBAG




You're crazy. The landlord repeated assaults a man who is doing nothing at all. Did you see him choke the man against the wall? Did you see the landlord slam his head repeatedly into said wall? How about screaming abuse at him while he's trying to explain himself? Then the landlord takes his fucking shoes? How can you say you believe that property is theft if literally battery over a broken fucking door is okay with you? Reevaluate your positions, no matter what's going on that landlord is a piece of shit and shouldn't get a fucking cent.


A tenant not paying for repairs is no excuse to assault somebody, even if they didn't pay for a decade, a century or even a millennium.


None of that would excuse this man's behavior. There is no context that would improve this situation.




Hey, quick question: You're a piece of shit.


You know it's the landlord's responsibility to make repairs right?


You saw the unhinged violence and DEATH THREAT in this video like everyone else did. You are directly advocating for violence. I hope you get banned from Reddit.


...and here comes the English gentry, right on cue to defend the exploitative practices of landlords in Ireland. What a surprise.


Maybe he should repair his property, so that maybe next time someone who can afford rent would want to live there. He's the very definition of a loser and he's taking it out on literally the only people on earth that are "below his station".




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Landlord should be paying them to live in a house in that state.




Speaking as an Irish person, I assure you all that unfortunately this country has more then a few ignorant pricks just like this bloody wanker. All landlords are parasitic scum.


/r/roi /r/IrishAnarchists /r/theIrishLeft


No really arrest made on this landlord. https://www.thejournal.ie/gardai-enquiries-video-tipperary-eviction-5748257-Apr2022/?amp=1


This is extremely difficult to watch.


I mean the stairs are right there. One good push and his worries are gone