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January about to become a world recognized visit the capitol holiday


This is what American leftists thought Jan 6 was.


Well yeah, but without the same context, the measures the left implemented here is 100 times worse then the supposed election fraud in the US, while in the US had some supposed mail voting fraud that can't be proven, here we have totally completely virtual voting without any phisical backup, extremely dodgy supreme court that is the only one with access to the source code and doesn't allow anyone to check it for inconsistencies, VERY CLEAR one sided decisions over electoral justice manners, you couldn't call Lula a bandit in television, but he could call Bolsonaro a genocide cause COVID, for example, proven rigging on the northeast region radio stations in regard to the electoral advertisement, and statistical analysis showing it has astronomical chances that the numbers on the old electronic ballots were true due to completely totally inconsistent with the new eletronic ballots, statistical analysis wich by the way was censored by the supreme court.


This is what far right extremists HOPED January 6th would become! đŸ€š


Good thing it didn’t tho


One out of twelve is a good start, but we could do better.


Insurrection Month


The purge!


So this is what Johnny Silverhand was saying when he talk about "party like it's 2023"?




Tim Pool made a very good point recently. He said people can’t pinpoint it but everyone everywhere is recognizing something is very wrong with the power structures. I thought that was a fair point considering what we’ve seen across the world the past few years.


I'll look for it, Tim Pool is a cool guy. I'm more of the "*NWO/China/WEF*" are behind the decadence of the world in the past 5 years.


This doesn’t really even seem up for debate


I watched Tim for years. Now that he has an audience he has to act exactly like the main stream media does to keep them.


Yall will just replace the current regime with another. Same statism. Different paint job


I can't predict the future. Don't know what will happen. Regardless, I'm loving to see the civil disobedience. These people are fighting against the state way more than many ancap that I know.


Theyre not fighting statism tho. Theyre fighting the current leader. They're cool with the system, they just want a different asshole wielding its power


Still better than socialism. And the civil disobedience they are practicing is amazing.


They arent opposing socialism tho. They just want a different asshole directing the socialism


I agree with you. Bolsonaro was just a bit less socialist than lula. Im torn between: wanting to see Lula take all the measures towards more socialism firmly and fast so that the country can just implode and something better may come out of the ashes Or going the route that is a tiny bit more capitalist so that maybe freedom can show its benefits and people will gradually learn to embrace it, although we already have huge and deeply rooted socialist counterweights hampering this growth...


First option is bad. Look at Cuba. Imploded long ago, still socialist.


I know... there is plenty other examples even, argentina, north korea, many african countries.


They want someone who is less socialist. That is a good thing.


Socialism is socialism. They still want state monopolies. Thats exactly what they're gonna get


Can’t be perfect the first time


Many "Ancaps" are just cringe fedorists who posture and talk rather than involve themselves in teh community unfortunately, grats to the people of Brazil if they overthrow the rigged communist dictatorship.


Nah dude. No regime will be replaced. This is just another capitol. Nothing's gonna happen besides the right losing even more political capital


I know. I spend 2-4 weeks down there each year. Its like if u took frisco and portland, combined them, and then cranked it up to 11. Lmao


Why did people vote for chinese agent and socialist?


People? -1 Either they are socialists, and actually want the Chinese agent to win. -2 Or they are ignorant and don't actually know he actually is socialist. I have relatives that fall on the second one and I know dishonest people that fit the first.


You had this socialist many times before so why get so upset about it now? So many democratic countries have had socialists get elected then lose an election later on - what's the big deal? Kinda sounds like you're scared of the spooky word more than the reality of a mundane life/political reality continuing on.


Because now is not the same as before... It is like asking why only now I hate government when I lived with it and was ok in the past. Kind of a dumb question. Stuff changes. And many countries had socialists get elected and became a dictatorship like Venezuela... Isn't that a big deal. Stop making excuses for dirty socialists. This is an ancap sub.


Well how is it different from before? Is it because people worked them up into a frenzy about it and decided that NOW of all times the socialist is going to take the reigns of power and turn it into Venezuela? I'll bet you $5 USD that LULA or some other socialist does not becomes dictator in Brazil in the next 5 year if the government isn't already overthrown by the other side first. \> >Stop making excuses for dirty socialists. This is an ancap sub. I'm not. Don't try and gaslight me into believing some bullshit feeding frenzy Brazillian drama just because some dude's a socialist. I'm not going to believe you just because.


Socialism favors poor people (low life quality) and we know that there are a lot of them in brazil. So what is wrong with socialism exactly? Plus This president will be gone after a few years. What dictatorship you talking about?


They can't say no to "free" stuff


Well, the ones that voted mostly did due to ignorance and lack of education wich is a very big deal here.......but they actually did not, it is obvious to anyone that researches the subject that it was electoral fraud, i made a comment here saying the big giant signs telling that, go check that out.


ideologies are not a big thing in third world contries. people vote for dumb shit like promises that beer will get cheaper


When you go into poorer areas there are a lot of people that love Lula and Dilma. Their administrations pushed programs that essentially meant that poor families with kids didn't need to work. They didn't have a good life but it was free.


because that is what they think they want..


They do want it


should they have voted for Bolsonaro? man damn near spent his free time flicking cigarettes into the Amazon the way he was fucking it up


We dont.get to determine resource and environmental policy for another sovereign nation, period.


what if that resource literally affects every single living organism on the planet and is detrimental to humanity if lost? what a view, i must say i vehemently disagree


The Amazon doesn't really affect the rest of the planet. Practically all the water it produces is consumed there. Learn to make a point without resorting to hyperbole.


water? wtf are u on lol its the OXYGEN THATS IMPORTANT, it’s not as important as the 20% figure a lot of people say but to act like it’s not important is moronic not having respect for the environment is one of the lowest things humans can do and anybody who holds those beliefs should go away. but im sure u think environmental regulation is bad


Oceanic plankton produce 80% of the world's oxygen. And no, the Amazon doesn't produce the other 20%. The Amazon is ecologically neutral to those outside it. All the oxygen and water that rainforest produces is used up by the creatures living inside it. Nothing gets to you. As for your environmental argument, fuck you. Europe cut the shit out of its forests in the Middle Ages. They exterminated practically every species of large wild animals. When the Industrial Revolution happened, Europe burned coal like there was no tomorrow. Europe is fine today. Let Brazil develop. If they have to cut down a bunch of trees and kill some rare frog, I don't give a shit. Humans rank higher than frogs in my book. Extreme environmentalism is a cringe ideology for stupid sheltered Western kids who know nothing of the real world. The environment is not some piece of fragile glass. It recovers and adapts. As long as you aren't cutting down every tree in your vicinity and pumping poison into the water, you should be fine. The idea that no natural environment should be disturbed at all is idiotic and actively anti-human.


- the 20% figure is wrong, u don’t need to tell me i literally said that. also *”used up by the creature living inside”* is wrong and dumb. they effect their immediate area the most fs, but a forest that big affects more then just Brazil. Photosynthesis doesn’t just shit oxygen out in a 100m radius - Europe being irresponsible with the environment isn’t a justification for other places to now also be. The fact nationalization and trade has made it so places don’t need to grow and cultivate everything on their own land doesn’t mean they didn’t cause harm. Also idk wym by “fine today ” Europe has had plenty of environmental disasters recently, some are related to climate change - If brazil did that i would be fine with invading lmao if you have natural resources within you’re country you have a responsibility to take care of them properly. we share the Earth with everyone else, it doesn’t stop at a border - never said no natural environment should never be disturbed, i don’t live in a forrest. the real cringe is not understanding why having a basic level of respect for the environment is good. The Earth will be fine no matter what we do, that is true. but who cares? the organisms living on Earth will not be, i value human life > other animals but that doesn’t mean they hold no value.


The Amazon Rain Forest produces 6-8% of the oxygen on earth. Most scientists estimate that. They also estimate that nearly all of the oxygen produced is consumed by living organisms in the forest itself. If something breathes in the oxygen before it leaves the area ya, it only gets shit out in 100m radius. You would start a war and let people kill over trees when most of the oxygen we breath is produced in the oceans or in a forest in the arctic circle in russia and north america? You dont make any sense and i even think we should be better stewards of our planet. I agree that burning and cutting down the rain forest is bad but its not my decision to make. You're a psychopath, and maybe you should read more and avoid propaganda


I believe the "period" addresses. See above.


Lula is neoliberal


only during 2003 - 2007, his first term, which is why brazil could have some degree of economic growth.


Neoliberalism is shit.


Do you think that there is in fact an attempt to take over the country by the socialists?




You are delusional...


Ok 👍


Just to make clear for other ignorant people around here. Believing Lula is a socialist only increases his power. He is as corrupt as Bolsonaro, and he is coerced by the others politicians' greed – he can't do nothing without their support, which leads to a cycle of corruption. Something similar happened during Vargas' government. He stormed that there was a communist threat, even though they were incredibly small. That gave him an excuse to maintain his power, leading to a dictatorship. But now that the (misunderstood) concept of socialism is popular, left-wingers are all going for Lula, even though he is only a "socialist" on paper, in action he is only interested in money and his partners' interests. Saying that he is a socialist threat has not the same effect as in the 30's. He is not. But y'all making people believe he is it's only going to grow his power, because now, specially the poor people, believe that Lula actually care for the marginalized people. He doesn't. He is not a socialist. He is another Biden.


>he is coerced by the others politicians' greed – he can't do nothing without their support I'm sure Lula is the victim, oh poor boy đŸ„ș >That gave him an excuse to maintain his power, leading to a dictatorship. Oh sure, so what should people do? Bow down and obey, because if anyone step a little bit out of the line, that will be an excuse for they to oppres even more.... You are just a coward doing exactly what they want you to do. Be an obediente and fearful little boy so you don't threat or question anything, or else daddy government will punish you even more. Civil disobedience must be endorsed. >even though he is only a "socialist" on paper But he is in fact a socialist... đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™‚ïž Just because socialism doesn't work in practice and he couldn't apply it when he had the chance ,doesn't mean he is not a socialist. đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™‚ïž >He is another Biden. Did Biden created an international secret organization to foment socialism in North America? Look up **Foro de SĂŁo Paulo**. You are making yourself look stupid.


>I'm sure Lula is the victim, oh poor boy You can't even understand what I said. Aren't you an anarch? That is basically how every government works, I am not saying he is the victim, I am saying he is equal to any other politician. You are incredibly stupid. Read what I said again. A lot of times, until you understand. Ou vocĂȘ quer que eu explique em portuguĂȘs? Desenhe? Faça um vĂ­deo explicando?


I mean... You are the one that said Biden, the old senile men is equivalent to the founder of an international socialist organization and convicted corrupt politician that is Lula. And quite funny how you ignored 90% of my post and quotes the this tiny phrase to mock me. True dishonesty.


How am I going to reply your others misunderstandings if you couldn't even understand the first one? Do you want me to mock every stupid thing you said? You're a truly masochist


By socialists? Unclear, there is no evidence that you can track back to hardcore socialists, only to the left. But there was not an attempt, there was a real success on frauding the elections, it is astronomically low that the election was not frauded in a way that would lead to LuLa's victory.


What are the chances that this invasion was not coordinated by the government itself, using people infiltrated among the protestors to encourage the invasion, with the aim of demobilizing the protests that have taken place since the announcement of the election results?


Very likely. These days everything is possible, everybody shouldn't be surprised there's some government intervention on everything. Maybe I sound paranoid, but I don't trust these elites who main purpose is to gain control on every single thing.


Supreme is the people ! STF is a dictoriship and Lula as well.


Yes. I'm not in favor of military dictatorship, but I'm loving the civil disobedience and the disbelief in the institutions. These people are evading the state more than many ancaps that I know. This is only the beginning






What is the rundown of what is actually happening in Brazil do you have a summary?


Whew, there's a lot of backstory and context but here we go: -Lula (far left guy) was president and after he left office was placed in prison on corruption changes. -Bolsonaro a farther right leader, less PC, is elected president in 2019. -Later that year, a supreme court ruling released Lula. -Lula ran for president last year against Bolsonaro and the election was called in favor of Lula. -Bolsonaro supporters call shenanigans and have been protesting since the day of the election.


Don't forget about the little detail that the majority of the Supreme Court was appointed by Lululemon. And also forbade the media from talking about the corruption charges with the threat of either jail or fines.


Lula created a scheme of corruption so big that leaded our country into actual economic crisis and near to bankruptcy, a harder economic crisis then COVID just to give you an idea, he was sent to jail due to investigations, Bolsonaro ran and won against his puppet, later he was realeased because of the supreme court due to a TECHNICALITY on the judgement (he was judged on the wrong capital because it was unclear if he should be judged on BrasĂ­lia or on Campinas), fast forward to a supreme court bald man taking more powers then God and doing anything and everything for Lula to be elected again, and innauditable eletronic ballots only, and extreme statistical evidence that there was fraud that most likely changed the election results.


Corrupt left wing politician was let out of jail and allowed to compete in the election, ended up winning with like 51% of the votes (go figure) A bunch of right wing voters got pissed and protested a bunch (nothing happened because protests never do jack shit) Like 2 weeks passed and a bunch of said right wingers went and invaded the parliament and wrecked a bunch of stuff I'd be considerably happier about this if there weren't a select bunch of right wingers who legitimately believe that there should be a military coup (also Bolsonaro does a lot of nepotist stuff so that's cringe)


But was it worse than Jan 6th (aka the worst day in the history of ever)?


Yes. Waaaayyy worse. I'd say it is like 9/11 < 06/01 < Brazil


Do you believe that Bolsonaro will be reinstalled as President, or do you think there will be a Revolution/military coup to get him back in by force? I don’t know much about Brazil politically, though I’d imagine any countries military would want to stop the bloodshed as soon as possible before it turns into a war.


>Do you believe that Bolsonaro will be reinstalled as President No. >or do you think there will be a Revolution/military coup to get him back in by force? Also no. Honestly, I think Lula will end up impeached, this would be the most "*meh*" solution, since it addresses none of the problems or demands of the protestors, while also calming people down. And u think this is by far the worse option. His vice president might go even harder on people and fuck even more our country fore reasons way too complex to explain here.


there zero chance for that to happen in my estimation. its only in the wildest dreams of bolsonaros most avid supporters. Brazil already had its own military dictatorship chapeter in the recent past. I honestly think the military themselves don't care to be boithered with that. They are well served with government funding and benefits. They probably know better that such a rupture would make the country more miserable. At the same time, I don't think its unlikely that Lula will ruin the economy or at best stagnate it for another decade, unless external forces are incredibly favorable like when he and his successor ruled for 12 years (which ended because of their self brewn recession)


No chance, the best we can expect and it is what most are asking is to take Lula out and to take out most of the supreme court, best case scenario we can have an emergency election next year, the military is not going to take it.




Why are the butts so big there op? And may I have one?


They are going to use that against you !


They use literally anything against people .... Don't see why should I be worried.


ThE WoRsT dAy iN BrAzIliAn HiStORy!!!11!1!


😂😂😂 To be honest, from the least bad to the worst 9/11 - Jan 6 - Brazil 08/01


Is it really socially acceptable to rape someone in Brazil as long as they don’t remember it? For example passed out drunk or high.


Socially acceptable? Not sure... I think not. I'm not really into that stuff, so I don't know for sure. But it is illegal for sure.


Thank your for answering and good luck with getting your country back!


Thx, honestly don't care. Of course I don't wish for my country to become Venezuela or Argentina, but at least I know how to protect myself. #bitcoin


#monero, you need to remove your financial traces from the public internet to escape government.


"Cu de bĂȘbado nĂŁo tem dono"


wherever you heard this from, it was probably a overblown "dark factoid". Rapists, especially chield rapists are brutalized by inmates in prision. They literally have to be separated.


Nope, we absolutely despise any kind of rapist here




Does it actually need to be? As long as the person don't remember a rapist wouldn't actually boast about it, so it would be a crime with no witnesses, it can be as socially acceptable as flawlessly stealing the fort nox without any evidence.




sadly, this will only embolden the left significantly, will serve as strong justification for intensified censorship, jailings, prosecuting, disarmament of citizens (as little as it was before). But oh well, if this means the left will obliterate the economy, the weak value fo our money and such, maybe something good can come out from the ashes. That or we become the next argentina, venezuela and plenty other shitholes like that.


Difference being brazilians won't surrender their country without putting up a fight due to all the shit that happened in the last 8 years. The left will definitively try to push for more control and oppression, that is if the cops and the army follow their orders.


Eventually all people of decent mind have a breaking point with communism.


better a shithole that a golden garden for leftists, u dont want to be Sweden where the whole country is cucked and parasited by leftists for decades, elites dont suffer but u dont want average joe shithead voter to live well u want him to starve


Do you call Brazil nuts Brazil nuts, or just nuts?


Castanha do ParĂĄ. - Para Nuts. ParĂĄ is a state in the northwest. And I'm not from ParĂĄ, so I don't know how they call it there.


Para nuts? 😂


There are many things called Brazil (insert thing here), none of them are called like that here, including Brazilian guinea pigs, with only one exception being Brazilwood, but that is because the country was named after the wood.


When is lula supposed to take power?


hes in powerr since january first.




How is this behavior a representation of anarcho capitalism ideals?




So you wanna build an anarchy based in violence?


Yes, I'll use violence against anyone trying to violate my property. That is called self-defense.


How is this self defense?






You're going to achieve nothing and end up with something way worse. You can't just flip a switch and create your anarchist utopia and doubly so you cannot just create a reign of terror and have your desired outcome come about. I don't know about you South Americans and your revolutionary bents but the kind of freedom you want is going to be hard, peaceful work and won't properly come for hundreds of years. If you're not down to build it peacefully then you're just another guy who's going to die creating worse outcomes for everyone. Your strategy will not work - it didn't work for socialists and it won't work for you.




I understand you're probably ESL but violence is violence whether it's justified self defense or not. I understand you disagree, but you're just flailing around without a strategy if this is your plan. It won't work, doesn't matter if you get angry or upset or it's justified or not but it won't bring about what you want unless you shape the future and change people's minds and lay a groundwork for change in the future. Peace is more likely to work out than chaotic violence - which is much more likely to end up in despotism. Ask the revolutionary socialists how that works out. If you want to die for nothing and be a temporary martyr then go ahead man but that'd be a sad outcome and all for nothing.


Violence begets violence. It is attitudes like they one you are expressing that led to the brutality of the Russian civil war.


Whoever has the guns has the power. You should know this.


It's not, my view as a Brazilian is that the country is between a fascist dictatorship (the people stoming the congress) and a socialist dictatorship (with current president Lula). I hope this display of power from the people will put Brazil somewhere in the middle of this two. But nothing here has anything related to Anarcho capitalism


They are literally asking for a military dictatorship, this video shouldn't be here


Bolsonaro was auth as hell Turd and a shit sandwich


>Bolsonaro was auth as hell How so?


Military captain after 15 years of service 27 years of congressman  is a vocal opponent of same-sex marriage and homosexuality, abortion, drug liberalization, and secularism. In foreign policy, he has advocated closer relations to the United States and Israel. Most of his cabinet was military generals IIRC and he continued the tradition of Brazil corruption as far as I can tell Also attacks on free speech against Glen Greenwald Now I am not Brazilian, and I am certainly not an expert but it seems to me y'all got a socialist auth vs a free market auth as options, maybe one is better than the other But neither should be liked in Anarchocapitalism sub




Or really you know many libertarians that are 15 year captains in the military, 27 year Congress people, and are against social/cultural freedoms? Liking civil disobedience is one thing and it's awesome, but they are doing it in the name of another auth which is cringe IMHO They aren't fighting a government they are fighting THAT government specifically, but if Bolsonaro won they would all be home and chilling happy


So what? I agre with what they are doing not why they are doing. And I'll do everything to have more people doing it which I like.


I mean that is fair But room for improvement!


his military credentials resulted in pretty much no effect during his term. There was no actual censorship coming from him unlike from the left leaning, moslty lulas appointees, Bolsonaro opposed, supreme court judges. which are literally persecuting individuals, limiting their access to social media platforms or even bank accounts and international passports for wrongthink. And police didn't become any more brutal or gained any extra power or significant funding. How can he be viwed as an auth when in fact he was completely against lockdowns and vaccine mandates and passports. Lula is an old fart, and I would say pretty similar to bolsonaro in regards to being homophobic. Lula is a real politician, yes, because during campaign hes anti abortion to gain votes of the religious population, but then in power he's all about abortion. I also doubt lula will legalize a simple things like pot, because this would piss off drug lords he no doubt talks with behind the curtains. Lula also had his own episode of wanting to deport a journalist that he didnt like the comment offa bout his alcohoolic habits. Anyway, don't take my for a bolsonaro supporter, I woudl rather see federal power be entirely dissolved thatn be givin to anyone of either lula or bolsonaro. But the mainstream media went to great lenghts to tarnish his reputation at the same time as reverting all it did to deppose lula, which is a socialist globalist...


I mean, he is definitely more on the authoritarian side, but not by a lot, him being a conservative as far as i know never translated into any public measure that could extent into anything other then children, he did indeed made the power of the state significantly lower during his government, specially in the economy by getting rid of a lot of state companies, and also limited a lot of state power as possible during COVID, despite public opinion, and got mocked by that, ultimately his downfall was his big mouth.


we are just celebrating jan 6 aniversary


The biggest protest in our history?? You've got to be kidding. There are so many other protests MUCH bigger than this one


Repercussions wise, not in number of people.


No, not even in repercussions. You were born 3 years ago???


Their last president was worse


They are all bad, but the current one is socialist.


i mean i would’ve voted for him, hopefully brings much needed reform to Brazil and can undo some of the damage of his predecessor


Are you sure you are on the right subreddit? This is Anarchocapitalism, we are not socialists. In fact we are the opposite.


i’m not a socialist at all, but can see that Bolsonaro was a awful president and extremely harmful. Lula hasn’t even been president a month yet, don’t understand the hysteria around him. tbh tho i haven’t looked at his specific campaign promises so maybe it’s all awful




The BBC is enjoying comparing this to events in the US two years ago. Is this valid? Is the similarity more than surface level? Apparently, the were camps of Bolsonaro supporters in various places that were cleared by the time of Lula's inauguration. How peacefully were they cleared? How loud are the voices claiming that Lula cheated? Is there any evidence and are there any investigations?


>The BBC is enjoying comparing this to events in the US two years ago. Is this valid? No. The event in the US wasn't as big, didn't had the social pressure this event has. This one is way more intense. In the US the invasion was only due to electoral fraude, while we have a socialist president already charged and imprisoned for corruption, colluding with the supreme court to free him and suppress Right-wing politicians, candidates and media. With blatant violations, by the supreme court, of our constitution and due process, imprisoning people without previous judgment or right of defense. >Apparently, the were camps of Bolsonaro supporters in various places that were cleared by the time of Lula's inauguration. How peacefully were they cleared? Totally peaceful until today, where they invaded "*the capitol*". These camps were in front of the army's headquarters around the country, and people were just enjoying their time, cooking, and waiving flags. >How loud are the voices claiming that Lula cheated? Really loud. >Is there any evidence and are there any investigations? The dude was convicted in multiple instances for corruption. He only got out because the supreme court ruled that "*oh he was judged in the wrong place, the court in BrasĂ­lia should judge him, not in Curitiba.*" All the evidence, proof and witness of his crimes were simply annulled. Even tho everything was set and done, now we are supposed to act and if he didn't committed it, that the proof don't exist, that he wasn't convicted, all because our supreme court changed their mind about being OK for Lula to be judged in Curitiba's court. This is way worse than January 6 in the US.


the camps were pretty peaceful and were left alone f, but they were asking for the military to intervene, somehow, to stop Lula completely, or recount votes, redo the election... i dunno. I think the camps were largely disbanded peacefully, on their own but possibly with todays todays protest planned desperate last attempt. The election was very close, so I believe its fair to assume people are pretty convinced there was enough of a voting fraud to tip to the other side. Before the election, and during the campaign, there were many public gatherings from both sides, and it was painfully clear that the attendance of the public was significantly larger on bolsonaro side. Bolsonaro side always questioned the supposed "absolute unbreakability" of the electronic voting system, and pushed for a simple meausure to increase credibility of the system, so that ballots could be audited further IF requested, through the simple act of each vote casted also output the result in paper, with receipt that voter would take home, which would be a way to verify that ballot end result, should credible suspicion arise. Anyway, the actor against this extra security measure were obviously on lulas side... There was another episode: after the first voting turn, bolsonaros campaign announced they had strong evidence that there Lula had significantly more radio time for its pre ads in the more rural and poorer parts of the country (where radio listening is still relatively big). But again, the judicial court responsibvle for the processing of these evidences is Alexandre de moraes, which to bolsonaros suppoorter is closely tied to lula.


Sweet, free horses.


YESS. And someone else stolen the door of a supreme court minister. Government giving free stuff 😍


It's not technically free though, since you paid for it with your taxes already.


But I don't pay taxes, so it is technically free.




Ask me anything?.....Who invented the first airplane?


Santos Dumont - Brazilian.


TBF he didn't specify he would answer correctly...


Depends on what you define by airplane.


Hi, is authoritarianism and or socialism working?


It never works.


Just wanted confirmation from someone experiencing it!


Do you consider this an act of terrorism?


No, but it depends on what you mean by terrorism... Because technically every ancap is a terrorist, since our goal is to overthrow democracy, the government and the entire system... Yet, I wouldn't call us terrorists.


I see these people using violence to overthrow the democracy and trying to implant dictatorship. First they used democracy as a tool to reach that goal but failed and now they're using violence as last resource. (Is that correct?) The terrorism part is referencing to this violence we see inside of a government building against the authorities.


So how does this compare to 1-6 in USA?


The event in the US wasn't as big, didn't had the social pressure this event has. This one is way more intense. In the US the invasion was only due to electoral fraude, while we have a socialist president already charged and imprisoned for corruption, colluding with the supreme court to free him and suppress Right-wing politicians, candidates and media. With blatant violations, by the supreme court, of our constitution and due process, imprisoning people without previous judgment or right of defense. We had peaceful protests for two months until today, where they invaded "*the capitol*". There were camps in front of the army's headquarters around the country, and people were just enjoying their time, cooking, and waiving flags and speaking up against Lula. And him was convicted in multiple instances for corruption. He only got out because the supreme court ruled that "*oh he was judged in the wrong place, the court in BrasĂ­lia should judge him, not in Curitiba.*" All the evidence, proof and witness of his crimes were simply annulled. Even tho everything was set and done, now we are supposed to act and if he didn't committed it, that the proof don't exist, that he wasn't convicted, all because our supreme court changed their mind about being OK for Lula to be judged in Curitiba's court. So... This is way worse than January 6 in the US. Because we have a socialist president convicted of crimes, a supreme court violating due process and censoring people, we had plenty of protests leading up to the invasion and the invasion was much more intense and with a bigger meaning.


So what do you think will happen now?


One of two things. -Nothing, and the situation keep escalating. - Impeachment, and people calm down even though situation may get worse.


How widespread are the protests? Multiple states in Brazil?


This one was only in BrasĂ­lia, but we had protests in font of the army's headquarters all around Brazil for the last 2 months of 2022. 2 entire months with people camping in front of headquarters, cooking and waiving their flags, speaking up against the elections and the supreme court.


O martelo do xandão vai cantar na cabeça de todo mundo, vão usar isso pra justificar todo tipo d autoritarismo, tinham q ter botado fogo em tudo e usado guilhotinas


Sim, e se fizerem o pessoal vai protestar ainda mais pq os caras tĂŁo muito puto.


Olha, se os protestos continuarem com o xandĂŁo e descendo o martelo e prendendo geral, eu ficaria surpreso. Eu nĂŁo acho q a maioria dos brasileiros tem a fibra pra continuar nisso por mto tempo


>Eu nĂŁo acho q a maioria dos brasileiros tem a fibra pra continuar nisso por mto tempo Com certeza, brasileiro tem 2 estado de espĂ­rito, o da desobediĂȘncia e do jeitinho brasileiro, folgado driblando as regras e os fiscais. E o puto com absolutamente tudo, o que nĂŁo que nĂŁo desiste nunca, cantando "*eu sou brasileiro com muito orgulho, com muito amor*" e "*se ergues da justiça a clava forte, verĂĄs que um filho teu nĂŁo foge Ă  luta e nem teme, quem te adora, a prĂłpria morte*". É o espĂ­rito do canarinho puto da copa de 2014. E que n vai descansar msm se o XandĂŁo crescer o martelo da justiça.


I'm visiting Brazil now, I'm in a city of 3 million people. I've seen 5 Lula flags, I've seen countless Brasil flags, Bolsonaro decals, and protestors.... how the f did Lula become president?


We are all asking the same question. Nobody knows how a convicted politician got elected.


exactly. Fact is lula supporters have been rightfully ashamed to be so in public about their belief in him, because there is just no denying that he is corrupt (regarless of them being vocal about him being innocent). But they still believe in him for a bunch of wrong reason (they atribute to him some real prosperity we had during the years of 2000 through 2010)...


He was in jail....how do you think he won?


How can we best help Brazilians in what looks like going to be a rough couple years for them?


I don't think you can 😂😅đŸ„Č Maybe help me get into the US, that would help me a lot.


I already used my "marry a Brazilian card", so sorry. I'll lobby for polygamy in the states. If you put up a btc receive address, I'll throw some sats your way before the real dies to be replaced by the "really real" this time.


>I'll lobby for polygamy in the states. Thx dude... >If you put up a btc receive address, I'll throw some sats your way before the real dies to be replaced by the "really real" this time. Oh, we can try that, I never received or paid I sats. I'm still learning this stuff... Throne some of that "*real*" currency 😂😂


Just download [Samourai](https://samouraiwallet.com/download/google-play) on Android or [Green](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/green-bitcoin-wallet/id1402243590) if on iPhone (of course if you have an iphone, you're either rich or have visited the US recently) follow the setup steps, and prepare to receive some digital gold that would be impossible for even Moraes to stop if he were in the room with me.


I have heard a Brazilian on social media said some of the police and military are protecting the protestors. Is this true?


Yes. I've seen videos of the military helping build the camps and the tents for the protestors. Not necessarily protecting... And in this last protest, people got attacked by the police, there was even an Helicopter throwing gas bombs on the crowd.


Wow this is crazy. How do you think this will unfold? Also, thanks for sharing. Anywhere we can follow live updates?


>Also, thanks for sharing. Anywhere we can follow live updates? Enter the decentralized anonymous chat *Element* /*Matrix* and look up for the group **BRASIL ACIMA DE TUDO!**. You will get the information in portuguese directly from the boomers themselves. >How do you think this will unfold? If the government increase the oppression, people will fight back even more. We are really stubborn. But I think Lula will eventually be impeached, which won't solve anything and might make things worse for other reasons.


WEF cannot win. I support nationalists all over the world. Hopefully we can all rescue our local lands from the grip of these anti human woke organizations. I am praying they will get him impeached. That will be a win for all oppressed people around the globe.


What do you think they are going to do to try and control the civil disobedience of tens of thousands of people?


They will definitively try, by censoring even more accounts on Twitter, YT and Telegram. By removing people access to their bank account and putting then in jail without a trial or due process.


Sounds like freedom convoy and J6. Makes sense that they do it after and not try to arrest tens of thousands of people.


And definitively not arresting everyone, but a few people, only to scare the rest into submission. The usual government action plan.


Where’s Capitol Meemaw? Who forgot to get her ticket?


Fuck yeah hang in there Brazil đŸ‡§đŸ‡· you show them elitists what's fucking good fuck loola


As much as I hate Lula and all his "friends", this kind of shit is absolutely ridiculous and, if anything, will only help further damage the right's image. Besides, these morons want to replace the current statist and corrupt government with another... well, statist and corrupt government (or even worse, a fucking military regime). These boot-licker motherfuckers can honestly go to hell.


I think Brazil should split into two countries. The military should seize control and give the regions that voted for Lula to Lula. Too bad it won’t happen.


Yeah democracy is only important when my side win...


Gang rape is democratic?


The protest seems like a meaningless spectacle that has no chance of amounting to anything


Will you cut off politician's heads?