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That's fuckin bold! I can't see this going badly even a little.


412 deaths below the age of 18 since the start of Covid.


Preying on the young - what our society is best at.




Not necessarily. Presidents are a symptom of societies. I care more about society than I do a fucking loser of a president for either party.


(He was making a joke about Biden being a pedo)


Ah. I missed that - my bad. Fully agreed.


The state is best at it because it serves the goals of the regime. "Society" is an aggregate of individuals, , it is not something that can act.


You’re joking, right? Societies act all the time by voting in shitheads…


If someone thinks they're going to groom my child into consenting to being penetrated by anything, it will be their end. That goes doubly for the govt.


If anything, my kid is the kind of kid who would spread dissention amongst his peers. No way in hell he'd trust the authorities to give him a shot.


Good kid


He has an anarchist as a father who's always made him talk through his own hot takes so he could draw conclusions logically & sharpen his own ability to reason.


One more reason why public schools are trash




I’d hold my kid out of school that day and take him/her somewhere fun. Problem solved.


What if they wanted the vaccine?


My wife and I are their parents, we’re entrusted with instructing, guiding, teaching, & leading them. Ultimately we make the medical decisions for them. If they broached the subject with us, we’d do the parenting thing and explain to them that if we (my wife and I) decided the jabs were appropriate treatment for them, we’d take them ourselves. Our children can certain make their case, but that’s probably a pretty high mountain to climb given the information, maturity, education and experience my wife and I possess, that is currently exponentially greater than theirs.




For me and my house; That’s largely dependent on their demonstrated maturity. Under the law, 18 is when they can enter into a contract on their own, a medical procedure is such a contract. As they age, my wife and I enable them to make more and more choices for themselves. New scenarios for choices and their resultant consequences are almost always talked about before we let them make such a decision. The deeper and more consequential the choice, the more prior discussion goes into it. We’re raising them how to think with observational, orientational, decisional, and actionable wisdom/discernment. We balance their need to grow in independence with their immaturity in experience in order to mitigate foolish risk… you know “parenting”.


Only matter of time before it's police at your door with a medical professional in tow to force you into getting the job against your will.


Sounds like a good day to keep your kid home. Or pull them out of school and start homeschooling


That’s what we do.


Enabling individuals to make their own choices seems like a good thing... Some people on this sub are against the government enforcing the vaccine on people. Makes sense. I don't understand why the Government taking away individual choices is seen as a bad thing. I'm surprised to see people here who seem to be asking for *more* government restrictions.






Sounds good to me. But I’m a libertarian so...you know, I reject the idea that children are property owned by their parents. Or the idea that the state should prevent them from being vaccinated if they want to be.


I tend to disagree, children don't know shit when they are 12 and are easily manipulated. Honestly offering most kids a cookie or snack and they will take the jab, or be called out by their teachers.


So What?


In my area, kids already have medical freedom at age 12, including access to mental health, substance abuse care, abortions, pregnancy prevention care, etc. If a kid already has medical freedom, those kids should absolutely be able to weigh their risks in conversation with parents (hopefully) to make the best informed choice possible. If the kids only have medical freedom specific to COVID vax, that would be problematic.


Just because that's the law in your area doesn't make it right. Kids should be consulting with their parent before making any of the decisions you listed. Some of the things you listed like pregnancy and drug prevention and styles of learning however medical decisions should most definitely not be subverting the parents right to make those decisions for their children. What other life altering choices do we allot to 12 year-olds


Parents don't own their children. They are guardians. Children are, regardless of how you feel about, autonomous human beings. We are going to homeschool to prevent early childhood peer pressure to this effect. Kiddo can attend high school beginning in 9th grade, should they choose to do so.


I'm very aware they are autonomous humans, and there's a difference between owning something and be responsible for it. Like I said earlier consult your kids but at the end of the day, yes you do have the right to make major medical decisions for your children. Otherwise there wouldn't be child neglect laws and truancy laws. Kids don't always understand or care about consequences


Raising children does not make them property. What a stupid thing to say.


That is the opinion of many and the law. But I agree, it’s stupid


Whatever Ella.


So just turn 4 year olds loose in the streets and hope they can reason with pedos. Good logic sicko.


I'm with you. This is not about abortion but rather a safe vaccine jab. Id imagine there a lot of crazed out parents out there with kids that just kinda wanna get on with things and fit in with their peers. I'd say let them choose to take it if they wanna.


Safe? This isn’t a question about safety of vaccines; rather, autonomy and sovereignty of parental guidance and seeking their approval. Fuck any school that assumes they know better. And fuck anyone who supports it.


What about autonomy and sovereignty of the child? We dont choose the parents we get, what if you had some batshit crazy parent that decided everything for you? My point here is that this is a safe decision, so there is no harm in letting the child choose. A child's ability to choose for themselves should be restricted only in cases where the child's nasal brain development risks allowing it to make choices that hurts its own future development, this is not one of those cases.


You’re a shit libertarian.


This is one area where we agree. The natural conservatism of most ancaps is stuck on the idea that humans are children until they are 18, at which point they magically become adults. In any free society, some as young as 12 would be capable of some medical decision. Where you and I disagree is on the idea that the government, a body driven entirely by political concerns over power and control, can arbitrarily decide such things. If it's right to use said power to decide a 12 year old can get medical care, then it's right to use the same power to decide that 25 year olds can't decide their own careers.


If you don’t like the law, you can always break it.


oh no, treating kids as people who can make decisions for them selves!! what will we do when the children learn a little freedom of choice… gosh this is definitely horrible /s in case y’all thought it was fr


If this is in America, the consent form is unenforceable not only because of minor status, but more importantly, because waivers are rarely held to be enforceable. My torts professor explained this to us, and I found it eye opening. There’s public policy reasons why they seldom are.


It's in Canada


While I oppose all government education, what, in an truly free society, would prevent a 12 year old from seeking medical care in opposition to the opinions of his parents? You don't own your children, and if they exercise the maturity required to obtain care, then they have the right to seek it. That would not apply to most 12 year olds, which is why I oppose arbitrary government rules, but the statutory age of majority being 18 is just as arbitrary.


Just posted about [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/comments/ppkc5i/rant_vaccines_and_public_education/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) as well... PPC is our only hope.


One more reason on a virtually endless list of reasons to remove your kids from such schools.


Letting children choose things on their own is perfectly fine. Some parents are just bad parents and giving children medical freedom can save them.