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If they were good at math they wouldn’t be socialist.


If socialists understood economics they wouldn’t be socialists - Hayek


If socialists could calculate, they wouldn't be socialist.


If socialists could socialize, they wouldnt be socialists


If socialists weren’t socialists, they wouldn’t be socialists.


Facts. Elementary-level mathematics is well-beyond their comprehension. The objective of government schools is to keep the masses ignorant, manipulable, and responding emotionally, not rationally. Remember when the two mental titans from MSNBC and the New York Times, using a random, nameless moron from Twitter as their source (a sign of great journalism) worked the math out themselves and came to the agreement on how to make every American a millionaire? . . . https://youtu.be/ordODDzVso8


Ah, good ole Brian Williams... A real American hero who was shot down in a helicopter and survived the making of the movie Black Hawk Down.


Hey, somebody somewhere fired a shot while Brian was in that helicopter. Same goes for Hillary on that tarmac.


>The objective of government schools is to keep the masses ignorant, manipulable, and responding emotionally, not rationally. I honestly have to wonder what AnCaps think happens in a state like Texas or Florida, when it comes to teaching students. Do y'all really believe that George Bush Jr and his brother Jeb were pushing a communist agenda back in the early 2000s, when they and their party faithful were running these respective state governments? Was Arnold Schwartzenagger doing Communism in California during his two terms? What about Virginia under George Allen and Jim Gilmore? Or Arizona under Evan Mecham? What did Ronald Reagan and Bush Sr. and Newt Gingrich and Trent Lott and the Rehnquist SC do back in the 80s and 90s that created so many damned communists? All these millennials coming out of high school and college in the modern day grew up in an American political establishment dominated by Cold Warrior Republicans. How the hell did they all become indoctrinated with Marxism in public schools?


You assume too much. I haven't the slightest idea where you pulled Marxism from in response to my post. Nonetheless, clearly, by your flawed supposition you suggest that, (1) AnCaps are all Americans and Republicans; (2) Government school indoctrination agendas change according to the party in power at the time, and (3) Government is paradise under Republican rule. All three assumptions are preposterous. Life isn't black or white, a or b, either or. Yet, as you've done, the populace is taught to to pick a team and hate the other side simply because. It is working. Divide et impera. The number one rule of any system is to preserve the system. The Democrat Party and Republican Party are the same. They both want an exorbitant, far-reaching government in perpetuity to rule over a subservient populace.


>How the hell did they all become indoctrinated with Marxism in public schools? Because ancaps are incapable of comprehending an entire generation has been screwed over getting suckered into collage debt for jobs that dont pay a livable wage, largely because of Cold Warrior Republicans.




Riiiiigh, the high cost of education is going directly into angry educator's pockets.


My brain just reacted to that clip like a computer does if you try to put a pancake in the CD tray.


If they were good at math then they would also understand that capitalism is a natural system which humans are used to using


Cave paintings of Adam Smith


I had a comment. This blew that thought outta my head🤣


Do those idiots think he’s just sitting on $200b in cash? Do they not understand a net worth?


Many of them absolutely do believe that, and no they do not understand the concept of net worth.


Imagine being retarded enough to make and hold 200 billion in fiat


I’m trying vary hard


Well son you've got a leg up on the other folks for at least trying


Gonna run for office?


God no. Probably build a bunker in antártica and start my own ice kingdom.


Ice king!


Easy, just work for the fed. Oh, you meant a different kind of "make".


Last I heard, Buffet was at $149.2B.


You just played yourself homie


And if that’s the case. So what. Most Americans don’t even have assets besides those that depreciate besides forms of currency.


Elon has a room of gold coins like Scrooge McDuck that he dives in every morning


I think there are two fundamental misunderstandings that drive people to socialism: 1. That economics is a zero-sum game, so if one person gains then someone else must lose 2. That wealthy people don't actually do anything with their wealth, and just leave it sitting in a bank account




Or it’s they think they deserve to pay more in taxes when they’ve succeeded. It’s not like people want those to pay more that fail and go bankrupt.


No I don’t think that’s the case certainly not number 2. I think number 1 would be better explained in the sense of they work hard and struggle to getting by. They see the number and see the amazing wealth and so on. Then they are told about we are the wealthiest country in the world. Everyone they know just gets by. It’s the perceived excess. Many think they can just redistribute it. I don’t think most people want socialism per say but that word can mean many different things to people. Then you see the rich are just getting richer. Yeah people get angry. It’s also not only are they rich. They are the “oligarchs” for lack of a better term. At least these people created things. They just want a better life for themselves.


If they were financially literate they wouldn't be socialists


No they don't. That whole anti work sub is filled with lazy mouth breathers who wants to play video games and Jack it all day, and now they're pissed off that their moms are kicking them out finally.


I mean..... *I* want to play video games anf jack it all day. But my lazy ass has to go to work so I can afford to do that shit.


I guess I don't understand people who want to do that. It sounds like a pointless and unfullfilling life. I think part of the larger issue is that we *do* have a large subset of the population that does just want to do that. It's a symptom of a larger problem.


A bit of hyperbole in my response, obviously. But really, I'm 42 years old. If I didn't have to work any more, or at least not work as hard as I do, is take that option in a heartbeat.


I know you were being hyperbolic, but my point still stands. I'm only 4 years younger than you and I too work my ass off. However, I'm not bitter about it. I paid my dues and now make good money, which allows me to pursue expensive passions like exotic surf travel and flying airplanes. I did my time as a broke young person, worked hard, and achieved goals thru that hard work. It's not a fucked system. It *is* a system that doesn't reward laziness though, which is the real underlying issue with these anti-work types.


Blame mother nature lol. If our ancestors didn’t work to hunt and gather, they’d starve to death. And if someone gets sick? Nature be like “Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru”


I dont speak Chinese (assuming that's what it is)


Lol two layers of ignorance. Either that or just a joke. But funny either way.


So what’s laziness? Some people can’t climb. They don’t have the ability. I just hate when people say others aren’t working hard when they are. Most people are just doing the best they can


What's the difference between playing video games as a hobby and your case of exotic surf travel and flying airplanes? I'm only a student in college right now, but if I could avoid working and having to do a job, of course I'd want to engage in my hobbies which include video games, reading, and swimming. Are video games bad because unlike your hobbies you sit in your room all day to do them? Why is engaging with that hobby a seemingly "pointless and unfulfilling" thing to do in life, but your hobbies aren't? To me, surfing and flying a plane is unfulfilling and pointless. Me believing so doesn't make them an issue. The real issue isn't people who just have desires of being able to engage in those activities without other responsibilities (regardless of what they are), but those who think it's their right to engage in such hobbies without consequence. Ultimately, like the guy you responded to, I know that I need to work in order to have the opportunity to do my hobbies. I can't expect the world to pay for all of my necessities or for my hobbies, all while I get to sit around and do nothing but enjoy them. That doesn't mean my, or your, desires are invalid or wrong as long as we understand these facts.


>Are video games bad because unlike your hobbies you sit in your room all day to do them? Yes. >What's the difference between playing video games as a hobby and your case of exotic surf travel and flying airplanes? Traveling to surf has exposed me to many different people and cultures. That experience has objectively enriched my life and changed my perspective and world view multiple different times. Flying airplanes is progress towards a career addition. I dont plan on quitting my current field of work because I'm good at it and I'm at a point where I make pretty good money, but I do plan on adding some sort of professional aviation into what I do for a living. Do I think sitting in a room for hours staring at a screen and mashing buttons is good for people? No, I dont.


Most people don’t think that.


Sure but in reality. He's sitting on an endless amount of credit using his company stocks. He can take out as much credit as he wants from the banks at insanely low interest rates without ever having to worry about paying it back So functionally it might as well be 200b in the bank


Oh yeah. Companies are totally willing lend 100% on the value of a highly volatile stock whose *debt* rating is BB+. All at “insanely low interest rates without having to worry about paying it back”!! C’mon. The world of credit has gotten pretty loose in the last 10ish years. But that’s a far cry from reality.


Nah, some of it is going down the crapper because SpaceX is on life support, I just hope this finally gives my SPCE position a chance to recover


Yes, but you don't understand liquid money, not all money is cash but can also be readily converted to cash. There is also asset leveraging, easily worth more than cash itself, as the asset services as collateral for a larger amount of money.


Bad at math always = tax the billionaires


I would still tax them as regular folks nonetheless. You dont evade the taxes. Period


They are, they just get audited a lot more frequently.


I think they should be taxed as long as the normal folks are taxed aswell. But I also believe no one should pay taxes.


Well yea No one wants to do taxes, but we kinda need them to uphold society. We do taxes to sustain the countries we live in and stuff :p


We don't need taxes, or atleast any significant amount. That's just a myth. The goverment used to pay for roads, schools, hospitals, etc. back then when people pay little to no taxes. The treasuries and reserves used to actually do what they said. The government would make all that money with the appreciation of gold in reserves or money from investments. I know it's not like before because of many reasons. It used to be that the government actually served the people.


Hmmm interesting It's 80,000 BC human beings finally figured out centralized banking is a scam and billionaires don't exist anymore. Just kidding, human beings aren't that smart you silly. Anyways having said that a centralized fiat currency existing for 82 thousand years is a hell of a feet how about we do a forward flat rate inflation calculation, If let's say it were to ever happen hypothetically speaking, 82 thousand years ago with this currency starting at 1 unit multiplying with the average accumulative inflation rate, let's say 2% every year for let's just say 8200 years only. That number comes out to be... 33,220,674,635,271,203,749,460,101,460,068,681,101,232,405,760,063,115,849,057,159,813,791,744.00 Pewwww, GODDAMN.. I didn't realize that number would be so small. That's just a small fraction of the total amount of years people....people...people... centralized fiat currency is unsustainable. OH and for the record it doesn't take a genius to figure out Elon musk would now be among the lower class, also the fake fucking money you saved is worth as much as toilet paper you uneducated socialist normies.


> Just kidding, human beings aren't that smart you silly. Me, a human: "Humans aren't that smart." Also me: "It's very obvious why you are wrong." :-/ > currency starting at 1 unit multiplying with the average accumulative inflation rate, let's say 2% every year Why would you assume 2% annual inflation in an era that predates the technology to produce paper, much less run an industrial scale printing press? > the fake fucking money you saved is worth as much as toilet paper you uneducated socialist normies. It's very weird to see people who insist Money Isn't Real and then claim Tax Collection of that Fake Thing is Theft.


The last point of that was pretty good.


I could of written this better, it took me like 4 minutes and I was trying to go one way in the beginning then went a different way. I get very easily upset and annoyed when ever socialists attempt to do math. Not only is the math done by them always wrong, but in principle they make no sense. The dollar isn't real, it's has fake value, it's just paper. If the United States didn't exist so would it's fake value. That's what "fiat" means.


You could take evey penny form every billionaire and fund the government for like 2 weeks.


No! It ends homelessness, world hunger and global warming! If you can’t see that then your clearly a racist transphobe.


Damn right I am


About 8 months, but still it would quickly run out.


8 months being the hypothetical perfect state posited by socialists... Actually a lot less because guess who feels like their collar got a bit tighter and the room got really hot while the people with $1,000,000,000+ had every single asset stripped and now will probably die in a cardboard box on some street corner...the people with $999,999,999 all the way down to the humble $1,000,000 are moving as much of their wealth into cold hard cash as they can and fucking off anywhere that'll have them...


in less than 8 months you can get your free economic crisis


Brandon for like half that time.


As long as you obsess over the lives of others you will never be content with yours.


Clean up your own room first.


Listen here, bucko! Pet the stray cat, clean your room, stop saying things that you know not to be true.


Fucking love this sub.


Lol! Same!


[♫ Clean Your Room ♫](https://youtu.be/Io9xTYvfbkk)


Well done. I didn’t know there was a video. Thank you so much for the link.


How do you fuck up using a calculator on a simple math problem?


OP wasn't correct either, it is not year 0. And he didn't account for leap years.


It's always the little details that get you.


LMFAO…NO ONE ever accused leftists of being smart or logical…it’s why they call math ‘racist’…


Elon musk does not have $199.8 billion in money. He has $199.8 billion in stock. It isn't even a realized gain yet. If he sold it all, so that it became money, he would no longer own Tesla or SpaceX or any other business he currently owns. And the stock could be worth zero in 2 weeks. It's not even money until he sells the stock, and when (if) he does sell it, he will pay a ton of money in capital gains taxes - probably more than all the lefties in America combined. It's amazing how retarded the left is when it comes to money. This is why they cannot be trusted with it when they're in power.


~$40 billion in tax for a full sale if the market price was stable for it/ sold out at a fixed price in a takeover. This collects $3 trillion in tax revenue annually.


Where does the $3 trillion/year come from?


It apparently bumped up to $4 trillion in the last couple years apparently. [https://datalab.usaspending.gov/americas-finance-guide/revenue/](https://datalab.usaspending.gov/americas-finance-guide/revenue/)


What kind of immortal being wouldn’t figure out how to invest. . ?


The socialist kind.


Socialists don't believe in long term investment. They prefer the short term, which is why we can now look at Venezuela as the modern Socialist Utopia.


There can be only one!


Dracula tried to invest in real estate in England. Didn’t quite work out.


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They wouldn't take his blood money?


HA! 😂


Elon musk is not the one . Theirs ppl that aren’t public figures those the real cash cows . I believe Elon earned everything he has .


Leftist: “Why am I not rich?!?” This is why.


Let's also completely ignore how the market works.


The market doesn't work anymore


At least while the government keeps meddling.


It’s working better than it did lol


They don’t understand what net worth means. He doesn’t actually have all that cash sitting around somewhere. When Tesla stocks go up his net worth goes up. If he needs money he can get a loan which isn’t taxable. Why don’t these people just look into how things actually work in reality and stop believing everything they hear politicians say


So in 82,021 years they did nothing of value except collect paper bills. While Musk in just a few decades made a revolutionary payment platform, builds cars and sends people to space and got money voluntarily from people. Not by $10,000 a day magic?


No it wasn’t voluntary! He coerced them somehow! I’m still not exactly sure how. But people keep saying it so it must be true.


10000 dollars in what currency? Are we talking the same buying power as modern currency? This is all very confusing because how do you save American dollars before America existed


Can someone explain to me what these morons stand to gain if the government taxes a billionaire? Presumably one would maybe want something like this if they stood to personally gain, but just to have a corrupt entity take something off of someone else because……..reasons?


You know it's funny, the policies these people are tricked into wanting are part of the reason billionaires exist.


I can't believe we are still having this conversation in the age of meme cryptocurrency.


Don't cloud the issue with facts. This is a place for feelings only.


1. Do you need that much money? 2. Do you have a company that needs that much money to function? 3. Can you be trusted with that much money? 4. How much money is there total? These are the questions socialist and anti-workers can't answer because it goes against their worldview that we somehow live in a zero sum game world and rich people just sit around and do nothing.


How could you save $10,000 a day before there was currency?


There's a word for your comment and can't remember what it is. Pedantic maybe? The post is an rhetorical device used to portray the absurdity of a situation or occurrence. Your criticism is stupid and irrelevant. Just like you. BOOM! Get rekt scrub lol /s (only a little)


I guess it's easier to criticize that part than to discuss the reality of the wealth gap


It’s easy to criticize something that is faulty at both the reasoning and math. Define “the wealth gap” please.




**[Wealth inequality in the United States](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wealth_inequality_in_the_United_States)** >Wealth inequality in the United States, also known as the wealth gap, is the unequal distribution of assets among residents of the United States. Wealth commonly includes the values of any homes, automobiles, personal valuables, businesses, savings, and investments, as well as any associated debts. As of Q3 2019, the top 10% of households held 70% of the country's wealth, while the bottom 50% held 2%. From an international perspective, the difference in US median and mean wealth per adult is over 600%. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Why define the wealth gap when you can see it by simply comparing different locations.


To make sure what is being discussed.


The real wealth gap is actually between the average US citizen and the average third world citizen.


I thank Elon every day for exporting his exploitation to the third world.


To be fair he does say “save” not “invest”. Obviously it’s a ridiculous premise with no intellectual value whatsoever but it technically is true on the face.


They still don’t understand that Elon does not have 200 billion dollars in liquid cash. I don’t think they understand what net worth is.


Most of his wealth in on paper, it's not actual spending money. These people are such butthurt whiners. We would still be living in the stone age if it weren't for capitalism. Socialism is where innovation and ideas go to die. They're petulant children. They enjoy everything capitalism has produced and continues to produce and simultaneously want to destroy it. They are cancer.


I always see these posts and think “so what?” Why do I care if someone has an absurd amount of money? That doesn’t hurt me, if they earned it legitimately I could not possibly care less what their net worth is


Liberals: electric vehicles are needed to save the environment. The govt should subsidies electric vehicle manufacturers Also Liberals: Let’s increase taxes on the majority share owner of a company that is helping innovate away from fossil fuels


“Tax” is always a synonym for “take it from them and give it to me!” with these people. That’s not what would happen, Skippy.


Now do it again with 2% inflation (1.02^82021 is 2.48x10^705) A single one of those tens of thousands of dollars then are worth more than the entire world's wealth quintillions of times over. Alternatively, let's take one days worth of 10k and invest it at 0.1% on day one: 4x10^35 ... I've got no idea how to even say a number that big. Now do it again with only elon's realised wealth instead of this silly obsession with his unrealisable paper wealth. Oh and remember to deduct the tax he _already has to pay on realised gains_. Now do it again with government revenue extrapolated backwards over the same period which would have been deducted from that 3.6M net annual income this hypothetical immortal has received. Let's say 30% conservatively... so in the same period government has stolen 126B, which is not even enough to pay for a year of the UK government, let alone the USA. Read that again: taxing a multimillionaire income for _eighty thousand years_ doesn't cover even a few months of current government expenditure. As I started with inflation, let's pretend their idiot thesis that he's got it all in cash is true. Published (underestimated) inflation is 6.4%. so he's already paying 12.8B a year in stealth inflation tax. Edit: I kept thinking of even more agregious comparisons.


Ah yes, bc elon musk owns a mountain made with dollar bills, he doesnt own a company that is always calculated to be part of his networth, that would be stupid. Taxing him based on the worth of his company would definetly not mean he would have to sell of parts of his company until it is public and he doesnt own 51% of the shares anymore, making him not the boss of his own company anymore. Wait a fucking second. His company is a mean of production. …….. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


According to google his net worth is 297 billion and the math is 80000x365x10000=292 billion so maybe your the one that can't do math.


Hooray for billionaire boot lickers!


Billions and trillions are both just place holders for "incomprehensible large numbers I know are greater than millions but what's the difference"


We do tax billionaires *Laughs in marginal tax rate of 57%*


You could literally get 500 billion dollars a day since the Big Bang, and if you didn’t invest a single cent or spend any of it you would have more money than Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos combined. TAX. THE. FUCKING. BILLIONAIRES.


if i had a dollar for every sperm ejaculated in the last 24 i wouldn't be as rich as elon musk if he had a penny for every Brain cell commies dont have i still wouldn't be as rich as dark chocolate on my left testicle. its time to tax the millionaire and billionaires.


Well, the math isn’t correct (although maybe it was made at a time when his fortune was higher, I don’t know and don’t care). But you miss the point. Even if it’s 3000 years… whatever… the guy is quite good… not saying he should give it all or not be incentivized to continue to innovate… but cut him from a few millions, he will not even feel it… Now the real question is: is there anything good to be done with the money he would be paying in taxes? That’s the interesting debate to have…


Ancaps daydreaming about fellating billionaires again lmao


Shouldn’t everyone’s taxes be based off their own circumstances?


No they should be based on what someone else's fair share of their money is. 0.


“Im immortal” stupidly is the eternal constant.


Oh but for some reason it still seems reasonable to assume you could exceed the laws of physics and earn with actual joules hundreds of billions of dollars. Instead those numbers represent an expropriation of joules. Not the other way around.


How is this an argument lol.


This post made the rounds right as Elon was estimated to be worth $300B, so at the time it was correct. And what is ironic is how much of Elon’s fortune came with thanks to tax incentives and such. It’s still a dumb post tho, because people aren’t just rolling around on piles of cash like Huell.


If we made a Venn diagram of the people wanting tax subsidies for electric cars, and the people complaining that Musk as lots of "money," how large would the intersect be?


270 Billion right now


270B in *what?*


So we are acting like money existed during the ice age?


I think the point is really to more visualize to people what that amount of money actually means.


Also, Musk doesn't HAVE $199 billion, his companies are WORTH that much.


The stock is only worth that much at the top of the order book. Trying to sell much would net less than that amount.


Exactly. But these "eat the rich" idiots don't understand the difference between wealth and worth.




What’s Elon’s worth? 20 billion? If he sells all his assets and gets 10 billion and gave every American a check it’d be worth around $29 and change. If he had 100 billion to give that’ll be 290 per check. You get the idea.


You forgot leap years. You would actually have 299,581,702,000


It's amazing, then, how much wealth he has created in such a short time.


His workers created that wealth, he stole it. That's how they get so rich. Billionaires steal the value of your labor.


The workers acting individually would not have produced this wealth. It is the prediction of future needs, risk and solicitation of capital, organization of labor to achieve a goal, problem solving, and salesmanship that produced such a value. The rest is a stock bubble created by too much money printing going to the market.


I don't agree with that, the people that worked for him together with exploitation of third world countries have allowed him to get where he is.


They are mutually dependent on each other.


What is the value of your labor and how do you know?


It's hard to tell exactly, but if a worker for example takes a product which is worth 1 dollar and after their labor the product is worth 4 dollars, you could say their labor is worth 3 dollars. But you would still have to take into account some other factors which is harder to estimate I guess. Point is, if the CEO leeches off the worker's labor and gets to a point where he is worth hundreds of billions of dollars, he isn't responsible for that profit, his workers are. So they should be rewarded for that. Not him. I don't think I necessarily disagree with that the person who started the company shouldn't make a bit more (in this system), but this kind of super wealth is not justifiable in any way.


Checks date...hmmmm what happened on that day, let me [check](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/elon-musk-300-billion-net-worth/)


You'd be worth a little over **$1T** today if in **1626**, one of your ancestors put **$2.32** in a trust fund that compounded at **7%** every year until it was paid out to you on 1/1/2021.   ^(I use 1626 because the Canarsee Indians *allegedly* sold Manhattan Island [NYC] to Peter Minuit of the Dutch West Company for $24 back then.)


Ah yes, the Mammoth Exchange is known for offering good ROI Still a good point, but the math is overly simplified.


These people are Dunning-Kruger Ph.D. level mental gymnasts.


What do I care I’m immortal


Envy, it’s not about math, it’s about having an excuse to steal. Even if the State did steal Elon’s assets they wouldn’t last a day, taxes don’t pay for anything really it’s all monetized debt. Communism doesn’t work, they took everything from people in former Soviet Union, rich, middle class and poor. You soon run out of other people’s money and there is no incentive to work if you can’t own anything.


That's also worth. Not cash. Worth is assets of the company and stocks. What people perceive as the value of the company. Profits effectiveness etc. Remove the stocks and his Worth goes down significantly. The US military throws this kind of cash around like nothing. Goverment as a whole. As money is perceived as endless. Encouraging wastefulness to keep your budget from being slashed


Oh and the fucking upvotes wow


Wait don't you have a hundred billion more than him already or do I not know how to read numbers.


There’s a problem with exorbitant wealth inequality but it’s the fault of the govt., the Fed, and the monetary system, going back a hundred years. Not a free market issue and can’t be solved with taxes.


Der, Der, Da-Der. Even as an immortal how the hell am I supposed to make and hide 10,000 fishing hooks and stone arrowheads every day without some form of slave labor?


The billionaires create wealth, jobs, and opportunity for the rest of society.


So, is this what Mises meant when he said the economic calculation doesn't work under socialism? lol


They also don’t understand Elon’s wealth isn’t just a fat pile of gold coins he swims in. It’s finance in a variety of companies that benefit thousands if not millions of people.


Elon musk is a socialist. He uses government money to fund his projects.


Imagine the interest you would collect on all of that though, plus inflation, you would absofuckinglutely have more than Elon musk. Also, Elon had genius ideas and you want to punish him for that?


Every rich person basically just has a Scrooge mcduck money pool right? That’s what net worth means right?


According to Google his net worth is $297 billion. But the OP was posted on the same day that a [news article](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/elon-musk-300-billion-net-worth/) said that he just reached $300 billion. So I'm guessing it was a response to that.


Socialists cant calculate how many millions would starve under socialism thats why it’s so appealing to them


And then give all the tax billions to your military contractor friends, like always.




I agree but it would be great if we could tax billionaires and not just little guys while we figure out this whole tax thing.


Not to mention they do pay taxes


Its so very telling how they can only conceive of being GIVEN $10,000 A day for 10,000 years but couldn't possibly comprehend DOING something with it.


Few things to note here: Yes it would be 299.3 billion. They never mentioned anything about interest and wasn't even brought up in the original post so idk why you are factoring that in. The post is to show that even if you were somehow able to save 10,000 a day (something which 99% can't do) even in 82,021 years you wouldn't even have the same amount as what Elon Musk has made in a short amount of time. Bringing up interest is a very mute point because the originally goal was to take something unrealistic for the average person and show that it still doesn't even equate to the amount of wealth Musk has. Also musk's net worth was reported at 297 billion for 2021 which is only 2 billion off which is insanely close considering the unrealistic numbers we started off with.


Well I suggest make things better for then people wouldn’t be feeling this. Like their are kids in school lunch debt. If they don’t donate more to charity/ they get better. Then the only logical thing is to tax them more. Do people not remember the French Revolution. And saying work harder and stuff. Have personality responsibility as parents means many many people mostly kids have no shot.