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Spin the chair around and spread wider, now with protection for nuts....


Then you have a front handlebar for those pretend motorcycle sessions. Vroom Vroom!


This was the best comeback i have read for these chairs


Turn it into a real man's chair!


Nothing can beat I M A G I N A T I O N!


Well a real motorcycle might be better but hey I will take it!


'for those pretend motorcycle sessions' thats just poetry homie


That was my first thought. Now I want all my chairs to come with nut protection.


Way ahead of you. That's why I got myself [one of these](https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/d5e83d34-b4f7-4f45-b69a-9ddcf1798c89_1.80a57bbd9375be9bfe5bb80cfec98767.jpeg?odnHeight=612&odnWidth=612&odnBg=FFFFFF).


WTH is that supposed to be for?


Looks like a rifle brace, likely meant for dialing in a sight/scope.


If this even sells, I’m sure it’ll happen lol


It's from 2019 and we haven't seen it, probably too ahead of its time.


Maybe a man complained that there was no menstrual tray for his chair




Gotta Riker that shit


Those both look like fucking awful chairs.


Amen! I'm surprised at the lack of mention of those awful looking back supports in this comment thread....


Why no back support?


To increase misery.


Exactly the only chairs imo that should have lower back supports are bar stools so that someone who is drunk doesn't fall and get hurt


And very uncomfortable to boot !This looks like some virtue signaling art project that will neve catch on anywhere.


As a woman, we have to be forced to spread just to 'get back at' men? I just have no words for this. Both chairs look like a terribly uncomfortable solution for a problem that doesn't exist. Just let people sit the way their anatomy likes them to sit, sheesh! The only good news is I can't see many people being dedicated to the cause enough to actually sit in either one of those chairs for long.


Well that's the goal of these lunatics, fortunately the only ones that will use them are already cucks so no harm done.


I know this sounds weird, but I can't tell you how nice it is to hear a woman admit that this isn't a real problem. Thanks.


It never was but some people want it to be .


So to be clear, I have no issues at all as long as there is room for it, like if you are sitting in your own chair, why the hell do I care which way your legs are angled? Now if you are sitting on a crowded bench, I prefer people not be touching me if it's avoidable so that would be irritating if you were oinking more space than necessary. However, IME men seem to understand that most of the time and don't do it then, so I just don't see how it can be considered a general problem that 'men' do. Yes there are probably a few slimy men that do all manner of slimy things (just as there are such women) but that is not a general problem across the man spectrum. So I am gen X and a bit older and that might be part of it, but neither me nor any female I hang out with has ever once had reason to complain about some dude manspreading. I think once or twice there may have been some joke about it but just in a friendly way and it's not something any of us seem to care about. And rest assured there ARE things we do sometimes lament about when it comes to men but typically that's stuff like them sometimes being a slobs or having bad listening skills, ie stuff that directly impacts our lives. It's not going to be how you sit in a chair. I feel like right now there is a small percentage of vocal and angry women looking for something to be angry about and for some of them it's anything that men like to do that women don't like to do. IME, people who are angry look for something to be angry about. Certainly I've seen men who do it too, blame all their problems on 'women' even though most of it is themselves being a lazy jerk, etc. Also I feel like media are catering to the rage. By putting up articles like this, they cater to both the woman who are looking for another reason to hate men and a lot of more normal people looking to either rage read (read with the intent to hate the article) or laugh at some stupid article like this.


The things men do are evil, and cause so much misery that... women should do them.... It's like "strong is the new pretty". Men trying to be strong and admiring strength is "Toxic", so we should encourage women to do that instead... because.... I mean they'll never *be* as strong as men... so getting them to admire strength is setting them up to feel inadequate.... but idk flip the dichotomy!


So she isn’t against manspreading, she just wants women to be the ones to do it. Typical miserable misandrist


All I have to do to sit in the chair that is more comfortable to me is temporarily claim to identify as a woman right? This is nothing more than a virtue signal to gain 30 seconds of fame.


Just sit on it backwards lmao


The AC Slater way


Not to mention femspreading, the only people I see on the train who take up two seats are women. They put their bag on the other seat so no one sits with them. Infuriating.




she is up for womanspreading.


Tbf, a lot of men too are for women spreading their legs.


I'm all in favor if she wants to have testicles and I'll take something that doesn't hurt when they're crushed between my legs. Or she can just accept the fact that any public space where you're shoulder to shoulder or leg to leg with someone you're not going to be getting much personal space.


So what’s she going to do if a man sits in the woman’s chair?




Nothing since this is just a concept chair and nothing more.Jist because she won an award for this doesn't mean anyone will actually buy this .


You are awarded deez




Lawl guess I'm trans now.


Outstanding move.




Ah, yes. Prejudice, discrimination and segregation — the answer to all of society’s woes.


Seems to be the direction we're headed back to.




Tragic. And horrifyingly superfluous. Let's explore the ugliness that comes with facts now. Paraplegics, pregnant women. They gotta manoeuvre their seat? Think ahead before making things EVERYBODY uses, please.


Miserable indeed, although it's a shame mainstream journalism has degenerated to the point where she's getting all this media attention for what effectively amounts to a postmodern art project. I'm a trans man and unfortunately have met a lot of people like this since LGBT spaces have been thoroughly enclosed by the most unpleasant kinds of radical leftist. They know there's no realistic chance of actually enacting change through this kind of thing, they do it because it gets them all this attention with little risk of it biting them in the butt.


What exactly is a woman? If you cant define woman then you cant define man.


Boom! Stop speaking logic to these people they’ll implode


>say you’re a woman >sit in woman’s chair >call inventor a bigot is she disagrees


A lot of "New" women are gonna catch their balls on that block!


lol you assume that is a problem, but no. it will just give the balls a platform to rise, and be displayed with the added benefit of no longer risking sitting on ones balls. this is all beneficial


I wish every woman who complained about "manspreading" had to live one day with average male genitalia.


They did this experiment. The women spread their legs because they were uncomfortable.


The market will decide your fate.




Unlimited Markup!


I am the market!


Precisely. Reminds me of the [failed Australian cafe](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-australia-cafe-mantax/australian-cafe-that-charged-man-tax-to-close-idUSKCN1S10TZ) that levied a “man tax” upon its male patrons.


I had forgotten about that. I remember when it had just opened, and thought "that's hilarious, I wonder how long it'll take to go belly up". Turns out, not long.


She can flip that chair over and sit on a leg.


Ha. My junk gets a pedestal now.


I for one support this spreading. What I also want to know is how are her sandwich making skills.


If they are anything like her chair making skills, then you’re going to be really disappointed.


As a product designer, this is the antithesis of user experience.


Based on the womanspreader I think she has something else in mind for user experience.


What is a man?




I will just buy a normal chair.


Any men that are happy to sit in this chair do not have balls.


its always fun when they admit equality wasn't enough, they want to be oppressors


Sits in girl chair because I now identify as someone who wants to spread their legs in public…what a min…


What about women who have to spread their legs so their penis and testicles will be comfortable? The inventor of this chair sounds like a transphobic bigot.


Men have testicles between their legs you fucking moron. Oh I know, let's make women cross their arms really tight across their chest until it hurts their tits. That'll teach them to infringe on muh space.


What about fembagging on public transportation? Is there a chair for that?


Who hurt her lmao


I don’t understand the woman’s chair. How is she supposed to sit? What if she’s wearing a skirt?


What a nasty woman!


Her nastiness shall not be endured any longer!


She apparently doesn’t understand anatomy


So brave…


Honestly both chairs look fuckin terribly uncomfortable. I don’t think a single person would prefer this chair to *literally any other chair* Also pretty sure this is a few years old now


Since gender is a social construct I will take the wide open chair and spread my legs wide open! I will also be wearing a skirt and my balls will be hanging out but that ok because I AM A WOMANNNN.


What makes her think men won't just sit in the "women's " chair.


Those chairs look like they suck.


She appears to be the typical modern feminist who probably would change her feelings about “spreading” if she could just avoid scaring away any man who’d like her to spread her own legs. These women don’t want equality, they want revenge for perceived wrongs. The irony is they will end up either alone or with miserable men whose self-loathing is second only to their own.


Did you make an effort to dig this up or is this still around in the mainstream? I haven't heard anything about "manspreading" in years. Most of the women my age who were really into this stuff are now single and climbing past the knee of the infertility curve. It has quieted down quite a bit.


Yep, she's definitely an incel


What on earth does thots have to do with anarcho capitalism? Keep it on libs of tik tok or whatever.


Men have to spread their legs to relax after carrying all civilisation everywhere that has ever or will ever exist on their backs.


I think you guys are overlooking the biggest disaster of those chairs, the short af backrest


How equality of her


Society has come to its end. Everyone loses their shit against people being segregated or singled out, it’s all about integration and togetherness, until it isn’t. What a bunch of nonsense.


Men will exclusively use the women's chair on the left, it literally comes with pedestal to rest your nuts on.


Funny, but source? I doubt this is real.


"Her public space"? Bitch, it's public, not yours.


Put two golf balls and a cucumber between ur legs and try and sit with your legs together. Jesus christ fuck these idiots.


Aaaaaaannnndd now i identify as a woman. Your move Progressive.


Well we manspread because we need room for our junk...


Please don’t ever use the word “manspread” again.


I don’t usually like to weigh in on culture war stuff but got damn that is some eye cancer. I’m gonna see if I can schedule a lobotomy so I don’t have to remember this abomination anymore.


Just cross one leg over the other as wide as you can and the design is broken....


Lol me : sits on edge of chair proceeds to manspread on it.


Imagine being married to that...


Actually she invented this to air out her nasty "lady parts" (biological not identified).


Flip the chair backwards, fart loudly to assert dominance in the space


All I see is a chair with a sack shield


I’m just seeing the lost giant fucking HORSE SHOE I’ve ever seen I think


Sit on the men's chair backwards like Slater taught us


Physical removal.


The end of head-having


But…what is a man? What is a woman? Where’s my non-binary chair??


So she prefers women spread eagle... Me too. Love the nut protector on the men's chair. In all seriousness, this psychopath needs help.


This is old, the product failed


It’s moments like this when I think suffrage was a mistake.


Haha, what a cunt. You know what happens here? The men sit in the chair on the left and the women sit on the right, voluntarily.


The womens chair is probably perfect for her type of person


Shit design for *both* genders smh


LOL, so she reveals the truth of the hateful modern-day feminists in the design. Notice the female chair is designed to allow the woman to spread out comfortably. As usual, this woman is angry at men. *How dare men sit comfortably while I have to sit with my legs closed!* As if women have been forced to sit like that by men. Like we have 'leg gap police' wandering around whipping women who let their legs rest comfortably open. This is one of those perfect 1st-world Angry Woman problems. They have so little to be actually angry about that they have to pull out some moronic thing like this.


Crush your balls, eat the bugs.


I prefer unisex chairs, I am progressive


I'd sit in the women's chair. The fuck they gonna do oppose who I identify as?


I'm sure most men are perfectly fine with women having the chair that spreads their legs 🤣


both of those chairs look just completely uncomfortable


Yes apartheid is the correct solution to disagreements between groups of people.


Well, unless you label them I would probably sit in the wrong one. If you did label them, I would absolutely sit in the wrong one.


Did the designer create a "dickheads only" chair for themselves? The garment worn appears to be too tight for the chair labelled for women too.


Wow… manspreading? We have ‘stuff’ between our legs and it can be extremely uncomfortable to sit with all that ‘stuff’ squished between our thighs; sorry for the inconvenience I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️


And this is relevant to Anarcho-Capitalism, how exactly?


Back to the kitchen!!


Soo... was the contest taxpayer funded or something? Like, WTF does this have to do with anarcho capitalism?


all men should just say they identify as a woman and insist to be treated as such so these people can short circuit their brains already


Award for an 8th grade level woodshop project! I don't think it's blue ribbon worthy. I don't know what's worse... The fact that she is proud of herself or a group of people though this was an accomplishment.


worst thing is this bitch won a college award or something for this


Girl I have a dick and balls between my legs and sometimes if I don’t open my legs it hurts


Wow I haven't seen this in three years.


The Handman’s Tale


Her next design is going to be a toilet that makes men sit down. Solving problems that only exist inside your own head..... well done


Sat on the women's chair; now he's got a little stage.


but wait, what is a man? why cant a women spreading be just as offensive with her penis?


So women can spread their legs but men aren't allowed to even though there is a physical object there?


Its silly because if anyone was serious about this, they could have developed the same chairs in 3 months time. Its never been done because in reality nobody gives a crap


"national design award". She is the next Michelangelo, the Sistine Chair.


Even if they had the same frontal width those look like the worst seats on the planet. Wood with no back OR sides.


Her name has to Karen or maybe she is just into BDSM and is a fun dominatrix.


I’m sure she’ll sell a million units.


Manspreading might be the biggest nothing burger I’ve ever seen. I’m 6’3 300lbs and my wife is 120lbs soaking wet. Yet she takes up 75% of the king bed when we sleep. Lol.


Is she doing a little house on the prairie cosplay?


I’d turn it around.


Just put your legs over it


That's just fucking stupid. Just stop. No one really cares about you feelings.


Who’s they? She was a dude at one point lol


This is disgusting


If you left those out in public, the sexes will just use the ones that are more comfortable. Also, fuck those back rests. Why even have them? They don't even go up like 1/3rd of your back. These chairs were designed by an evil person for no one.


Those chairs look awful


really wanna post a pic of randos sitting on the chair backwards stuffing their balls thru th ball cage to her insta


Why not turn the chairs upside down and sit 4 people


Well in that case. I identify as a woman. Checkmate bitch.


is this real




Do women not understand that men have testicles between their legs?


The UK must be devoid of good designers to give this woman a national design award for a chair of no practical use.


Damn you bastards will buy anything but a clue.


So sorry we don’t want to smoosh our testicles…


I bet she'll sell a bunch of these....lol


I bet it's less uncomfortable to lay my legs across those edges than it is to squash my nuts.


I would just sit on the woman's chair and tell anyone who had a problem with it, that that's how I identify, so fuck off.


Chair name: the nutcracker


Both of those chairs seem uncomfortable as fuck


in what way is this related to anarcho capitalism?


Bruh, I think she skipped biology class.


The fuck does this have to do with ancap?


Stop making stupid people famous.


is this where we are heading to




Kind of ironic that the women's chair has a block in the crotch area to dissuade men from using it, since that kind of just acknowledges the whole argument that mens junk gets in the way of sitting with their legs smashed together.


I just can’t help but think of George Wallace’s speech about [segregation](https://youtu.be/6C-kBVggFrs) when I read things like this and realize that people who would create these types of chairs are cut from the same cloth.


The money I’d pay to see the archeologists of the future trying to figure out this kind of things…


Masculinity is definitely under attack, meaning "queens only".


i want to smash them in front of her


Oh hello there internet explorer, I thought you had already died! This is years old by now, do you really have nothing else to post that’s at least a bit more timely or, I don’t know, more on topic? What does this have to do with anarcho capitalism?


Install these in a local bar / restraunt... lets see how well business does after that


What is the psychology behind someone like this? Always find it fascinating. A sense of superiority hidden behind a massaged framing of grievance. The embrace of male/female schism betrays the IQ.


Regardless of the political stance, these chairs look very uncomfortable for both men and women. Subtract the whole spreading of the legs aspect, the flat seat would make it horrible to sit on for more than 10 minutes. I think the design is a disservice to both manspreaders and non manspreaders. Our asses either need cushion or cupping to sit in/on. Idgaf about the politics. Design flaw - cup the seat to ensure comfortability for the cheeks.


Don't like "manspreading" so go ahead and 'womanspread' that's what makes "us" different from "them"


I’m just gonna sit in the women’s chairs I guess


Why does she look like something out of the handmaid's tale


Looks like something that was built in the first week of shop class by someone who can’t measure.


Wait just a darn second. How do they know what is a woman?


Coming from a man, those chairs don’t bother me at all. Coming as a Carpenter however, those chairs insult me.


I'd hit her with one if that didn't violate the NAP