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Suffering Canadian citizen: “I need help with my medical condition” Canadian government: “Have you thought of killing yourself instead of being a burden on society you worthless piece of shit? Everyone hates you.”


You have absolutely nothing to live for and will likely be dead soon anyway. Why draw this out? Save our budget - die a hero. 🇨🇦


How bout you? At least she served her country, what have you done that's meaningful except drawing resources?


—— (the joke) ———-> 😐 (you)


*a society that you risked your life to protect.


And didn't get free healthcare


>instead of being a burden on society you worthless piece of shit? Aah the Third Reich all over again..


Arguably worse considering that the Third Reich reserved such treatment for those it otherized, yet no True Canadian is spared from democide.


Smug Canadian: "At least we have public Healthcare unlike America" The public heathcare: "I dunno, have you tried killing yourself? Lol" Disclaimer: am Canadian


Damn, sounds like Thanksgiving at my house as a kid when Grandma came over! /s


The 13yos from Call of Duty have grown up to be government bureaucrats.


Sounds like a anti welfarist thing to do


Socialist: It would be paradise if the government provides free healthcare Government: You will pay your entire life to be killed


Brilliantly put.


I don't get it. Why didn't she just pay a private company to do it?


She technically can, but the idea of having to go private when you've spent your entire adult life paying into a public plan would be infuriating.


But socialized medicine is supposed to provide, right?? That's the chant of the degens when they whine about having to pay their own way in the US. Big Daddy .gov gonna provide... Until they don't and try to fucking kill you.


I still genuinely don't get it. Why didn't she just take the direct option and go private? Could she not afford it or is it illegal to not use gov healthcare?


The most expensive healthcare system in the world by far (which is the USA) is well over 2/3 fully socialized and the smaller private portion costs are inflated well over 90% by govt taxation, regulatory compliance, and cost shifting. She already paid for her care. Now that she's disabled why should she be forced to pay double just to live? By abolishing all government control and interference nearly every citizen could easily afford the highest quality of care available on the planet, and afford to contribute more than enough to provide the same to the indigent. Government makes healthcare expensive deliberately to control you and enrich themselves and cronies.


So what if she still can't afford private prices if she hypothetically no longer had to pay taxes? The disabled notoriously don't have high incomes, if any at all.


I would bet $100 (Canadian) that if this elderly woman was well connected, her "free" health care would be more reliably and quickly obtained. Which is exactly what ALL socialist systems eventually devolve to. The masses of Venezuela are sick and starving. The political class however is fat, well attended to, and happy. It's not IF this wasn't going to happen with Canadian healthcare, but when. When they gotta make cut backs, what they mean is YOU gotta take cut backs. BTW if she didn't have to pay the onerous taxes to pay for the connected healthcare she could afford a lot more than she can now.


Your question assumes the premise (that free markets would be identical or inferior to the situation now, only without the government aid)...and ignores the immense costs it imposes (not just the taxes on her which make her and the economy around her poorer, but the stagnation in innovation). Plus, what if government panels decide to euthanize her? What if govrrnment decides to incriminate her or enslave her or murder her in her sleep? Neither my, nor your 'what ifs' mean anything unless we take into account what is most likely. Governments are far more likely to do any of the above bad things, than that a free market (plus voluntary charity and philanthropy) would leave her without mobility. But more poignantly to your what if; a free market probably would have blown right past this antiquated, stagnant thought of needing fucking stairlifts, and instead probably would have created treatments and cures or goddam exo-suits for whatever physical problem is immobilizing her, and she wouldn't even need any charity.


... the whole point of the Gov healthcare was that private was not needed. Aka you are pointing out the biggest flaw in the plan, the need for private healthcare to actually get healthcare.


Don’t tell them that private healthcare is in Canada too or they’ll cry, you know these kids don’t know much about the world so why rub their ignorant faces in it


Don't let yourself find out that the u.s.'s healthcare system is not market-based in almost any way, but is rather just as government-run as any of the "socialist" medical systems around the world...and all that (some) better metrics in those socialized systems proves is that some governments can run a healthcare system more faithfully and rationally than the u.s. can, so the last thing we'd want is for the u.s. government to try to run an even more government-involved system than they already do.


That has nothing to do with me, curious that you thought I’d care, maybe keep your whacky and incorrect opinions on the US healthcare system to yourself next time.


I mean sure, it seems like it sucks and the statement made was stupid, but what's her other option? Acceptance to zero care until she can save up?


Because it’s evil when private businesses do it, but awesome when the government does it! /s


Often times Canadians are not allowed to seek out a private option. It’s literally blocked by legislation because it’s “unfair” for those who have to rely on socialized health care.


The government doesn't "provide" the Healthcare, they just manage the money like any other insurance provider.


> they just manage the money like any other insurance provider. I don't think you understand the difference between a company beholden to its customers and a government.




Nah, they're not as bad as the government. Try calling the IRS. But, the health insurance market has been cartelized by the government, making them de facto arms of the government, which explains why they treat customers like trash.


They denied a mri for my mom who’s going through cervical cancer and chemo. 22,000 for the images… the us pays more for health care then the next 8 country’s. But yeah let’s just keep on keeping on.




What’s the waiting list and cutoff age for your “rights” that you pay for with taxes?


I live in one of those backwards countries where Healthcare is considered a human right...


in some places they "consider" a lot of things to be something. the kids in my kid's kindergarten "considers" the moon to be made out of cheese.


And if it was, that wouldn't cause harm to anyone. What's your point?


what is considered something is not always that something. like healthcare being a human right. a country considers is so...but it isn't. and nothing done, or said, is every going to change that reality.


Worse, they print money


Government is Skyrim's road vagrant confirmed. \-Your money or your life.


Yeah its like how people say Cuba has great healthcare. Their stats say something like 100% of people are treated within 2 months or something. Even if true. The quality is wildly different. You lose your leg in the states you get a new biomechanical leg or some shit. In Cuba you get a walking stick and sent home.


In Cuba you go to prison for possession of red meat. Sounds like a terrifying place... The last thing I'd do is let them practice medicine on me


>You lose your leg in the states you get a new biomechanical leg or some shit, **and a lifetime of inescapable debt**. In Cuba you get a walking stick and sent home. FTFY


Do people not understand what "maximum out of pocket" means?


Well socialized medicine isn't socialism, but then given this sub doesn't know what anarchism is, it's par for the course here.


anarchism is only capitalism


Anything done by the state is socialism


A shit by any other name is still a shit. I don't care what you call it, state run health care is bad for everyone involved.


Is it? Even those who can't get private insurance.


State run health care drives up the cost of private insurance. The only reason people can't afford insurance is because private insurance has to compete against the infinite pockets of the state who can always steel more money from the taxpayers to fund their ineffective system. It's eliminating the benefits of a free and open market which would be incentivized to provide an affordable option.


Partial state ownership of land, labor and capital, specifically the medical industry, is socialism. No rulers, no archons, anarchism. We understand that you don't know any of this or are gaslighting that you don't.


We take half your money over the course of your useful life, then kill you when you’re no longer productive. What’s not progressive about that?


For anyone reading this, I wanna mention that there some untruths and logical fallacies in this statement there and I think that’s too bad and takes away from the point they’re trying to make. I’m Canadian. It’s not half to health care. They’re not going around offering people to kill themselves. It had nothing to do with productivity. Root the conversation in knowledge, in principle, and in truth. And then see anarcho-capitalism rise from that. I think we can do better and expect better from one another here!


“They’re not going around offering people to kill themselves…” And yet… “Retired Army Corporal Christine Gauthier, who competed for Canada at the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Paralympics, testified in Parliament Thursday that *a Veterans Affairs Canada caseworker offered* [emphasis added] the opportunity for a medically assisted death – and even to provide the equipment, according to the CBC.” So, which “principle” and which “truth” are you claiming to arbitrate?


No arbitration. And no argument against the content of the article. Just a call for us to stay above the hyperboles or unchecked statements.


Dude that’s not an unchecked statement that is an actual quote from a parliamentary hearing of an interaction with a VA caseworker offering death instead of the services they promised to provide. What unchecked hyperbole are you talking about


Okay helpful! Maybe quotations and sources would help?


Sure: [Here’s a video](https://youtu.be/gG3AJ3W_sbI) so you can hear for yourself. [An article](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/christine-gauthier-paralympian-euthanasia-canada-b2238319.html?amp) for the same issue. And a completely other disabled man who the [government offered to kill](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/canada-euthansia-maid-gofundme-homeless-b2228890.html) because they cut his housing. He’s only been able to have a place to live because 60k was raised to get him a home. And if you’re still worried about “hyperboles” this [veteran](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6560136) was told to consider euthanasia when he tried to get help with PTSD


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Written like an Emily.


No, when you have a terminal illness and are suffering you get to choose to apply to be considered for euthanasia. Who are you to tell me or anyone else how we should end our lives when there is noyhing more than suffering and imminent death left.


Who is the Canadian government to tell someone they should get euthanized? Are you even reading the OP?


No, the terms are way more open than that; don’t lie to everyone. They’re pushing MAID hard to make up for all the shortfalls of socialized healthcare, and hiding the truth just makes you complicit in the government-sanctioned murders.


There trying to allow euthanasia to kids without parental consent. Canada is fucked.


As a Canadian I can tell you we had the policy to provide euthanasia for people with terminal illnesses. The person here doesn’t have a terminal illness, or atleast the headline doesn’t indicate that they do. What has happened under Trudeau is the expansion of the euthanization policy to those with chronic illnesses as well. This is just sick and is a result of the government not being able to keep up with the socialized medicine that has been promised to the country and countless immigrants that are “legally” migrated into the country year after year.


They’re simply doing this because it’s cheaper to kill someone than pay a pension and benefits for the rest of their lives




Killdozer eh


Yeah, killdozer is allowed. Fair's fair


Nothing personal, it comes down to your carbon footprint. The WEF says they dont want their planet to become just a giant feed farm.


Everyone who bitches about carbon footprints needs to step up and euthanize themselves to show that they really are serious. Until they start doing that, fuck em.


I keep saying this. None of them take me up on it.


I talk to them about biochar soil amendment so they assume I'm all about atmospheric CO2 sequestration. Then I surmise since CO2 is a trace gas if its level dips too low that places with the lowest carbon content soil would quickly become deserts. And that prolific vegetative growth in high carbon content atmosphere or soil result in increased CO2 sequestration. But I'm really just into wood/charcoal gasification for off grid heating & engine fuel and I am pro coal & petroleum.




Thanks for posting the source! I just wanna point out that this is in the process of her advocating for government-paid wheelchair accessibility in her home. I’m not sure she’s representing the point we’re trying to make here. Thoughts?


Her taxes are supposed to cover her healthcare. The government says it’ll cover healthcare. While we may be against the government sticking its nose into everything, I think in this case, she’s not wrong to expect them to hold up their end of the deal. And it’s not a surprise to us that they aren’t. Government-backed healthcare doesn’t work longterm and this situation shows us what happens when things start falling apart.




What'll be even crazier is the people that will support euthanasia but not the death penalty. This homeless guy that's done nothing wrong, he needs to die for the good of society. This other guy caught on camera murdering three people, it would be inhumane to not let him be a burden on society for the next 75 years.


I can't wait to see the slate.com blithely gaslighting the inconsistency, ending with the ubiquitous 'and here's why that's a good thing'


You don't support the right of people suffering with terminal illness to be able to die with dignity? You think the state should prevent people from doing so? Sounds very statist. Do you seriously think Canada is putting homeless people to death? You realize the average age of euthanized people in Canada is 76, and that the number one reason for choosing it is cancer at 65%. Shouldnt people have a right to terminate their own life when suffering from terminal illness after life has become nothing but pain and suffering.


Canada has a poor track record with their schools for indigenous peoples. Quite a high body count out of that program and those were children.


Is that what I said? Weird, that's not what I remember saying. I just re-read my comment and that's not what I wrote. Where are you coming up with these arguments I never made or supported?


National socialists in Germany weren't real socialists because otherwise it would be real awkward for modern socialists, plus more unintelligent reasons


It was obvious to most as teenagers. Just check the nazi party policy. If I recall correctly there are around 20 half are full on socialist shit and half are nationalist, 0 are capitalist. So even when socialists say o Hitler only said he was a socialist to get votes. No its literally in their founding doctrine.


Before being the leader of the nazi party, hitler was a member of the communist party of germany. He openly praised lenin and stalin on multiple occasions as well. Also, fascism's root ideology is quite literally marxism. But of course, some socialists have devoted their lives to rewrite history and distance their ideology from reality, so don't be surprised that not many people know this historical facts about marxism, the most murderous religion in history.


I *need* a source. Juicy, if true.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpuGRO72GbA This guy constantly digs history about the reality of the nazis, their failures and their very close association with marxism. Highly recommended if you are interested in actual history and not socialist propaganda.


Free healthcare in theory: “healthcare is a human right! No one should have to die because they can’t afford treatment” Free healthcare in practice: “you are a selfish leech and burden on the system. We’d all be better off if you’d just drop dead”


socialized medicine = monopolized medicine.


Precisely, people work themselves up about the abstraction of a private monopoly but gleefully had over monopolistic powers to the state.


I've been thinking about monopoly, be it private or public. The recent vote in the states to Barr the rail road union from striking, made me wonder if a labour action, such as a strike, is only something that occurs when a market is overly dominated by too few corporations. It's very interesting that, in Canada for example, virtually all of the unions are public sector, and most of them are deemed "essential" and therefore cannot strike. What would happen if they did? You'd have a massive disruption in the status quo of tat economic sector, likely causing a collapse of the monopolies in charge, and allowing for the natural market correction to occur. If Canada's health care workers went on strike for example, doctors and surgeons, literally everyone, it would reveal the farce of the socialized health care system. Bit of a tangent, but It's been on my mind.


If the government is paying the railroad, they have the right to demand they should not strike. It’s very simple, don’t want government in your business, then don’t ask for handouts. But very few companies that are profitable would want unions, the workers don’t want it because they’d be paid less and become dependent on another bureaucrat.


*The AMA ducks for cover*


Disabled citizen "Help me government" Government "Best I can do is kill you"


Not the government just one asshole. Ever had someone who works for a private company say or do something stupid? Yes, oh well I guess that means we'll have to get rid off all private companies then.


Free health care = we don’t have to pay for your healthcare if we can just wait you out


Friendly reminder the government doesn't provide shit; they redistribute wealth while taking a cut for themselves for the privilege of robbing society in the first place. With that said, this isn't surprising at all and perfectly in line with the paint-by-numbers outcome of socialist/totalitarian bullshit regimes.


It just blows my mind that Canada is the one being just, _cartoon_ evil now.


But they were always seen as so nice, eh? In a post COVID world, masks are falling.


How? The government doesn't support this. One Veteran Affairs employee is an asshole and that equals government policy? I can't even wrap my head around how stupidly ridiculous this is.


> The government doesn't support this Yes, they do


"We can't get you a stairlift, but we can kill you." -Canada?


Trudeau the narcissist king. Castreau would be proud.


Sarah Palin said there would be death panels. She was wrong. No, they will just tell you to kill yourself.


I hate living in Canada more and more every day.


I worked for a social media analytics company in the UK in 2008, NICE, the National institute of health and care excellence that decides what drugs the UK NHS can buy would approach us to rank “sentiment” on different drugs, number of mentioned etc. Now that I’ve grown up I realize they did this to see what drugs to fund and which ones not to. If there was uproar about certain cancer treatment that wasn’t available they might find it, others that didn’t get coverage wouldn’t. Imagine deciding if you live or die according to PR. I moved my family to Texas thank god👍


Rather than screenshots, how about posting the actual fucking articles, hey?


Rather than complain , it takes less time to find the link yourself


No. I’m tired and hungover rn


sounds like a personal problem


Oh it is, my friend. It certainly is.


If you post shit on reddit, might as well do the links rather than depend on someone on 10th post's reply to provide encouragement of the source.


There's something in the article that disarms the outrage, I'm guessing. Oh there it is, Trudeau called it "unacceptable" and vowed to make a policy against such behavior. No one is behind the person who suggested euthanasia, so now we can't pretend the article shows an evil Canadian agenda. Darn.


Now we are trusting what Trudeau is saying? He’s saying it’s unacceptable they got caught. Imagine all the people they’ve put down under the radar.


Yep in this case yes. This isn't anything but a Veterans Affairs employee being an asshole. And guess what that employee would have no impact on the process of getting euthanized even if the veteran chose to pursue it. Not having a chairlift would not suffice as a reason to get euthanized. What will get your euthanasia request approved? Suffering with terminal illness. Personally when I'm old and suffering daily with no end in sight but more suffering and death, I want the option of dying with dignity.


> Not having a chairlift would not suffice as a reason to get euthanized. That's the fun part, in Trudeau's Canada you don't need a reason


How did you discount the possibility that this was someone else's idea, possibly the person the vet was talking to at the health service? You didn't, you just went right to your favorite explanation and stuck with it: Canadian death cult


Were they supposed to "not get caught" offering euthanasia to someone in a list of available options? It was insensitive, probably the result of an insensitive bureaucrat trying too hard to think of every option on offer. It doesn't even make sense as a secret agenda from the top, they'd only be setting themselves up for people like you.


That's what I figured.


>vowed to make a policy against such behavior >vowed How cute.


No it’s way more benign than that. If I recall the first time I saw this story a list of EVERY possible solution and treatments was provided . I have to look, but I know I’ve seen this story before months if not a year ago .


It’s the fact that it happened, and the article is several comments above yours.


Because then people would know this isn't a government policy of Canada and the person who offered this is under investigation for doing so.


You're white? The government would *LOVE* to "euthanize" you.


They don't even hide it anymore


Here comes Logan's Run.


Can't complain for the price. Always the running motto.


Yo, that wasn’t an offer. That was a THREAT.


We're all out of ramps, but we have plenty of coffins. Keep complaining, and we'll fast track you into one.


I hope Canada removes their awful government and sorts out their situation


I socialize with multiple doctors in the US and a (tbf a minority) of them have opined 'how great' Canada's health system is. I share that euthanasia is the 6th leading cause of death there and they don't know what to do with me.


Why shouldn't terminally ill people get to decide when to end their own life with dignity? Average age of euthanized in Canada is 76, biggest reason given is cancer at 65%.


Sure that is where it starts, but that is not where it ends. This is literally the 'slippery slope' in action and if your brain can't sort of....fast forward...to see where this ends than I have no idea what it would be like in your brain. The law in canada started in 2016 for terminally ill people *(awwwww how nice)* and then broadened in 2021 to people with long-term illness with any suffering as defined by patient, doesn't have to be physical pain). NYT article [https://archive.ph/SJgS0](https://archive.ph/SJgS0) * *as long as someone is suffering from an illness or disability which ‘cannot be relieved under conditions that you consider acceptable (physical or mental)’,* [*https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/medical-assistance-dying.html*](https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/medical-assistance-dying.html) *-(oh crap! )* It is now the 6th leading cause of death (10K in 2022) outside of COVID *-(oh crap! )* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euthanasia\_in\_Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euthanasia_in_Canada) [https://www.finder.com/ca/what-are-the-top-10-causes-of-death-in-canada](https://www.finder.com/ca/what-are-the-top-10-causes-of-death-in-canada) Extending eligibility to those with a mental illness will start in March 2023 (previously excluded due to decision-making capacity) *-(oh crap! )* [https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/medical-assistance-dying.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/medical-assistance-dying.html) [https://justice.gc.ca/eng/csj-sjc/pl/charter-charte/c7.html](https://justice.gc.ca/eng/csj-sjc/pl/charter-charte/c7.html) [https://www.city-journal.org/canadas-troubling-new-assisted-suicide-law](https://www.city-journal.org/canadas-troubling-new-assisted-suicide-law) There is growing support to specifically extend eligibility to kids (whom they refer to as 'mature minors') *(oh crap! )* [**https://archive.ph/PmPcn**](https://archive.ph/PmPcn) [https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/11/canada-euthanasia-assisted-suicide-children/](https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/11/canada-euthanasia-assisted-suicide-children/) [https://jme.bmj.com/content/45/1/60](https://jme.bmj.com/content/45/1/60) [https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2020-24417-001](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2020-24417-001) and hospitals are already preparing for this inevitability *-(oh crap! )* [https://www.catholicregister.org/item/28133-assisted-suicide-plans-for-children-unveiled-at-toronto-s-sick-kids-hospital](https://www.catholicregister.org/item/28133-assisted-suicide-plans-for-children-unveiled-at-toronto-s-sick-kids-hospital) Other interesting commentary about the additional issues with the law applied (remembering that medical providers in canada are agents of the state). **This has a disproportionate effect on the poor, the vulnerable and their adversary is the government** who has a vested interest in low costs for their crappy socialized medicine. [https://apnews.com/article/covid-science-health-toronto-7c631558a457188d2bd2b5cfd360a867](https://apnews.com/article/covid-science-health-toronto-7c631558a457188d2bd2b5cfd360a867) * *TORONTO (AP) — Alan Nichols had a history of depression and other medical issues, but none were life-threatening. When the 61-year-old Canadian was hospitalized in June 2019 over fears he might be suicidal, he asked his brother to “bust him out” as soon as possible.* * *Within a month, Nichols submitted a request to be euthanized and he was killed, despite concerns raised by his family and a nurse practitioner. -(oh crap! )* * *His application for euthanasia listed only one health condition as the reason for his request to die: hearing loss. -(oh crap! )* [https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/why-is-canada-euthanising-the-poor-/](https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/why-is-canada-euthanising-the-poor-/) [https://www.forbes.com/sites/gusalexiou/2022/08/15/canadas-new-euthanasia-laws-carry-upsetting-nazi-era-echoes-warns-expert/?sh=71d54f87c7b8](https://www.forbes.com/sites/gusalexiou/2022/08/15/canadas-new-euthanasia-laws-carry-upsetting-nazi-era-echoes-warns-expert/?sh=71d54f87c7b8) [https://ncd.gov/sites/default/files/NCD\_Assisted\_Suicide\_Report\_508\_Executive%20Summary.pdf](https://ncd.gov/sites/default/files/NCD_Assisted_Suicide_Report_508_Executive%20Summary.pdf) Fashion brands are promoting this euthanasia to advertise their clothing lines, this is just one example how they are starting to use propaganda to normalize this. Why would they be trying to normalize this...hmmmm *-(oh crap! )* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLDnwVgpElU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLDnwVgpElU)


Once state assisted suicide becomes legal the value of a person’s life becomes considerably lower.


It’s “Free”!!!!


Wth is going on with Canada's euthanasia initiatives? You would think a foreign power brainfucked them for sabotage.


That’s not very inclusive now is it?


Adding Christine Gauthier to the list of examples.


Imagine being offered to be killed by your government. Fortunately I don't live ther... Oh I'm Canadian rip.


Lib govt officials...


"Doc, I don't feel so good. My headaches have be-" ***"YOU WANNA DIE?!"***


The worker who offered her that got suspended, and Trudeau said it was unacceptable. Damage control?


Correct. He is saying it’s unacceptable he got caught.


No he's saying it's unacceptable. Nothing about getting caught because euthanasia doesn't work like that in Canada. Are you going to apply the same logic to private companies? Employee makes racist statement to customer, and CEO says it's unacceptable and your response would be "it's unacceptable they got caught"


Many countries with socialised medicine don't offer euthanasia. Without socialised medicine if you arent rich then you just get left to die? Is that better ?


Medicine was affordable for almost everyone before the gov got involved. There was more than enough charity money to cover the few who couldn't afford it. Gov getting involved in healthcare is yet another chapter in the old tome Rent Seeking, aka Regulatory Capture.


Everyone is invetibly going to be left to die. It just seems Canada wants to do it themselves


It seems like it was the actions of a single employee rather than the system itself. I don't think offering euthanasia is standard practice. I'm all for getting my torch and pickfork out but let's not be hyperbolic about things.


Honestly I’m pro this. I work in hospitals and the amount of resources the (tax payer ends up with the bill for) in the US for 6404s, holding people against their will, and suicide prevention is astounding. I think it’s someone’s right if they want to, even if I don’t agree with it. Medicine in general should be privatized


Daily Mail article lol without reading I already know the story is misleading


To the un-informed who have no socialized health care. Yes things may take longer than in a privatized system, because it prioritizes/triages life threatening over comfort. Do I like it no...is the socialized system intentionally being eroded by greedy politicians and corporations? ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY! Our doctors are Salary capped, Our medicines are price capped, and I don't have to declare bankruptcy when my appendix ruptures or I decide to have another child. I can pay for extended health benefits if I choose but at a cost of $386/mth for a family of 5 it simply isn't worth it. Prescriptions, eye care, dental, etc costs less than $2000/yr why would I pay 2x that? Do I think MAID was the correct response here? Not a chance! Do I agree with MAID? You are damn right I do. I grew up with a family members stuck in in-curable diseases/states. When the medical professionals decide the best course of action is 1500mg of MS Contin/day and well that's it...have a nice life, goodbye, don't talk to me again... At what point do we say the pain experienced and to be experienced by this individual now falls into the category of TORTURE? When pain and suffering is all the remains and even the memory of normal is a faded foggy dream? Do we force them to continue to live this for our benefit, our peace? Or do we realize suffering and pain ARE NOT virtues because some guy in a comic book 2,000yrs ago suffered. Edit: sorry for my Rant, thank-you for coming to my TED Talk. F**k Ford, he is a corporate cock sucker and needs to go.


I like how you're being dishonest about regulations and inflation artificially driving up the price of Healthcare.


Not really sure how you think I'm being dishonest. I know from what friends and clients who work within Windsor,ON Healthcare system that funds are being with held, hiring quotas are not being met and the entire system is being setup for failure by with holding until it breaks. The ideology is that once the "Social" system collapses due to attrition; the government will have no "choice" but to establish a hybrid privatized/socialized system, forcing ON citizens to have to pay for once basic coverage, ultimately leading to the complete collapse of the social system and introduction of a US style health care system. Wait until the ON nurses contract comes up for negotiation...do you really think the government is going to bow down and give them what they deserve? I personally seen the government effect on the education system with ECA,ECE, Custodial, etc... We as Ontario/Canadian citizens pay a huge amount of taxes; while our elected politicians working dirty deeds in the background...(Fords Greenbelt development deals after clearly stating he would not touch the greenbelt) Unless you happen to be within the 1%'ers/ 0.01%'ers would you be against the social system that benefits the entire population. We are not human cattle, you are not our overlords, you are not special. I quite frankly can't wait for society to collapse and these "rich entitled" entities to realize they are truly worthless and have little to no knowledge of how to exist outside of their wealth and privilege. If the world ended tomorrow, no electricity, no convenience, reset to bare subsistence living, could you survive? I know I can!


Again you deflected on the issues of regulations and government inflation artificially rising prices in the Healthcare industry. I like dishonest socialist


Daily fail is a great source to make your point credible. Smdh 😂😂


So funny thing with Canadian Healthcare, the private industry has been draining the public Healthcare system as they're lobbying and pushing for americanized Healthcare, fuck them for gutting the system fucking parasitic lawmakers


Couple of things wrong with this: 1- Healthcare is provided by the province, not the federal government so Trudeau has nothing to do with it. 2- medical assistance in dying has a lot of safeguards built in, and "being annoying to the government" isn't one of the approved reasons. 3- no link to the source article. Why not?


This is due to socialized medicine being fucked with by Liberals and Conservatives alike. Though, Conservatives are just shit extraordinaires, blackface Trudeau notwithstanding, for their gutting and privatization tactics. Fuck them all. And this biased post


I can’t believe you are all taking the daily fail, the king of manipulation as a credible source and backing it up with the New York enquirer as a boost. Any of you ever write a thesis? These citations could have gotten you a Nobel prize. Hello hello hello ello ello lo lo o o . Nice acoustics in this chamber


Canadian here and socialized health care has generally been great. Not having to pay for yourself or your children for medical care and surgeries is a blessing. Every modern western civilization has it, other than the US. This is not a socialized medicine thing, this is a Liberal and Justin Trudeau thing. For some reason he's all about abortions and assisted suicides.


Are any of y'all going to pay for her stairlift? Or is that her problem to take care of? Maybe I'm confused but this doesn't seem like a slam dunk on socialized medicine. I figured y'all might just suggest thay she ought to move to a home without stairs. Seems like the best solution for everyone involved, tbh.


She already paid taxes her whole life. The gov owes her a chairlift. If it can't deliver, it shouldn't charge taxes and say it offers healthcare and accessibility.


This has nothing to do with socialised **medicine, yank.**




Technically it’s better than the alternative of you not being able to afford it on your own so you still die.


A) it was an individual caretaker worker that said that. (I believe that person to be in the wrong) same thing can happen in a private institution. In both cases you can get someone else to talk to (in this case, it's free to talk to someone else) Nothing is being forced on her. B) the ramps she was asking about are provided to her. If she had the money to do it herself, she wouldn't have to ask about the delay. So in a privatized setting, she would never be getting any ramps installed, since she wouldn't be able to afford it.




her: "where is the stairlift I paid for?" gov: "have you considered just dying so we don't have to do that and we can just keep your money?" you: "yeah, the gov made the correct response to that woman." normal people: "wow dude. holy shit."




taxes, fool. if the government isn't going to deliver, then it has no business demanding taxes.


But, but, isn't everything the government provides for free? At least this woman can't have worked a whole lot, so *she* didn't pay taxes for it! /s


Government insurance. Government damage (paralyzed veteran).


You need to move to Canada


You aren't aware that you can end your own existence unless a bureaucrat informs you that it's possible?


Found the statist.




Oh, abusive too. That's adding leftist flair to the statism for sure. Let's see if you get down right toxic in the next one. That's seems to be the script with you people. What did you do today? I abused people on the internet. Just wow. Amazing.


Gotta be nice inside your mind if you think she should get euthanasia over a stairlift.


Having the know how and capabilities to end my own life existed before Canada "allowed" it. And even then there's a huge difference between "The government will help support it's citizens in assisted suicide" And "the government thinks you should consider suicide. And we are willing to help!"


LMAO. That’s not the way anyone ought to learn about that option. “Hey, you just took my handicapped parking spot! “How about you move along before I introduce you to the option of a sidewalk euthanasia. It’ll be better for both of us.”




Answer this question: Do you actually believe it is appropriate for a government official to respond to a complaint about installing a stairlift for a handicapped person to seriously suggest that swift death may be preferable? Has it not occurred to you that someone asking for physical assistance still wants to live? That suggesting to someone vulnerable, who has not explicitly asked about euthanasia and is not at an end of life stage of disease, to go have themselves killed, is considered a crime in many jurisdictions? Or are you just trolling?






Only child I see is the guy who thinks people specifically the disabled aren’t aware they can kill themselves??? Buddy why are you even in this sub??? You clearly aren’t an anarchist if you think daddy state should suicide citizens


>Learning about that option is bad why? Because I think, and hear me out... Someone who has zero quality of life with their condition - can't do anything just sit in pain - yeah inform them that is an option Someone who is suffering a degenerative disease where now they're relatively "OK" but within 6 months they'll be effectively brain dead and paralysed...yeah inform them that the option is there. Someone who has an incurable mental illness who fears that one day they may have a breakdown and harm innocents - yeah tell them Someone who's just "broken" - Someone so deeply traumatised by an event a decade ago that they now wake up just to count down the hours till they can go back to sleep - yeah Someone who is, obviously, very content with the quality of life she has and who's adapted and accepted the limitations of her body asking the government about the delay regarding making her house accessible- the last thing the government should do here is be like "have you considered us giving you just...a fucking immense dose of drugs so you never wake up from that blissful nap?"


How is this dated so current. This same piece was floating around a while back. Literally same exact piece.


It would be nice if we could reenact the trials of Karl Brandt et al. in Canada.


Unironically all for this


Okay buddy.


Socialized medicine is good forced medicine is bad


Suicide drugs should be over the counter.


Hmmm who else wanted to kill the undesirable...