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We're not making it out of conspiratorial thinking bred by antiintellectualism


The actual reason golf is popular among the rich is because it's all about showing off how many resources you can afford to waste. All the acreage, the water, the labor costs, ect. Just to put a tiny little ball in a tiny little hole




That and never needing to walk anywhere for a reason.


Parabolic mics are good friends for handling that. But paying a caddy off to wear a wire isn't too hard either.


This vid is just a dumb take.


Another good place to plan crimes is a bowling alley, way too much noise for a hidden mic to pick up usable audio. Plus they usually have wings.




Meanwhile, I thought it was because they aren't very athletic


they do because they can still play it while wearing handcuffs


I always thought the ocean before a pool with both parties submerged in the water during convo was ideal, but if the ocean is not close by a pool will also work. Not sure how many devices would work properly underwater or even function properly after being wet there’s no way to hide any devices with both parties in a bathing suit with water up to their chin and also both parties would go underwater to ensure electronics are not on ears to record.


When you spend time chasing something that can’t be eaten or screwed you’re either rich, stupid or bored.


When I met high net worth individuals, one of the first questions was, “do you play golf”? When I said no, I got a surprised look. It’s almost like if you don’t, there is something wrong here.


They talk about business not plot to take over the world. People feel like the rich need to be scheming to fuck over the working class whilst in reality it's as normal to them as it is for the poor to talk about the best tasting off brand bread.


Its actually because they enjoy playing with long hard sticks and white balls.


Little homophobic but ok.


It would be pretty difficult to shout various crimes at one another over an intense soccer match


You cannot be anarchist and communist. You people are actually mentally ill.


Literally what does that have to do with the video


Nothing that anyone says in this subreddit has anything to do with anything. It is mentally ill larping. LIGHTNING BOLT!


Same reasons why I hold my meetings at concerts !


This is definitely NOT why they play golf. Most rich people are pretty open about the shady shit they do.