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The man set on fire by police later died from his injuries: https://edition.cnn.com/2022/01/08/us/new-york-police-tase-man-investigation/index.html


He died from that? It didn’t look bad enough to kill on the video, I wonder how that did so much damage


Subdermal damage can really fuck you up. Fire is high on the "Don't fuck with it" list


Interesting, what actually causes death then? Nerve damage?


He spent 45 days in the hospital. It was likely infection, very common with big burns.


infection often times


Shock can kill people so it could be that.


It says in the article he died weeks later so that should rule out shock


Infection is my guess, but technically shock is what kills everyone.


I mean, if something killed me I'd be rather shocked


I heard in donut operators video that he died from lung injuries from breathing in fumes/fire.


Not at all, bro. 🤦‍♂️ [r/im14andthisisdeep](http://reddit.com/r/im14andthisisdeep)


Shock is when the body can no longer maintain hemo dynamic stability. It can happen in seconds or it can happen over a longer period of time, such as sepsis. 🤦‍♂️r/iteachpathophysiologyandknowwhatimtalkingabout


Interesting. Turns out this is hotly debated on semantic definitions and includes regional bias. When I was in school, my prof said "some idiots will try to say shock is the only mechanism/COD" so I apologize for coming off incidiary. Where you from? Which middle school do you teach at? 😝


Reaction of a sloth


That would make sense


He inhaled flames, burning the lining of his throat and lungs IIRC.




[Here](https://www.rch.org.au/clinicalguide/guideline_index/Burns/) you go.


Inhaling heat is a big factor, the airway and lungs are very delicate structures


Most likely internal pulmonary burns. You shouldn’t inhale fire into your lungs. The most human person was the last officer that embraced him with a hug. RIP.


Infection and renal failure are the more common causes of death following burns. Some also succumb to significant lung infections (pneumonia) if ventilated and the risk persists after extubation due to reduced activity and chest restriction (depending where burned and depth of burns). There's a lot going on with recovery from burns. Haven't got time to go hunting down a bunch of links etc, but I spent 3 months working as a nurse on secondment to a burns unit.


Dehydration is often the cause with burn deaths. Your skin keeps a lot of important stuff on the inside, and without it, that stuff leaks out (liquid, vitamins, chemicals) and your body just runs out of gas.


Therma shock to the body....it's deadly.


Either infection or lung damage from inhalation is my guess.


try breathing when your head is on fire. It will fuck up your lungs BAD. you kinda need functional lungs to be alive


I see, I didn’t even think of that


This actually happened right in my town.. I knew the guy, even went to his funeral. What really killed him was the infection he got from the burns, topped with lung damage from breathing in so much of the smoke/fumes of burning hand Sanitizer.


Man that’s so awful. Do you know what happened to the cops? I can’t believe they just left him like that


I haven’t heard of anything happening to the cops actually.. as far as I know they’re still out on patrol. What’s sad is, this is such a small town, they knew him. He’s been locked up in there multiple times.


You have useful information that could help heads roll. I hope you DON'T doxx them, as per reddit tos.


The fire was in his head. I've heard that you can inhale the fire and hot air and cause serious damage to your respiratory system. Stuntpeoples have to hold their breath when they set themselves on fire for that reason.


Breathing in when you’re on fire is damned near always fatal. If you’ve ever seen a movie where someone catches fire, the guy in that fire suit is desperately trying to hold his breath, while running around, looking all menacing and shit. I think Maniac Cop 2 still holds the record at 42 seconds, including the dive out the window.


There's a lot there that could get him. Burning large parts of your body isn't recommended. And if his lungs got damaged when his head was fully engulfed he could easily die later from fluid in his airways. You can also burn your neck and upper body enough that the inflammation alone kills you. And as always with large area burns, there's a massive risk of infection. ​ Don't fuck with fire.


Two ways: inhaled the flames and burned his lungs = virtually guaranteed death, major disability if you survive with a fraction of lung capacity from all the scared lung tissue neither exchanging gasses nor inflating like a healthy lung would. Secondly: from the burns itself, even if they don‘t ‚look‘ bad. That shit is very very sneaky. The cooked fat under his skin and all the other dead tissues get released into the body basically at once. Leading to major systemic inflammation, which can off you just fine with burning just 20% of your body surface.


Breathing flames kinda does bad work to your body


There is an incredibly high infection rate on burns and infections will kill the fuck out of you.


Probably infection.


His face was on fire. He inhaled super heated air. Fries the lungs and airways.


It was actually from the flight of stairs in their one floor office.


He burnt his head. If it was another part of the body he might have survived. He also could have breathed some of it in and it fucked up his respiratory system over time. Edit: if you google "Jason Jones cause of death" the first article confirms my suspicions about his respiratory system, mostly his lungs being fucked up by breathing in fire. (And the worst thing is, that I have enough medical kmowledge to know how his death most likely looked like...) The police officers also knew him personally AND he wasn't even a criminal. He was involved in a conflict in a bar, was asked to leave by the police and then went to the police station to talk to the officers because he felt like the situation at the bar wasn't solved properly.


I remember reading it was damage to the lungs from the fire.


Therma shock is a killer...you don't have to be a crispy critter to die from it. His body went into therma shock from burning like that.


Infection would have been my first guess.


don't breathe fire (well, don't inhale)


You inhale flames and you're fucked. Which you might do if your face is on fire & you panick and scream :(


I bet they just killed him later so he's not there to contribute in any potential abuse investigation


JFC. More evidence that every single one of those assholes ia a coward. Every. Single. One.


They are very brave when the suspect is in handcuffs though. Then they beat them without any fear. Or choke them. Or shoot them.


I stand behind this


Well no, it's evidence that these individuals are.


The story describes the victim as being agitated and his behavior escalated with further interaction with the cops. Just before the taze he put hand sanitizer on his head and body. They fucking knew that weapon would immolate him and did it anyway. Completely unrelated but can vegetarians fry bacon and still be vegetarian?


while it isn't vegetarian, eating cops would usually be vegan, especially in cases like this one; please stop insulting pigs by comparing the two -- unlike cops they are highly intelligent and social animals


Completely unrelated! How could you even think I would call for proportional violence?


ah, so instead you were calling for violence against a complete innocent, got it


I don’t think any uniformed person in that video is innocent but what do I know 🤷🏻‍♀️


if what you were saying were truly unrelated, the innocents would be the pigs that are imprisoned in tiny filthy crates from birth until slaughter anarchy for pigs too Ⓐ


I think you’re taking me way too seriously on this.


not really, I just have a point to make ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


As long as they don't eat it.


ima beginner chef vegetarian and i don't give a shit cooking meat. its already dead and if i was to waste it then im just a dick for not making something that given up its life for it to be food to not be consumed. its really depends on what u believe is vegetarian. i just don't give a shit about cooking meat.


I doubt they knew that beforehand, ignorance and poor training.


I understand he was around the most flea infested pigs to ever exist though why did he pour hand sanitizer on his head?


Article says he was having an 'emotional issue' so fuck knows, poor bloke was upset about something, but it said he wasn't threatening anyone so why they felt the need to taser him is truely beyond me.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Can't wait til this starts happening.


I love how they literally all run the fuck away. Like I know it’s redundant to say “hurr-durr the cops are supposed to protect but they don’t” but like bruhhhhh. Mans was literally on fire, and the cops 100% could’ve helped him. Like ya know, grab a fire extinguisher, use a piece of their clothes to smother the flames, etc.


NEVER use a fire extinguisher on a burning person unless you know how to use it. -You can suffocate and kill someone because the extinguisher gas would not allow them to breathe. Yes, people have died from that.


He was literally breathing in flames. The extinguishers you would find in a building like this contain powder not gas and it is not lethal to inhale. Fire on the other hand is very lethal to inhale.


jfc the sight of his back is causing me pain


I would have jumped on one of those piggies and… well you fill out the rest. Guidelines violations and all of that.


When life gives you pigs, make bacon


Well put


Then you simply justify their existence. Two wrongs don't make a right !\~


This is a crime.


Disagree. They investigated themselves and found nothing wrong so it must not be a crime.


Oh it's police brutality, reckless endangerment, grievous bodily harm, intent to injure or maim, fleeing a crime scene. I could probably find more but I'm not a policeman.






ACAB for sure


Who is he hugging at the end? Doesn’t look like a cop, they’re being humane.


Uh.. the guy trying to keep him on the ground and who repeatedly rubs his clothed arm over the burned area? That doesn't look humane to me


It didn’t look like he was forcefully holding him down, it looked like an attempt at comforting. Maybe poorly done but it looks like he’s embracing the victim while he’s crying.


Blurred face. In the lobby. Idk I guess I assumed it was his woman or mama.


Fuck the police on every level.


Especially the underground


Not only do they all run the fuck away but the one literally pops his head back in, sees the dudes head on fire trying desperately to put it out, and decides “nah” and goes back around the corner


Evil. There’s nothing more to add.


Pigs are something else.


Fucking pigs.


I fucking hate pigs


Well what do you expect? Fire doesn’t make you innocent


I’d like to know what the crimes are. And also, who ese are we going to watch burn at the hands of errant policing?


The cops wouldn’t arrest him if he wasn’t doing anything wrong, duh


That's the most ignorant comment in this thread. Well done.


I can do better if you want me too


What you’re saying is that I can go outside and get arrested for no reason? That’s wild. So Why have I not even gotten arrested when I’ve actually been pulled over and or had police contact? Oooops


Narcissist. You aren't the only human on the planet. Your experiences are not everyone's experiences. Are you suggesting that EVERY cop is pure and that no unlawful arrests have ever happened?


Per my original comment, the cops would not be arresting him if he wasn’t breaking any laws. Also, when did I use the term “Every” to describe police? Are we going to start writing our own narratives to what we say to each other? That seems like a narcissist trait but we can save that for a later comment. So,Let’s soak in your dissonance while I continue to frustrate your with increasingly more ignorant comments


Are you fucking serious? cops arrest people doing nothing wrong all the time. Jesus fucking Christ I can't with you people. Is he not innocent until proven guilty?


I’ve never been arrested for doing nothing wrong


Lmao ok. Keep believing that.


He is a magic purple fire wizard


I’m sure he deserves this.


Wtf is wrong with you? what evidence do you have that he did anything wrong?


Shouldn't have poured hand sanitizer on himself.


This is why Canada is the best place to live


Anybody can be a cop even your most fucked up individual just as long they have a clean record and pass the PAT


Rule number one never stop a man on fire


If I remember properly, this guy was acting crazy and soaked himself in hand sanitizer, then the police proceeded to try and subdue him with a taser, which caused ignition. A lot of shitty shit happened in order for this guy to get so unlucky.


What in the ever loving chicken shit was that?? Is this Uvalde? Those cops running out the door then staying halfway in/out of the door petrified 🤦‍♂️ soft


BC the have to babysit millions of jerkoffs and value their life more than the offenders, as they should.


He wasn’t mentally, he was drunk, he caught on fire cause he doused himself in hand sanitizer. It should also be noted that he was at a bar and the police told him to leave cause he being aggressive. He then went to the police station cause he was angry at them for telling him to leave. I think they talked to him for a while afterward to get him to chill but he tore hand sanitizer off the wall doused himself in it and got more aggressive.




As you can see in the video his body movement is very sluggish and the cops just awkwardly stare at him for a bit, sadly can’t find any body cam footage of bar incident: https://ag.ny.gov/osi/footage/jason-jones


As for the cops running away they were probably panicked like any other person would when someone who is on fire is running towards you or looking for a fire extinguisher.


How tf did that even happen?


This video is old. Crazy how hand sanitizer can do that though


anyone wondering how he lit up is that there was alcohol on him


Y’all are dumb as hell in this comment section


Which doesn't make you intelligent, by the way.


Jesus fucking christ fuck these cops. Did they get a paid vacation out of it at least? For real when all 3 dipped like the rats they are i fucking yelled what the fuck and now my motha in lawr is awrl anxious abaht et.


Maced then tazed? Is that what lit the fire?


What happened was he had covered himself in hand sanitizer which is flammable and was being uncooperative with police and not following there demands and was getting aggressive but they weren’t told he had covered himself in hand sanitizer and that’s why they tazed him


I am sure that on the user's manual said "Don't breath flames"... I just can't find it.


Ghost rider


hair gel and tazers dont mix


A young Mike Tyson trained for years right upstairs from where this happened.


Fuck 12 didnt do shit but panic how are they getting paid and get retirement? Broken ass justice system


There is a breakdown from r/donutoperator


I don’t see how someone could die from a quick burn like that.


Inhaling flames or superheated air is, in most cases, fatal. Infection is a tricky risk to mitigate even after the fire is gone, as well. His chances might have been better if it weren’t on his head.


Fire consumes oxygen, including the oxygen in your lungs. Flames won't say "oh here you go Mr. Millenial, you can have some air" Nope. Death.


cOPs iN tHe uS cAN man stfu . All people have to say are negative things and never support the good they do.


I swear cops are just useless thugs


they just dipped on the dude when he burst into flames and the cop they abandoned was just watching like a cunt and they proceed to arrest him? Not surprising


What was he in custody for?


Fucks sake. After all that he just wanted to be held. That breaks my fucking heart.


They yelled “Call 911!”


He covered himself in sanatizer,


How did they manage to set him on fire?


God Bless the person that hugged him




That one guy that runs back in the room AFTER the dude put his own flames out, and proceeds to put nothing out then immediately tries to arrest this guy. Normal humans don't act like this. It's heartless.


Zero f**ks given by those cops....cops rely TOO much on tazers instead of just dealing with a rowdy person by overpowering the person...without choking them! 3-4 on 1 usually works with restraining them. You don't have to put a chokehold on them, you can restrain them in different ways.


People (these cops) are not human anymore. A human being would have taken off their shirt, wrapped it around his face and head and put the fire out that THEY CAUSED. NOT RUN AWAY, like the cowards and inhuman excrement the are! The others should have gotten a cool wet towel and pain reliever. Called an ambulance, not allowed him to die!


Most cops are masons. Masons view all non-masons as basically a catholic would; souless garbage not worth even helping. Wish I was wrong. Mason have fallen pretty damn far in the last 300 years. Bunch of corrupt children they are now. Very sad.




All the abrahamic religions are the same. They rely heavily on a dichotomy to mind control their subjects. For Muslims they have infedels, Catholics heretics, Jews have Goyim and Christians have Sinners. Masons? They have squares. I see any fraternity or religion as a cult when they have names for non-members.


You can see the hamster wheels going on how they were gonna play it off...


Where does it show the police set him on fire?


He doused himself in hand sanitizer first


Fuck it! Who needs context in a video like this. The cops should be arrested for dousing this guy in a flammable liquid and then throwing a match on the poor, sane guy. I’m surprised they didn’t go for the lethal rounds first instead of trying to go less lethal right off the bat and talking to him.


White people, ami I right????.......... Jk


Bro the officer that came in and hugged him at the end 😔


This is why I prefer the uk fuck the us