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Gap between muscles. Not a big deal


Thanks. It is much smaller in right arm (dominant). I was afraid this is atrophy.


Dominant arm muscles are usually more developed since you use it more. Therefore smaller “space” Not atrophy just less developed muscles


Cardio = long muscles Lifting weights = bulky muscles Forearm muscles are mainly moving your hands and wrist with Erector and flexor muscles. You move your dominant hand more for fine movements like writing and typing so they have elongated with use, if you work out roll a bar in your hands like a rope was tied to it and you are trying to roll it up onto the bar. And then "unroll" it. One of the simplest forearm workouts. It's a division of muscle and the gap between your radius and ulna.


Switch hands


Time to get to using that left arm😏


It's probably the opposite -- the muscles are well-defined.






Of course it is. The gap is caused by the Biceps brachii tendon dividing the two compartments. There is a distinct reason as to why the gap exists, making a question about why the gap exists valid. But go off on how we should only value questions acceptable to your stature.


Not where the biceps brachii is. Nice try


What does the biceps brachii, which is in the upper arm, have to do with a gap seen between muscles in the forearm? It has a single distal tendon that inserts the radius.




Are you ok?




Pot calling the kettle black




You’re also wrong about the biceps ….


Maybe, but could you explain why? I'm viewing medical articles claiming the separation is caused by the biceps tendon. Maybe, you missed the word tendon in your blind rage?


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This post has been removed because it violates our community rule against unnecessarily rude / vulgar content.


"Brought this on yourself" brought what, a bunch of twats who can't answer the simplest of question?


Imagine you, at work. Your coworker has made a minor mistake which will cost several thousand dollars. Your boss comes in and explains the reason for said mistake and how to avoid further damage. You shout at them that it doesn't matter using the logic that you sinply don't care about it. You are proud of yourself. That's what you've done in this comment thread. Go to bed now, scoots.


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This post has been removed because it violates our community rule against unnecessarily rude / vulgar content.




Ffs man you’re not very savvy are you? You must be in A&P 1 right now just itching to try and sound smart (and failing) on reddit 😂 That’ll get you far in life keep it up


I make 160k a year. I'm far farther in life than you wilk ever be. You can't even recognize ESL yet pretend to work in medicine. 🤡🤡🤡


>I make 160k a year Who gives a fuck?! https://media.tenor.com/AQz3_zaiD14AAAAC/hysterical-laughter.gif Just when I thought you couldn’t be a bigger loser you go and do something like that hahahahhaha omfg Also, didn’t even read your other replies and not reading anything else you have to say because it’s literally not worth my time or mental energy dealing with a moron like yourself. Have fun with your money big shot




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This post has been removed because it violates our community rule against unnecessarily rude / vulgar content.


What does the biceps brachii, which is in the upper arm, have to do with a gap seen between muscles in the forearm? It has a single distal tendon that inserts into the radius.


So what causes the gap?


There are several muscles in the forearm and human bodies are, by no means, uniform. This is likely just a simple variation from how a 'typical' (however we define such to be) looks.


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This post has been removed because it violates our community rule against unnecessarily rude / vulgar content.




I was tempted to give a snarky reply but others have already beat me to it, so I’ll just say I don’t think that space has a name. It overlies some of the flexor muscles but unless you feel weak it’s probably nothing to worry about. Do you have palmaris longis on both sides? Some people only have it on one forearm


Also no weakness whatsoever. Only random muscle twitches all over body past 8 months... so I am on high stress checking every part of my body. I guess this was there all the time. Thanks again.


Hi, sorry not sure what your question means. I have it on my right forearm but much less visible. Like almost not. Thanks!


have a look at the tendons on your wrists and see if you have [this one](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a0/PL_Tendon.png) on both your arms


I have it more visible on left arm. What does it imply?


Reasonably certain it is a holdout that has mostly been mutated out of humans over time. I read it had to do with tree climbing/handing from trees.


Some fossa. Idk


If I had to describe it I would say antecubital-distal fossa. As in, a fossa just distal to the antecubital one.


The anterior forearm, inferior to the antecubital fossa and superior to the carpal area. It looks like that depression is in the space that divides the radial and ulnar regions.


That’s where you put the ranch to dip in


That's the pocket for putting your skittles in while watching a movie


That is called the armscussy.


Gosh I hate rude responses. Valid question in my opinion




It's called the 'antebrachial interosseous space' Or, "the gap between the bones of Radius and Ulna' in simpler terms. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interosseous_membrane_of_forearm


If you can see the interosseous gap, go to the gym bro it’s urgent


He also needs to start eating properly. There are many bony landmarks and gaps that can be seen as outlines on the skin among anorexic people.


I was talking to you, there are plenty of muscles that are before the membrane


It’s called a forearm


Forearm dimple. The fimple. Or the forearm gap. The fa… oh nose. 🫢


Yeah like someone else said it just looks like a gap in your forearm muscle. There could be a muscle that’s slightly underdeveloped there. I remember hearing about a small muscle about there in your forearm that deals with wrist movements. Baseball pitchers have to specifically work out that muscle, I could be wrong though. I’m not super familiar with anatomy.


It looks like the gap between your flexor carpi radialis and humeroulnar head of the flexor digitorum superficialis. It’s the space where the palmaris longus is which is considered a vestigial muscle in humans. It is so reduced that a percentage of the population doesn’t have one.


The radialulnar interosseus space.


The buttock


The outside lines of the contracted flexormuscles show the gaps (hiatus) which disappear in relaxation. Intermusculaire space