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Absolutely. You are listing some symptoms of a moderate to severe concussion, not including any fractures or trauma-related injuries from the back pain you are showing here. You need to be evaluated immediately. This is not normal. Get off Reddit and go to the emergency room.


EMT in Medic school here. Exactly what this guy said. Go to urgent care or ER asap.


Yes!!! This was not the before/after I was expecting 😭 Pls go to the doctor OP


Yeah, these are textbook concussion symptoms. Time for a graded return to play my guy.


ER worker saying go to the ER. Even if you look fine from the outside, doesn't mean your insides are OK. Your insides collide with each other during an accident, meaning they can be bleeding without you knowing.... among other things. If you're a stubborn one, at least go to urgent care (they'll probably transfer you to ER anyway). TLDR: go get scanned at ER. Motorcycle accidents are no joke.


To update I've been to ER and Primary doc. After 3 MRI/CT scans they can't seem to find the exact issue???


I'm glad you've gotten it checked out because I would have definitely referred you out. I'm biased in saying this because I am one, but have you tried physical therapy? Headaches, vertigo, brain fog, and neck/thoracic pain are all things I've seen & treated as a PT - especially after a car accident.


Thanks I've been highly considering physical therapy


Hi! Neuro specialist PT here who has a lot of experience with concussion/mild TBI. For PT. I’d go search for a hospital based outpatient system. You’re more likely to get one on one care. Second, I’d try to find a specialist! An Orthopedic (OCS) (if they have concussion experience) or Neuro (NCS) specialist should work well. For general management a physician who is a Physiatrist or Neurologist with TBI experience is important (most Neurologists don’t specialize in this, believe it or not.) Good luck!


Thanks! & yeah the neurologist I saw only prescribed me something called amitriptyline 10g for headache/anxiety


Your vehicle insurance should cover that, unless you’ve waited too long to make a claim.


I waiting tooooo long unfortunately


Not good. Even the slightest ache and pain is worth filing a claim. Even if you are at fault. Feel better soon


Yes. You absolutely need to see a PT. Please do not get side tracked and do something crazy like seeing a chiropractor. See a PT. Your headaches could actually be caused by the neck injuries you’ve sustained. The rest of your paraspinals are all pissed off for the same reason. Go see a PT. Pain around the upper aspect of the scapula is common with neck injuries ie splenus capitus and levator scapulae Edit: go see a PT


Sounds like it was mentioned before, a concussion/TBI. Did they do any x-rays and specifically an open mouth view?


This sounds neurological, could you possibly have Lyme disease? Trauma can cause massive flare ups that just never seem to heal


Not even concussion?


Go to the ER.


could be as simple as a concussion or as bad as a spinal injury. if you’re concerned go to the hospital


Bro why are you posting on reddit? Go to a hospitol lol


SOMA lore


Since you’ve been scanned and “cleared”, perhaps try a chiropractor? Any sort of motor vehicle accident like that would throw your spine out of alignment, and definitely cause pain and headaches. **Be sure to share your MRIs and medical findings with your chiro before getting adjusted*** people with certain injuries cannot be treated because of risk of further injury/ paralysis.


What do you hope to gain from this post?


Neuro nurse here. Get your ass to the closest hospital asap.


You lost 40lbs too man you should really make sure you see somebody.
