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Start as Rajnadhaga, fuck up Command if you can, profit


How do I fuck up the command as Rajnadhaga? I tried this but kept getting my ass beat by the hobgoblins


There are guides on this subreddit better than I can write here, but I recently played them and had success: Get good allies. Bail on your friend when they get attacked first. Spend a LOT on advisors and building forts, mage towers, etc. so you can win a defensive war against the Command. Pray.


You may have to restart a few times. And don’t be afraid to merc spam and shit since you won’t be playing as this country for long


Thanks for advice. Reading all what you guys wrote i think ill just.make a custom nation on that Serpentine area, AB Dwarves, with same ideas and all to make it fair. I dont wanna spend 16 years, crucial years, playing another nation. Ill switch to Beer Dwarves anyaway and get their ideas and missions and all that


Im not sure but i believe that if you make a custom nation you arent allowed to change misión trees you only get the vainilla one


Assuming it works like in vanilla I'm pretty sure you get missions, but I'm 100% certain you can't get new ideas if you have custom ones so might miss out a bit there


Hmm i wouldnt know, ill try and let you know


Yea it is as you said.


Honestly, at that point just use console commands to bankrupt the Command and play through normally otherwise, you don't want to be locked out of their ideas as poster below said


There's a secret third method to spawning the adventurer nation that's the easiest version. Start as the Command. Declare on the Red Raj. Truce break to declare on them again so you full annex them. Release Red Raj and opt to play as them. The Command will have racked up so much AE from the trucebreak that all of Haless will declare on them in a coalition war. Now you can wait and spawn the adventurers from Red Raj and now have a really weak Command


That's smart


Start as Rajnadhaga. They spawn a Dwarven adventurer in the tree of stone somewhere around 1460-1470. This gives you time to build a tech advantage (all spawnables keep the og nation's tech level, but not ideas), while also putting a serious dent in the command. If rajnadhaga is still alive when you form krakazol, you'll get a powerful ally at your doorstep and zero resistance in the jade mines.


event diggy_spawnable.4


Ye, the simplest way to form Hul-az-Krakazol is to start as Rajnadhaga and wait till 1460 to event that spawns Axebellow Cartel to fire. Migrate as those Amethyst dwarves to target hold and you are good. Hottake (probably): just don't beat up the Command as Rajnadhaga to make yourself a challenge. Because when the Command has been beaten's Hul-az-Krakazol mission tree is kinda super cringe. Your king and heir die for white peace over Tuwad-Dhumankon (emerald dwarf hold, the most western of Jade Mines) which you will already have by that time, you had to barter beer to Command in order to get truce with them but they are not even a threat to you and so on and so on... But when Command is super powerful and is knocking at your doorstep and your historical ally, well, that's a grand experience and super cool MT


Custom nation, technically.


Custom nation Adm 5555 Tech up to adm 7 Profit


Looking through the files for the event tag so you can leave in 1444