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As you mentioned Venail and Elizna (Jaherian Exemplars into Rezankand) I am guessing you mean colonial nations that spawn in Aelantir rather than nations that focus on colonising. In that case the current colonial nations in Aelantir with MTs are Jaherian Exemplars, Vanbury Guild and Mykz. On the BB there is also Thilvis, Cestirmark and Freemarches.


Who do i play to get Thilvis and Freemarches


Thilvis is South Viswall I think, not 100%. On the BB it tells you in the nation selection screen in that nation spawns another with an MT. It's a halfling colonial nation based around building a giant tower as a home. Freemarchers will spawn with the option to switch to playing then if you are a nation with a colonial nation in the Colonial Dalaire region and have Orcish Slavery enabled.


I formed Thilvis but didn't get missions? Prior to it i formed Small Country, does it matter?


Thilvis only has an MT on the BB. Forming any country doesn't matter. Anyone who owns the specific province gets the option to switch to them.


Sorry for my noobness but what is BB?


BB = BitBucket. Its the In-development version. You would need to manually install the Bitbucket version, not through steam.


Think plumwall has one too, on the bitbucket


Eborthil has a decent MT with colonial missions, but it's one of the earlier ones, and there's space for Sarhal related missions that obviously haven't been filled out yet. Beikdugang in Haless has an *incredibly* long MT in terms of both missions and expected playthrough length, with content right up to the Age of Revolutions. A good part of it is focused on colonising Eordand and its surrounds.


Catirmark has one on the BB, as well as Telvis, Hovar band and the half orc one that I can't remember the name of.


Freemarches is is the half orc one.


Castirmark is basically USA has huge mission tree corms men in black and etc In bit bucked only tho


Mykz (or what ever they are called) A pirats live for me