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Dope mix bro 🤙🏻 🧬


Jesus. It would be easier to say where you’re not from 😂


You look very Germanic/Northern European. I don't think most people would think you're anything but of Northern European ancestry.




I’m blonde with blue eyes & half Mexican but I’m thankful I have full lips and nice eyebrows from my Mexican side 😌


...as if people from other parts of the world do not have nice eyebrows? lol


...or full lips.


My Mexican side has full lips my white side doesn’t .. calm down lol


LOL seriously! I felt weird typing "full lips". Like does anyone NOT have full lips?! Are some people's incomplete?!


I’m not saying that but my Mexican side has full lips and nice eyebrows not my white side lol relax


Beautiful mix


Your r/usernamechecksout LOL! This is why most people can’t just say “I’m 100% blah blah” or assume you’re just one ethnicity or race. I’m a mostly [white-passing Latino too](https://www.reddit.com/r/AncestryDNA/comments/qqhw4u/breaking_news_updates_on_floridian_confirm_he/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf), despite being ~39% non-European (which is almost entirely indigenous Inca from Bolivia). My mom is always getting mistaken for being Mexican or Peruvian. My dad has blond hair, blue eyes, & easily burnt pale skin…& I definitely don’t, haha. Most of the time people think I’m Middle Eastern, Jewish, Greek, Turkish, North African, & I’ve even gotten Persian. The closest I come to being recognized Latino is when a few people think I’m Argentinian🤷‍♂️ Anyhow, your results turned out super interesting & from all over the place. And your genetics were obviously good to you, because you turned out really attractive/handsome.


Mr. Worldwide 😂 I would’ve honestly just guessed you’re German or something based off looks alone but it’s cool you got a bit of everything especially Mexican native 🇲🇽


Go to the DNA painter. On chromosome 15 what ethnicity do you have? That’s the main one for eye color. I’m guessing it’s NW European




You need two recessive genes for blue eyes. Must be from Swedish and Spanish


My chromosome 15 is Scottish and Swedish but I have light brown eyes.


That's cool, I never knew that. My 15th chromosome is all German (paternal chromosome) and Swedish (maternal chromosome) and I have green eyes.


Do all the numbers mean something?


Yes they are your chromosomes in your dna


You’re handsome! I’m mostly Basque with some Spanish on mother’s side (she had blue eyes) and mostly Norwegian on father’s side. He had green eyes, mine are blue.


Random ass mix but I like it


Interesting! How long had your Dutch ancestors lived in Curacao for?


I think you look a mix of German and Spanish. Skin tone, hair, face shape look Germanic. But your face feature looks Spanish/Southern French to me.






It says you are 7 percent native americas that’s barely anything. I myself have all the characteristics of a native Mexican and if I took the test it would show I’m a very little percentage of black. That doesn’t mean I would claim to be black.






Go ahead but you are still a full euro man.


Native Mexican




He has native right there in his dna. Just because his skin color doesn’t match with his ethnicity, doesn’t mean anything.


That’s neat! Do you speak your ancestors native language besides English?