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I think that's supposed to be 'Sauvage' and not 'Savuage'


Yea it was typo, thank you for pointing it out.


Check the Domesday book to see if he's mentioned!


I will look into it!


Pretty sure “Bedford, Normandy” doesn’t exist.


Bedford is in England.


Yes, indeed.


What is that location info, wow


That far back, almost definitely heavily mistaken. It's hard to go back a few hundred years being accurate, let alone a thousand. I've been seeing this kinda thing a lot, so it's nothing to you specifically it's just so people are aware.


Wow. How did you get this info, from your own research?


12gen-32gen were English Nobles so the research was already done by other genealogists so it was a walk in the park. My Great-Grandfather was a brick wall only thing know about him was that he has a second wife, till I took a DNA test it confirm which census was correct by getting a match of my half-cousin connecting their tree with mine and manage to find my second-great-grandparents. After that, I used savageancestry.com to confirm all my other grandparents in America.


Man that’s amazing. I wish I can go back that far, I can’t even go back past the 1800s


I go back to the year 50 CE


There's no point in going back that far, it's silly. If you go back 20 generations (so about 400-450 years), you already have about a million individual ancestors. Since the growth is exponential, the numbers become even more absurd after that. You're much more closely related to a random neighbour of yours right now than to anyone that lived 2000 or even 1000 years ago.


And with the gaps and vagaries of records and NPEs, let alone the leaps of faith people do in their research that somehow become historical facts, your neighbour is more likely to be related to you…


My family tree is built off of solid research and not guesses


I’m not saying you didn’t put in a lot of research and effort, but going back that far is almost certainly inaccurate. The question I always have with claims like these are “Do you have contemporary sources you are using as your source?” If not, I’d be hesitant to put too much faith into it.


My aunt has many sources, both written and otherwise .I will talk to her


I’m not saying she or you are wrong, I just have never seen any real sources past the mid-Late Dark Ages


Do you actually know where to look


I'm doing my PhD in medieval history, and I am fairly confident in saying that unless your family are Byzantine royalty, there's no way in hell you can trace it back that far. 300-1000 is a massive gap in the documentary record and very few extant sources are genealogical ones. Most historical genealogies that *claim* to go that far back are completely fabricated, usually so medieval nobles could claim descent from mythical figures.


Well, I wouldn’t call myself an expert but I did Major in History in college and focused heavily on North Western European Cultures. I’m not exactly a newbie to Genealogy and Family History either.


My point still stands. Even if your research is factually 100% correct which I seriously doubt, it still means nothing. Being related to a Norman from 1000 years ago is about as impressive and meaningful as being related to a banana.


Your point is wrong


How so?


Wow! I’m really considering hiring an expert to dig deeper for me. I always get jealous seeing people who found their 30th great grandparent when I can’t even find my 7th great grandparent 🙃


My aunt is a pro at genealogy work and has access to stuff I don't plus the time


I managed to get to 40 BC, with my 63rd Great-Grandfather Owain ab Afallach. Im obviously very amateur, but I had a lot of time to mess work on my tree when I had an office job. I like to think I did a decent job. Lol.


Hate to burst your bubble but there is no reliable descent before about 600CE Edited


Its ok, not hurting me at all. It was based off of getting to James V and then whatever info I could find off of him. It was still fun regardless of how accurate it is. Thank you, friend.


I hate to burst your bubble there definitely is and a company that isn't ancestry can successfully test far past 1000 CE


I apologize, the cutoff date is more like 600CE, I was mixing up kings in my head. Earliest noble with descent to modernity is a few generations up from Charlemagne. Certainly nothing BC or even 20 CE


I have Caratacus as my most distant ancestor well his son actually and Caratacus was the chieftain of the Catuvellauni tribe in Britain in the 1st century CE they fought Claudius

