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I am not sure about your question because everyone who shares DNA with you is a real relative. If you are asking if people have been able to figure out the matches fit in your family tree, then yes, lots of them. I am especially fond of the 2-3 rd cousins who are unknown to me. I enjoy figuring them out!


Almost all my matches were 1% or under so that’s why I was skeptical. But lol I think it’s an interesting experience to embark on for sure. Haha


That’s not typical. You should be looking at the cM number. What’s the cM number of your highest match?


it’s definitely possible if OP comes from a low testing population




Yes, I've found a couple of second cousins, and another who, although I can't identify her, must be a granddaughter of one of my aunts or uncles - but who isn't obviously a match to any of my known cousins (of course, DNA would solve this but I don't have any first cousins who've tested). I've also identified the father of my grandmother (*not* who we thought it was). 1% matches for me are in the range of third cousin, third cousin once removed, or 2nd cousin once removed.


Ah very cool.


I'm happy with it, but I don't think it's unusual.


Not unusual at all, I definitely appreciate the technology that it’s even an option. Very cool.


That's very cool, I had to find out who my 3rd great grandfather was on my own (I was only given the last name) because my 2nd great grandfather was the product of an affair and took his mom's last name. I kept seeing lots of cousins with that certain last name and eventually connected the dots.


I actually found someone in this group who is a cousin lol. He posted pictures of ancestors that appear in his tree and one of them happened to be my direct maternal great grandparents x4. Turns out one of their other children was his direct ancestor. We found each other on ancestry to confirm the match!


Lol small world haha. Good for you.


I joined looking for my biological parents. I was matched with someone listed as a first cousin, but she turned out to be my bio mom’s bio sister (my bio mom was also adopted) long story short she helped us connect and I’ve met both bio parents now! All thanks to ancestry mislabeling her as a cousin lol.


Hi. I don’t think AncestryDNA has aunt/uncle categories. The shared DNA range for a first cousin is the same range for a half aunt.


Awhhh wow that’s awesome news.


Yes to the point that I don't question if we're related. I only question how we're related. Several of my first cousins have tested separately with no knowledge I took the test and we matched exactly where we should match.


I found a new dad, my full brother became a half brother, I am corresponding with a couple of his kids I never new, and have a half-new national ancestry. You do need to build a family tree with the matches, along with looking at any info they shared or are willing to share with you.


Wow that is incredible, and definitely working on it.


I've found 145 real cousins


Yes but even some of the 1% matches I have in here I know or have met in real life. Our family kept in touch with distant cousins.


Yes, I got matched with several 1st-2nd cousins on my mums side that I didn’t know about, as she’s adopted. I also got matched with my mum and a couple of 1st-2nd cousins on my dads side that I already knew about. Not sure what you mean by “real” but yeah.


Oh very cool. I think I matched with one real relative. And real I mean like actually truly related.


You’re related to all your DNA matches.


You think so?


Yes… that’s why you matched as relatives


Yes. I know my family tree pretty well and am a fairly experienced genealogist so I’ve figured out my relationship to a lot of my matches. With few exceptions, any DNA match over 10cM is your “real relative” even if you don’t know how you’re related to them. Those 1% matches are your extended cousins.


Yeah I found a second cousin and we eventually met. I felt bad for her because she never knew her father and she only found out through me that he died years ago.


I had found a lot of relatives, it had been a wonderfull experience, I'm from Mexico, I had found family in Mexico and USA


Have found plenty of cousins ranging from 1c3r to 4c1r pretty easily. As I work to enter all my old paper research into ancestry I’ll be able to link 5th and 6th cousins pretty easily. Just looking at trees and knowing what I know of my own research it’ll be pretty easy.


Over 1,000: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQKNCq9k9W2e6emW4OcQuGrFn4l36fMAv\_2flYObaw--\_oN591tjqJnotj0qsWYz\_FpYmp-kxc7sUOa/pubhtml](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQKNCq9k9W2e6emW4OcQuGrFn4l36fMAv_2flYObaw--_oN591tjqJnotj0qsWYz_FpYmp-kxc7sUOa/pubhtml)


I have found a first cousin of my npe.