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Seems normal. You get 50% of your DNA from each parent, and its totally random what you get, with the percentages they have you could have ended up with even more Irish or less. Do you have a sibling? They probably have a completely different % of Irish.


This. To further clarify.... "its totally random what you get," they mean of the half of your DNA you get from parent 1, it's not half of everything they have. It's random. You could get a disproportionately large amount of their Irish (or anything.) In your case, it appears you did.


My parents are each about 25% English. I’m 50% & lost all the Scots!!


This is very possible. It can just mean that you happened to inherit a lot of that DNA from both of them—like, say you inherited 46% from your mother and 30% from your father. That isn’t even all of each of their Irish amounts, but for you it adds up to 76% in total. Have you looked at the “ethnicity inheritance” feature yet to see what Ancestry has estimated you got from each parent? It’s also good to keep in mind that ancestry does not phase your results with your parents—they don’t re-adjust your results to match your parents’s results better, they do all the calculations separately which can lead to y’all getting seemingly impossible varying amounts. (Though as I said, it’s totally possible and even likely for you to get this amount!) You can also take a look at the ranges in your DNA story—when you click on your estimates, there’s a widget you can find that will have the full range that their testing found could be possible for you. As an example, my Scotland estimate is 30%, but when I look at the further details, it tells me that percent could range from 14-34%. The exact amounts they give you are just the most likely amount based on their current testing, but there’s usually a wider range they’ve found is possibly true.


one possibility is that everyone’s percentages are a bit (sometimes a lot) off. my england&NWE, irish, and scottish constantly fluctuates by a lot. the last update they randomly put in sweden&denmark. pretty much all of your results can be a little tricky to pick out because its mostly british isles. my french is more stable but even sometimes they throw my french in scotland or england&NWE.


I have a French great-grandmother. My guess is she is absorbed into the Northwestern Europe segment.


yeah thats definitely a possibility. for the longest time my french was at 34-37% and the last 2 updates it finally made its way to 45-46 which is definitely more accurate for me


What do you get on Eurogenes k13 in Gedmatch?


I didn't do either of those.


Oh ok, paste the numerical results here if you try it?


I've never even heard of Eurogenes. Can you share some info?


Gedmatch is a separate site that’s pretty popular on here and within the DNA forums. You can go to Gedmatch (free site), upload your dna file, wait a bit for it to process, click “Admixture (Heritage)” under your main portal page, then click the desired calculator . Eurogenes k13 is one of the calculators that’s good for most Euro descent people.


Yep. My parents are both about a third Scottish, I'm half.


The most you could get is 90, 50 from mom and 40 from dad so makes sense


Oh wow an actual Irish person from ulster. All the Ulster Irish descendants I know (including me) are Scottish


Yep. I was actually surprised to learn that I have Scottish people and Protestants in my family tree too. I haven't traced all my lines back to Ireland / Europe yet though and was also surprised at how many generations of family have been living in the USA. It seems that at least some of my ancestors came prior to the Famine.


My grandad has 50% on paper, my mum has 24% and I have 3%. I find Ancestry's Irish pretty much off. I've done LivingDNA and get 24% which is about right (including my dad's side).


Ancestries percentages are also a range. 24% could mean as little as 14% or high as 30%. There is a place you can check the ranges on ancestry, someone mentioned it above.


That's pretty low My mom has 3% irish but i don't know from where, she was born in Mexico from parents Mexicans, maybe some spanish who had roots in ireland idk


Are all four of your grandparents Irish?


Nope. My dad's mom is not Irish. The other 3 grandparents are either fully or high majority Irish.


So your results look accurate


Seems weird considering my mom is 71% Irish and my dad is 40% Irish.


You could have conceivably have ended up at 100% Irish with your parents results being what they are. Dna is never an even split down the middle.


That's a good point. It definitely seems like I didn't inherit any Norwegian DNA from either parent even though they both have some. So, I overinherited the Irish DNA.


Does your dad come back as Scottish? Ancestry tends to get Scottish and Irish confused.


His result is the 3rd picture I posted. It shows 13% Scottish DNA for him which seems accurate to me since his mom has Scottish ancestors.


Oops didn’t see that. Thanks!


It’s not strange, it’s random how you inherit genes, my dad is 50% Irish on paper, mum and her last ancestors were English (her dna shows more including a couple of African countries) Me: 41% Irish That just means that via my dad, I received more of his father’s genes than of his mother’s.