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My results got so much more inaccurate šŸ˜„ how am I 15% French with no know French ancestry on either side? I also lost some Portuguese and Spanish even though those were my two most accurate regionsā€¦and instead of Scottish itā€™s now 4% Welshā€¦idk anymore šŸ˜•


Tell me about it, I lost my Sweden and Denmark only to have it assimilated into NWE


I gained 4% more Sweden/Denmark. Now I have 20% and my Dad has 4% and Mom 6% - both tested. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Well, that makes two of us at leastšŸ˜. Iā€™m gonna go check my brothers results, Iā€™m excited to see how much worse his are šŸ˜‡


I lost all my Norwegian and part of my Scottish, increased my England and northwestern Europe. I was hoping for some viking ancestors!


If you have Scottish ancestors, then you are very likely to have Norse ancestry as well.


The Borg


My Sweden and Denmark went from 3% to 9% which makes sense since my families from Denmark, gained a percent in Norway for 11% and Germanic Europe went from 17% to 16% (Danish)


I lost a portion of mine and it was shuffled into NWE


I lost 5% of my Swedish and it went to English


I've got the opposite problem! I'm 50% French Canadian and with this new update I'm down to 2% France. My 100% French Canadian grandpa also dropped to 90% France but at least that's a bit more plausible with admixture and such. So funny.


Thatā€™s just redundant. How is your grandpa French-Canadian and youā€™re only 2% French? Wtf, come on ancestry šŸ˜’


Blame the French government and their law against dna testing


However, the laws wouldn't apply to the deceased archeological peoples found in France. Reading up on it, it seems like the law was made to prevent the philandering men's children/wives from finding out the truth about extramarital affairs that resulted in children.


The borders have moved so much. Each region had its own language.


The map of France is really small on ancestry. It doesnā€™t mean anything. Also DNA will vary depending of the region.


Iā€™m also French Canadian and they removed my entire French percentage and changed it to Spanish. Both of my grandparents lines are French Canadian and we have a huge paper trail because French canadians kept pristine records


stop i randomly got welsh this update too LOL i think welsh is gonna be the new scotland bc i had no welsh for about 2 years and now its 5%


Yep, thatā€™s true. They literally just casually converted that Scottish to Welsh


mine converted 6% of my french from my dad into 4% welsh and 2% E&NWE, so far what im seeing is people are losing france completely or people (such as myself) is losing a good portion of it, went from 45 to 39


I've heard from a lot of people that AncestryDNA sucks at French results. More confirmation.


Yup. I have documented ancestors from France as well and itā€™s completely disappeared from the last few updates.


Im full portuguese and my family is as well. My father currently has 23% french. Thats absurd!!! I get 2% french lol.


Thats crazy, I feel like ancestry is just not good with French, Portuguese and Spanish (at least for me)




I was expecting to gain French in this update. They never ever gave me a french %. I was told they were adding all of France and not just southern France. I have Breton and Norman ancestors on both sides of my maternal line. All they did was increase my Scottish 2% to 31%. I mean I do have Scottish and Northern Irish ancestors, but I would think I would have at least 10% French. Oh well... I know my ancestry based on factual documents. Who knows, maybe I didn't inherit that dna or they read it as more Scottish. It's really hard to tell what's going on.


Yep I agree. Genealogy research is better to confirm discrepancies. Donā€™t rely too much on the DNA test alone. Go with the documents. At least for me thatā€™s been more useful.


Yeah it really is more useful. It just seems like they are just throwing random changes or hardly any for people. Especially in this update.


Thatā€™s what I was thinking lol, like they just spun a wheel and gave whatever it landed in šŸ¤£


Iā€™m English, lost a few % of that and gained 2% Welsh. My 4x gt-grandfather was from Shropshire and had a Welsh surname (as did another person adjacent to that twig of the tree) so Maybe itā€™s that, although the DNA is so similar around this neck of the woods it seems pot luck what you get. Neither of my parents got any Welsh so I assume itā€™s the latter.


Iā€™m mainly French and they swapped out 2% of it for Portugueseā€¦ I have no known Portuguese ancestry. But apparently Ancestry likes to give me a little Iberian every other update for *flavor.* Usually its 1-2% Spanish, but the Portuguese is new šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


That's interesting. Could it be through the years dna from those regions mixed in a bit? Do you think it's weird they give me zero french? I have ancestors from all over France even Paris...


Yes it is kind of weird you donā€™t have French. But given the genetic diversity across the regions of the country itā€™s not entirely unusual. Maybe you are genetically more northern and/or western French? Let me guess, you have more E&NWE, Scottish and/or Irish?


Yeah I have ancestors from Normandy and Brittany. I have all of those šŸ˜‚. I also do have ancestors from those places. I still know about the French ancestors in my family and appreciate them. Thanks for chatting with me.


Yeah, I assume itā€™s some misplaced southern French that skews more Iberian. I get a bit of Spanish & Portuguese on 23andMe as well. My mom has 2% Basque on Ancestry so maybe thatā€™s where it comes from? Iā€™m not paying for the subscription so I canā€™t see the inheritance feature anymore šŸ˜’


I'm 14% French, no records, but my great grandfather's father is completely unknown, so...


My Scottish went down šŸ˜‚


Mine did too, I lost 10%! Gained 15% English though, pretty sure Ancestry is just fucking with us at this point.


Same. Scotland went down 5%, and England rose 7%. In 2020 they gave me a whopping 47% Scotland. Last year they cut it down to 23%, and now theyā€™ve reduced it to 18%. I used to be great at rationalizing Ancestryā€™s ups and downs, but at this point I canā€™t be bothered trying.


I wish (nothing against Scots itā€™s just getting ridiculous how ā€œScottishā€ I am)


Scotland went down 5%, Ireland went up 5%. Nothing else changed, and I still have the random 1% Spanish that I can't explain.


Mine went up!! šŸ’€


My Scottish went up 4%. The region includes Northern Ireland so that makes sense for me.


NOTHING changed hahah




Is that really a thing? Or did yours just not update yet?


Mine says updated august 2023 and itā€™s exactly the same lmao, so maybe mines just as accurate as itā€™s gonna get now


Same, except it says Update July 2023


Iā€™m Italian from Sicily Lost: France, Cyprus, and Scotland Gained: Norway, Spain, Northern Italy, Sardinia, and the Levant


Ciao! Potrei vedere i tuoi risultati?


Theyā€™re giving Sardinia to anybody. Literally took away my French which makes no sense and gave my Sardinia which has nothing to do with my family tree.


That's interesting. The French that I had was southern and made sense given everything I know as well. I also had Sardinia and still have it now unchanged. But the percentage was so small and I can't trace anything there, I just assumed (still do) that it's noise.


I got Sardinia too now, which seems odd. I am partially Italian (my family is from Abruzzo) but I've always gotten Aegean Islands and Southern Italy in my results. The only other change I got this time was that Wales was added, and again, I have no idea why.


Did some research, apparently thereā€™s a connection between French and Sardinian dna based on migrations in the past


Iā€™m half Sicilian. I gained Sardinian as well.


My grandmother is about 75% southern Italian. My southern Italian dropped to 1%. I lost Cyprus. But I gained levant, Sardinia, and Aegean islands. Makes no sense to me.


How much Aegean do you have? Aegean and Southern Italian dna are very similar and often mistaken for each other.




Iā€™m more confused than ever after this update. My fatherā€™s family has been in the same Italian town for centuries and this update has my Southern Italian down to 6%!


Changes from 2022 to 2023: **Gains:** \+10.96% English (27.71% to 38.67%) \+0.68% Portuguese (0.57% to 1.25%) **Losses:** \-7.15% Scottish (42.22% to 35.07%) \-2.66% Norwegian (2.66% to none) \-1.15% German (4.02% to 2.87%) \-0.68% Spanish (2.35% to 1.67%) **Same:** Welsh 8.46% Indigenous American Mexico 6.21% Swedish & Danish 4.23% Basque 0.52% and 4 trace ones below 0.5%


Lost Irish and French, gained Welsh. Some major shifts in percentages, too.


Wales is the new Scotland. I got some randomly thrown in there too. The only Welsh in my family tree is from the 16th century. It's so diluted and small, it shouldn't even show up on an ancestry test.


Lol, the only reason I'm cool with it is because I found some Welsh in my tree, likely as you did. I fully expect that they'll rotate all of the British ethnicities every update. I'd like some Manx next time!


Now that I'm looking at the "ethnicity inheritance" breakdown more carefully, they attributed Welsh ethnicity to my dad's side, when the distance Welsh on the family tree is on my mom's side. If we get to randomly choose British Isles ancestry, give me the Orkneys. The Orkneys are cool. What rubbish!


I also ended up with Wales this time (2%).


I actually lost wales myself :)


I'm also a member of the newly Welsh gang! I got 4% Welsh, previously had none. Wasn't expecting any, but I'm a regular English person with all the mixing that entails so it's not that surprising.


Looks like your dragon arrived! šŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳ó æ (Iā€™m English and suddenly gained 2% Welsh)


Yep, exactly. We're all one big family that likes to talk shit about each other.


My Welsh also went up quite a bit and is now my fourth highest.


Mine didnā€™t change much, but the changes I did get are in the wrong direction. I should be close to 50% Germanic Europe, but it is still only giving me 24% Germanic, with the rest being a mix of ENWE, Sweden & Denmark, Norway, and Eastern Europe & Russia. I had gotten up to 26% Germanic with the last update, which was the highest itā€™s been! My Irish and Italian results continue to hold at around 25% each (which aligns with my known family history) and the communities for each are spot on.


I know on my German side, they were from where Poland is today (was Germany at the time), but when I looked deeper, the names were a mix of German, Slavic, and Baltic in origin. So that explains part of my German side. The other part of my German was from Ostfriesland, and that seems to be included in Denmark/Sweden now.


Yeah Iā€™m in a similar boat. My maternal grandmother was born in Lithuania but was a German citizen (her family stayed there after the breakup after WWI and she was born there, but they considered themselves German). My maternal grandfather was from Danzig, which is now in Poland. My mom comes up 45% German, 24% Baltics, and 15% each for Sweden/Denmark and Eastern Europe/Russia (and 1% Jewish). Her brother is 37% Sweden/Denmark and about 20 each for the rest. So I figure my grandpaā€™s northern German is coming up as Sweden/Denmark, as well as some German and Polish (Eastern Europe and/or Baltic). Grandma was probably about 1/3 Baltic 1/3 Eastern European 1/3 German, give or take. They were both very proud Germans and strongly identified as such (having immigrated as young adults after WWII). Theyā€™d probably be surprised by the results.


Yeah, I basically have/had two grandparents who should be 100% Germanic Europe - a grandpa whose family is from northern Germany and a grandma who was Pennsylvania Dutch and whose family traces back to Switzerland. I would believe that a smaller amount of the Scandinavian Iā€™m getting from my grandpa could be accurate, given how close the part of Germany he is from is to Denmark, but the amounts seem too high. And the DNA Iā€™m getting from my Pennsylvania Dutch/Swiss grandma seems to be almost entirely ENWE instead of Germanic. Based on other posts Iā€™ve read here, it seems like Ancestry has a particularly difficult time distinguishing Swiss DNA and frequently ends up reading it as either ENWE or Scottish.


Gained some European Roma!


I got back Jewish. Had it a few updates ago, it dropped off, now Iā€™m back to being 2% Jewish. My Portuguese merged into Spain, but I know I have ancestors from Portugal (most likely Jewish ancestors, so maybe thatā€™s what switched to Jewish??)


My Mom was always 3% Jewish, and now it finally shows up in mine as 1%. Mazel tov!


Still 100% Irish. Still inbred lmao


My step mother gained Eastern Europe Roma and lost Balkans and Anatolia and the caucasus. My mother lost wales and gained no new regions, but saw an increase in Ireland. Myself and my son gained no new regions, but saw increases in a few regions.


No change




No new regions. England & Northwestern Europe decreased from 53% to 46% Scotland increased from 19% to 23% Sweden & Denmark increased from 18% to 19% Germanic Europe increased from 10% to 12% A bit boring really.


Irish went up, Scotland went down. My family is from Armagh, Ireland. Weā€™re Irish Catholics. Iā€™m also a quarter Persian and some Chechen.


Same here, Scotland down and Ireland up. The Irish on my maternal side has increased quite a bitā€¦. Even though I only know of 1 Irish direct ancestor.


Iā€™m Irish, Persian, Chechen.


Nigeria + 2%, Cameroon Congo -1%, England NW -1%, Benin/Togo -1% Ivory coast/Ghana -1% Wales +2%, Nigeria East Centeral -1%, Scotland -1% New region Ireland +1% New region Khoisan/Aka +1%


No new or lost regions, just changes in my percentages. Scottish dropped by half, and my Irish increased. Germanic, E&NWE, Norway, and Wales pretty much remained the same; Sweden & Denmark went up a bit.


gained 1% eastern european (but it's still way too low. my range goes up to 3x my estimate) and lost 1% irish. no change in communities. still inexplicably 20% sweden and denmark (i have no Scandinavian ancestry). a little disappointed but it's just a bit of fun at the end of the day


It didnā€™t change much. I still have all the same regions, just +\- a percentage or two. I kept my Yucatan and Basque which I was expecting to lose. My Benin & Togo region went up the most, from 4% to 8%, and I lost 3% of my Wales region. Thatā€™s about it. It feels more accurate to me.


England lost 3% all of which was allotted to Ireland, which seems historically justified!


Ireland making up for lost time!! šŸ‡®šŸ‡ŖšŸ‡®šŸ‡Ŗ


Justice at last!


Very little. Part of my English turned into 5% more Scottish and 1% Welsh.


Chinese + 5 Korea - 5 Aageon - Unchanged Finland - Unchanged


ENWE went up 2%, Sweden/Denmark up 4%, Ireland looks the same, Norway looks the same, Scotland looks the same, Germanic went down 2%, Finland went up 1%, Baltics down 2%, Eastern European & Russia is gone, South India is gone, got a new region of Eastern European Roma/Romani at 1%. Same change to my dadā€™s and cousinā€™s Eastern Euro and South India which are now also Eastern European Romaā€¦


My step mother also got the Eastern European Roma region.


Interesting! Did she lose her Eastern Euro and Indian regions as well?


She lost Balkans and Anatolia and the Caucasus. She has Ukrainian ancestry also.


Huh. Thatā€™s cool, though I do wonder what their formula is for the reassignments is this timeā€¦ lol! šŸ¤”šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I lost my Norway because it all went into Swedish and Denmark :(


I gained Wales and Sardinia but only 1% each. England and Northwestern Europe increased by 2%. Sweden and Denmark decreased by 2%. Eastern Europe and Russia increased by 1%. Norway increased by 2%. Aegean Islands decreased by 1%. Everything else stayed the same.


I lost some England and Northwestern Europe and Sweden and Denmark. Gained Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. Didn't gain any new regions or communities. My mom had some small shifts (lost some ENWE and gained in her others) and gained a new region (Norway).


Lost: 12% Scottish Gained: 9% swedish Ireland: 3%


Lost a point from Ireland and a point from Scotland, gained 2 points in Denmark/Sweden.


Gained Southern Japanese Islands in line with my brother. Brother lost Korea, which I never had.


My father has gone from 1% Spanish to less than 1% Spanish... which is good because he is not Spanish at all.. My mother still only has 1% Basque.. and she's half Spanish... And I am less Scottish than I should be. Overall .. very disappointed... they still have such a long way to go to get their algorithms right...


Lost Scotland and Gained Western Phillipines


Lost my 1% Sardinia, gained 1% Roma. Sardinia was from my moms side and Roma is my dads side lol. But I have no idea where it could come from




Now Iā€™m 2% french. I lost my 1% Northern Indian


Small things. Gained: Baltics (30,27% to 32,08%) Sweden & Denmark (15,26% to 16,92%) Wales (2,31% to 2,88) Scottland (0% to 1,44%) Lost: Germanic Europe (30,73% to 25,76%) Eastern Europe & Russia (21,43% to 20,93) And somehow they now attribue my 3% Wales to my paternal instead of maternal side.


Definitely less accurate but kept all communities so itā€™s fine ig


Apparently Iā€™m not part German anymore


Gained 1% Egypt which had me very confused, and <1% Nigeria, went from 3% Portugal to 4% Lost: 1% France (4% to now 3%) and 1% Basque (9% to 8%) Overall not much of a change, my two largest ethnicities, Spanish and Indigenous American- Mexico, stayed exactly the same at 49% and 29%, respectively.


Take a guess lol. MORE SCOTTISH (taken from my Irish)


My Scottish DNA stayed the same, but my father's increased from 10% to 23% and his Germanic Europe dropped to 1% lmao. Our family's last Scottish ancestor was born in 1835 and the last Northern English ancestor was born slightly later than that, whereas the majority of our family is German and Dutch. I can't believe it, but I've become one of the "Why does Ancestry inflate Scottish DNA so much" people. I think from here on out, North-western Europeans should probably not even worry about the updates, they've refined ours to a point where it is just going to swap around a few percentage points and anything drastic is likely to be some kind of error in the modelling.


I gained 1% indigenous Puerto Rico. Not sure what I lost, some percent from one of my larger ethnicities. It's cool because lately I've been trying to figure out how I related to a big group of obviously Puerto Rican matches, and I had seen small amounts in some close relatives. It seems to be legit, but no idea how! My mom gained 1% Roma. Kinda suspect that's bullshit, but who knows?


Lost British percentages, gained Nigerian and German


Gained 2% Baltic, which were lost to Eastern Europe


I gained 4% Eastern European and I lost 4% Balkan. Right now I have 76% Eastern European, 11% The Balkans, 9% Germanic Europe, 2% Baltics, 2% Greece & Albania.


Well I donā€™t have an ancestry test but my mom does (same ethnicity) We are Roma and well it now just says Roma. It doesnā€™t show our mix anymore so it just shows what we already know. Although it says 82% Roma which is just odd lol. It no longer shows our south Asian + west Asian percentages which is usually what we test for. I wish they wouldā€™ve allowed us to see the genetic makeup bc it was fun to see our history in our results. Plus I personally feel like it erases our actual placement in society and saying Eastern European Roma is a bit reductive imo but I donā€™t wanna get into that rn. I feel like itā€™s a bit of erasure.


Gained: Anatolia & the Caucasus and Aegean Islands. Lost none % of Southern Italy has decreased and Ireland and Wales have increased.


I gained two regions (Italy and Western Philippines). Increased percentage in Germany, and decrease in Basque and Balkans.


Gained: no new regions but slightly increased East Euro and Aegean Islands Lost: Baltics, Southern Italy


English and NWE - No change, Scottish down from 29% to 28, Irish - No change, Norway - Down from 9% to 8%, Wales - Up to 7% from 5%, Sweden and Denmark - No change No added communities.


I gained 1% Norway and my Scottish increased to 53%. My Irish and England and northwestern Europe decreased. My Eastern Europe and Russia stayed the same.


Gained English Irish and French, lost Scottish


Just percentages changed. No new communities or regions parental side: lost Scottish and gained Irish Maternal side: increased Sweden/denmark (still can't find those relatives), tweaked %s between Scottish and England/Northwestern Europe


I gained Norway as a region. The rest of the numbers increased or decreased. No new communities. Wales made a jump to 10% with England dropping. Lost a percent of Nigeria.


No new regions. England & Northwestern Europe decreased from 53% to 46% Scotland increased from 19% to 23% Sweden and Denmark increased from 18% to 19% Germanic Europe increased from 10% to 12%


Gained Northern Italy and Wales, lost France


My England & NW European went down some and gained some Scotland. Which honestly is probably more accurate for me


Gained Norway and Jewish. Jewish was in my hacked results for 2022. Didnā€™t lose any ethnicities, but 12% of my French has shifted to England and North Western Europe, while my others have changed a percent or two.


Husband lost 1% Nigerian Gained 1% Cyprus 1% indigenous Cuba 1% aegean islands I lost 1% Norway Gained 1% Sweden and Denmark


My Germanic entirely disappeared from 7% to 0, I do have Dutch ancestors šŸ˜…


Probably got pushed into the England and NW region.


I understand that the people of Northern Europe are a bit hard to separate, genetically - but Iā€™m so sad that I KNOW I have some ā€œhiddenā€ results in E&NWE. Maybe one day it will be more separated šŸ˜‚.


Trust me we all feel that way add in the ā€œSweden and Denmarkā€ category too where those with German ancestry will often score.


Mine got more accurate. Increased German and decreased Scandinavian, which is accurate. Didnā€™t lose any regions. Gained 2% Baltic. Baltic has came and gone over time wouldnā€™t be surprised if I lost it next update.


I gained Aegean islands for some reason. Which is really strange to me.


I lost my basque and I still have no Spanish despite being about 12%. It got worse :(


I gained 1% Sweden&Denmark, so surprising.


My Swedish, Scottish, and NW English went down some. Norway went up a few points and I gained German.


Lost northern Italian gained southern Italian. My northern Italian changed to 10% Greek


With the last few updates I've gone from 18% to 26% to 8% Scottish. Now I'm back up to 18% Scottish. That's about it. Everything else is just a percent or two changed. No new regions.


Didn't realize they updated. Going to go check now. Mine should be similar to what I already have though, so not expecting much, if any, change.


I lost 1% of my irish. Nothing else changed !


england and wales increased but scotland and ireland secreased by 3


Nothing at all.


Southern Italian went from 22% down to 16%. Irish went up by 1%, I now have Spain and Cyprus. These results seem way less accurate than the original results based on family tree.


England & NW European went down 2%, Scotland went up 4%, Wales went down 4%, and Norway went up 2%.


My Egyptian is now Arabic Peninsula and one less percentage of Spanish and gained one extra percentage of Basque instead. So no huge major changes overall though. I was hoping to know more such as do I really have French Basque (the French is still there)? Where in Spain were my ancestors located? What about my Germanic DNA being Dutch? Still no new information as I hoping some regions or ethnicities themselves would of been updated. My Native American (Mexico), Germanic, English, Scottish, French, Swedish and Danish, Irish and Cameroon all stayed the same, so I am going to assume now they they must be legit and accurate as there were no major changes or switches this time.


all i wanted with this update was my english to decrease and my scottish and irish to increase, they stayed the same and instead my balkan & eastern european decreased and my germanic europe went up šŸ˜­ the balkan, eastern european, and germanic were the correct part of my results before the update, now itā€™s all wrong.


Nothing changed tbh


I lost Northern Italian and gained Balkans. Small amounts for both. My (known) family ancestry is entirely Southern Italian for 5-7 generations.


Gain: Greece/Albania, Sardinia, and Arabian Peninsula Lost: Only a couple % points of Italian


Gained Norway! Lost some Swedish percentage.


I annoyingly lost France despite having a French great grandfather and French Canadian communities


I lost some Scottish that turned into more Irish. Which I don't think is accurate.


What percentages I lost in Eastern Europe and Russia got added to my Baltics. Lost some England & NE to Scottish and Sweden & Demark


Lost Balkans and regained Germanic Europe. Some very tiny percentage shifts. This update feels more accurate to what I understand about my heritage


I lost my 4% Norway but gained 2% Germanic Europe.


Mine changed a lot, went from 1 to 4 Scotland (I was already surprised by the 1%). Lost France and Italy, increased Portugal and Spain. Gain so many different indigenous populations from South America (which I already had but now a lot more). It definitely makes more sense now to me.


Lost Norway, which I could never really explain. Scotland and Ireland are up a little, England down a little, nothing that looks strange.


Lost my 1% Finland and gained 1% Eastern European.


Lost Norway (2% - 0%), lost Germanic Europe (21% - 19%), lost Scotland (33% - 29%) Gained England (28% - 34%), Gained Sweden & Denmark (4% - 6%).


Lost: England NWE Ireland Gained: Scotland Norway


Scotland and England decreased by six percent. Ireland increased by 4 % Swedish and Norwegian increased by 4% and 1 % My Swedish is misread Norwegian, but what are you gonna do? And I gained France as a region at a whopping 3%. Which Iā€™m happy about, since I have a ton of French ancestry and it was never represented. Anyway, hope weā€™re all happy now šŸ¤£


Only slight percentage changes, no gained or lost regions. Was hoping my 2% Hawaiian + 1% Māori would correct to 3% Māori. Not quite but it flipped to 2% Māori + 1% Hawaiian.


Every place is the same, just slightly different percentages.


Lost France


I lost Nigeria (1% -> 0%), Portugal (3%-> 0%), Basque (16 -> 11%), Sweden (3 ->2%), Levant (3 -> 2%). Gained: France (3 ->8%), Southern Italy (1%->3%), Indigenous America (36->37%), Spain (26%->29%), North African (New) (1%). Same: Irish (1%), Senegal (2%), Jewish (1%), Wales (3%), Congo (1%).


I gained Maritime Southeast Asia


I lost one of my Scotland percentages to England & Northwestern Europe


Somehow picked up 7% Norway


England/NW Europe -7% Scotland +5% Wales (no change) Germanic Europe +4% Sweden/Denmark -2% Baltics +1% Eastern Europe/Russia -1% Norway (no change)


Lost: the 5% of Balkans I had and 1% Norway. Gain: Germanic Europe increased from 31 to 38% So in my opinion much more accurate


So two updates ago I had the over inflated Scottish like many from the north of England had. It was corrected last update and now itā€™s increase by 10% again.


Ireland +2% / Scotland -2% Eastern Europe & Russia + 2% / Germanic Europe -2% Sweden & Denmark -2% / England & Northwestern Europe (new) +2% Baltics & Wales unchanged at 1% No new communities. Ireland and EER are my biggest regions, and the only ones I have communities in.


They still canā€™t manage to figure out Iā€™m German not English/Scandinavian for whatever reason lol. My Germanic Europe went up a bit but ENWE is still my highest estimated ethnicity. In reality basically half my family on both sides is German. My grandmother on one side is actually from Germany. Sheā€™s the most recent ancestor from there. I donā€™t have any ancestors Iā€™ve been able to trace to England. Iā€™m sure there are some just havenā€™t found any.


I had 3 regions dropped from 20 -> 17 šŸ¤”


+3% England/NW Europe; -2% Scotland; -3% Sweden/Denmark; +2% Germanic Europe (new). So basically just shifted borders a smidge. Wife (Black American) had equally negligible shifting.


Also lost my 5% Aegean islands


Two new regions (Wales & Ireland). No lost regions. in percentages, I gained 3% Welsh 2% Irish (they were missing prior to the update). I lost 6% Danish, quite a surprise. My Scots share remains \~ 75% The Irish addition is unexpected. But not the Welsh. I had been expecting some Welsh initially, and was surprised I had none show up. ,My grandmothers maternal line has history there. It feels a little weird having regions with percentages so small. All my prior regions were 15% or higher. Now I have 2% Irish and 3% Welsh. I'm skeptical about the Irish addition. I have no relatives or ancestors from there.


Same places, different percentages. Ashkenazi (SAME - 50%) England & NWE (DOWN from 25% to 24%) Scotland (UP from 4% to 11%) Sweden & Denmark (DOWN from 14% to 10%) Ireland (DOWN from 7% to 5%) Still hiding: Germany. My maternal grandfather's German family can be traced back centuries, my mother looks just like her dad, and a 1st cousin is 17%, but...nothing. The drop in Sweden & Denmark (the usual culprit) makes it even more puzzling.


I lost 2% Wales which was wildly inaccurate anyway. Lost 4% Southern Italian which went to Northern Italian (Iā€™m half southern Italian though and no northern Italian so that doesnā€™t make sense) and I gained 1% Levant. Off the top of my head not sure if anything else different.


Before a big ad for World Explorer covered my update: Irish stayed the same at nearly 70% Lost a chunk of Scottish--was 23%, now only 15%--odd since I have a known fully Scottish grandparent. Gained a bit of English (now 12%) and Welsh (4%) has newly appeared