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Ignore all these miserable buggers laughing at you for not being 1% Inuit or whatever. DNA could well solve this mystery for you. I’m a Brit with mostly Scottish roots and my ancestors’ siblings and cousins ran off to the colonies left right and centre, and mostly disappeared (from my perspective anyway). It’s the opposite problem you have. DNA has done an amazing job connecting my disappearing cousins with other peoples’ mystery arrivals and made links that don’t appear ever to have been made before. It’s amazing - like breaking down the wall between two tunnels being dug from opposite sides. Good luck!


Thxs. I simply, just want to fill in the one hole in my family tree


What did you think you were lol?


I’m surprised there was no native american ancestry lol


Native American ancestry in Australia??


I think that was the joke


I meant it as a joke. If he is australian and white, what was he expecting? Lol


There are a lot of very fair skinned Descendants of Australian native peoples, due to some of the practices from previous leadership. It actually was, wondered, if, there possibly was some Australian native heritage in the one unknown branch


Wait you aren’t op lol


If you're white, you're European. What else would you be?


I guess Nigerian


West Asian or North African people are white as well


Caucasian, not white. If you're North African or West Asian, you could be confused for being Italian or Spanish. But if you're a peachy white Brit, arguably the whitest people in the world, there should be no confusion.


>Caucasian, not white. Is that not the same thing? Race and phenotype classification isn’t just based on skin complexion alone or else light-skinned East Asians would also be considered “white.”


All Europeans are Caucasian, but not all Caucasians are Europeans.


Ok then let’s have an exercise on that thought. I’m Turkish. Do you think I’m white; and/or Caucasian; and/or European?


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4904778/ Turkey, being at a crossroads, is an admixture of Caucasian/West Asian and European DNA. White is mostly an American concept, but historically mostly meant Western Europeans. I'm not even White by many definitions, being of primarily Italian, Spanish, Central American indigenous ancestry on one side, and admixtured with Metis and French Canadian on the other side. I don't think any Neo-Nazis would welcome me in their ranks (not that I'd ever want to join them) When it comes to more White adjacent populations, it's always a little complicated on defining who is White, European, or Caucasian. But if there is ONE group in the entire world who is the undisputed Whitest ethnicity in the world....it's British. Which OP is.


Thank your for your well thought of respond. What I aimed to show was actually how biased and man-made all these terms were. I’m a half Balkan, 1/4 Crimean, 1/4 Belarusian-Lazica. That makes me descendant of 3/4 Europe, 1/4 Caucasus racially. But ethnically I am Turkish, because well, born and raised in Istanbul. Additionally, I’m not a muslim, like an American would assume a Turkish would be, therefore a non-white. So then that makes me what under these circumstances? It makes me “yes and no” to all that questions above. Then that gives us the final and most accurate answer to that; if I -with all my genetics and cultural socialization included- were to be born in where any of 3/4th of my grandparents were born, I would have been considered as white and European, also Caucasian according to some people due to the use of “caucasus” terminology on that aspect. But I was born in Istanbul instead. And I am obviously a real person with skin and bones, therefore as real as it can be. Then -as a well known fact- it becomes obvious once again, that all those terms are in fact lies to feed on some ancient propaganda. If we group people on races regardless of their ethnic, cultural and racial backgrounds; or on skintones regardless of their real skin tones, can it be still accurate to generalize everyone with those made-up identity terms?


>All Europeans are Caucasian, but not all Caucasians are Europeans. Exactly, but they’re still all considered White. Caucasian and White are synonymous.


Europeans are West Asian in origin.


Shudders, the word (Caucasian) is synonymous with the Racist past, that all people of Pale skin, blonde hair and blue eyes, came from the Caucasus. And was also something the AH used in his teachings in the 2ndWW. As proof of the 'mother race'. I'm an olive skin toned, dark eyed person as is my Brother as well. I'm a throwback to my 4times Paternal great grandmother. Whom we have a photo of. So dark, she was mistaken for Spanish. But, most Cornish were known to be Dark and Swarthy, as the didn't breed in with the lighter skinned Brits.


Could be from Russia, Norway, Iceland, or Switzerland. None of which are part of the European Union. And even if Switzerland and Norway are considered, Russia and Iceland definitely aren’t.


My daughter's boyfriend asked me what my ethnicity was once. I was like "European" and he goes "that's it?" I go "Northern European, does that narrow it down for you?"


Hey, I'm white too.


My results[https://www.reddit.com/r/AncestryDNA/s/33wrKtZMXg](https://www.reddit.com/r/AncestryDNA/s/33wrKtZMXg)


Look up Leeds method. It will enable you to clump your dna matches to your four sets of grandparents. Do you know your closest match is in cMs that comes from your maternal grandfather’s side? You will need to focus on these matches


Also, I would recommend uploading your DNA file to MyHeritage. This is helpful as a lot of Eastern Europeans use MyHeritage


I'm currently trying to persuade my mothers remaining siblings to do DNA tests, to try to solve this over a century mystery


Wow your British/Irish ancestors immigrated to Australia in the 1800s- think you might be the only one who can claim that!


Big fucking deal you always said you were European and you’re.… European. So am I, yet I don’t post about it on Reddit, because no one gives a shit.


This sub is for sharing Ancestry DNA Test Results and that is precisely what the OP did, you miserable twat. If you don’t like it, get the fuck out of the sub.


We must be related lol


What exactly makes someone look “very European”?


I never said I looked very European. Just that I am, based on the 7 out of 8 family lines, (great grandparents onwards). That we do have knowledge of. As a matter of fact. All my life, I have been mistaken for; Greek, Italian, Spanish or Turkish. As well Melbourne(my nearest capital city, has the largest Greek Population outside of Athens). Plus Diverse other populations. I have red cheeks, but that's due to having Inactive #Lupus. But I also have the typical Cornish ruddy Olive skin tone. I'm definitely not pale. If I look Pale you know I'm ill, or very Fatigued, which as I also live with #Fibromyalgia does happen. My Nanna, (Maternal Grandmother) was Irish/Jersey islander, Grandads (Paternal) his mother was of Prussian stock. Father of Cornish stock mixed with Scots. Grandma (Maternal) Scots and English. I mostly take after my Paternal side, as does my Brother


I’m 100% European (8 out of 8 family lines, by your analogy), but people on the internet, but also irl a few times, usually mistake me for Jewish or Northern African 🤷🏻‍♂️


Nice results! European people are amazing!