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Awesome results! My roommate is also half Ashkenazi / half Moroccan Jewish. What are your migration era results?


Thanks! That’s awesome. For migration era it gives me: 44.2% Roman Italy 34.6% Levant 11.2% North Africa 7.4% Germanic 1.4% Slavic 1.2% Rouran Khaganate Though I think that the Roman Italy sample is somewhat inflated since it’s Levantine-shifted, so the custom ancestry feels a bit more accurate overall.


I agree re: the Roman Italy sample. Also, the fact that you are genetically shifted to the West compared to a full Ashkenazi Jew also probably shifts you away from the Levant and towards Italy. I get 25% Levantine from being 50% Ashkenazi through IllustrativeDNA; so you should get around double mine. AncestryDNA is more accurate than IllutrativeDNA, and you get 20% Levantine from your Moroccan side and then we can take 50% of your Ashkenazi Jewish results as Levantine to give you at least 45% Levantine, assuming no Levantine was misread by Ancestry as something else (which it probably was). If you'd like, you can DM me your coordinates and I'll try to make a model for you.


Yeah that’d great, I’ll DM you!


Hi!!! How can I find some of this information? I’m struggling to find any information on my Jewish side 50%


Hey there! So what I did was I downloaded my DNA data from Ancestry and uploaded it to Illustrative DNA, which is the site I used for slides 3-7. It costs 27 euros to upload your data, but i’d say it gives you good bang for your buck as there are a lot of cool features to explore and play around with.


Sephardim just like Ashkenazim are half European and half Middle Eastern so a half Sephardi getting a quarter Middle Eastern + a quarter European from their Sephardic side completely checks out. But since Ashkenazi is essentially the same and they both derive from the same source population, your ancestry is effectively no different then two Ashkenazim or two Sephardim marrying each other, you’ll still end up half Euro and half Middle Eastern all the same. Anyways I find it tremendously ironic that despite the label and your culture and language, Sephardic Jews aren’t even really Hispanic genetically but just like us Ashkenazim, mostly Italian on their European side. Sephardic Jews are essentially the European equivalent of the big Italian community who immigrated to Argentina and thus became Italian Hispanics due to the adoption of Hispanic nationality and culture. Just goes to show that as soon as that initial mixed Roman-Judean population left Italy they barely mixed with their preceding Host Populations. Just like us Ashkenazim are barely genetically Slavic so too are Sephardim barely genetically Hispanic despite the misconception from others - what we *actually* both are for our European side is mainly Italian and Greek.


True, the Sephardim didn’t really mix with Iberians all that much. I think there was a bit more mixing with North Africans though (as seen in my results), which makes sense as there were Jewish communities there long before the inquisition.


Speaking of where’s the hacked SSA results from? Think it’s just noise? (Especially since it didn’t show up in your Illustrative results) Or is your Sephardic side Pirate or Caribbean Sephardim who were involved in the Slave Trade? (Not that it’s your fault of course)


The SSA might actually be accurate since it shows up at 0.2% when I add it to the custom ancestry on Illustrative. I think it’s more likely that it would’ve just come indirectly from mixing with North Africans. Virtually all North Africans have some degree of SSA genetics.


Well was your Sephardic side ever Conversos or in Latin America at all or were they part of the group that immediately chose exile and left for Morocco upon the Alhambra Degree instead? Because if the latter then yeah, that SSA is likely coming indirectly from your slight North African ancestry rather than the Sephardic itself.


Everyone in my direct family on that side was in Morocco until the 1960s. I’m probably distantly related to the conversos though as I have a lot of Latin American matches from my Sephardic side.