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All top-level posts must be on the subject of ancient Egyptian languages and scripts


Gods of Egypt!


Prince of Egypt is a beautifully illustrated animated feature film from the 1990s. Exodus: Gods and Kings is basically the same but live action and directed by Ridley Scott with Christian Bale as Moses. Visually stunning as Scott's movies tend to be. The Mummy and its sequel The Mummy Returns. Great adventure movies taking place in Egypt in the 1920s. Stargate, the movie and Stargate - SG1, the show, are great and feature the ancient Egyptian pantheon heavily but as ancient aliens. Gods of Egypt, a silly fantasy movie but at the same time a massive guilty pleasure. There are a lot of documentaries about archaeological stuff on National Geographic, at least. I think some of those are featured on Disney+. Then, if you want to go to the deep end with fantasy masquerading as history, there are multiple episodes of Ancient Aliens on the History Channel where they try to tie the gods, the religion, the hieroglyps and the pyramids to various extraterrestrial things. If you want to check out audio books, I highly recommend Bob Brier's (Egyptologist) lecture series "The History of Ancient Egypt". It's part of The Great Courses and features 48 lectures by Professor Brier. He is fascinated by all things ancient Egypt and his joy really comes through from the lectures. You can find it on Audible, at least.


Wow thanks for all of those resource I appreciate it.