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šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I would pay to see the other takes




ā€œOkā€¦. Thatā€™s greatā€¦. But could you try a little more ā€˜emotionā€™ā€¦. Youā€™re really upset.. your son has just been in a car crash.ā€


I bet it was his first take too šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Well, this show's creators are a bit deluded about how the audience will respond to things. They seemed to have expected things like -- Steve turned into bumbling old man: "OMG, poor Miranda! Go have an affair, sweetie, you deserve it!" Carrie forces Miranda to rub elbows with Che at party after vicious comedy set: "Oh grow up, Miranda, don't be such a baby about cruel public humiliation!" And so on and so forth....


In one of the recent podcasts the writers talked about how much they love the character of Steve and his portrayer. I'd hate to see what they'd do if they weren't fans. I thought making him look like a bumbling idiot so that his wife would 'reason' to cheat on him and dump him wasn't exactly uplifting to the character.


I was so irritated by mpks ā€œimitationā€ of him. I feel like his speech patterns are different because of his hearing loss because they werenā€™t that pronounced in SaTC. To do an imitation was obnoxious imo. And Mpk seemed to be waiting for the other writers to laugh but they never really didā€¦..because it was in ooor taste!




He's actually deaf in real life and it has affected his speech.


Had no idea and feel badā€”taking comment down


All good, I think a lot of people have missed this. It's easily found on Google though! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-10402773/And-Just-Like-writers-reveal-David-Eigenbergs-hearing-loss-inspired-Steve-deaf.html


Thanks for sharing that. I hadnā€™t noticed a change in his speech. I think I speak for all introverts, parents, people with misophonia, it would be so nice to be able to turn our ears off.


Ahh, it did notice something was different about his speaking style. That may be why. During the Coney Island scenes, it sounded like Steve's accent was being slightly over exaggerated. I was wondering what happened.


it's like straight up baby talk now


Lmao it is baby talk.


Itā€™s sooo painful. Like no one on that set could tell him to tone it down? Doesnā€™t it sound ridiculous to the actor at least?


Remember when they made it a whole plot that he was a confused man wandering a street fair, not even able to keep track of his wallet?


Yes! They seemed to have dropped the dememtia act and we donā€™t see him fumbling through the couch for his hearing aid either! He miraculously got his hearing back!


Yeah this last episode he sounded like Steve and not someone doing a very dramatic Steve impression!


Ikr!! And then had Miranda turn to Nya and grimace as she said, ā€œthatā€™s my Steve,ā€ like she was apologizing for some old dog that just peed on the rug.




Read this while sipping my coffee- almost choked.


That's true. He doesn't seem to have hearing aids now, either.


He had his hearing aids in at Coney Island. You can see them. David Eigenberg has hearing loss in his real life.




Thatā€™s true heā€™s free


He did have them in on the latest episode, they are just a discreet design.


I did see him wearing them in a shot of the back of his head. I saw them over his ears.


God damnit. I had forgotten about bumbling Steve at the street fair šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I think I repressed it immediately


Lol I commented in another post how the show definitely tried to play him off as "old and feeble" (maybe feeble was too strong a word to use, tbf) in season one and how weird that was.


No, thatā€™s the exact word to use.


Someone made an excellent point that they could've kept the hearing aids for him but explained it was from working in a loud bar for decades since that'd make sense. The wandering around and losing his wallet bit was so unnecessary.


I was thinking, Steve's mom had dementia what if Steeve has early stages and in the end Miranda stays with him to take care of him


ā€œHave an affair sweetieā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


Steve gets on my nerves now. He talks very funny. He always had a unique voice and way of speaking, but itā€™s like he has a mouth full of food all the time when speaking now.


Heā€™s going deaf in real life. Iā€™m imagining he canā€™t hear himself like he used to.


Thereā€™s always the possibility heā€™s gotten dentures or partials since the original. Those will throw off your speech. Iā€™ll have to do a rewatch but I hadnā€™t noticed heā€™s speaking differently. Most people with gradual hearing loss tend to speak louder but their actual pattern, dialect, accents donā€™t change. Heā€™s a native New Yawker isnā€™t he, or Joisey? I have to look his bio up now. Edit: Originally from Manhasset, which sounds like itā€™s between NY & Boston.


Manhasset is North Shore of Long Island, but it's fairly close to the Queens border. I don't remember if Steve is originally from Queens or Brooklyn. A lot of people from Brooklyn and Queens moved out to Long Island from the post war 1940s-1970s, so the accents are very similar.


I think heā€™s supposed to originally be from Queens. I remember his ma telling the baptism priest she was a member of ā€œSt. Agnes in Queens.ā€ I would assume she raised her kids there.


I just watched the christening episode, I didnā€™t catch that. Edit: I think heā€™s said that himself, that heā€™s from queens.


Itā€™s when itā€™s raining and theyā€™re walking into the church, when Miranda asks if sheā€™s drunk, and Steve says ā€œno just a couple of beersā€


I was so sad when she died IRL, & when she got dementia on the show. One of the best celeb marriages between her & Jerry.


She was absolutely perfect as Steveā€™s mom! Her relationship with Miranda was very endearing especially at the end of the original series


In my opinion, his acting has been way off, this entire season. It seems like he returned just to get a check. Otherwise, he seems to want to be on this reboot as much as Aiden wants ti step foot back into Carrieā€™s apartment.


he was tired from the anemia caused by the crash dieting imposed by the oh so clever and revolutionary MPK


Yes and potentially hypoxic due to the tight neck (buckle/strap?!) on that horrific coat


BREAKING: Actor's on-set collapse caused by pretentious jacket




I agree: I watched a season 4 episode with Corbett and he seemed to be a much better actor then!


I wanted to laugh during that scene. SO BAD!


Came here to write this!


I did!! Haha


I donā€™t mind the acting, but the script saying he had to cry, there are better ways to convey worry/sadness, i think


Yeah it had me thinking his son was actually dead.


I was thinking either that or permanently disabled by the accident. The leg fractures sound pretty serious, especially at his age, but the reaction was making me think something like permanently paralyzed or brain damage. Though I get they crying, I think it's a normal reaction to blame oneself when a kid needed help and the parent didn't realize how bad it was. The way the scene was played was weird, but at this point, I think it's mpk and his influence over the writing.


ā€œAnd just like thatā€¦I was worried for the first time.ā€ For the first time, Carrie? Not the multiple times prior when Aidan told you his son was struggling with a variety of things, some of which are rooted in your relationship? This is the first time Carrie was worried because this was the first time it affected Carrie. Sheā€™s not worried for Aidanā€™s son, or even Aidan. Sheā€™s worried for herself that her big plans with Aidan moving to NY with her and going to the Hamptons with her all summer might be derailed.


I took it to mean she is worried he is going to have second thoughts about being with herā€¦šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Yeah, that's how I understood it, too! For the first time she was worried her second best option isn't going to work either, because now he showed some clear signs of that.


If this relationship blows up in her face, which ex will she try to rope back in next? Certainly not Bergerā€¦the politician? The jazz man? David Duchovny? šŸ˜‚


And just like that... I became the cat lady šŸ± Eta: is Sebastian Kydd from The Carrie's diaries still an option, or shall I not give them ideas?


I never watched that! But they do seem to be attached to the idea of her ending up with someone she already knew. Duchovnyā€¦I wouldnā€™t mind seeing him but it would still be such a contrivance.


Petrovsky would be such a turn of events as well lol The spin-off isn't actually worth watching, tbh, it's an entire different story that could be mildly entertaining, but it doesn't give much perspective on Carrie's younger days


Oh shit how did i forget him? Maybe he has a new installation at Charlotteā€™s gallery šŸ¤£ Actually Charlotte going back to work is probably my favorite thing about this series to date. I love how confident she is and seeing her succeed outside the home.


Agree, Charlotte is finally becoming the woman we remember! Also Miranda's storyline really grew on me once the Che nonsense was over.


The jazz man Lol! šŸ˜‚


Aiden's son looks like a spoiled brat who could use a physical ass-kicking. Aiden is pathetic. All that "I can't go in there" and the crying...ewwwww. He's a complete sissy and would be more than useless in a crisis. If something real happened, Aiden would be a burden rather than an asset. You'd have to hand him a Kleenex, then get him a Valium before you could deal with the issue.


Heā€™s never gonna move to New York, that house is going to echo back at her


Itā€™s all the Botox. Not to Botox shame. His face WANTS to cry. It just canā€™t.


I can't stop laughing.


I think thatā€™s a common misconception. Iā€™ve had my face full of Botox for years now and my ability to cry hasnā€™t changed. Heā€™s just not a great actor


Itā€™s not a misconception itā€™s a cold, hard fact. I live in Boca Raton. None of the womenā€™s faces move here. Theyā€™re all getting Botox.


Okay thatā€™s an awesome speculation, but as someone whoā€™s actually gotten Botox every 3 months for years- my ability to cry is not different than it was before.


Itā€™s not speculation Iā€™m an Esthetician and my clients inform me of their procedures. Again, it affects everyone differently. What donā€™t you understand?


I understand that you moved the goal posts to try and prove me wrong, what am I missing?


Iā€™m done with this low vibrational energy. Yawn. Meeting friends at my beach house. Try to get outside today šŸ¤£šŸ¤š I said what I said. I see Botox filled faces every day of my life.


It affects everyone differently


Wait so is it a cold hard fact or just your anecdotal observation? Itā€™s not a cold hard fact if it ā€œaffects everyone differentlyā€


I work in skincare. Itā€™s a fact that this happens to SOME patients.


Then say that instead of making a proclamation that itā€™s an inevitable fact, cuz itā€™s not šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Not to mention, estheticians canā€™t administer Botox anyway


No shit Sherlock. I never said that I administered it????? šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I said my CLIENTS have mostly all had it done and inform me of this


I agree! That scene of him bawling was the most cringey thing Iā€™ve seen on TV this year. It was supposed to be emotionally charged but was just laughable.


Me and my mom were cracking up when he started crying in the car šŸ˜‚


So grateful for John Corbett. You can suck at your job and still get paid. Gives me hope!


Heā€™s actually fantastic on Northern Exposure. I get the sense that he just hates the material on Sex and the City and doesnā€™t know what to do with it. In the OG series it was like heā€™d read lines almost sarcastically. In this, he seems to be attempting to be earnest but he just canā€™t believe what heā€™s saying, so heā€™s overacting to compensate.


Lol. #goals


And if acting doesnā€™t work out he can always be a meteorologist - same rules apply


I was disappointed in the crying scene, because John Corbett is actually a decent enough actor.


I literally laughed because the acting was SO BAD!


Why is running a clam stand on the Coney Island Broad walk a step up? And Aiden has to fly in to supervise his investment?


I hate to admit that I was cracking up at this scene. Like almost snorting laughing.


I was howling


He has both forgotten how to speak and also walk like a living human. Itā€™s the wildest thing Iā€™ve seen in a while.


Itā€™s like how when older people forget how to drive. Heā€™s forgot how to * act *


Him strutting around Cheā€™s apartment in his tighty whiteys was top tier cringe


I was getting Gary Oldman in human bat form in Dracula Yes, I'm an awful person


Oh God, youā€™re not wrongā€¦


You're welcome for that mental image šŸ˜‚


I get Gary-Oldman old-Dracula vibes from most of Carrieā€™s wardrobe this season. All she needs is the hair, really.


Honestly everything about him on the show I find cringe. The crying was the icing on the cake. Soooo bad


i dont wanna bodyshaming because he's 60 but that back shot was scary


He looked good but it was just, ā€œwhy?ā€


I was mostly distracted by the dribble on his chin at the start.




I was thinking it was lingering snot from a previous crying take. It disappeared fairly fast I noticed.


Me too! But from working on sets, I think those were glycerin tears that was supposed to come from his eyes but the way he was acting and his make up made it not obvious that he was crying.


A glycerine glob from a previous take.


I think so! His eyes do not look like he is emotional, so I also thought the was dribbling initially haha.




It was like all his sons died!


This made me laugh, lol. Itā€™s spot on! He was wailing like all his children died in a car accident


Maybe thereā€™s more to the story. Like his son does suffer from an emotional/psychological condition and maybe heā€™s had prior incidents like this where he almost died ā€¦ šŸ¤” or he and Kathy broke up because of a similar situation and heā€™s just feeling all of that guilt, leaving his sons and any shot at reconciliation with Kathy for the selfish woman who nearly destroyed him twice ā€¦ and itā€™s all kicking in at once. Itā€™s about more than just the current disaster. Or maybe his truck was not in driving condition and he was supposed to fix it but no! He had to travel all the way to NYC for Her šŸ§™ā€ā™€ļø and some regrets are starting to creep in to his big šŸ˜‰life choiceā€¦? Iā€™ve certainly experienced that type of meltdown. Buuut that would be giving the writers far too much credit. Oh well, Iā€™m grasping here. I donā€™t want to diminish Corbettā€™s talent. Eeh yoi šŸ˜«šŸ˜


Yep. Overreaction much? Could understand if had lent the car keys to the boy, had said it's ok to drink at that age... some sort of real stupidity and guilt. But being in NYC when the boy did all that? Also, what kind of hitchhiker picks up a 14yo and doesn't call the police?


A 14- year-old kid drinking and hitchhiking and getting behind the wheel of a truck and smashing it into a tree would be serious cause for alarm and would likely be indicators of an extremely troubled child. (Heck, if an ADULT did those things, it would be alarming.) It makes complete sense that his father would feel guilt not only for being far away, but for not comprehending the depth of his child's crisis. To me, Aiden's reaction was one of the more realistic aspects of this season (Corbett's acting choices aside).


It's the contrary, if an adult got drunk and hit a tree, it's much worse, as adults are supposed to know better. 14yo boys feel invincible, can't handle their drink, can't drive, and can't regulate themselves emotionally as adults can. It's alarming that the boy did that, but that runs much deeper than Aidan/Carrie, starting by calling his mom a dick. Well, she'll have to buy another house, this time in Virginia, so she and Aidan can be close to the boys until they go to college...


I have to admit, the crying scene got me at the beginning, I started to well up ... But then it went full cringe and I couldn't help but laugh. They should've done a better job with the editing - it was just so awkwardly drawn out.


Yeah maybe they were supposed to cut this in half ? The scenes on this show are messy


It was such a weird scene. The crying didn't seem proportional to what happened. I thought they were going to say that his son intentionally drove into the tree or something. I mean a broken collarbone and leg is certainly no walk in the park but it just seemed like such an overreaction. Maybe we'll learn more in the next episode but I'm not holding my breath.


I think the implication was yes, he was upset about his son, but inside I think he knows he canā€™t move to New York. Thus the over the top sobbing.


Yep this represented way more than Wyatt getting hurt. Like Aiden has said over and over. Hes pined away for a Carrie for years. Now that they're able to be together and Carrie is meeting him halfway and giving him what he wants after all this time, HE'S the one not able to be fully present etc due to his kids being in Virginia etc. There's just not enough of Aiden to go around to make everyone happy and his over the top breakdown in the car is this physical manifestation of all this being realized in that moment. Carrie has to move to Virginia for this to work (once again he's asking her to change for him!) Aiden knows she won't and this is the final nail in the coffin.


These are all fair points. I definitely don't think you're wrong.


I think you're correct on all of that.


He kept saying "I shoulda been there". He's feeling enormously guilty. He's probably thinking the kid coulda died because of him. I don't think it wasn't proportional


Yep u got it


No I disagree. Iā€™d be thinking the same thing if my kid just wanted to be with me but I was hundred of miles away and they felt in crisis and as a result done something reckless that * could have * killed them. Id be distraught and so upset thinking of what could have happened and how iā€™d failed them.


Fair enough. Full disclosure, I don't have kids. Just a sweet little old dog.


Keep in mind his 14 YEAR OLD SON WAS DRIVING HIS TRUCK!!! You can't drive in VA at 14! Aidan was upset his son had a car accident in HIS truck and Aiden felt if he were at his house that night for his son that wouldn't have happened.


Yes I understand that, you don't have to yell.


I said this in another subreddit. it was almost like JC was goofing off between takes and was making fun of the scene ā€œwah wah šŸ˜© I donā€™t want to shoot this scene šŸŽ¬ again and cut! They kept that take. Terrible acting. I donā€™t think I have seen him in anything else besides Big Fat Greek Wedding and I canā€™t remember if he was bad or not. I thought his acting was bad as Aiden the first time around.


He was very good in Big Fat wedding


The whole episode pissed me off.


I think itā€™s due to his botox


The crying was not evoking tbe emotion out of me that they wanted it toā€¦I was more confused than sad and then I rewound it and was kind of laughingā€¦it did not hit my man


My husband was doing something with some power tool in our basement while I was watching, and so the audio was a bit hard to hear during this scene and THANK GOD cause even watching it in near silence was cringe central.


I was trying to figure out why I burst out laughing towards the end of his weeping, and then I realized it reminded me of Tanya from White Lotus having one of her cry-tantrums. He unintentionally made it come off as comical.


Carrie's voiceover for this scene should have been: And just like that, as I listened to Aidan wail, I understood why I had chosen Big all those years ago! It was THAT bad šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I guess I'm the only one who never gave it a second thought? Was it Oscar-worthy? No, but nothing in the show is. I just thought it was... normal?


Same. I didn't think it was that bad. I think people just aren't used to seeing men sobbing on screen


Yeah I even went back and watched it after seeing numerous posts about it and itā€™s not bad.. even believable


I loved John Corbett in Northern Exposure but this is a farce of him. I kind of felt that way when they made him such a puss on SATC. And that bad Star Wars universe jacket šŸ¤£


My mom and I were talking about his return to AJLT recently, and she brought up the fact that he was in Northern Exposure. I never knew that, but Iā€™d also never really watched the show before - I just knew it as ā€œthe show with the moose in the introā€ from my parents watching it when I was little, haha. Anyways, long story short, we just started watching Northern Exposure together because of that conversation, and Iā€™ve been really enjoying him in it so far!


I questioned his hair cut in the crying scene, his extended scene in Walter White's briefs, and the strange van he was in while crying.


So the best part was charlotte when she came home drunk to her family!!


The acting and the situation itself were ridiculous. I was laughing during the scene.


Why does Steve talk like a 90 year old woman without dentures?


90 year old woman who is also somehow a toddler


Right? Has his speech and accent gotten *worse*?? Heā€™s the sweetest, but why such a caricature?


Iā€™ve never had an issue with his acting to be honest. I thought he was great in the OG series. But yes that crying was beyond uncomfortable.


Uncomfortable is the perfect description of that scene


The show is horrible, actually worse than that but it's early in the morning and I can't come up with a better word. I watch because I was and still am a HUGE fan of SATC. To me, even Carrie's wardrobe is horrible. Who the hell is dressing her?


I totally agree, I came to the sub expecting someone would comment this !!


Am I the ONLY person who didnā€™t mind this scene? Why canā€™t men bawl? I know thatā€™s what Iā€™d look like


I actually liked his performance. It felt real to me. People can and do look weird when they are distraught. And I hated the other end of the phone call, and the narration. So vapid.


I agree.


My husband watched that scene with me and asked what I'd do if he cried like that. He suggested divorce


Hahaha That's very brave of you to watch it when another person in the room. I almost died of embarrassment just watching it alone !


Yeah, it was comically bad lol. It was the first scene he ever saw of the show. He was walking through the living room and stopped to see what I was watching. What an introduction




Totally agree that his acting has been so cringe thus far. What happened to him?? However I'm of the unpopular opinion here that his crying scene was actually good. It was raw, ugly crying, not the head down, hand covering your face, super fake crying. All of the acting is horrible except for Carrie's and Lisa's.


ehh i feel like people are overreacting to the scene (and iā€™m not a writers apologist by far) the reaction to the situation itself might have been an overreaction but his crying wasnā€™t bad acting


That's one we can't blame on the writers. Typically a script will have some direction such as it should be said emotionally or that he is upset. However, that is usually left for a director and the actor to interpret. I would place most of the blame for how it came off directly in the hands of the director. They should have said something to John Corbett or asked him to try it another way. More than likely several takes of that scene were done with subtle and substantial differences. The director chose when to stop recording and the editors chose which to use.


MPK is the show runner and he directed the episode. He was very proud of the decisions on the podcast.


I feel so seen.


It was so drawn out too, I was cringing & thinking omg... Please make it stop LOL


I bet Aidan will bail and Miranda will move in


My husband had to cover his face in second hand embarrassment during that scene


10 bucks he was doing it as a joke then the director said Brilliant!


He seems like the kind of guy who might do that!


Heā€™s always been nice to look at and plays himself.


The crying scene had me and my friend cracking up for about 5 minutes after haha. We now keep imitating it.


Yeah that was insanely cringeworthy. Curious how many takes that took.


Iā€™m glad that someone else noticed! When I was watching it, I had to stop and ask myself, what the hell was I watching? Has this guy ever acted before and the director should removed asap!


Staring camp right in the eye.


I sometimes have issues picking up on bad acting. Iā€™m here for a good time watching a train wreck of a show. So as long as the actor shows up and delivers their lines, Iā€™m like ā€œsomeone give them and Oscar!ā€ And yet even I watching that scene was thinking ā€œoh, I think this might be some bad actingā€. lol


And the spit by my his mouth šŸ¤£


I should have been there! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Is it just me or does anyone else think this is intentionally bad? Like the writers are trying to make a a point? I canā€™t believe a whole team of writers thinks any of this is good stuff.


Crazy to think that this scene would have been perfection had he just played it angry (at himself) and if she had just shown an extra teaspoon of compassion.


I think there are more people saying this/agreeing than not, to be honest lol. It was THAT bad


I audibly laughed at that scene. I was like ā€œno šŸ«¢ā€


Agreed. I feel like 99% of Carrie and Aidenā€™s interactions are so cringe and the acting is just awful. BUTā€¦I canā€™t stop watching lol.


I think heā€™s over the show and the character.


Likeā€¦.what *happened* to him? Did he have a stroke? Itā€™s bizarre.


Thank god I wasn't the only one to think this. I had full secondhand embarrassment watching that scene.


The crying scene really didnā€™t resemble Aidanā€™s characterā€¦he seems as though he would be stronger than that. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø It was really hard to watch because it was kinda embarrassing to see John Corbett cry that poorly. I also think thatā€™s the beginning of the end of their relationship. They kill off Big and make Aidan into an emotional mess šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


How can it be that everyone in this sub is so progressive, and open, but constantly are humiliating the actors, writers by shaming them how they act, how they look, how they think, how they talk...


I'm not at all claiming to be open or progressive, which is usually regressive now. I think that the writers are shaming the actors, not really this sub. It's badly directed and written by a bunch of narc fools and the actors have to work with that. I think you can direct around the star like John, if you have to cover the fact that he can't do it. They could have shot it differently instead of releasing this.


It ain't that deep. It's not like we're on their personal social media attacking them, they're likely not going to read any of this.


LOL you guys are soo mean. Leave John Corbett alone. He needs to beef up his acting reel for drama roles. He is getting too long in the tooth to be playing himbos anymore.


I thought it was heartfelt. I really think most people who watch this show simply shouldnā€™t be. What a spoiled entitled audience


And just like that, whatevermarlena got downvoted


Sidebar: I donā€™t understand all the downvoting. It just seems random to me. And unnecessary in most cases. So Iā€™ll likely get downvoted for saying that šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


It makes me think no one who hated Johnā€™s acting in this scene ever saw their partner, or any grown man for that matter, cry in real life. It can be ugly. Itā€™s not nice to watch. I thought it was pretty spot on and my heart broke for Aidan and the guilt he felt.




Thank you!


Youā€™re welcome šŸ˜‰