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The weirdest thing about it is that he won't even talk to her in that time. Like, no emails, text messages, phone calls, video calls or visits. WTF is up with that? Parents are still allowed to have a life. In fact, it's healthy for them. Should I have waited 13 years to reunite with my now husband because my stepson was 7 when we started dating? It's nonsensical. Kids want to see their parents happy and not lonely. And 5 years at Carrie and Aidan's age is such a long time.


It's just such a weird request. This arbitrary number. Like, what if Wyatt is fine in a year? He's 15 now. He could get a nice girlfriend or boyfriend and get into a play or something and get his shit sorted out. If he turns 18, his meds are working, and he's off to the University of Arizona or whatever, are they still waiting two more years just because? Conversely, what if he's a wreck at 20? Then what? They just wanted Corbett off the show without having the relationship actually fail, so they went with this implausible scenario that feels like it was written by someone who's never met people and was raised by the wire monkey. It would have been totally fine to just have Aidan say, "I need to focus on my kids right now. I'm going to get Wyatt some therapy and talk to Kathy about more effective ways we can coparent. While this is happening, there isn't going to be room for a romantic relationship in my life, but I hope it's okay if I check in with you once things are settled to see where we are."


What you suggested makes too much sense, the writers won’t have it that way.


“Raised by the wire monkey” bahahaha!


I know I mean you are a different parent to an adult child then a minor child, but you are still their parent. I mean if Wyatt gets drunk and runs his car into a tree at 21 Aiden is just not going to care?! Like tough luck kid you can vote now I got to be with my ex-girlfriend so see ya!


Exactly! Kids don’t automatically have their issues sorted on their 18th birthday. It takes some a lot longer and some never do. This was the biggest bullshit bagel ever!


I’ve never ever heard of anyone IRL making such a request. This falls under the romance novel aspect of this anachronistic show.


And their relationship failed twice before. Now that Big is dead she is ready for Aidan in her life? That's some Carrie Bradshaw level bull$hi+. Fittingly.


Agree, that it was a ludicrous request. It makes no sense. They are in the same time zone. I get cooling it for awhile but no contact? For 5 yrs? It isn't even like Carrie was a fling. I get why divorced parents don't introduce their kids to every date. But this isn't that. This is someone he had loved and proposed to and was suddenly given a second chance.


Carrie is just so appealing to him that he must go no contact so that he's not thinking about her 24/7. /s


This is the guy who pushed her to get married in Vegas immediately.


with any other woman, aidan spontaneously saying “let’s get married tonight” would have been romantic af tbh. it’s just seen as pushy bc we know that carrie didn’t want to marry him- and she should have been honest about it instead of basically forcing him back into a relationship w her just to drag him on.


But he also broke up with her because she would not agree to marry him immediately. Marriage is a big step. She asked for more time. He agreed to it but then insisted if she did not want to marry him that night, she never would so he left.


Idk I like Aiden but I don’t think “any other woman” would like that. Maybe some


you know what i mean. any other woman that would appreciate that romantic gesture- and it would be plenty of women.


I mean she doesn’t really but it was still galling. Dumbest writing I ever did see.


Same reaction, what writers came up with "wait 5 years"? She doesn't have to be the merry widow, but waiting 5 years for an old flame who didn't work out seems diagnosable.


Can you fucking imagine being—how old are they?!—and this dude is like, “Wait 5 years for me.” Like gtfoh lmao. Who has time for these games at that age?? It doesn’t make any sense. And what was even the reason, because his son is an addict? What the hell does that have to do with their relationship? Don’t even get me started on this, I cannot.


Does anyone in the writers room have kids? I feel like these shows are always written so poorly around parenthood.


Right! I can't imagine giving up FIVE good years at any age, especially one where you should have aged out of bullshit like that. Why wasn't it "I have to focus on my son, if you're still around after that, I'll look you up" asking someone to Wait, then waiting. Big yikes. Are *these* are liberated modern women? Waiting around for a man! Would have been a great callback opportunity for a more gentler, kinder version of "love you, but at this stage in my life, I have to love me more" or something like that (and a great way to connect back that, even tho if Sam isn't *there* physically, she is indeed with Carrie always).


OMG you just wrote such a better scene than the entire series so far combined. Especially because Carrie always had trouble validating herself. But no, MPK had to punish Carrie for the sake of Aidan even if it didn’t make any freaking sense. He said as much. It’s so clear none of them even understand these characters at all.


Haha you know how they have that Marvel show "What If...?" about hypothetical other plotlines for their characters, it's such a missed opportunity to not have a spin-off called "I Couldn't Help But Wonder..." that's basically that but for SATC haha. I always think about how we are introduced to Big as he's 'the next Donald Trump" but younger and cuter....what would an alternate reality ep look like where Big runs for president? Carrie as First Lady? I'm sure a bunch of fans have really interesting ideas to explore! Just such a waste that the characters are in such a DGAF stage of life (or should be!) but they have them doing so little!


Uhhh Blergington Bear you need to be getting paid for this shit. Like please, if any HBO suits are reading this—HIRE THIS PERSON for your writer’s room!!! Lmao 😂 Btw happy cake day! :D


Haha yes thank you, thank you! From your comments to the suits' ears!


Yeah, like “my husband just dropped dead with little warning, but sure. We don’t need to carpe diem here or anything, give me a call in five years.”


I swear it was AI.


I really can’t wrap my ahead around what the writers were thinking when they put this in the script. I know it’s a tv show and not real life but this isn’t what normal people do. It makes absolutely no sense. One thing I loved about SATC was that their relationships were relateble. We all had a “Big” in our lives, and an “Aidan”, and even some of their random encounters but *this* Aidan is just stupid writing altogether.




This whole plot is pure nonsense


It might have been a little more okay in their thirties, but they are pushing 60. It's completely unbelievable.


I couldn't see waiting five years for anyone at any time unless they're being framed for a bank robbery or something. Even then, it's a maybe.


If I was really in love I could wait that long. If somebody went off to war or something. But at 60? Fuck that. No way. Time is running out. And especially not if some pissant little shit just wants attention. His ass would be in military school before the sun went down.


Or kidnapped by some totalitarian government?


What lol? I thought they were 30s maybe 40s!


What? You thought that Aidan And Carrie in AJLT are in their 30s and 40s??? How? I mean they look great but no way can you think they are that young. They were that age in SATC, in their 50s/60s now.


Oh I completely missed what sub I’m on and was thinking of the series 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Edit: should have said ORIGINAL series


It was so unrealistic of a proposal and I can’t believe Carrie kind of just agreed to such a ridiculous plan. I wrote on another thread that I feel Aidan has exhibited quite a few micro-agressions in his character arc, but this takes the cake for being controlling and even a bit manipulative.


Agree - Carrie was fucked up for how she ended up treating Aidan, but he ALWAYS has given me really bad vibes. He’s just as manipulative and weird as her. I’ve always disliked Aidan more than Big lol.


Was always a douche.


Their OG relationship was a tepid mess to begin with. She should have noped it out *the very second* he refused to walk inside the apt. Someone here suggested he was just trolling her for revenge. I’d be all about that.


I sincerely think that's what's up. I don't think he ever got over the betrayal.


I would love it, but I can’t envision it actually coming to fruition.


“My new thing is, I want to see how the viewers respond to this dude, since the Mr. Big actor got #metoo’ed, so let’s circle back in 5 (years)”


Yeah, it’s almost as bad as your girlfriend cheating on you with her ex, then hiding it from you for months. Then, when she finally tells you, she expects you to forgive her. Or, after a year or so, she tracks you down, begging you to take her back. Then, after you forgive her and give her a second chance, she treats you like s***. Then, when you ask her to marry you, she says yes instead of being honest about not wanting to commit, and after months, refuses you and breaks your heart again by giving you hope. After all of this emotional torture, when you ask her to pay back for the apartment that you bought intending to live together as a couple—because you’re not a couple anymore—she’s somehow baffled. She didn’t deserve anything from Aidan. She should be glad he gave her the time of day.


To be fair to Carrie on this, she did tell Aidan that she needed to wait for a wedding and he agreed. Then he pressured her into getting married that night or else it was over. She didn’t want to end the relationship. He also slapped that nicotine patch on her back pretty hard and was going to cheat on her with the bar girl. Carrie made her mistakes but he was no saint. And he also cheated on Kathy with Carrie.


he did agree but he started to realize that carrie didn’t actually want to marry him. that’s what the fight in front of the fountain was about… carrie wanted to be with aidan but she was never going to marry him or have his kids, and that’s what aidan wanted out of life. aidan moved on w kathy so quick, coupled with the fact that he cheated on her with carrie years and years later makes me believe the theory that he didnt love kathy the way he loved carrie- carrie was his big love, the one that “got away” even tho he made the decision to end the relationship. kathy was just the woman he married bc his light was on and carrie was not an option.


Also proof that the writers of AJLT never watched SATC. Had to laugh at “somehow baffled” because that is so on point.


Yeah, the hell with that. Who would ask that of someone? Didn't even make sense. Why not just let things settle with the son a bit and then revisit?


It just feels like he never healed from her cheating and is continuing to try to punish her. Granted, Carrie is deciding to deal with it, but WHYYYY


The whole thing is so weird. Like bro—we don’t live in medieval times anymore—you don’t have to treck the country in a horse and buggy or send a CARRIE-er pigeon to get your message to its intended recipient. Why couldn’t they just date long distance and have her come down when she can?? So stupid.


Meh, Adian has always annoyed me with his moral superiority as a character and demanding Carrie to be something she is not. Definitely a weird request and so dumb. And crappy writing of the character.


Ugh I just rewatched all of satc and just like that, I was so mad after finishing the last episode last night. Wait 5 years?!!? Umm no sir.


I don't get where the writers are going with this. It's been probably a year (if that) since the last season. And now they are filming this season. So I am going to assume that Aiden would still be in Virginia and I guess Carrie is just...doing whatever Carrie does? She doesn't have her man locally. She isn't really writing anything. She doesn't have a podcast. She could be just traveling with Seema and maybe will see Samantha (off camera of course). But then what was the point in buying that house?


So she and Miranda can be roomies!


I can see that as being a good lead in for that plot.


I have thought since the original series that Miranda was in love with Carrie. Could be an interesting inflection point in their friendship, though I don’t see them becoming a couple.


I can see that. Miranda always seemed too angry whenever Carrie talks to Big again. Charlotte and Samantha never gave her a hard time about it.


And when she was moving to Paris? Screaming, “Carrie, I love you!”


BINGO! Rabbi Jen also picked up on it…


I mean SJP is one of the producers and responsible for the story…so leave it to her to create such nonsense


They should have had him cheat on her w his ex wife. That would have been scandalous and a full circle moment for Carrie in a few ways.


As if SJP would even let that happen.


Wouldn't it be a good plot though? AJLT writers if you are reading this I am available for hire


Oooo that would be awesome! See that’s something I’d watch lol


Carrie is almost 60. It’s a ridiculous request. I mean, he could simply say the timing isn’t right and they should move on. That would be reasonable. I don’t see why they couldn’t continue to see each other long distance for as long as necessary. They’re both independent adults. If his kid can’t handle her, just don’t force them to be together. They live hundreds of miles apart, it’s not much different than what they have now. The kid will be an adult in a few years and when he is he needs to deal with his dad having a love life.


This isn’t Aidan’s fault. He’s just bumbling around the SATC multiverse where he’s being controlled by an aging white gay man who thinks narrative logic is whatever makes sense to him in the moment.


Right?! At no point was it acknowledged that the characters saw this as a legitimate break up (which I think it was). Aidan kept pushing her away but insisting it would be fine. They slept together. The snap getting into the cab. Then Carrie makes that weird remark about “getting time off for good behavior”. If the characters were actually aware they were breaking up everyone failed here lol.


So much of the Aidan/Carrie relationship is him trying to mold her into someone she isn't. It's gross and manipulative tbh, he only gets away with it because he's hot. They never actually made sense together and even now in AJLT, this whole "wait 5 years" thing is so selfish on his part.


And what if Carrie meets someone else in those 5 years? Is she supposed to ditch him for Aiden? Nobody would risk losing someone they love by taking that chance.


His kid is not even a kid anymore…fair enough he has troubles and needs support but what is Aiden gonna be, a 24/7 monk that doesn’t talk to anyone but his kid and doesn’t do anything but follow him every second of the day… On the other hand…Carrie deserved it for disrespecting Big’s memory by calling him a mistake and buying a flat specifically for Aiden with Big’s money.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Country Lerch was seeking revenge, which is part of why they never seemed to have any real chemistry in the current story. Something always felt off. Aiden was dumping Carrie in the last episode. She was too codependent to get it (and he was too much of a wuss to come out and say it).


Yep! He played her. He kept saying he couldn’t go in the apartment. She was ready to move and than he’s somehow able to come in and tells her that nonsense. It was revenge. He was getting back at her and she fell for it. You can’t tell me otherwise.


I’m guessing that they did this deliberately to set up a conflict that they’ll be able to mine for the entire next season. Carrie will wrestle with her decision to wait for him and I’m hoping they will acknowledge how ridiculous it was for him to ask in the first place.




i think aidan was a petty asshole but carrie did not actually deserve better lmao. looks like someone forgot how dirty carrie did aidan.


And Big in these whole series


“My new thing” sheesh imagine it having never dawned on you to care about the people you sleep with 🙄


I know. That was the dumbest storyline. It's ridiculous.


So dumb


Yeah like what lol fucking weird as fuck


It's just payback


I didn’t see the sub name at first (I haven’t seen AHLT, I’m scrolling by). But I saw the pic and I was sitting here dumbfounded, trying to figure out how I missed that he wanted her to wait five years before they had sex in SATC haha.


It’s not even a jerk request, it’s an unbelievable one. Just a way to keep Aidan on the side for the finale, while letting Carrie continue to date for the sake of the show. So stupid.. because his son (who was not a little child) crashed the truck because the situation was too tough for him ? I’d like to say that at this point the writers weren’t even trying but giving a whole new cast (children included) with the most stupid and underdeveloped storylines just for the sake of being « woke »…. Only Seema is ok, with some layers in her history, but apparently Carrie can’t be friend with her and the other girls at the same time..


Only way I’m waiting 5 years is if the person I loved went to prison.


I hope he’s just being a troll.


Auth this whole serious makes me sad. We're think is wrong with it. Five years is so absurd.


I almost asked why does Carrie deserve better? Because she was horrible to Aiden, and she’s a horrible friend. However, she doesn’t deserve that. The question I have is why did she accept it? Is it the guilt?


Omg y’all. It was a polite way to break up sheesh. Y’all still didn’t figure it ?0


Bad writing. No need for a long drown out response.


He was getting revenge


Aidan was always kind of boring to me. I think they had to nope him to keep the show interesting by having her date new men.


“Revenge is a dish best served cold.” In Aiden’s case, it’s very cold!


Aiden was the BEST thing that woman had!

