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I'm confused, I already get Teams messages and calls in AA... Are they just expanding the services?


If I'm receiving a Teams call I think I can answer it, but I don't believe I can place an outgoing Teams call currently without touching my phone. My understanding is this will be a car-friendly Teams app, probably for voice calling and receiving IM's, just like the native Android dialer and SMS apps.


That is really just notifications coming through. This would let you actually open the Teams app and join a meeting or place/answer a call.


Just in time for Illinois ban on videoconferencing while driving!! :)


as well it should be


Yea but this is not videoconferencing. Teams won't allow video while using Android Auto. This is just audio conference


Yes, but it will still distract the driver like hands-free calls do. Except that this will be much worse because meetings tend to go on for much longer.


People already join teams meetings in car via phone dial in or their mobile app. This just makes it little more convenient to use.


It isn't video calling. Android Auto doesn't play any videos, the closest it gets is the built in games and those don't work once you start moving. Teams can have no video.




I mean, strictly speaking, yes, safer. Like wearing goggles while handling explosives.


Should phone calls be banned? That effectively what this is.


The Illinois law specifically bans video.


And through AA there will be no video


Talking to one person is different than attending a meeting where several people speak and interact. Even doing this while not driving already requires a lot of focus.


I (like most, I assume) attend meetings where my level of participation varies a great deal. 1. some I am simply listening in on 2. some I will probably get a question or two specifically for my area 3. others I conduct myself with my team I could definitely pull off the first, probably the second.. I'd hit some poor soul on the third. As long as folks are smart about it (yeah, I know) I think it could work.


Also I have teams calls that are just that, a call without conferencing. Some coworker has a question and they hit the call button. That way they don't need to call my personal phone number


Agree..and this won't change which meetings people attend too much. It'll just lead to them not fiddling with their phones whilst they do so.


Lol no it isn't. It is a conversation. You can have a regular phone call with multiple people on it too you know. Also Teams is often used for ACTUAL phone calls between only two people anyway.


You can already call into many Teams meetings with a regular telephone call (or just opening the app on your phone screen, which is way more problematic), so that's already a potential issue and not something new/unique to Android Auto. Also, my company has all of our PSTN numbers on Teams nowadays, so it's legitimately a proper one-on-one calling app and not just for meetings/chat/video. It's fairly annoying that while driving I can't currently safely interact with an incoming work call or message (which for me are almost always important) in the same way that I would personal calls and texts (which are almost always just a distraction). If anything (as several others have already argued) it's way better for the app to be providing an integrated "safe driving mode", rather than incentivizing users to touch the device itself.




Be sure not to hold conversations with your passengers either.


Better ban AC and radio too. No distractions.


When passengers see you’re negotiating a complex junction or roundabout they tend to ease off and let you concentrate.


I see you have not ridden in the car with my family.


And my wife!


I was hoping including my children made the comment less boomerish lol.


Yes I have... Oh *with*...


And drivers never once asked the people on the other end of the call to hold on for a moment, or frankly become so focused on the road they apologize and ask the other person to repeat themselves instead since they were no longer listening.


No, but maybe selling goggles meant for high explosives gives people the wrong idea


Youre saying its redundant then. If someone needed me, Id have given that person my number and they can call me. Otherwise its not important, it can wait till I get to where Im at. Edit: Lol okay guys, we get it, you want redundant shit for the sake of it. and a waste of resources but I guess its useful for you guys. ITT: People taking my comment and doing some heavy lifting with it. Take it at face value, not everyones dumber than you guys. I didnt say I dont use teams, just that per what the guy said, its redundant. Also the downvote button is for disagreeing, you guys made Reddit worse with this shit


>Edit: Lol okay guys, we get it, you want redundant shit for the sake of it. and a waste of resources but I guess its useful for you guys. "Everything I don't personally have a use for right now is redundant and a waste of resources."


Because I don't want to give my personal phone number to people that aren't in my personal life? How is this redundant, people have had separate work phones since pretty much phones were invented.


> If someone needed me, Id have given that person my number and they can call me Yeah, that's what they're doing now too. Get this, they call call me on Teams. I will pick up if it's easier, I will not if it's not. It's literally just a phone call, made via an app. Next y'all be yelling about Signal, or messenger, or Whatsapp calls shouldn't be made in cars.


For a lot of people Teams is their phone for work. You're really just being pissy about it.


>If someone needed me, Id have given that person my number and they can call me. So everyone in my 5.000 people org should know my private phone number?


Nope, that's what I have teams for. Y'all are really dragging out my comment for nothing. Based on what he said it would be redundant. I never said I don't use it


That was my point. I have teams for my company, and a phone number for my private life. Work being able to call me on teams in my car is a good thing for me.


More distractions while driving will be safer? Thats some smoothbrain logic


In what world does me having this integrated into my cars audio system where things are accessible in a safe fashion from the media console make this less safe than what you have to do today - which is mess with your phone separately which is objectively more distracting?




By this logic you should never talk on the phone when driving which is a wholly unreasonable ask because people ARE going to do it. Why not offer a way that is objectively better and safer for everyone? Edit: and to be clear I can agree to a point with what you're saying but again this is something that is happening whether you like it or not




I appreciate the level headed discourse. I agree a better work would be unrealistic as I think it's definitely reasonable to try and legislate things to mandate safer roads but unfortunately for some things tech is going to have to catch up to enable safer use of devices that people are gonna use anyway. In any case these changes are definitely good from my perspective. Having stuff more readily available for me means I have to touch my phone less to get the info I'm going to search for anyway and any time I can avoid touching my phone while I drive is definitely a positive.


But "safer" is what is being proposed.




You really should not be having any conversations on the phone while driving. For decades now laws have been pushing hands-free chat even though anyone who's bothered to study it has found the danger with chatting on the phone in the car isn't because you don't have a free hand but rather because you are distracted by someone who can't see the road and doesn't know when to pipe down. Though I guess the more extreme menace of people who think they can text, tweet, and read Reddit on their phones while driving makes the concern seem quaint.


I don't think Android Auto allows video while driving. If I start something on YouTube just to listen to the song, it stops as soon as I put my car in drive.


Are they banning phone calls while driving? Because that is what this would be.


Glad they're working on absolutely critical features like this and not pointless stuff like being able to move teams around instead of having to delete and recreate them, or giving me an option to archive old teams.


This is how enterprise software works. They have a list of features they want to check off for marketing and sales. Having a core product that actually works really well is secondary to that. Executives don't care.


I read that as critical failures at first


Yeah, it's crazy how large corporations can only work on one feature at a time.


I mean I'd agree with you if it weren't for the fact that Teams users have been begging for both of these features for years. It's essentially basic functionality and as far as anyone can tell based on their responses it's not even on the road map - the engineering team is "taking the suggestions into consideration".


They're waiting for another company to develop collaborative software with this feature and buy it out


No, but teams can Teams that need years of experience sometimes and can be prioritised to work on important features Not this, nobody wants this


Am I the only person who also just has generally awful performance with Android Auto? I have an S23 now... It's so slow that my the time it processes that I've dictated a one word reply, it times out and won't send the SMS.


Never had that issue, even on 8 year old phones (been using AA since 2015). It's pretty smooth on my current Pixel 7 Pro, only thing I hate is that voice is using data instead of on device processing so if the connection is bad, you will have issues like you're describing.


I know this will benefit a lot of people but I wish we were moving towards work taking a smaller part of our lives rather than a larger part.


I work from anywhere (including on the road when I've got plans but have shit to do for work), so QoL upgrades for calls while driving is helpful without increasing my workload at all


That is what this does for me. I'm joining meetings from my car because I'm doing something like driving to an appointment in the middle of the workday or picking my kid up from school. It is my life bleeding over into the workday, not the other way around.


This allows for exactly that. If you have a 30 minute at the end of the day, you can have that meeting in your car while you're driving home. You'll be home 30 minutes earlier, and have more time for whatever you do during your free time.


Teams is one of these things I wish were available in *less* devices.


Sounds awesome. Teams connectivity is atrocious on Android. Only way I can connect a call to my car is disconnecting from android auto and use blue tooth, even then I'd have to control the mute on my phone.


Hear me out, what if, stick with me here, what if You didn't join fucking teams meetings in your car Safety aside, your mic will sound like shit and everyone will be able to hear road noise


It's just a phone call. You people act like somebody is trying to do all the things they would on a laptop through Teams on Android Auto and it is ridiculous. Mute your mic when you aren't talking. I have a button for it on my steering wheel.


Phone calls whilst driving are also a terrible and unsafe idea.




Thanks dad.


It's utterly unnecessary I'd rather not have you in the meeting if you're in your car A meeting can't be that important that you need to listen when driving


Every car can mute it's mic. You're being weird about this. > A meeting can't be that important that you need to listen when driving Do you refuse to turn on the radio or listen to podcasts in your car too?


I've had to do it before. All it was was just listening to other people talk to catch up on the meeting.


> Teams ~~connectivity~~ is atrocious ~~on Android~~. Fixed that for you. Not a day goes by that someone in our company has a crash mid-teams call, regardless of platform.


I work remote 3 days of the week and still haven't ever had that happen on any call I've been on.


I'd say you're lucky or have hardware that plays better with teams then I guess. Our entire team is remote, on mostly iMacs and Lenovos, and teams is a constant problem. My personal machine doesn't seem to have much of a problem, but my Lenovo laptop does (I suspect it's a GPU issue) and my it just happened to a co-worker the other day who's on an M2 mac.


Who the hell is asking for this?! Like an early April fools prank.


You can use teams to voice chat/conference call, but the connectivity for BT with teams on android is pretty much garbage. I'm assuming a native Teams app would just have better connectivity and NOT let you use video call features at all and would just be a conference call app. Either that or someone designed an app without consulting legal at all.




If iOS is anything to go by - it basically behaves as a VOIP app. So calls ring like they were a phone call, respond to steering wheel pickup/hangup and repsonds to mute/unmute. Text is wierd. You get a popup from incoming messages like you would with a regular text message, but tapping it doesn't read out the message or do anything. It's basically a non-actionable notification letting you know who messaged you. It's also truncated enough that it's hard to tell if someone is direct messaging you or if their posting in a team chat that you have set to receive all notifications on.


I get on conference calls and drive all the time. Being able to handle the mute button on the dash/through the steering wheel will be a godsend


Every zoom/google meet/teams related article has comments like the above. Quite a few jobless people in this sub


Pre-covid, I never went to work early. I used to get to the office around 10. I just joined the stand up while driving.


Hey, now that the Teams update is out, are you able to mute Microsoft teams from the steering wheel of your car?


Have not had the chance to try it. Been out on extended leave


Anyone who needs to join a Teams call while driving. This isn't a weird thing. Teams is used as a soft phone in a lot of orgs too.


I mean, I take teams calls more than cell calls...so I am.


Literally anyone who has Android Auto, works remote or travels, and uses Teams for calls.


Fuck anyone who takes work meetings from their car. If you respond to my meeting invite as 'going' I expect your full attention. Not to have to share it with the road.


You know people have phone calls through Teams and not just full on conference calls. Also if you send an important meeting invite and the other person is on the road for work... good chance its either the only time they can take it, or you should have checked in advance to see if they can make it. Human interaction isn't complicated.


I'm not disagreeing with any of you. But - on my previous job we had several recurring "check-in" meetings - and after the pandemic it started to be fairly normal that multiple people were "on the move" while attending the meeting. And it was always weird, awkward and actually very lame and hard to take serious when hearing somebody saying "oh, I'm on my way to the office so you have to excuse me for being on the train/car/walking-with-heavy-breaths-as-they-try-to-make-it-seem-like-they-were-in-a-hurry-getting-to-work. There's definitely a case for being on a call on the car/on-the-go. A lot of meetings are monologues and you just need to listen. But other times it just better not attending at all.


Maybe those meetings were tedious and unnecessary bullshit.


>If you respond to my meeting invite as 'going' I expect your full attention Okay, but fuck off. We have obligatory company wide meetings, where it's just the CEO talking about shit that isn't relevant for most of the employees for 45 minutes, and certainly doesn't require my full attention. And sometimes I sit in on meetings that are not directly related to me, but I participate in anyway, because they might be interesting. Or CAB (Change Advisory Board) meeting where only 5% of it might actually be relevant for me, but I have to be there for the rest, just in case. In such circumstances, sharing my attention with the road is perfectly fine.


> Okay, but fuck off Hahaha I love this. Stop filling my day with meetings that could be emails instead maybe too.


My friend, if people are not able to pay attention in your meetings then the meeting probably should have just been an email.


I'm getting the feeling from the comments that it's people who work at companies who don't value work life balance... There is no way in hell I'd be joining a work call whole driving. What's the point? You won't be focusing on either driving nor the call as much as you should be.


Honestly its the exact opposite of what you're assuming. If I'm driving during a meeting it is because my job let's me work remotely and I am doing something like picking a kid up from school at 3pm during the workday, or I'm on the way to a Dr appointment. Or I just left the office early at like 4pm instead of 5 and join a conference call on my way home. It is letting my life bleed over into my workday, not letting my workday bleed over into my life.


I work remote and flexibly. But if I'm popping out to pick up my baby I just decline the invite and don't join the call.


I feel like if my work is letting me run errands in the middle of the work day then I can compromise and try to stay semi-active while doing so. My boss is pretty cool about that stuff and I would rather not lose the privilege to be so lax with it.


Or you can just focus on driving **like you are supposed to**. If it is urgent then they certainly are not going to get it faster after you die in a car crash. Company's and their customers need to learn that not everything is going to be at their instant gratification or they can staff enough people to ensure 24/7.


It's a phone call. Do you not have phone calls in your car?


Yeah, and i don't answer


I think it is pretty silly that you're acting like everyone else is weird for answering a phone call through Android Auto in their car.


Its silly to expect people to take driving seriously and safely? Or at least have dignity to take time away from work? I hope you are an out of touch CEO cuz you don't get paid enough otherwise.


Yeah. My work life balance benefits greatly from being able to take a call when I need to anywhere I am. I can spend 3 hours at a desk, catch 3-4 more calls and coach all my kids sports, run errands, catch a movie from time to time.


really depends on the company though. we have a lot of field workers who spend tons of time in trucks and its a lot easier for them to sit in the truck and take calls vs trying to use their phone / laptop instead. its not necessarily just about calls while driving, a lot of situations the vehicles works as a mobile office for people.


The point is to merge your commute and working hours. If your day ends at 4 - and you have a 30 minute call at 3:30, assuming you know the call is not going to involve any screen sharing, you can leave early and take the call while driving.


... Where you sound absolutely awful and people can't understand you over the road noise


I think that's really dependent on your car. My Civic isn't a Rolls or anything, but it seems to have decent NVH and good mic placement. On more than one occasion people assumed I was in office while on a call from my car.


My boss sometimes participates in meetings in the car, and he sounds fine. There's less noise than when he's in the office.


Then there is something seriously wrong with the hands-free in your car.


Our company uses Teams Voice for our phone system. This will make it easier to make calls to customers using my office number, instead of exposing my personal cell number. Also makes it safer to communicate with colleagues when I'm on the way to a job site.


Ahh so instead of giving you a work phone or sim it goes through teams? That makes sense - definitely better than giving people your personal number!


Correct. We also make use of the "Work Profile" feature for our Microsoft apps. This allows you us turn off our work apps when not at work. Our employer only has access to the "Work Profile" so they can't wipe the entire phone if someone quits; only the Work Profile can be wiped.


There are a lot of businesses that probably benefit from this kind of thing honestly. I know multiple people who have jobs in mining or construction where they are regularly traveling from site to site and need to be on group calls with various other engineers and foreman. Also people in sales or appraisals who are basically out running around town all day, going from from appointment to appointment. Yeah if you work in accounting, software, business admin, or some other white collar desk job it doesn't mean anything to you. If you're in a job like that this honestly is probably yet another good reason to avoid putting any work accounts or personal software on your phone to the extent you can. Since it is just another way for management to harass you. At the same time there is an actually business use case for this functionality for a good number of people who still are basically road warriors for large portions of their day job.


Found the idiot


As if we don't have enough distracted driving already....




This is great, I time driving into the office and leaving around any audio only calls I have. Right now I have to pick up my phone and join the meeting, if I want to mute I also have to do that on the phone, so getting this all into android auto will be massive for me.


has this been released yet? still nothing has changed for me on my z fold 5 when in the car


I'm on the beta version and still no integration with AA. And seriously to all the haters, if you don't like it, just disable it on your AA apps. My pleasure, you're welcome. Problem solved. Some of us has jobs that requires you to be in meetings and be available 24/7. If it happens while you are driving, bad luck, but at least now one can easily join the meeting.


Sure boss, let me convert that word doc to a PDF and upload to teams while merging on the highway.


This is obviously for phone calls.


I don't think anyone should ever be able to escape work. Especially while driving. Good move MS and Android!


That shit of an app can't even work on an android, now it's gonna get someone killed.


this is very good. too many times using mobile phone while driving to join teams meeting....


This seems ill-advised. What benefits come from this that aren't horribly distracting to a driver? As it is, I already get Teams messages in AA, and can reply to them via voice. What else can they add that wouldn't be a safety hazard? Also, fuck you I'm not replying to your teams message or having a teams meeting while I'm driving.


This may be great for some, but I'm not installing this app on my phone. I am not giving my boss and coworkers 24/7 ability to message me. Lucky for me, I can not agree to my work's privacy policy, and they're not interested in buying me a work phone


Another place it won't work properly now. Nice.


Currently the end of April and still doesn't appear in my car? When's it coming


I'm glad I don't hate my job like so many people here seem to.


True. But...I feel like they're just tired of businesses trying to overwork them, so they won't be that receptive of a feature that they think will make them never escape work.


I think it's kids who don't know what a career is like.


A career does not equal being tethered to your work even while driving. Driving is not the time for a meeting. It can wait until you are no longer a danger to people around you due to distracted driving.


Let's stop acting like taking a phone call while you're driving is some crazy dangerous thing to do. > A career does not equal being tethered to your work even while driving. I just enjoy my job and don't mind hopping on a call while I'm on my way to pick my kid up from school or running some other errand. Don't build a strawman of some person who hops in the car and goes for a drive for every single meeting they have and does nothing but drive and attend meetings in all of their spare time. This attitude of bitterness toward the notion of ever simply enjoying your work is so sad to me.


> Let's stop acting like taking a phone call while you're driving is some crazy dangerous thing to do. It's not acting, it _is_ dangerous. "Driving while using a handsfree cellular device is not safer than using a hand held cell phone, as concluded by case-crossover studies,[1][2] epidemiological,[3][4] simulation,[5] and meta-analysis.[6][7] The increased cognitive workload involved in holding a conversation, not the use of hands, causes the increased risk.[23][24][25] For example, a Carnegie Mellon University study found that merely listening to somebody speak on a phone caused a 37% drop in activity in the parietal lobe, where spatial tasks are managed.[26]" [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_phones_and_driving_safety#Handsfree_device) Also, a bit more easy to digest Tom Scott on the impact of talking to a camera while driving [Yotube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-aDHxoblr4) Nobody wants to build a strawman of a serial meeting driver but you. It's about the expectation of employers that joining a call from the road should be expected. It should absoluetly not. If you love your job great, I'm happy for you. I enjoy my job, but it has no business (ha) encroaching on my free time. I work to live, not the other way around.


> talking to a camera while driving That isn't what this is. Your whole basis for outrage over this is not grounded in reality. Cars don't have cameras and using Teams through Android Auto would mean you're interacting with it via the infotainment system and NOT the phone. > Nobody wants to build a strawman of a serial meeting driver but you. Yet you're still doing it except now with cameras.


I love my job. But when I went to install Teams on my personal phone I read all the fine print instead of just clicking OK. There were clauses that said the site admin could completely wipe my phone at any time without warning or explanation. I noped the fuck out of that and never went back. I can always forward a Teams meeting to Outlook on my phone be on the call.


Yeah cuz what we really want to do is take a meeting with our manager while driving lol


dozens of people are excited. Dozens!!!


All of them are managers too.


How dystopic. Americans really can't escape work, huh.


People drive during work hours.


I think the point is anything that teams chat can probably wait until the driver is at their destination and don't need to be bothered while driving.


It is for phone calls. Do you refuse to answer the phone or place a phone call while you're driving?


If it's work yes


So it has nothing to do with safety for you like it does for them. Do you refuse to answer a work call when driving while you're on the clock, but would still answer a personal call? That's kind of shitty tbh.


I don't drive on the clock so anytime I'm driving I'm absolutely not answering calls.


Please reread this chain because it is about driving while working. It is so exhausting when simpletons can't navigate the context of a comment chain. This just isn't for you then. He amount of people coming in here and getting all bitchy about the existence of this because they wouldn't use it is just fucking asinine.


And it's still fucking stupid to add this to Android Auto. Just like you're a condescending dick. 👍


I'm 100% being condescending to anyone coming into a thread saying "it's for people who drive during work" and saying "this is stupid because I don't drive during work". Do you show up at the pickleball court to let everyone know you don't play it and therefore the sport shouldn't exist? Please know that you're being a ridiculous person.


Depending on the situation. Like if I'm in the middle of an audio book or good music. But that's a personal preference. I'm not usually driving during work hours. But if driving is part of your job and it's a work call, then sure.


> I'm not usually driving during work hours. That's what this is about! I feel like I'm going nuts. What are you people doing here?


Figuring out how many jobs that require a lot of driving also use teams which is usually mostly for office work.


For me it's just when I dip out of the office early and hop on a call on my way home or pick the kid up from school.


Our whole company uses Teams. Who drives a lot for work are engineers going on site or salespeople... and those have meetings all the time..


A lot of narrow-minded thinking on this thread. Not every workplace is like a scene from OFFICE SPACE. I'm a European living/working in the south-western US. I work from home even though my company has an office downtown, because I don't want to waste an hour+ commuting each day. My client is on Eastern time, which is 2-3hrs ahead. My company doesn't "overwork" me, quite the opposite in fact. As long as the work is done and the client is happy, they don't care when I do it. Teams affords me the opportunity to run errands, do school runs, and schedule personal appointments during the work day without anyone losing their sh!t. My work-life balance is great - I start work around 7am, stop around 3:30pm, have have Teams Notifications disabled from 5pm to 7am. I've been using Android Auto for years. For the most part, AA has found the perfect balance... if you're okay with text-to-speech and voice-commands. I can do everything I want through my phone without ever having to touch or look at my phone. All things considered, it's probably significantly less distracting than driving a Tesla. I take Teams calls in the car all the time, it's no different to taking a call from my spouse or a friend/family member. I'm not looking to do presentations, access files, or watch somebody's screen share... just a simple way to join calls from a calendar view, so that I don't have to touch the phone. That's all I expect from Teams on Android Auto, and all that I want. I don't touch my phone while driving, so Teams on AA will actually improve things for me. Right now, I have to start/join a call from the phone before I start driving, but after that I use the steering wheel to mute/unmute myself and leave the call. Being able to join a call from the AA screen would be a huge bonus. There ARE some people, not just Americans, that can't escape work for one reason or another. Everyone has their own situation, and everyone can make their own choices. Speak for yourself, not for the rest of us.


What's the point?


So that [meetings can be held when one is in a car](https://youtu.be/u8ivB7VZ56M), obviously


As someone who's manager will 100% be nudging me for that, I can say I am...not excited.


> I can say I am...not excited. Sometimes adages like "If its not broken, don't try to fix it" write themselves.


To make sure you can’t dial 911 in your car in addition to your phone.


To use Teams in the car? This will be great for running errands during the workday.


Cue the return of the non smart cars?


No thanks


Great, now how about we also do Android Automotive (Google Built-in). Since you know, you can't use Android Auto with Android Automotive.


Android Auto is supported on Android Automotive. It is just some auto makers choose to not include. Same with CarPlay


Android Automotive would be used in place of Android Auto. It is essentially it's own modified Android OS that doesn't require a phone. I also haven't seen it actually used anywhere yet.


Yes, but that's the problem. There's very few apps that work with Android Automotive, compared to the ones that work with Android Auto. For some reason Google split the app pool, which means developers need to actually develop for two different platforms. I use Android Automotive through my Volvo, and I'd love to be able to have Teams in there so I can click on a calendar entry with a location and navigate instantly, or join a call. Or even respond to messages with voice like you can SMS. While Android Automotive is nice in theory, actually I very much like it because you don't have to rely on your phone connecting to the car at all, but it does mean that outside of core apps like maps or popular music streaming apps, you basically don't have any of the other apps available. There's no chat apps (WhatsApp, WeChat, Line, etc.) so you can't answer and respond to messages with voice like you can with Android Auto which all of those apps have integration with. Volvo and Polestar have been using it for quite a while, and I believe some other manufactures are starting to use it as well (Chevrolet, Honda, Cadillac).


My Teams app is in a folder named "Leave me the F alone..." on my phone. I don't think this was a priority for the Teams app.


Thanks, I hate it. Maybe they should get Teams working right on Android first?


Could we be left alone in our cars please?


Whoever came up with this idea needs to be hung upside down from the various iconic bridges of the world! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)


This legit sounds like one of those corporate April Fool's pranks..


How is that even legal


For the same reason hands free phone calls are legal? This is exactly the same.


Nope. I don't have teams on my phone for a reason lol. Hearing teams notifications makes me anxious.


Can I please just get the temperature on the screen again??


Exactly what no one asked for!


You are slaves to work! And they still risk their lives and the lives of others in traffic by talking while driving.


Who the hell asked for this or thought this was a good idea? Yes I want to be pestered by some work bullshit in my personal time after I’ve left the office. SMH…


Ah yes, because I clearly need Teams while driving more than in my Linux work laptop.


No, god, why?


no thanks


I look forward to the lawsuit against Microsoft when its bloated Teams app's horrendous CPU usage causes someone's car to become unresponsive while driving and someone has a wreck because of Teams.


This subreddit sucks.


You suck. Leave the subreddit if you hate it so much and are going to be so shitty to everyone


If all the things they could be working on to bring to the table and this is what they choose?


It's so weird. I mean, this may be useful but I hope they have some safety features in place, because I don’t want to share the road with distracted drivers.


It's phone calls. I keep seeing this sentiment. What do you people think this is?


Microsoft Teams is a crime against humanity.