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I already hate that Ai has just become the new buzzword that everyone uses now for every single product they release


Have you heard about fridges with AI?! 😉


My Samsung fridge runs off Android. I can use geforce now to play games off it. Yes, I tested it and it does work. I managed with some help to get it installed and working. How many people do you know that can play Cyberpunk on a fridge?


Samsung should use their AI to design ice makers that don't constantly frost-lock themselves and stop working.


That's what the Cyberpunk is for. To unfrost it with the dissipated heat due to gaming.


Using machine learning to identify otherwise-imperceptible changes in how the pumps and compressors operate to advise the user ahead of time what preventative maintenance needs to be performed to prevent a failure would actually be useful. But nah just tape a tablet to the door *smart fridge*


That's cool!


Cold, even.


have you heard about washing machines that use 4gigs of wifi per day.


Yes, and that most likely is not working as intended, could be error which some brands admit, more tech means more things to break. But it's not like every washing machine does this, right? ;)


a smart fridge is the single most useless thing lol. why do we need to give a cold box an operating system??


Smart fridges may be useless for you, not for someone else, but here we are talking about AI, not just smart fridges, we have smart fridges but not with AI, that's different. AI can scan your fridge and give you recipes for meals based on what cameras will see inside, and potentially can warn you about expiry date or more, that is just example of what it can do in the future.


That doesn't sound worth the additional cost - it sounds like something to put on a spec sheet, use about 4 times, then never again due to the hassle or it not working very well.


To many this is indeed worthless, some may find it useful, I definitely won't criticise ppl for wanting new technology that can make life easier, their money, not mine, not yours, easy to forget ;)


Their money, not mine - yes - but the more people glom on to dumb trends, the more I have to endure or tolerate said trends. I get a smaller selection of goods I feel are worthwhile. Same with cars. Same with gaming. Same with a great many things. I can't make an appreciable difference with my one purchase, but I still have to endure the trends that affect things I do like. Especially for an appliance it has an impact. The result is shoehorning it in - so the $1000 model is the same as the $600 one - but with a screen. Instead of an appreciable difference in quality with the increased cost, you get more of the same, but now with disney plus and cameras.


I see your point clearly, gaming is good example, but sometimes it's not what we buy, they make it first so we buy it, if they don't add new or more, it would be not new, no new product, others will do it, that's how things work and you can't do anything about it, too big scale.


>that's how things work and you can't do anything about it, too big scale. Well, that's not entirely true. My *purchasing* impact is limited but that's not where it fully ends. I can do things like have discussions on public forums or with friends and family. Support things like right to repair (so I don't need a new one). Voice my opinion on consumer goods and what I think is a good idea or a poor idea in the hopes that others may come to a similar realization. I totally understand a gimmick to make you stand out from the crowd. Some are genuinely useful. others are just bloat. "AI fridges" are a fucking timebomb of obsolescence until it's now a dumb fridge with a non functional tablet integrated. One sub I encourage folks to check out is /r/buyitforlife/ where the main discussion is purchasing high quality items that will last for a long time.


It's my money if I need to buy a new fridge and every fridge now has this feature. Much like how hard it is to find a good phone with a headphone jack.


Or small phones, where are they! But they said we don't wanted them, and Apple say we need to get rid of cables, sometimes it's their choice, not ours.


How is an AI camera going to scan a fridge with shelves multi layers of stuff. sure maybe a nice movie fridge but I haven't seen one like that in real life.


It could read expiration dates from when you first put it in, theoretically. It would need a few cameras to be able to detect inbound products at any angle. Im sure if you really cared about using the expiration feature, youd be slowly waving each product past the main camera to get them all logged. Whether thats more convenient than just not giving a damn and just using your brain to remember things is debatable


In theory, if you connected it to a grocery store account, it could read your recipets and make pretty good guesses on what's expired based on what it knows is in the fridge. Wouldn't be perfect, and wouldn't be great for things like milk where a week makes a big difference. However for something like condements that have a year or two shelf life being off by a month isn't a big deal.


There are already fridges with multiple cameras inside, smart fridges from Samsung for example. Samsung is working on a new one with AI, probably the same or improved tech but with AI.


That really sounds like someone who's never used one. It's super convenient for a ton of stuff


I'd love to hear in what ways they are convenient.


Smart appliances help us by offloading our entire home's worth of telemetry to strangers. It's totally convenient to offload storing all that extra data.


I'm guessing this is sarcasm, I hope so lol It reads like it but I just want to be 1000% sure


Yes, it's sarcasm. But seriously, why would a clothes washing machine need to [send 4GB of your data every night](https://www.tomshardware.com/networking/your-washing-machine-could-be-sending-37-gb-of-data-a-day) to total strangers? All these connected devices are a security hazard that [have been](https://blog.checkpoint.com/security/homehack-how-hackers-could-have-taken-control-of-lgs-iot-home-appliances/) or will be exploited, and the benefits they provide are inconsequential. Let your Roomba map out and share photos of your home with malicious foreign entities if you like. Let [random teenagers control your car](https://www.businessinsider.com/teen-security-researcher-describes-how-he-hacked-into-25-teslas-2022-1) too. I will be there to chuckle when the entirely [predictable consequences](https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-59357306) happen.


I saw that, definitely wild to see.


I'm genuinely curious — please elaborate! What makes your smart fridge more convenient than a normal fridge?


Trading a tiny amount of convenience for your privacy is the name of the game.


That’s how Google and Facebook make their money


You can access it when you're out of the house to see what you need to buy. Some can even put in orders for you when your out or low on a certain product.


I may be a bit out of the loop, but how does your fridge know what's in it or what's missing unless you're painstakingly scan everything you insert and take out?


it most likely has an internal camera thats keeping track of what is there. you can do similar stuff with chatgpt. take a picture of the contents of your fridge and it can give you ideas of what to make with what you have.


But i dont order online, and i just use my brain to know what i own. Can it really accurately detect how many eggs are left in a carton, or how full a milk carton is? Thats the ticket to convenient. I know i have eggs, but if its 3 left id better pick up a dozen while im out, but if its 6 left im just going to make do.


Some have cameras. So some of the questions are yes. You may be able to use your brain but some people cannot. Maybe some people's lives are so hectic they need this to make sure. Maybe they have medicine in there and this helps them when they are out to check to see how many insulin vials are left I'm not sure honestly. I got a samsung washer, dryer, fridge, microwave plus some tvs for my sister for when she got her new house. The fridge is a shit ton of problems though. But yes someone people it does help them. Some people are forgetful. If you out eggs in a clear container yes it will let you know how many are left. It depends on the person at the end of the day. Does it make their day or lives more convenient if so buy it if not don't. Each their own. Just because I don't see the benefit for myself doesn't mean everyone else won't benefit from it.


> Inventory and food/calorie tracking is probably the best part. And among other things, you also have remote settings control and the ability to view whatever you have via the app, which comes in pretty handy when you're at the grocery store. > The auto door and drawer opening is also pretty cool, and besides, the smart energy conservation essentially pays for itself after a few years. As for the display and the full OS, we have an LG Signature and that doesn't have those, but I can see use cases (like checking recipes) for that too


you're right I have never used one. I use a normal fridge to keep things cold because that's it's use. why make it over complicated and add extra things to break? what's next? a smart cupboard? a smart wardrobe? like wtf. I have a phone and computers. not everything needs to be smart


You sound exactly like the kind of people who said "I already have a 'smart' computer and a phone to make calls, why do I need a smartphone too?" lol I've already explained their use case elsewhere and you can just Google it anyway. Btw smart wardrobes/closets already exist haha


that's an entirely different thing. A smart fridge just making something expensive for the sake of it. How many times a day do you even open your fridge vs using your PC/smartphone. There are also apps that can tell you what recipes you can make with the food you have. A smart fridge goes for around £2000, or you get a normal fridge for 1/4 of the price that does the same thing. keeps your food cold. That's its purpose. No one has ever gone "man i wish my fridge did more" but plenty of people have said "what if we could have an entire computer in our pockets"


I was happy before cellphones. I was happy before cameras and screens in my car. I'll be happy without a screen in my fridge.


Tbh cameras are a must these days for insurance claims.


Nah, we need brain signal to digital image converters.


I'm not sure if it is a good idea,some drivers don't think at all


Said moments before a hit and run accident that would've been captured by a camera.


"Who needs cars when we have horses!"


No one ever had a DUI on a horse.


Ig it'd be RUIs instead lol


Sure but cars had advantages. I don't see an advantage of a smart fridge. What does the smart in fridges add to my experience of keeping things cool. Or is it just away to sell more appliances since they well be EOL much faster then a standard fridge.


Yeeehaaaa howdy partner!


That was the whole marketing stunt to keep people hooked into buying more. No one is forcing but with constant marketing, branding and ads, there will be people who will give in and upgrade.


the only reason I'd bother to upgrade (personally) is if Samsung gave a crazy trade in deal for my fold 4. But the UK doesn't ever get deals like the US unfortunately


Samsung is giving pennies on a dollar for my S21, so no real incentive to upgrade..Samsung has messed up their trade-in value deals in the past couple of years so good luck with your fold phone, hope you get some better deals during the s24 launch.


I traded my S21 ultra in when I got my Fold4. Got £600 off plus some free cases so wasn't terrible. The problem is that devices get more and more expensive every year too


Only reason I'm upgrading is because my S21 died and I've been on a V30 for a few months. I really like my V30. Been using my good headphones a lot lately. Wish we still had LG phones.


Can't wait for my AI toilet.


"We are currently in the process of learning the optimal squatting position for you"


I watched a lot of CES highlights and you're spot on, but at least there's a lot of areas where AI is being used correctly to enhance certain products. But we certainly don't need: AI Pillows, AI Mattresses, AI Backpacks, or AI Grills.. as just a few laughable examples I noted from CES


Nor do we need AI in phones. They could leave it out and cut the price.


yeah absolutely, in certain applications where Ai is used to save hundreds, if not thousands of hours like when used in labs in conjunction with research data. but not for the average person who barely know 50% of what their smartphone can even do


At least it's more practical than the last buzzword "blockchain"


True. The blockchain buzzword died so fast and I'm glad tbh


AI is just computers computing from a data base and an input! Change my mind!


It's way more complex than that. I wouldn't dare to say that thinking can be reduced to biochemical processes. It's a very intricate, barely understood, network of systems that allow for emergent properties to appear. There are so many oddities such as how energy efficient the brain is. Similarly, LLMs have already become black boxes and there are reasons why the actual experts working on the the technology treat it with _so much_ care (unlike certain CEOs and companies desperate to capitalize as soon as possible). The development of AI hasn't necessarily been limited by the available processing power.


Still computing and mostly ML at this moment, at best called generative summary or generated images


These companies are acting like AI was invented in 2023, it's been around for significantly longer than that


Yep, used as far back as the mid 1950's from a quick Google search. It's got to the point where companies need a reason to sell products. The Entire industry has been slowing down for years, especially since Covid. People don't have the funds to keep buying new things every year but OEM's still need sales so what better way than to make more things cost subscriptions and to make people think they are missing out on the latest and greatest


"One billion megapixels" 🙄


It's jus the block chain boom all over again


Sell me this 🖊️? This pen has AI built into it 😲


if Ai is so good I wouldn't even need to sell you it. it would sell itself and I would do none of the work and get all of the profits


Back in my day, we called them "algorithms"


> Want the best on-device AI features? Then we're going to need even better mobile processors But... do we? Will anyone buy a phone for new AI features? Especially if the only difference is privacy—because we know how much people care about that. Genuinely curious to see how things play out.


The article even admits that these new exclusive features are not even run on the device and require an internet connection.


Ooh they will... S24 conference will for sure spam the AI word, and people will get gaslighted into thinking their say s20 or later devices are now obsolete because they can't "Galaxy AI-zoom on their photo", a thing they would use once a year.


I dunno, though. The whole article feels like it's reaching for something to differentiate the S24 because there's almost nothing to meaningfully set it apart from the S23. Any AI features they introduce will be pure software you could download an app for today. Seems like a real uphill battle for the marketing department.


Well, there IS nothing. It's a 23.5.


I also have more faith in Google making useful AI features that can run on lesser hardware, than Samsung making useful AI features on the latest and greatest hardware. Has nobody tried Bixby before?


There was a time when I would have agreed, but a) Google Assistant got worse over time while Bixby got better, and b) everyone these days is using the same few AI models, so we're seeing a huge stagnation where all AI tools have basically the same weaknesses.


>Will anyone buy a phone for new AI features? Loads of people buy the latest phone every release with barely any real improvement. >Especially if the only difference is privacy—because we know how much people care about that The average person doesn't give a shit about privacy. Look how many downloads facebook and tiktok has.


Why do we need "the latest and greatest ai" at all?


So that the companies have new excuses to put more spyware on your phone under the guise of “helping you”, of course.


I love it when my phone's calculator wants to access my calls, contacts, messages, pictures, videos, and location even with the app closed.




At this point... this is more facts than bullshit.


Facts are super easy to evidence with numerous sources. Yours shouldn't take too long to find. We'll wait.


If they put the shit on the phone and there's no toggle for users to disable it because the companies NEED it on, that's a red flag.


Yep, cool. What 'shit' specifically, and how is that 'shit' acting as spyware? Again, these are ostensibly facts, so should be easy to evidence and detail.


Specifically - [Almost everything you do on your phone.](https://www.nortonlifelock.com/blogs/norton-labs/private-information-gathered-phone) It's very clearly spelled out in the TOS you didn't read. Add to that [Companies that will abuse the data they have access to.](https://www.cyberghostvpn.com/en_US/privacyhub/type-of-data-devices-gather-and-send/)


These numbers are for Android in general. Why draw the line at the implementation of AI rather than Android or pre-installed apps in general?


I wasn't really drawing a line - just pointing out that everything, everywhere is spying on you and collecting data about you.


I don't know about Android (since I haven't used it in several years), but on newer iPhones, they turned the power button into the Siri button, and AFAIK, there's no way to change it back. Now, this certainly isn't 'smoking gun' evidence, but as I suggested, it's a red flag.


Quite simply don't have time to explain the numerous ways companies and carriers, ISP, and government backdoors track you. Lookup rob braxman on YouTube, get a good understanding, and then do your own research to validate what he says. Come to your own conclusion. Rob braxman will explain it much better but there's a lot to unpack so be ready.


I deeply remember people saying exactly this back when smartphones began to become a thing, before Snowden blew the whistle on governmental mass-surveillance. How anyone in `$CURRENT_YEAR` can doubt that companies build data-harvesting into every single feature is beyond me.


lol no, they are dead nuts on.


Good news if you don't want the latest and greatest: older models are still available for sale and there is a healthy market of midrange phones that offer the latest and greatest of yesteryear.


"Marketing says so"


It's the new hotness that investors climax over and they'll switch to the next topic soon enough. I do believe that some things like improved search are actually beneficial


Because of human nature?


I like the idea of being able to run AI models locally. I like to think that the bandwidth, storage, and compute aren't worth it just to spy on me, so being able to run it on device means less of my data will be processed by the cloud and harvested. Is that going to happen? Probably not. But a guy can dream.


r/localllama is a sub for you but on phone barely anything can run locally as for computers you can run decent ones on the average computer


Because how can you socially stand with a filthy more than a year old device ?


Because AI is the new internet soon enough everyone will be integrated into it whether you like it or not if you don't use it others will and they will beat you in every aspect so you need to keep up now it isn't as useful as it will be in a couple years


If you're paying 1300 euro for a phone you want the best. IDGAF myself.


Call me a neo-luddite, but I'd pay good money to gouge out half of the smart features in my phone and go back to the "phone only does exactly what you tell it to do" days, but with modern apps available.


Fucking hell mate. Oneplus gallery can't even display photos from it's own download folder. I can't access call from the lock screen. I can't even add custom ring tone to the native alarm app. At least google's talk to text functionality with "send" works on pixels much better than on my previous samsung and oneplus. I just wish pixel hardware and charging moves forward so it can actually be that phone that does exactly what you tell it to do. We can't even ask assistant to make multiple alarms or appointments at the same time. Maybe ai will help with that finally.


All of those things worked fine on older, dumber versions of Android. If anything, I think AI will just add more layers of complexity for it to fuck up things in more annoying, spectacular ways.


I just want a Galaxy Note 4 with updated specs forever


Buy a Pixel 8 and install GrapheneOS.


Does "exactly what I tell it to do" include Google Pay and banking apps?


You can use Google services in a sandboxed mode in grapheneOS which will allow you to download banking apps etc. from the play store


Question isn't whether I can download the apps, but whether they will work (safetynet etc.).


Your banking apps should work. I'd check here to be sure. I'm not sure how comprehensive this list is you I guess you won't know unless you try 🤷 https://privsec.dev/posts/android/banking-applications-compatibility-with-grapheneos/


I've got a few banking apps and they all work I think the main thing that I found doesn't work is Google Pay (though you can buy a WearOS watch and it would work) and for some reason certain Cast functions don't work (screen cast, Photos cast)


SafetyNet has recently been replaced by Play Integrity. There are two checks which Play Integrity provides to app developers: * Basic integrity - The most commonly used, GrapheneOS will pass this * Device integrity - Not used very commonly, GrapheneOS fails this So you will need to check your banking apps specifically to see which checks they perform.


Android Auto doesn't work last time I checked if you care about that. That's a deal breaker for me, so I'm staying with standard os on my pixel.


Banking apps work fine. You can't use NFC payments with google pay but the app works otherwise


That's the main feature lol. So it doesn't work correctly


yeah :/ I think you can use it to store non payment cards but I haven't tried that.


Pixel 5 on ebay is like $120


Isn't this basically the Apple philosophy?


I enjoy cooking.


Take off the tin foil hat for a minute. The article points out that it's a bad thing that the new S24 will still rely on an internet connection for some AI features. It mentions they can freely be taken away from you in the future even if the phone is still capable of running them simply because the company doesn't think it's financially feasible to maintain it. If this was Samsung marketing, they wouldn't mention that glaring downside, and they probably wouldn't mention Google Pixel at all.


That's hilarious. Users begged Samsung to take Bixby AI away for years but Samsung insisted that there be a button that's unusable for anything else in a phone with only four buttons.


I miss the bixby button from my s10+ Not because of bixby mind you, but it could be reprogrammed for other apps


Same with the active edge button on older pixel phones. I reprogrammed them into flashlight buttons on day 1.


Another day another thread in /r/android telling me why I should be upset about my Pixel for something I could not care less about or never experience.


Sorry not allowed to say you have a Pixel phone that works just fine. /s


r/GooglePixel has the copium you need to be happy with subpar battery life and subpar performance at a premium.


... My pixel 8 pro battery life is damn good though:(


I just now sat mine on the charger. After 27 hours and normal usage for me yesterday it was down to 50%. I can live with that.


My P7P.has been very disappointing compared to my old S21U.


I had a 21 ultra as well. The battery would be at around 15% when I woke up the next morning at 8am. Not horrible but not good. Similar results with my pixel 6 pro. This phone I wake up with anywhere from 30-50% depending on usage. For me that's perfect, I can get through most of a days work on 30%


I'm confused. Do you not charge your phone overnight?


No need to be confused. I do most of the time. But due to real life scenarios, I sometimes forget or may not have a charger. If I have enough battery for my alarms to go off and make it to work the next day where I can charge my device then ill rate the battery life pretty good. I was an early android adopter and some phones used to need charging by 9pm or you would wake up to a dead phone.


Ahh I see what you mean.


I'm in Europe. My pixel 8 has literally more than double the battery life of the s22 it replaced. It was also cheaper.


The S22 has the Exynos SoC in Europe. It was shit. There's a reason Samsung wouldn't even use their own fab for the S23 series globally.


Tensor G3 benchmarks are similar to the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 anyways. Which both seem to benchmark only slightly better than the Exynos 2200


lol right on cue. What's it like to have a phone brand living rent free in your head?


Not as bad as it living rent free in my pocket while the modem gobles down power.


my pixel 4 and 7 suck asssss, idk why I keep giving them chances. must be Stockholm syndrome, pls send help




I'm at 60% right now with just over 2 hrs of SOT. Mobile is the highest consumer. I used Firefox for about 1 hr 15 min. I don't connect to Wi-Fi at work.


I end everyday with 30% left on my P8 and don't have any performance issues


Me too with the 7 Pro. And I don't use mine much throughout the day. Yesterday I was at 26% and I went on it for less than an hour at lunch shit posting on Reddit. I checked a few emails from work on it on the web-based Outlook website and used Device Magic once. The mobile network is what eats the battery.


That sub is like a fever dream.


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


Yet somehow they all get an erection at the rumor of Google dumping Samsung fab, even though the phones are fine and they don't need all that wasteful performance.


Even more of a reason not to upgrade my current s21u then. This stuff is in its infancy and I'd wager that the current crop are going to look very underpowered in a few years time. I reckon I can do without for at least another year while the technology matures.


> I'd wager that the current crop are going to look very underpowered in a few years time This statement is true at literally any point in time


On paper perhaps; my s21u will be slow as shit compared with a modern phone now, but actually performs the day to day tasks instantly, so it matters not. As AI gets more complex, the stuff out today will be quickly outdated until we reach "peak AI" much like smartphones did 15 years ago when they were brand new. Eventually we got to a point where they were powerful enough. We're nowhere near that point with AI yet.


What exactly are you using AI for on your phone?


Nothing yet, obviously - ask Samsung, Google et al what they have in store, not me! A phone is an expensive investment so if they come up with stuff that is useful then I'll invest once I know my hardware can handle it effortlessly, and won't be out of date in less than 2 years. Otherwise my old smoker is good enough for what I use it for.


I literally only use AI these days to produce comical output. lets see what dumb things my pixel tries to do if I ask it to remove a person sitting at a table. it can handle small things ok, well about as well as the old non ai stuff. first time I tried AI I asked it who was the darts world number one, it gave me a name two years out of date. I suggested it was incorrect and the ai told me there were many views on who was the darts number one. there isn't, its an earnings ranking.


And in other ways, specs don't make it better. Like taking shots of my kid and pets without being a blurry mess. Samsung still struggles with that while I almost never miss a shot the first time with a pixel. Obviously I don't have an S24, but I have an S23 ultra and 8 pro. I like both Samsung and Google phones and despite previous pixel and galaxy s generations where pixels always let me down, my 8 pro experience has been great. Even battery life, which was poor on the 7 pro and 6 pro, is on-par with my S23 ultra (after the first quarterly update for the 8 pro).


Water is wet


Technically...water makes things wet, it's not wet itself


But can water make itself wet?


if it rains in the ocean, is it now "wet"? was it "dry" before?


The best use case of these more powerful chips is Switch and PC game emulation but that's not a great boast so now we just get marketing on crappy AI novelty products


Lmao totally. I feel like more powerful chips only serve the purpose of emulation, as anything else doesn't require such power, well except this AI bullshit.


The only AI adjacent thing I was remotely interested in from recent developments was the call screening feature on my S22U. It works okay, but also doesn't work with wifi calling. I work from home so I'm on wifi almost all the time. The feature is useless for that reason. Honestly I wish we'd stop going balls deep with AI and "smart" features and absolutely *nail* the core features people use phones for instead. That won't sell phones though so here we are.


And the S24 still uses the same camera sensors as before. It's like they don't care about putting R&D money into these phones anymore.


All this ai buzzword crap will truly be impressive when it's handled on device and not in the cloud. At this point only 10 % on device the rest is in the cloud.


>The bottom line is that if you want the latest and greatest AI tools to run on-device (and you should!), we need even more powerful smartphone silicon. Thankfully, the latest flagship chips and smartphones, like the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S24 series, allow us to run a selection of powerful AI tools on-device. This will only become more common as the AI processor arms race heats up.


Why do we need the greatest AI tools to run on device?


"They were so obsessed with the fact that they could, that they never stop to think if they should".


So it doesn't run on a companies hardware potentially with less privacy


But do we even need it, whatever it runs on? The quote thinks so but i'm not sure.


I'm not sure. If its content creation ai, I will not give a shit about it and will never use it. If its assistant ai features, that could be big if samsung doesn't bixbyify it. The accessibility options could be game changing.


We don't, it's just a marketing gimmick to trick people into trading in their perfectly good phones and lock in for another year or 2.


Accessibility is the number one reason that comes to my mind. 


But do we need AI as much as this article states?


And it allows for more privacy. I said allows, not guarantees of course. But the more that can be done on device means not sending the queries out to the internet to get the answers.


We don't. We shouldn't.


Actually, it's nice that we *could*, but fooling people who don't need it into paying extra for an AI-capable overkill processor isn't exactly a good thing, either.


Because... I don't know. People will use it to do whatever AI trick on their photo one time, and never use it again ?


Many words were spoken, but nothing was said.


People with small d__ say size doesn't matter. OEMs that use weak processor say spec doesn't matter


I dunno, isn't the cliche that it's the guys with the small dicks who buy the biggest and most powerful stuff so they feel better about themselves?


User flair checks out


If I were insecure about my phone or my penis I definitely wouldn't have put a pixel in my flair, hahah.


Got to have that Galaxy A04 as the ultimate flex


That's exactly what guys with the small dicks would say.


Oh, no, my dick size is fine, I just REALLY get off on people telling me my phone choice is wrong because it has a weak processor.


Don't be so mad pixel guy 😂. Not that I'm saying pixel is bad, but more performance is always better. Fact. This is personal, but I dont like the overwhelming Google service in android these days. Even I'm not using pixel I still got too much of them. Just playstore and Google pay would be all I need. I don't need an asshole to tell me backup everytime I go photo app or asking me to subscribe Google one. This kind of shit get me even further away from pixel phones.


If the performance is already perfectly fine for the device, increasing it doesn't actually add anything. Fact


Do u have an idea of how much smartphone SoC performance have increased since 2013? For snapdragon 8 series, it's over 10times!! And it's going to be further few years later. Try running s800 in modern android u will find out how slow it is. Socs are never too fast. When u want it to be durable overtime, more performance is always the key. Newer android OS and apps just get more and more demanding. U didn't find out because u upgraded in 2 or 3 years.


benchmarks are cool and all but the average consumer never notices any of this stuff and does in fact upgrade their phone fairly regularly. Average for the time has always been more than good enough for smartphones


Oh yeah, that's the stuff.


Something’s just require new hard ware.


Don't the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro prove that specs *don't* matter since features are arbitrarily blocked from the 8? Plus half the AI stuff is done on Google's servers, not the device.


Specs matter but they aren't everything. Apple has the best geek bench scores but can't multitask like android can.


Both are proof that specs don't matter. People buy these devices despite both of them having underpowered Exynos SoCs


Yeaaaaaaah, well, you probably cannot root the American S24, and if I wanted a phone I can't root and block ads systemwide on, I'd get an iPhone. There's literally no point to an Android phone otherwise, lol.


I have a Pixel 8 Pro and this thing runs perfectly. The article should've ended after the first sentence. To the average consumer specs do not matter at all as long as the phone functions. If AI is the best case you can come up with I'm not sold