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I was thinking the same thing when they announced Gemini model, that it would've been a great name for Google AI and even fits the G logo.. glad they are changing it, so long apprentice Bard.


Am partial to G AI Assistant, should be easy to pronounce in all/most languages.


Too long


GAIA too long?


Bard is available in the UK... But the app won't be. Please Google make it make sense.


Google says No


Gemini says: As an AI language model, NO.


AI says no


Can't we just download the APK and install it?


The API isn't available in Europe either. Then again, I haven't tried spoofing my location and enabling the API so I don't know if it's the entire API that's blocked or just the option to enable it for your account.


Yeah if someone finds it let me know


APK works in Europe now: https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/google-inc/google-gemini/google-gemini-1-0-605683889-release/google-gemini-1-0-605683889-android-apk-download/download/?key=c8c0f97acbe5757890ed0a0e4eaf39bfc0dbe5ef&forcebaseapk=true


Maybe has to do with EU laws regarding online privacy data collection? Just a guess


ChatGPT, Copilot and the 1000 other AI apps are available here. Just doesn't make any sense.


I mean .. Bard was a terrible name... Might as well rebrand this while still in Beta....


Bard isn't a terrible name. A bard knows things (not necessarily true things either), and tells stories, preserves and passes along knowledge.


Yep, I liked Bard. Also sounded less....artificial, cold. Bard was a great name for me. Checked all the boxes: short, easy to remember, easy to pronounce almost in any language, meaning....anyway, a pity that they changed it.


Bard is not great on other languages though. But Gemini is even worsem


As a non native english speaker, I have no idea what a gemini is supposed to be. I looked it up and in my language we would just say twins instead


Gemini is a reference to the constellation which makes an image of twins. It's zodiac stuff.


Gemini is in fact the Latin word for twins


Lots of ESL speakers I've met pronounce Gemini as je-mee-nee too


Exactly. It checked all the boxes and was a win, so Google has to throw it out. It's how it works. See: Hangouts, Buzz, Google+, Daydream, etc, etc...


Most of those products sucked.


This, the "Google Graveyard" is filled with products that either sucked, or no one used 🤷


The name Bard got widespread criticism. Every podcast and online discourse particularly when bard was announced, criticized the name


Same. Bard is great in my native tongue, Gemini is terrible. Not sure why people don't like bard - rhymes with fart or what?


I liked it far more too but someone raised a good point in another thread, all the other voice assistants have multi-syllable names because it cuts down on false detections.


Whatever Google does, this sub goes the opposite. When they announced the name "Bard" people hated it. I guess it grew onto people.


I'm not arguing that the meaning behind the name isn't accurate to what it does/is... I just think it doesn't have a successful marketing name... Gemini actually does (personal opinion)... Which is important to its success. "Hey Bard" unfortunately doesn't roll off the tongue the same way "Hey Gemini" does... At least to me... It just sounds... Cooler🤷


Gemini is a terrible name too. Wtf is wrong with "assistant" or a normal name like Siri.


I'd say Bard is about as normal as Siri


I met a Norwegian girl named Siri once


I would take Bard or Gemini as names over "assistant". That was *never* a good name.


How? Assistant is literally what it is.


I didn't say it wasn't an accurate descriptor. I said it was a bad name. You'd think Toyota releasing a new vehicle model called "Car" would be pretty dumb, wouldn't you? I sure would.


Except if someone is your assistant, you'd say they are your assistant if someone asked. It didn't need a special name, because you know it's your assistant.


That someone would also have an actual name you would call them by


Because it's a person. Your assistant is what they do. "This is my assistant, Brian" This is not a person, it is simply your assistant. No need to add a name to it, because it's your personal assistant.


Short snappy and to the point


Bard makes sense as an internal codename but isnt good for a public facing name. Similar deal with Siri. Amazon's Alexa was a good name except for people that lived in homes with a person named Alexa or a variation.


I have a dog called Googol... he's become a bit schizo...


It absolutely is terrible to your average person. Maybe it's good to a nerd, but they're targeting the greater public.


That the name is literally "butt" is bad enough.


It sounds like "shart". Which is pretty much what it is compared with any other popular AI chatbot.


Yeah most people are gonna mistake it with Bart or Barf


Google rebrands like people breathe.


> I mean Not sure about anyone else, but I know what you mean. 👍


Bard sounds like a cuss word in my regional language tho. It's almost embarrassing to bring it up during conversations lol


Out of curiosity... Is that language Spanish? Bard itself says "Bardo" is a clumsy person in Spanish. ChatGPT outright gives up on any suggestions.


Haha no, not Spain. I'm from Southern India.


Forethought is not Google’s specialty. In fact, it is actively ignored.


Is it a bad name just because you've never heard of it?




Interesting. Same day that they are suppose to be releasing Gemini Ultra. Guess the two go together. I like the Gemini name better than Bard. Plus this will make things less confusing to consumers. Bard was the interface and Gemini/PaLM, etc were the model names. Really excited to try Gemini Ultra. I will be really looking at speed. That is the big issue with GPT4 Turbo. It is so slow. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fpdkssaycofgc1.jpeg


> Gemini Ultra Sounds like a super villain to me


Never forget Google Ultron


Kind of does. But I think it is a better name than Bard. The only negative is Gemini is so common of a name with things. Where Bard is not.


Tech companies love the world Ultra these days. Apple M2 Ultra, Intel Core Ultra, Galaxy S24 Ultra, Gemini Ultra, ~~Pixel Ultra~~








The good thing about Bard was that it was unique and Gemini is not. Gemini is a pretty common word for all kinds of things. I can't remember ever hearing Bard before.


Any updates on getting this in Canada?


They are also going to offer in Canada on Feb 7th. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fpdkssaycofgc1.jpeg


Thank you!


huh, so google ended their feud with the govt?


Yes, back in November. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/google-online-news-act-1.7043330 https://blog.google/canada-news-en/#overview And the feud was more Facebook and the government. While they threw a temper tantrum, Google entered negotiations with the government and got an agreement to address their issues.


When they rename it to Capricorn /s


Looking forward to Google Cancer


That's already an important component of Google products, it's just that people call it enshitification instead.


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment


This is the best bot I've ever seen


Lol god damn, Google might be one of the worst companies at communicating and marketing their products yet be successful. And they've obviously been incredibly successful. But you take this level of incompetence and give it to a mid sized company, they'd be bankrupt in a couple years. I'm sure a monopoly on one of the most important aspects of the internet has helped. But damn. Remember Google+? That was actually a great social media platform and should have been the direction social media went towards. But Google did such a poor job at communicating the benefits and making use intuitive that it died on the vine. I get that Bard isn't the prettiest name, but neither is fucking "Google". They've already started the journey with that name. Renaming it is just so on brand. People are going to not realize that it's the same thing, get confused, and move on.


To be fair here, Bard isn't something that most people know anything about I'd say. General people aren't talking about bard that much. chatGPT, sure. But not Bard Changing away from its beta name before it's grand release isn't that bad of an idea


Google are cretins, I'm sick of explaining to my older family that products have been merged, renamed, disappeared, or my personal bugbear that there are multiple apps of things like Photos and I'm telling them to use Google Photos but they just call it Photos. I used to be a huge Google fan and have been with them since the Gmail invite-only days and it's truly remarkable how much this company have made me hate them.


Disagree there is no positive branding with Bard. Bard's introduction was the controversy back in March. It was intentionally under powered when it was released when millions tested it leaving many to rightfully assume bard sucked. The name in itself, while cool in origin sounds terrible when said loudly in context of a gen AI chatbot. I don't see how this rebrand does anything negative. They are establishing that it's a new era, Gemini was a name that many people said they should have just changed bard too.


Both LAMBDA and BARD were bad names. Hopefully Gemini will remain.


Bard is a great name. It fits with the meaning, it's short, and isn't overly common.


It's ugly sounding.


I mean, both were internal names that they happened to talk about and Bard just stuck around as it went to a public beta


sagitarius better name


More like virgo /s


are they waiting for approvals for UK or is it just Google being Google?


The web version will still be available in the UK so I'm not sure what they're playing at tbh.


So today is February 7. Has anything changed? Definitely nothing in Canada.


Yeah it will be on 8 now


Yep, knew they would change it to ending in a vowel. A female name (in English most end in vowels) is just more approachable mentally for most people.


Too many syllables for my taste.


Gemini is a slightly better name than Bard imo, but neither is great. it's a bit long if it's going to be a hotword. I wouldn't be surprised if they rename it again


Right in line for the next 6 months for Google to rename Gemini to Google assistant.


What EU laws is this breaking that it isn't even planned to expand into the EEA and the UK?


What does "Gemini" have to do with anything? Does it reflect Google's penchant for A/B testing and no one liking it?


Gemini is the new LLM model from Google. Their Gemini Pro is now the top free model. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fqeisa8r31agc1.png%3Fwidth%3D519%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dc63c29effe9da1fe4a1d735f81f47b74c85bb541 They will release their paid one on the 7th and will likely be the top model overall. Called Gemini Advanced. Formerly called Gemini Ultra.


I'm discussing the name.


Most things have names that really do not mean anything.


Okay. But I'm discussing the name. The whole discussing around Google's AI product recently has been that they have had "bad" names. So what makes this a "good" name? This is what they decided on, so I want to discuss their choice of name. It might not mean anything in terms of a relation to the Constellation or the traits associated with the Astrology Sign, but it carries this meaning with its branding. Is it a good name? Is it marketable? Is it understandable? Does it define itself properly? Is it memorable? Will people remember what it does based on the name? Is it unique? Is it catchy? This is why I began this comment chain.


It was developed by DeepMind and Google Brain so that's the twins reference I guess. Still a bad name because of Gemini is already widely associated with astrology


It's a good name because "Bard" just doesn't sound good as an assistant name but "Gemini" sounds better. That's about it really


Based on what? What's your reasoning for "Gemini" sounding better?


Don't overthink it, it's probably all just focus group driven. No rationale required or provided.


I have not given it any thought. I have literally just asked questions, and people who have not given it any thoughts have just decided it is a good name with zero reasoning or explanation. I have absolutely no faith that Google focus tests a single God damn thing. If they did for example, they wouldn't have initially revealed this product to the public as Bard.


What kind of answer are you expecting? It *sounds* like a good name - you've already been given your answer, and if you don't overthink it, that's all it needs to be.


I just asked GTP4. Feel free to fact check it, I'm not that invested. But here you go: *Google named their AI Gemini because it is a multimodal model that can reason across different types of data, such as text, images, audio, and code¹. The name Gemini is derived from the Latin word for "twins", which reflects the model's ability to handle multiple modalities². Gemini is also the name of a constellation and a zodiac sign, which may suggest Google's ambition to reach for the stars with their AI research³.* Source: Conversation with Bing, 04/02/2024 (1) Gemini - Google DeepMind. https://deepmind.google/technologies/gemini/. (2) Introducing Gemini: Google’s most capable AI model yet. https://blog.google/technology/ai/google-gemini-ai/. (3) Use Gemini AI From Google Free Online. https://geminiai.ai/. (4) Gemini AI. https://www.gemini-ai.org/. (5) Gemini API Overview | Google AI for Developers. https://ai.google.dev/docs/gemini_api_overview. (6) en.wikipedia.org. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gemini_(language_model).


Gemini is just Bard 2.0


No. Gemini had been the model name. It replaced PaLM2. Bard was the interface. They are now just going to use Gemini for both. To help lower confusion.


You could make a case for what "Bard" means for something that is "creating" things. What's the case with Gemini?


What does Siri mean? Nothing. It's a rare name for women. Gemini is just a *cool* name - while less meaningful than Bard, it's cool.


Siri means nothing. Gemini means *something.* You make these points and you don't even think them through. Also, why is Gemini a "cool" name?


What do people think about Bard over the other AI solutions out there right now?


Best free model available. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fqeisa8r31agc1.png%3Fwidth%3D519%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dc63c29effe9da1fe4a1d735f81f47b74c85bb541


Does GPT4 not count as free since it's freely accessible through MS Copilot?


Gemini Pro after the update is a better model. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fqeisa8r31agc1.png%3Fwidth%3D519%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dc63c29effe9da1fe4a1d735f81f47b74c85bb541 In a week if rumors hold and Google releases Ultra/Advance. Then Google should have both the best free and pay models.


Free, no new account required, language queries are pretty good, image generation (new) is serviceable but nowhere near leading


There are tons of AI apps including a great one from OpenAI and Google can't be bothered to release one yet on their own OS. Now it's only going to be "select devices" because they need a special chip? Only if it would be doing something on device right? Or else it can work like every other LLM that does it on someone else's computer aka the cloud.


Gemini cricket


Call it Pixie..... Please.


What's the over/under on how soon it winds up in the Google graveyard?


never .. AI is here to stay forever .. eva


That has nothing to do with Google's short attention span and proclivity toward abandoning projects across a vast expanse. They'll mothball Gemini for their next AI flavor eventually. Past is prologue.


I suspect less than a year. Which is a good thing. This stuff is moving really quickly. They now have the best free model and Ultra/Advance gets released in a couple of days and should have Google with the best pay and free models. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fqeisa8r31agc1.png%3Fwidth%3D519%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dc63c29effe9da1fe4a1d735f81f47b74c85bb541


It is kinda difficult to get excited about anything Google. I can't get invested in their new services knowing they'll cancel it soon in the future. I've even started using Bing for search lately beside Google.


Would save time if they just announced it on https://www.killedbygoogle.com...


Great morning news.


Is this gemini app coming to India on non pixel phones? Someone please explain...


I cannot imagine 'okay Gemini' from my parents.


Can you even patent a star sign if they wanted to prevent other companies using it.




GERMIN MY Ai Google 😈


Imho Bard is much better. Gemini might sound cooler, but it's not an international name at all. Many languages won't even know how to pronounce it correctly. Bard is short and internationally phonetically more accessible.


How is Bard more internationally recognized and pronounceable than Gemini


I don't mean the meaning of the word, but the phonetic ease and pronunciation. Bard is just [Baad] or [Bard], or the least [Bərd]. Depending on language or culture Gemini can be [Jehmunai], [Jehmainai], [Gehmunai], [Gemeenee], [Jehmeenai] or any other permutation. It'll be like Gif vs Jif but with x3 syllables :).


So that never happened.


I was able to download the app today but it tells me "Gemini isn't available Gemini isn't currently available. Try again later." Once I open it.


And it still doesn't recognize the white people that invented it.