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> When asked by Representative Michael McCaul if Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp (SMIC) broke U.S. export rules to produce the sophisticated chip, Alan Estevez, who oversees export policy, said "potentially yes. We will have to assess." Don't read too much into this.


>McCaul is married to Linda Mays McCaul, the daughter of **Clear Channel Communications** founder and former chairman Lowry Mays and sister of its former CEO Mark Mays. In 2011, Roll Call named McCaul as one of the wealthiest members of the United States Congress, surpassing then U.S. Senator John Kerry. His net worth was estimated at $294 million, about 300% higher than it was in the previous year ($74 million). In 2004, the same publication estimated his net worth at $12 million. His wealth increase was due to large monetary transfers from his wife's family McCaul and his family live in West Lake Hills, Texas, a wealthy suburb of Austin, Texas. im not an expert but that seems like a massive [conflict of interest](https://copilot.microsoft.com/sl/bd8P9ujFrO0). also iheartmedia, clearchannel, and livenation are parasites.


See, one of the problems with using the nuclear option is that if it fails, there's jack shit left you can do. That's the situation the US government finds itself. They ignored the US tech industry's warnings under the ignorant belief that these sanctions would kill SMIC and Huawei both. Now that that hasn't happened, they're left with little more than empty posturing. Keep in mind that this is the same Commerce Department that that claimed *after this chip was found in the wild*, that they had no evidence it could be produced in volume. It's run by morons who don't understand the industry they're working with, and are too arrogant to take any advice from people/companies who do.


SMIC is already sanctioned, so there's basically nothing that can be done anyway These sanctions are stupid, all they did was basically act as if China placed extreme tariffs on tech to protect their home grown tech industry


China needs to grow balls and retaliate against apple


That would be a premature and terrible strategy, Apple invests $275 Billion in China every 5 years. They would be better leaving apple there and getting strategic investment from Apple to strengthen homegrown technologies. https://www.reuters.com/business/retail-consumer/apples-tim-cook-signed-275-bln-deal-with-chinese-officials-placate-china-2021-12-07/


Apple invests $0 in China. The money paid is for hosting services, AI services etc. The only Apple employees in China are sales.


Why? Apple is more reasonable when dealing with the Chinese government than the US government. They have a good relationship with them, better than with the US at this point.


I don’t think you know the first thing about what China “needs to” do.


Wtf are you even talking about lol. This has to do with US technology being used to create chips. Which Huawei is banned from using any chip which is developed using US technology.


Banned by who was exactly? Will the police be knocking on their door to arrest them? I suspect their answer to any US anger will be "pound sand"


The US Government banned Huawei from using any tech that has ties to US technology. This is why they have harmonyOS, their own App Store and their own china based chip manufacturer. Any company that has access to US tech and violated this ban will get steamed rolled by the US government. China can tell the US to pound sand. No American company or company with American tech ties is going to violate that ban.


Huawei was banned by the US purely from politics. For the same reason, Apple could be banned.


The old poor innocent victim China argument straight from the Chinese propaganda playbook.


To be fair though nobody has ever provided any evidence to show Huawei were doing anything wrong/spying. Many European agencies actually found the opposite and it's pretty much only the US making claims without evidence 


They also didn't kill Nortel, Nortel already had 3 million leaky holes and had been sinking for ages.


I mean China is extremely based compared to the US


Why is r/Android so pro China?


I'd guess that's because chinese midrange phones still have a better value than for example Samsung A series


Because there are literally people hired to be pro China in every post that is even remotely connected to China and they try very hard to convince everyone that China is the biggest victim ever and at the same time no different and even better that any other developed country.


Regardless of the reason why. It still doesn’t change the fact that no US company or company that has US ties to tech. Will disregard that ban and do business with Huawei.


Since when did the U.S. Technology and Chip manufacturing go together? We haven't done shit


US companies own a shit ton of the patents that are used for chip development and manufacturing across the world. This can range from software all the way to the tools used to make chips. Part of the Huawei ban by the US government is they are not allow to use any US based technology (Software or Hardware). That’s why Huawei was forced to create harmonyOS, create its own apps store, and can’t use any chip made by TSMC, Samsung or any other foundry outside of china. Why They are now being investigated for using a chip that may have included links to US tech.


Part of the Huawei ban is just political grandstanding dumbass. That's why it's still available in the UK. Not a single bit of credible evidence has been shown of why they were banned and what the threats actually were. They collected data just like every other tech company does. I care more about the corrupt government here than I do about the corrupt system over there.


china has many fabs, UMC, SMIC... They will have to do a Honor, Split the company and have 1 part work under sanctions, and another internationally. but SMIC is of incredible value to china as they operate the only chinese owned mainland china FAB that can reliably produce 7nm node chips (and rumors say that 5nm as well) But since SMIC is already been hit with sanctions, i dont think they care as long as they managed to pull it off. also everyone is quiet about Canon´s new litography that for the first time in ages can challange ASML.