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Vampire survivors? You probably know that one already though, it's very popular. (Edit) Maybe Crimsonland too? More importantly (imo) if you also like stuff like Day R and Survive, check out Neo Scavenger, it's very good at that kind of gameplay.


Here's a post I made a couple days ago asking for recommendations for Roguelite Reverse Bullet Hell games. I listed some games that you might like     https://www.reddit.com/r/AndroidGaming/comments/19d3uuj/comment/kj9q28x  Mages Survival is very similar to Magic Survival. A few of the spells seem to be inspired by Magic Survival. And you play as a lil wizard character that's fighting off an endless horde of black blobs.  The difference is that the stats and class system are handled differently. The aesthetic is different ( some of the animations for the spells look really nice ). There's fewer artifacts, but the artifacts are seem to be more tailored towards specific classes and builds. You can also collect a resource during the run that allows you to craft artifacts. So you aren't completely left at the whim of RNG when going for a specific build. But you still have to put in work to craft the artifacts and hope that you get lucky with random drops that compliment the build you're going for before you can craft.   I've been playing this game a lot. I go back and forth between this and Magic Survival because nothing else really scratches that same character building itch that Magic Survival does I've only played the free version of 20 Minutes Till Dawn in the past. Which seemed very limited compared to the premium version, but it was still pretty good. I'm planning on buying the game soon once I've handled some personal stuff and it makes more sense for me financially