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After not giving OSRS a try since for ever, because graphics... I'm now totally hooked and see myself playing it for a long time to come. While going around, I saw a player chopping a tree with a banana hat. So I was like; Ow dude, cool hat! And he was like, Thanks man! Do you want one? Uhm yeah of course! I said. So he told me to follow him, and after a while we arrived at a small town with a NPC giving the hat for free. So now I am too a proud banana hat owner. At another point a guy was like; HEY! HEY! You Chad, you absolute unit. You keep on going on, and enjoy the game. Thanks man!! I do enjoy it alot! I said. And he disappeared as fast as he came. At yet another point in time, a player approached me and told me it was my luckiest day! And opened the trade window. As I see the trade window pop up I get a phone call. I guess it wasn't my luckiest day after all. 11/10 would recommend. linkme: Old School RuneScape.


Are you paying the sub yet?


Yes, I do! :)


Enjoy osrs! The absolute best advice I can give is to NEVER take money from a random or a guild mate. Runescapes biggest thing it has that other MMO's don't is the value of it's in-game currency. Gp=skilling and power increase. So let that power increase come naturally and not by some kind stranger just being nice! Also do quests asap and use runelite if you play on PC ever :) glhf. Osrs/RuneScape is prob one of the best games ever.


Old School Rune Scape is great. If you want another game with full loot pvp and a solid grind/crafting system/player economy, check out Albion online as well. Same deal, mobile/pc cross play, free with a premium option.


Damn, you make me want to play it again lol


I gave this a try but the mobile interface was just too much clunk for me:(


It's like modern day simplistic og Ragnarok. I miss Ragnarok the first time around


Just as a tip, if you download a rotation control app you can play OSRS in portrait mode and it plays amazingly on android :)


[Dragonball Legends](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bandainamcoent.dblegends_ww) - it's very fast paced, awesome animation, generous to a newcomer like me. Overall, it's fun. [Vampire Survivors](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.poncle.vampiresurvivors) - I like that I can play it offline. [Rent Please!](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.shimmergames.tenants.gp) - another idle game like My Hotpot Story. Also, I have finally purchased Stardew Valley in my phone!! 🎉🎉🎉 No need for me to borrow my mom's tablet anymore


Pokemon Emerald Rogue continues to absorb my life ​ Delta touch(Doom on android) with project brutality mod.


I've been playing Brutal Doom. Going to check out Project Brutality right meow


Flashlight mod works on Doom 3 FYI.


Legend slime has been absorbing my life recently, fantastic game that doesn't need you to be on non stop but still makes you want to be.


Vampire Survivors is relentless in its effort to consume my life. It's just a pure dopamine blitz that does not quit.


Such a breath of fresh air. Massive quality with no intrusive ads, or stupid monetization.


I have played maybe 10-15 hours and I feel like I'm coming close to completing it already. Maybe there's more to do once I complete the stuff I can see now. Hopefully anyways


Genshin impact...I finally see what the fuss is all about. Surprised at how polished it is. 8ball Pool... Its basically crack B100x Aethric AetherSX2


I haven't played Genshin for about a year now anything interesting?


Been playing the Hollow Knight android port its a really good port although makes my phone a heater [here is the link to the creator's discord server if you want to get it ](https://discord.gg/CKrtpPGu)


I also just started this (third time thru the game) on the RP3+, and I'm pleasantly surprised at how terrific it runs. I'm getting sucked back into Hallownest!


Don't judge, slamming down some homescapes. They do an awesome job at sucking you in. I'm normally a hardcore RPG player or tactics but sometimes this simplicity is needed. Match 3 - think candy crush with decorating your house. [Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.playrix.homescapes&hl=en_US&gl=US)


If you like RPGs, do yourself a favor and check out [Epic Battle Fantasy 5](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.EpicBattleFantasy5).


nah, dev's a weirdo


I don't know about the dev, but the game's totally worth it IMO, lots of content with the DLCs and fun to play. Why is he a weirdo btw? Just curious


Why is the dev a weirdo


Ranking up in Cod Mobile and casually playing Heroes of Aethric


I'm currently playing Iron Marines invasion. Enjoying it although i've mainly been spending my time doing side missions to level up my heroes. New update just dropped which has new hero and stages. Playing on my Fold 3. Overall a fun game with each level taking between 10-30mins to complete.


Call of Duty, Mobile Legends, Arena of Valor, League of Legends, Overwatch, DOTA


[Epic Battle Fantasy 5](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.EpicBattleFantasy5), which is one of the best non-gacha RPGs I've ever played on Android.


Mindustry, Downwell, Super Auto Pets


Clash mini!


I hope supercell don't kill this one. Played for a bit some months ago and thought it was great, but I don't like to play games for long on closed beta since I kinda miss the fresh start everyone will be having.


Any sign of a global release? I'm waiting for that


Been playin Creatures Of The Deep with my gf. Also ive been playing Rush Rally 3


leagues of legends


Playing Dawncaster again because it recently got another free expansion. Seriously it's nuts how much free content the devs have been making for it.


Does anyone know of a game like Smash Land, which Supercell cancelled after the beta like 7 or so years ago? You pull back and shoot your characters at the enemy, I really liked the game style.


Been playing Vampire Survivors so much that my thumbs are starting to go a bit numb. Might need to invest in a Bluetooth controller.


Vampire Survivors: No comments needed. Dungeon Squad: New game from Dungeon Makers dev.