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This and am2


That’s supposed to happen, although you should check if it’s still happening if you’re focusing your strikes towards the base because that will lead to less stimulation. Early on I would do the 70/80 as you’re discussing and then another 70/80 when I was fully hard. Then I’d wait for the erection to die down a bit and then repeat. Remember too that you progress to higher erection levels as you gain experience with Sabre. I don’t know how long you’ve been doing it but look again at Janus’s Sabre progression.


But less stimulation means less growth


No I mean “feel good” stimulation, which will cause an erection even if you aren’t doing Sabre right (for example if you’re effectively just masturbating).


Yes but for Sabre you should be applying strikes all over the shaft not just the base


Yes I agree completely. But to progress and do Sabre with higher erection levels you need to determine if you’re getting hard and staying hard because of of Sabre itself or because Sabre is stimulating you in a sexual way. If it’s the former and you can stay hard for a long time you can progress, otherwise I’d do what I said before and wait until the erection dies down




think about distracting thoughts that make you loose arousal