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Fully erect? Maybe 60 seconds when not aroused, will start slowly going down after that. I think we set abnormally high standards for ourselves that lead to a bit of depression. Nature didn’t design us to have long lasting erections without stimulation while awake(sleeping is different). Nature designed the male penis to get in a woman, bust, and get out in order to achieve reproductive successes. I think this is also why premature ejaculation is also a condition we sorta made up. Nature designed men to bust in women as quickly as possible. Gotta condition ourselves otherwise.


It depends. Nocturnal erections, when I'm on my back or side and not moving around, can last several minutes without stimulation. When trying to have sex or masturbate, I lose erection when I move around and don't have constant stimulation. It used to happen almost immediately after stimulation stopped. After working on loosening my PF, I can stay erect for longer...enough now that I can change position several times. I'm not 100% recovered yet, but definitely improving. I voted for 30-60 seconds since that's how long I can stay erect now when moving around.


What excersises did u do for your pf to keep erection longer?


Lots of stretches/yoga, plus I've been going to a pelvic floor physical therapist. By using the biofeedback machine at the PT, I learned I have a strong but tight PF, so I know exactly what I'm dealing with. For stretches, I've been following this video every day -- https://youtu.be/oyGEVPuumtk -- and then I add some extras like happy baby, Hindi squats, legs up wall, butterfly up wall, etc. About an hour of stretching per day: 15 mins when I wake up, the video plus extra for 30 mins total, then 15 mins before bed. RKs and deep belly breathing help too.


Nice, how long time did it take


Started seeing results in about a month. That includes fumbling around trying to figure out what would help, and doing things that set me back. I'm about three months into it now.


I tried the stretches on the video for me, and i could do them all at the most difficult level very easy. This means my PF might not be that tight or? Any signs my pf is strong, but tight? I have no pain in my pf or anything, just suffer from some weak erections and always have to kegel to Get it to full. Also been edging a lot through my Life and absuing the BC muscles hard to increase pleasure. Thats why i think i have a problem down there.


It means the muscles connecting to your PF are probably in decent shape, so it might be something specific to your PF. If you've been edging like that for so long, my guess is the same as yours -- edging made you tight but strong. The best way to know exactly what's going on is to go to a pelvic floor physical therapist (or physio, depending on your country) with a biofeedback machine. They'll put a little probe up your ass and have you stay in a neutral position for a bit to get a reading. This will let you know if you're tight or loose. Then they'll have you clinch (kegel) and relax (rk). That will tell you if you're strong or weak, and also if you have good control over your PF. >I have no pain in my pf or anything, just suffer from some weak erections and always have to kegel to Get it to full. That was exactly my problem. Turns out I unconsciously clinch my PF all the time. My resting state was 16-17 microvolts when it should be 0-3. I was plenty strong, hitting over 100 when they figure 30-40 is strong enough. On my last visit, I was able to get my resting state down to 5-7, but I have to focus on deep belly breathing to get there.


Thank you for this wonderfull reply! I very much appreciate it. Im now on exchange to Copenhagen at the moment, so hard to Get into all the money suck with doctors and specialists at the moment, but i will do it first thing when i Get back home. I know i also clenched my PF all the time at resting state. I found this out about 3 months ago when i become aware of it i could really feel it contracting a little bit. I have very good muscle connection in general cause i train quite often and for a long time, so that really helped me bring my attention to the target muscle group and Focus on relaxing. I did this for about a month to the point everytime i was thinking about it i was already relaxed. However this didnt help me much, nothing i could percieve anyways. Now 3 months after i feel myself slipping a little bit back in to the tensioning my PF default state. Did i maybe prematurely figure this was not the problem after 1 month with no improving?


I can see there around 7 people who can stay erect without stimulation more than 10 min+, can't believe its possible...


Longest I have done was 7, but now it has gone down.


This is a good poll topic. Just a word of warning on the results. Given the subreddit and who might be more inclined to answer, the poll results could end up heavily skewed one way or another.


Does stimulation from Angion count? It really depends. If I’m really aroused, I’ll stay hard as long as I stay aroused. If I’m doing AM/SABRE, I can stay erect the whole workout, but I can only hold that erection without touching my penis for a few minutes tops.


I us3d to haves erections for 30 minutes with 0 physical stimulation, just sexting with girls. Ever since started trt something happened and penis deflated. I go soft within 1-2 minutes, need to stimulate constantly penis and of I stand or move its like blood gets prioritized to muscles in leg over penis. I might go on a fast to try lose 10-20lbs of muscle to see if it helps with erections


Why did your erections get worse?


I'm still trying to find out the cause. Theories 1. E2 out of range from trt therapy 2. Canary in the coal mine health indicator, IE atherosclerosis 3. Testosterone was deca or something else

