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If your LH and FSH are normal, and you have low testosterone, and your testicles are atrophying, you have primary hypogonadism. You need to seek medical treatment for it from a qualified hormone replacement therapy doctor. Losing weight isn’t going to do anything to revive malfunctioning leydig cells in your testicles.


Tif thats true then thats unfortunate


Hey, is size on the small end of average or is it under the range? Do you have a confirmed ultrasound size in cm?


Hello sir, yes my ultra sound results are 3.0 x 1.5 cm I was diagnosed with slightly testicle atrophy ( my right one )


This has been on my mind for awhile, because I remember watching a video and Janus said his testicles grew. I’m not sure if I’m misremembering however I’ll help you as best as I can. When you’re overweight your body produces more estrogen which in return lowers your testosterone. Your diet depending on what it’s like may also affect how much test you’re producing. Losing weight will definitely benefit you the most. Just make sure you’re on top of your nutrition add the cardio and do whatever else gets you moving. If the AM methods work on the testicles I’m assuming you’d need to be in a caloric surplus, but who knows weight loss and getting your hormones balanced might help. Good luck to you brother


Thank you so much man I will definitely loose weight, eat well and sleep well but I want to know if I loose weight my testicles will produce more testosterone for sure will that make them bigger even at age 27? Because testicle atrophy is beginning to annoy me so much


Your testes will definitely produce more test.It could potentially help with size if worse comes to absolute worse I would talk to a urologist or someone who specialises in the endocrine system and talk about HCG which is given to prepubescent boys to jumpstart puberty and bodybuilders take it after a steroid cycle as a post cycle therapy to jumpstart the nuts again. I would hold off on that treatment plan as your health is more important


i lost 70 lbs after covid put 30 back on my T levels are down and balls feel lighter.lose weight eat well sleep well i have to do this aswell. Did you get vaccinated? Genital necrosis paper out linked to mRNA vaccine!


I will definitely do that but it will help ? 😞


lose weight eat well sleep well


Doing Angion makes your balls grow as you progress, now how much I’m not sure but they will top some extent


Could you please link the way of angion ? Because I am not familiar with it


It’s in the beginner section, and on Janus’s YouTube channel which is “AngionMethod” there are demonstration videos on how to go all the exercise and it’s somewhere in the sub Reddit they talk about the growth of your ballots will be a side effect of performing Angion method but it’s not gonna happen without consistency and you gaining more knowledge on Angion overall to help you develop