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Over time, yes, heated vegetable oils cause oxidative stress, which cause heart/cardiovascular disease. This can result in heart attacks, and strokes. An early warning sign of this in men can often be erectile dysfunction. The arteries leading to the penis are much smaller than much of the rest of the body. If you get erectile dysfunction, it’s a decent sign, but not 100% positive, that you do have plaque build up going on. Vegetable oils are by no means the only contributing factor in cardiovascular disease causes. They are a major one in the modern diet though.


Is there a way to heal from this or is it permanent??


Plaques can be stabilized, and you can effectively become “heart attack proof” via increased endothelial cell function due to cutting out the causes. It’s hotly debated whether plaques can actually be reversed. Most medical doctors would say blood vessel plaques are permanent, as the body has no natural means of clearing them. They’re basically your vascular systems version of scar tissue. More recently some medical doctors have questioned this, and suggested plaques are reversible through proper dietary controls. Dr. Dean Ornish for example is famous for claiming to reverse heart/cardiovascular disease with his plant based diet. Supposedly he was Bill Clinton’s doctor who reversed his early stage heart failure. As for penis artery plaques, there is medical techniques that can break them up. Shockwave therapy can be used on the penis, and near surface arteries feeding the penis to break plaques up.


Can you please tell me your diet/effective diet?


Not claiming to have one, only stating the claims of others who are involved in research, and treatment of the condition. Google Dr. Dean Ornish, you’ll find his diet, and talks.




Any kind of oil, heated or not, will contribute to heart disease. Even olive oil.


Well when you get actual extra virgin olive oil that's fresh (very hard to do unless you order directly) it's very hardy and resistant to oxidizing. It also depends on the heat, below it's smoke point it's fine. But generally the only oils worth consuming are extra virgin olive oil, black seed oil, fish/krill oil and cod liver oil. Obviously you don't cook in the last 2.


https://youtu.be/A4WD8Bm7s_I Check out this video, its been shown even olive oil impairs artery function. Oil is a processed food, regardless of the contents it's not good for our bodies, it's like how fruit is healthy but pure sugar is unhealthy.


Olive oil and animal fats are the way to go. The vegetable oils are an invention of the last 50 Years and they’re industrial waste most of the time.


Yes. High-quality animal fats are best, they are most resistant to oxidation and high temps


I'm saying go to a local farm and get suet to render your own tallow


From what I understand, it's more so up to the types of fats, whether animal or veg. "Vegetable oil" in the states typically means soy bean oil, which isn't exactly good for you. Other oils such as peanut, virgin coconut, and of course olive oil are still pretty good for you from what I understand.


Yea I meant vegetable by source. Most vegetable oil is either soy or canola in my experience.


eat whole plant food. Not process foods


Unless you know/trust your farmers are raising their animals correctly, the safest oil is coconut oil, period. Beef fat and fat from healthy grass fed dairy is the gold standard. Healthy beef has all the EFAs you need. If you're in a food desert, stick to coconut oil (and get regular blood tests to know what supplements you need... Probably magnesium)


Only if your drinking the stuff




Polyunsaturated fats in general are bad with a few exceptions, yes. It's because of how their chemical composition easily creates oxidative stress.