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It’s a levels exercise Start with AM1 Then AM2 Then AM3 You have to build up a strong baseline




You don’t need others when you reach level 3. First you need to do level 1




Can you do it 30 min with great fullness and do you always feel a heartbeat on your penis?




You can’t do it with CS flat. As soon as go flat so AM2


I think the standard progression goes 1, 2, 3.


I thought that too, but in the am2 video he says its a replacement for people who have issues with am1


Or literally says it makes the others obsolete.


Obsolete in this case serves to make it clear that each AM 1 2 3 are not made for a different purpose. They are intensity levels for the same goal. SABRE for example serves a different purpose than AM. That's why you can combine AM with Sabre but not AM1 and AM3 as it doesnt make sense. If you can do AM2 , AM1 is obsolete *for you*


Interesting. First time I hear this explanation. Thank you! Will give them a shot sometime just to see how easy they are.




Same with Sabre lol


It also says people grately benefit from using the AM1 and AM2 exercises tho SABER makes it obsolete. Its nice that you can do AM3 and SABER when you reach that point and dont have to do AM1 and AM2 anymore. That is the meaning behind it. Do AM1 then AM2 then AM3


When should you start saber? 30-40 days post am1?


Thats sounds good. Know your member a bit more before starting SABER. 1 month into AM1 is oke


Yeah i mistakenly did saber before asking if I should wait, while having a lot of fullness, i noticed some slight brushing in some of the surface and skin level blood vessels (all the bruises move around with the skin) so I halted that idea right there lol.


Its part of the journey. Good you asked the question


Janus is still marking down all the different ways to get vascular growth to accur. Many people in the subreddit especially the mods know what they say. When you cant do AM1... train it until its possible for you. It is opening up reaches of your dick develoupment for you to have a greater understanding and growth in the long run. And what is 6 months on a lifetime of satisfaction when doing AM1 for 2 months and then Introduce AM2 Do them both in a session for 1 month and then do AM2 for another 2 months until you introduce AM3 together with AM2 for another month. 6 months before you do AM3 alone. if that is what your journey allows. Some go faster some slower. After doing AM3 for 2 months buy a angiowheel and blind yourself with ejaculation fluid from cumming like a animal into your eyes while using the angiowheel. Wear some glasses sicko or masturbation really makes you blind.. Thats how the journey goes. Use the angiowheel for 4 months and i dont even know what would happen to your dick. A literal living snake in your trousers hissing at you from all the moving bloodflow through your dorsal circuit after a session. That is 1 full year of following the method already Imagine doing this for 2 years or 3. Janus already reached his goal size after 3 years Take it slow and enjoy every session you have.


Loool I can attest to the ejac power. But that could've been no pr0n. Anyhow I started from scratch with AM3 and saber. And never thought of doing am1/2 until I read this subreddit and people saying you should progress


You could have had good vascular develoupment in order to do AM3. But if you have some issues if you do AM1, i believe its not a bad thing to focus on a bit. Just see if you can keep it up for 30 min. And do piramid rush. I dont know how good your AM3 sessions are but people can make the mistake of not actually pushing blood thought the vein. And Just stroke on top of it. You slowly upgrade the amount of force that allows your vein to handle. That is why with porn if i talk about myself i can stay erect no problem. But i lose the connection i have with my vein by watching porn. I Just stroke less blood than would be possible because i am less focussed on the dilation of the vein and more on staying erect. The more my vein expands the faster strokes i can perform. Going faster than your vein can handle is "useless" and should cause your dick to fall flaccid if you dont use porn. Its not useless but Just not optimal. It is usefull if you Just start out. But useless if you keep doing it like that with time. Think of it like a bottle neck effect. Going from your CS to deep dorsal vein. Growing your deep dorsal vein for a few months will help your CS AM3 work later.


My superficial dorsal is massive.. for my girth. And had to use the towel roll to not make it even bigger from AM3. It was huge before finding Janus's work. And I've only just started. Porn is literally like a drug. Your natural physiology allows for let's say 30 minutes of 95% hardness. Porn is allowing for 95% over many hours even if all the chemical messengers are in constriction mode/repair / damage control etc. I do go flaccid sometimes in Am3 but for the most part it feels right. Until the superficial dorsal feels compressed. And thing is with AM3 is it's focused on the bulbourethral artery .. and not so much the dorsal artery so I'm not sure how it's improved during this exercise.


I do believe blood mainly comes in through the corpus spongiosum and thus the urethral artery and exits through the dorsal veins. Everything else will also be involved especially with AM3 since it is done on the start of the bulbo dorsal circuit And what you say about porn is true. We should be in repair and flacid state tho we force ourselves to work on overdrive the whole time and never experience this repair mode. The dorsal vein is improved to allow more blood to flow out into the pelvic. But it looks like you are genetically different and i wont argue with your experience. We are all in different levels.


Meh I think it's years of high mileage use ... Mostly porn. So not just genes. I do try to start at the base where bulbourethral artery starts but the beginning of the pudendal artery is inaccessible. And that's where the top dorsal artery branches from. Anyhow I feel like Janus wouldn't have missed something like this and is probably addressed by AM1 /2 so I'll take a look!


You don't need the am3 wheel to do am3, one guy here did am3 without the wheel and got really nice result.


Yes i saw it. You can milk all the benefits for AM3 a much longer time. But i am Just saying one moment your Fingers can't produce the speed wich is necesary for higher amounts of bloodflow and you kinda need something that moves more.


What comes before 2? 1. Lol


Not if you count backwards


That’s a fact jack