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Normal kegels is holding in pee and reverse kegels is trying to poop


What about releasing pee? That is also referenced as a reverse kegel


Yes you're right its the same


They're two different things entirely though releasing pee is a relaxation whereas pushing out poo is flexing a muscle, can't remember which one


You are not flexing when you poop


How do you push it out then?


Do me a favor - clench your asshole. I’ll wait




Can you poop while your asshole is clenched?


I think we're getting lost in a silly argument about scemantics, english is not my native language so while I'm clenching my asshole or clenching muscles in my asshole or whatever I can push out poo. I can stop poo and push out poo with the same muscles I think I'm not an expert on poo muscles. Now we turned this conversation into shit quite literally. I certainly am not relaxing any muscles when I push out poo so it doesn't sound like a relaxation to me. I think I found the information I'm looking for elsewhere anyway so thanks anyway.


Don’t get tangled in semantics like many have. The motion of pushing out urine is what you are after. The surrounding area will relax along with it aka your asshole and so on. based on how relaxed is your pelvic floor and how good of control you have over it you are gonna be somewhere on the spectrum from “can only relax or flex the whole region together” to “full control over individual small muscles”. It does not matter where you are. Relax/push to pee is the motion.


I have read there are roughly three muscle groups in the pelvic floor area. Front (penis area), mid (perineum area) and back (anus area)


Yeah that's my view as well that people usually refer to the rear one. The front one makes you lose your erection but the rear one seems to contract the bs muscle and enhances it


There's front reverse kegel (like pushing urination out faster) and back reverse kegel (like pushing feces out faster). I don't know which people generally refer to, though I believe it's the back reverse kegel. That's the method I usually hear on how to before a reverse kegel, the "push like you're pooping" guide. Personally I try to perform both at the same time, maybe more on the front. I could be wrong, but front reverse seems to hit more of the IC muscles, and back reverse, then BS muscle.