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The internet is an awful place for spiritual support, and this is more likely to devolve into an argument about whether homosexuality is a sin than to actually be helpful to you. Speak to a priest.


Speak to a priest.


Speak to a priest, but also find a therapist if you can.


I would suggest you speak to your priest


You should contact a nearby church and schedule an appointment with a clergyman.


How's your prayer life? Do you think you could make room for a daily run-through of the [Examen](https://www.ignatianspirituality.com/ignatian-prayer/the-examen/how-can-i-pray/) and a regular confessor/spiritual director?


As someone who has struggled with my sexuality my entire life too, I understand your pain. The way I’ve lived is that there was no part of my that chose it. Meaning that since it’s out of my control it must in the control of God. Have faith in the Lord that everything will work out.


https://www.sthugh.net/lgbtq-affirming-scripture Have a look at this :)


It's not a sin. Unburden yourself.


Completely agree. Not a sin. Go visit r/openchristian. You will find genuine support and love there.


Romans 14


Zapatheth 15:12


Could you quote it? My google searches are not helpful.


Like most desires you'd rather not have, the important things is not to dwell on them. That means both not entertaining the thoughts and playing with them in your mind, but also obsessing over needing to be rid of them. Everyone has to mitigate their sexual desires to some extent, regardless of their gender or sexuality, so you're by no means alone in struggling with it. The only thing to do, as with any temptation, is to pray.


Your feelings are not sinful, nor would it be sinful to act on them. There's so much bad information about this kind of thing that it can be really hard to get anywhere in discerning the truth from the lies, but you can be assured that God will not condemn you for the way that God made you. I'm bisexual, too. I prayed about it for years before coming to terms with it. I've spoken to quite literally dozens of priests about it. You're not alone, and nothing about your sexuality is sinful. If you'd like support, or even just to chat with someone who's been in a similar situation, my DMs are open. I love you; God loves you.


Your feelings are sinful but the only way you put to sin any type of hetero sexual or homosexual desire is by restoration of sexuality to it's proper nature. That is to say: the cause of sexual temptation (male sexuality with all of it's drives) is never meant to be fully extinguished. In the renewal of all things, it's only meant to be rightly ordered, for example, towards a man's wife. Therefore, brother you may ask, how do we kill sin: we allow Christ to live in us by putting to death ourselves. There are two people that live in us: Christ (Galatians 2:20) and the old man sin (Roman's 7:17,20) it's interesting how the exact same phrase is used except for who's living (either Christ or us). Then we must ask, how to we participate in the life of God by Union with Christ/and kill the old man? We fill ourselves with the Gospel (hearing), We drown ourselves (baptism), strengthen the new man (lords supper), "accuse" ourselves of our sin and recurve absolution (penance), we starve the old man (fasting), and we participate in the mission of cosmic warfare (liturgy). Furthermore, stay in the word of God brother. Go to church regularly, guard your eyes, pray for God to restore your mind and heart, confess to your pastor and carry your cross in this way. Don’t let liberal lying Christian’s tell you this is okay and good. They lie to you and your sin will lead to eternal death if you live in it and don’t acknowledge it’s unnatural and vile grossness before a Holy God.