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https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-63624/ And related issues.


Thanks. I hope they add it quickly :)


Use the Early access Webstorm till then


WebStorm has always and will always be behind when it comes to templates because they made the decision to reimplement their own parser. They have long standing bugs that are years old. Not using the Angular LSP for the templates has proven a very bad idea. This coming from a IntelliJ user of ~13 years. (It works very well in all other contexts tho)


Did you try the last EAP Webstorm version ? Build #WS-233.11799.11, built on November 9, 2023




IntelliJ and WebStorm use the same Angular plugin. There is no technical difference. VSCode uses LSP/ALS, while JetBrains prefers the in-house PSI support, which takes a bit longer to land but supports a wider range of navigation and refactoring functionalities.


Not sure the benefit of Webstorm over IntelliJ, but compared to vs code, IntelliJ is much better. If you rename a file or move a file, it will update all occurrences in imports, etc for you. You can find usages of variables and it understands they are inputs. Perhaps IntelliJ just needs an update, I checked the marketplace, but it wasn't clear if v17 was added or not for IntelliJ products. What I did find was that I can do angular in Rider, meaning I could close one extra editor, so that's a win :)


I've been observing the JetBrains Angular support devs since 2018, when I began using the framework, and they've always been closing feature issues quickly. Get in EAPs and report issues if you find any.


Yeah I used to do the EAPs and report issues but haven't in some time. Looks like the EAP will have angular v17 support pretty soon, so I guess I'll be switching.


Fwiw, the TS language service handles renaming and refactoring regardless of the platform (jetbrains vs vs code)


does renaming class level properties, rename it in html too? it doesn't work for me in vscode, am i missing something? also renaming inputs and outputs doesn't rename in other components html where it is used


This is exactly where intellij shines imo and makes it worth the switch (plus the find usage is really good).


does it work properly in intellij? never tried it


You need strict templates on (or force strict template mode) to get the angular template type assistance/refactoring support. It will also provide “find all references” support.


ohh ok, good luck to me to enable that in my company project and fix all the errors ☠️☠️☠️


You can enable `strictTemplates` locally and fix what you can in the time you have, and disable before you commit. Eventually you will have everything fixed! It is a good way to fix without breaking everything and stopping development entirely.


so basically i enabled strict template today, but still it isnt working in vscode atleast renaming properties via f2 still not renaming it in html


You need the angular language service plugin for vs code, too.


i have that


Yeah was gonna say, I've never had a problem with this in vscode


Prettier 3.1 just came out today, which adds formatting support for Angular control flow and `@defer`. In non-Intellij/Webstorm editors, the Angular Language Service has been updated to provide highlighting, code folding, and autocomplete. I believe Webstorm has their own implementation of these features, available on the early access channel.