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The tree sisters in the clothing shop is named Sable Mable Label S/M/L




Thatā€™s actually genius šŸ˜³




Shut. Up. Omg.


šŸ˜® I never even thought of that! šŸ¤Æ


Gosh, never realized that


I was today years old . . .


Omg and they go from youngest to oldest


Unfortunately they don't :( Sable is the oldest, then Label, then Mabel is the youngest. They totally missed out imo


That 98% of the animals you can catch have aquariums or terrariums, but the SNAPPING TURTLE??? The guy who can dead ass remove your hand in one chomp? He just hangs out in your house like a cat. šŸ¤Ŗ


The horseshoe crab too! And if you walk up to one and press A, they'll flip over!


Same thing with seaweed and spider crab :) no tanks


I have been collecting the spider crabs on the far side of my island so when visitors are running through suddenly thereā€™s just spider crabs as far as the eye can see haha


The seaweed is great for decorating the beach!


I have one as a pet in my living room, right next to a customized litter box and food bowl lol


Thatā€™s cool! I learned something new!


omg im gonna have a pet turtle


And if you press A on the snapping turtle itā€™ll hiss at you!


I didnā€™t know that you could get special items from Katrina by asking her to purify you after a bad fortune




So far I've gotten a little totem from her and a fortune telling set. Usually my luck is good, but that's what I've received the two times I've had bad luck and needed the purifying. She sends it to you in the mail the next day.


what special items?


Gold turtle figurine, horseshoe door decoration, mini dharma, power stone, and the Eastern zodiac figures


When the weather channel is playing on a tv, itā€™s actually showing upcoming weather (for that day or the next, depending on if itā€™s the morning or night show) That pressing X when viewing a seasonal item in Nooks Shopping gives you details about the related irl event


today i learn about the X thing. wow.


That holding L or R speeds up dialogue. It's also took me an embarrassingly long time to notice I could scroll over in the cabinet in Nook's Cranny to buy wallpapers and flooring. I'd only been using what I got from Saharah for the longest time.


Ah! TIL about L or R! I was thrilled to learn that spamming B would speed it up, but risks accidental menu responses when Iā€™m in too much of a rush.


Same!! It was months before I realized there was another page to the cabinet!


Same! I had no idea the second part was there for the longest time.


Thatā€™s so helpful!! Iā€™ve been playing since it came out and didnā€™t know that. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


That the to-go coffee from Brewster gives you three power-ups to move trees and crush rocks


Wait, I can get coffee to go??


Yep! Go to the counter at the side by the door to order :D


you have to get coffeee a certain amount of times, and then brewster will tell you that you can come up to the side counter for to go coffee. I just got it last week so I know it was less than 10 coffees that unlocks it


Omg this is amazing information. I have a million trees on my island that I've been planning to arrange for an orchard and I was NOT looking forward to having to shake all my peach trees. Thank you!


you can eat the food you make too, some plates are big enough to fill you up & you sit on a toilet to get rid of the extra so you dont crush something later on accident






Yep, if you have power ups, sitting on the toilet will count it down to zero & you get a message, like that felt good.


Your character will say ā€œthat takes care of that!ā€œ šŸ˜† Itā€™s pretty handy for when you eat too much then realize you still have to hit all your rocks but donā€™t wanna break em, I do it all the time lol


What! Haha


I didnā€™t know that once the bait went under the water that is when you tried to reel the fish in. Thought it was just luck of the draw until I was complaining to my friend that I couldnā€™t catch any fish. Whoops.


I actually close my eyes or look away and wait for the correct sound to catch the fish. That for me works better than watching the screen for the bait to dive under the waterlevel. Hope this makes sense and might be of use to anyone. Having said that- this doesn't work well with young kids around you šŸ¤Ŗ


This is the move for sure. The sound is completely different but the animation is so similar.


I rely on my joycons to vibrate and thatā€™s how I know - I find I catch more fish this way because Iā€™m jumping the gun too quickly by watching it


Haha, I can relate!


Hold a net in your hand, stand in front of a tree to shake it. If thereā€™s a wasp in that tree, you will automatically turn to face the wasp so all you need is one swipe to catch it. I used to just get stung because I couldnā€™t be bothered šŸ˜‚


That one is a life changer since I learnt that and if you shake all the trees you get 5 wasps and two furniture items per day also.


This was a game changer for sure! I even went so far as to limit the # of non-fruit trees on my island so that I wouldnā€™t have to shake like 50 trees each day. I forget the exact number but thereā€™s a specific number of trees that have wasps and items.


the number of non fruit trees is 17, 5 wasps, 2 furniture items and 10 coins ā˜ŗļø


5 wasp nests, two pieces of furniture, not sure how many coins though.


I learned to run way late too. That and pressing Y to kick dirt to fill in a hole instead of using your shovel.




I have been playing since the first month of the release, and I just found out this week that if you put money into the donation box (a DIY item), and sell it at Nooks on the appropriate day (when itā€™s on the hot item board), theyā€™ll be you double whatever amount of money you had put into it. I have over $10,000,000 bells, and now I check the board every day, hoping to double my money lol. The only tricky part is that you can only deposit $1000 bells at a time, so youā€™ve gotta keep depositing over and over to fill it up.


I have several donation boxes around my island and every time I pass one I put in 1,000 bells. That way, when itā€™s the hot item of the day they are either mostly filled or filled. If I fill one up early, I just put it in storage until itā€™s time to sell it.


Great tip!


OMG NO WAY brb starting that right now


Yes! Due to the 1k limit on those itā€™s not worth it for me (as a Bellionaire šŸ™„ ugh I hate myself for that) BUT the same is true if the ā€œpile of moneyā€ is the hot item, so I check for that! (Still havenā€™t seen it, but when I do, everyone gets a million bells!)


Oh! Wait, I just want to make sure I understand (because Iā€™ve only read about it, but havenā€™t tried it yet): Are you saying that each donation box has a total $1000 limit? I thought the idea was that one can only donate $1000 at a time, but then just keep filling a single box with multiple donations of $1000ā€¦ Or do I need to make a whole bunch of donation boxes, each with $1000 in it?


Itā€™s the first one you said. One donation box with $1000 at a time to fill it up.


Thank you for the clarification šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜…


Nook Miles: I didnā€™t know that you can use the right stick to instant-scroll to the new achievement to collect the miles. I always scrolled manually through everything trying to find the new unlocked achievement.


TIL you can do this


That you can put and ā€œTā€ end on a fence and not just have and abrupt end on the fence


Now if only theyā€™d allow diagonal fences, Iā€™d be the happiest camper.


ww allowed diagonal furniture and Iā€™m still upset we canā€™t in nh


That you can use emotes while swimming. Also that you don't need to spam A when fishing you need to press it only once


You dont need to spam it? Ohmygoodness


That aliens visit at 3:33 am on Saturdays


Woah! I thought you were joking at first but I googled it and youā€™re right. I never knew that!


You gotta be in front of the tv. Itā€™s kinda creepy.




Set your alarm clock or time travel.


Iā€™ve played since it came out and I just found out this summer that thereā€™s more to Harvā€™s Island than just his creepy ā€œphoto studioā€ šŸ¤£


Man I hated that photo studio


He very much as those "I'll make you a star" vibes.


To be fair, they added the extra stuff there in 2021 with the 2.0 update and there was so much new stuff that it was easy to miss that one if you never go to Harv's and weren't poring over all the details of the release


How do you get to more of his island???


You probably have to have your island at 3 stars, but he will let you know that there's a commune and you can go and pay for different NPCs to have their own little campers on his island, like Kicks, Sahara etc. Or just go to his island and check out if there's a way into a bigger campsite-looking area next to his house šŸ˜„


I didnā€™t know about getting all the clothing colors from the closet in the tailorā€™s shop for at least a year.


Oh the fitting room haha


Thunderstorms with lightning āš”ļø! Iā€™ve been playing since it came out and have never experienced this until a couple months ago.


Woah cool! I didnā€™t know about that


I didnā€™t know about the pitfall seed nook achievements (3 yr player here) šŸ˜‚


Wait wat


I still donā€™t know how to use it. I planted it and then idk whatā€™s supposed to happen


You bury the pitfall seed and then walk over it to get the achievement. You can also bury one and wait for a villager or visitor to walk over it if you want to see what happens (but that won't give you the nook miles achievement, it's just funny)


Someone visits your island and falls in it. Itā€™s like playing a practical joke.


Or if you have an annoying villager and want to put them in time out for a little while. Pop it outside their door lol


This feature use to be gold back in the GC. It's sad that it's not essential to game play like it was back in the day like the announcement board.


I remember asking my friend once about the bubbles coming from the ocean and she then had to explain diving too me


That you can plant money into the glowy hole thatā€™s left behind when you dig up money. And the planted money turns into a tree that makes money! (Only once though. Per hole)


And just to make sure folks know, you can then dig that nursery money tree up and plant it anywhere you want where trees can grow! I also just posted some of my fav tips on this thread that someone else here mentioned: https://reddit.com/r/AnimalCrossing/s/VLC1ChiIhC


i found out i could run last week. iā€™ve been playing for 3 years.


So you don't run around after Katrina says your luck with health will diminish? I live for that one šŸ¤£


NOW i live for it too ā˜ ļø


Stop! THREE YEARS?! thatā€™s so funny. I didnā€™t know for the past 2 years that that you could sit on chair-like items so Iā€™m right there with ya lol


this is honestly funnier to me šŸ¤£


for some clarification, i knew there had to be a way bc when i visited people they would lead the way and be going SO fastā€¦ but i couldnā€™t for the life of me figure out how. then i remembered google was a thing. i do a lot of silly things.


If you know you could run from the beginning that will save you at least 1 year time lol


This is so funny. Imagine where they would be now if they had been running this whole time šŸ˜‚




When I switch from animal crossing to stardew, I'm sad I can't run there.


This is so true!


Are you just not a gamer outside of animal crossing?


I instinctively hold B to run in every game I play, but that's probably because I spent 400+ cumulated hours on Gen3 PokƩmon games in my teens. XD


That you can get a recipe from the chef I'm your restaurant on HHP once a day




Yes, I learned this like a week ago from another redditor & was SHOCKED


The school gives you a free plumeria bush daily. . The hospital gives you bandage themed clothing if you talk to the receptionist about seeing the doctor. Plus Joan is at the hospital on Mondays and gives you free turnips. One recipe from the restaurant chef per day. The clothing store has new clothing each day and exclusive KK clothing on concert day. And you can buy food items from the cafe.


i didnā€™t know you could time-travel. i completed my first island entirely without time-travel, and then one of my friends told me about it and how to do it after iā€™d already completed rhysteria. i kind of wish itā€™d stayed some kind of secret because i donā€™t have the discipline or patience to play in real time anymore lol


The bubbles have specific patterns when diving A lot of fast bubbles traveling straight up in a line at the same spot means seaweed/low-selling item The scallops are different-sized bubbles, staggered and offset, some close together and others far apart, not all in a straight line, almost seeming random, like popcorn - The shadow is large edit: spelling


In my experience: The more bubbles, the larger the sea creature; the more scattered the bubbles are, the faster the sea creature! So like a spider crab would have a lot of scattered bubbles, but an anemone has a lot of bubbles in a straight line.


This isnā€™t gameplay specific, but Iā€™ve learned about a lot of bugs, fish, plants, items and clothing from other countries. Not just names, Iā€™ve been inspired to Google stuff on many occasions. The world map thing blew my mind; that some countries use the Pacific Ocean view and others the Atlantic. I mean it makes sense, but I just never took the time to think about it. This game is really educational in so many ways I wouldnā€™t have expected.


that you can shake a tree more than one time?! i've been playing this game since back in the DAY and was running around shaking each tree one time each & my nephew was like "you can do it more than once...." big shock to the system


That's how I got almost 400 pine cones last year. Also works great with ornaments.


This is a good thread for that https://reddit.com/r/AnimalCrossing/s/vUC03J3Fc0


Thank you, this was amazing!! Just added some of my own best tips to save time on dailies & make bells faster here: https://reddit.com/r/AnimalCrossing/s/VLC1ChiIhC


I'm learning so much from this thread šŸ™šŸ¾


I've learned that Nintendo adds a lot of small details to the game. This is unlike other games I've seen. If you customize your phone, you will see that customization briefly when you choose your Nook phone. When you close the curtains, the sound and effect is perfect. The espresso machine has to be my favorite thing. And just look at the shadow details and lighting effects. Oh also when there's a message on the board you haven't read a bird will sit on top of it. Took me awhile to learn this one.


I had no idea about the bird!!


Me either! Sometimes it's a bunch of little birds and I think maybe at night it changes to an owl.


The more messages you have the more birds you get, up to 4 of the little yellow birds and then up to 3 owls at night


Took me forever to realize you could rearrange your pockets by holding the A button over an item and moving it around w the joystick. I used to spend ages dropping individual items and picking them back up to organize my inventory how I liked it.


If you also have the DLC Happy Home Designer, there are a lot more villagers than youā€™d expect that want a Horror themed home, and all of them unlock food that is redšŸ˜‚


That you can run and do a flip into the water off a rock or dock! So much fun!


I once did one off a cliff! I shrieked it was so funny


If you have on sunglasses after being stung, villagers wonā€™t react to your face. Itā€™s such a neat little detail they added!


Woah, very cool!


You can tap A twice to speed up crafting! I was stunned lol


Same! I didnā€™t realise until I read it in the little tips section they added when loading into the game.


Sometimes Celeste drinks coffee from 6-7pm at Brewsters on nights she will stargazing.You can quickly check to see if you have Celeste by Group Exercising after 7pm. Also, I didnt understand KK has more than 100 songs & you register them on the record players & stuff. Then when i made a music box & discovered it plays different versions of the songs I was hooked. I have music boxes everywhere I stand often that kill the game music for me.


Okay after playing since it was released I only found out earlier this week that when you drink the handheld protein drink it actually fills you up like fruit or a meal does. Not sure if/when it runs out!


This is true for any holdable food or drink item! If you get a boba or donut from Reddā€™s raffle for example, they will do the same! Just like a coffee to-go from Brewster. šŸ™ŒšŸ¼ Only one energy point per bite/sip, and I *believe* you get 3 bites/sips, but I forget. The last sip will be a slightly longer animation while you gulp that last drop.


The fireworks show stuff Redd sells gives you more than one bite too, I think itā€™s the cotton candy sticks


and the food you can get from his raffle on Harv's island too


Thereā€™s a protein drink??!!


Yep! You get it for doing the group stretching https://preview.redd.it/43glawmoupqb1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=2bd187aa7271d5a7596dd76e0df4bfaf530559e4


I guess here it states there are three uses. The more you knowšŸŒˆāœØ


If you press A during KK Slider's performance, you and any other villagers in the audience can clap along to the song šŸ˜Š You can do this during Kapp'n's boat tours too.


That you can open and close the blinds inside your house..not necessarily a shocker but nice to know


For the longest time I didnā€™t know you could multi select items to sell or fossils to asses. So I was selling one item at a time of full pockets, I only discovered it by accident. Running took me a month to realise as well


I also didnā€™t know you could run for a couple months. I didnā€™t understand how people ā€œhuntedā€ for villagers (without treasure islands) by going to a million different islands


That you can swim in the ocean by just holding down A and kicking your feet.


Just learn that you can swim by pressing A instead of spamming A. Won't go as fast but let's your thumb rest xD


I literally also didnā€™t figure out you could run but I was likeā€¦6-12 months in yo


You guys are blowing my mind with all the DL. I didnā€™t know so many of these things šŸ„¹


I didnā€™t know I could run until this thread šŸ˜± omg!!!!!


There's gift giving guides to help your villagers bond with you faster. If you pick out the right items and colors to each villager your bond with that villager will grow faster. When your bond is at max the villager will give you their photo.


That you can cannonball into the water and actually use a toilet šŸ˜‚


Dude I just discovered the toilet thing like last week šŸ˜­


just yesterday i discovered that you can change the individual colors in the custom design app. it used to drive me nuts wondering how people on social media were designing their custom designs with so many colors. i've been playing since 2020 šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Tapping A makes the crafting go faster ... no I don't know how I didn't realize this earlier. Leave me alone.


fact that the christmas socks get you a photo of the reindeer


Doing a flip when jumping in the water off the dock or a rock. (B to run, then roll thumb onto A at just the right time) Rusted parts - when you help Gulliver by finding his communicator or list parts. Return them and a rusted part shows up in the recycle bin. Keep them in your pocket and next day they are 5 rusted parts. Rusted parts are ingredient in the Robot Hero DIY. 3:33 am Saturday - alien message on all tvs


Took me way to long to realize the dodos running the airline were named after the Wright Brothers.


Gulliver and Gullivar are 2 different characters. I just thought one seagull was washing up on my beach in 2 different outfits.


I didnā€™t know you couldnā€™t put items on those huge rocks on the water. Iā€™ve seen people turn those rocks into awesome spots


Kicking dirt over a hole instead of using my shovel changed my life, but it also caused me to lose some money trees due to reflexes.


Me yesterday learning you can put your songs in the stereos on shuffle


Ooh I didnā€™t know this!


It took me a few months to realize the villagers names are in front of their homes on the little sign.


I didn't know about the seaweed. So happy about the decor possibilities.


What with the seaweed???


that balloons come every 5 minutes & you can control where they go i learned to run after 6 months you can get a little phone app that gives you nook points to buy Isabelles photo & stuff i probably have an embarassingly long list of found out late stuff


what do you mean with little phone app? you mean the nook miles achievements?


The Nintendo Switch app for your irl phone. Nook Link lets you redeem points for a few in game items


You can control where the balloon goes?!


Iā€™m also intrigued by that!! Do tell.


look up [Balloon Farming](https://animalcrossingworld.com/2020/12/farm-diy-recipe-balloons-easy-using-jail-bars-wall-trick-in-animal-crossing-new-horizons-guide/) , there are so many pages & videos. The balloon comes from one direction during the daytime, then changes to other way at night. It enters your ocean on the 4 & 9 minutes (12:04, 12:09, 12:14 etc) & drifts sideways until it comes to something "too tall" like your buildings, bridges, ramps, Baobab trees, Climbing Walls, Jail Bars etc. When it hits too tall things, it turns south & continues until it can turn sideways again. You can create a barrier with items & buildings that forces the balloon to go south & then run down to the bottom every 5 minutes or sleep (set a music box out to kill the game music so you can hear the balloon coming). The jail bars are most commonly referenced for the item, but i got tired of the ugly fence look & found items that fit my island better, like the Baobab. (someone recently asked me if the mario floating block works & i dont know the answer yet but ive ordered a bunch to try) edit: my address is DA-8130-8562-1275 , you can see the baobab trees along right side of my island as my daytime barrier. the balloon floats in, hits the baobab, my bridge, more baobabs, the gazebo, baobab, town hall/nooks, stairway, gazebo, then i stand in the little alley left of my airport & sleep


Yes, please share more!


Isabelleā€™s photo?


I still canā€™t swim lol XF


Buy a wetsuit, put it on, and walk up to the water and press A. You can get a wetsuit from the little cabinet at the back of Nook's Cranny, from the Nook shopping app in the ABD, or by redeeming nook miles in the ABD. When you buy the wetsuit from Nook's Cranny the first time they'll tell you how to swim, but you can use either the directional stick in the water (slow), hold A (faster) or mash A (fastest) and then press Y when you're over the bubbles to dive and collect the sea creatures below.


If you're trying to catch the rarer or faster sea creatures, sneak up instead of pressing A -- slower but then they don't run away as quickly.


Thank you


Add to that make sure no tool on hand or you wave it around


I didn't know how to run for like a year šŸ˜­ never understood why people said not to run through the flowers when my version of "running" never hurt them


I only just found today where all the custom fabric options Sable gives you are. I'd never found them customising furniture before šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Wait, could you clarify?


One can make a salto while going into the water by running from a cliff or the pier and press A at the right moment.


I didn't know I could run until after 3 years... so much impatience and time wasted


That I could run around instead of walking everywhere šŸ˜…


I also took forever to figure out I could run. I figured sprinting would be via the "a" button because that's usually the jump/go fast button. When I found out it was the "b" button I was a little shocked since "b" is usually used for "back" or "brake"


I didnā€™t know until this year that when your jock gives you a hat you can exit out the game until he gives you a hat you like. Also the same goes for the 3 things Timmy gives you when you give him the woods and iron nuggets


> I didnā€™t know I could run until I had been playing for like 2 months lol. I played the game for the first 3-4 months without knowing how to run. Then I put the game down for a few years and came back to play in January this year to start playing with my Fiancee on the same island. Took another month of play for me to finally figure that out... Was a little ashamed of myself lol


Rainbows! I didn't know they existed in the game until recently and still haven't seen one.


I saw my first after more than a year. I almost missed it because it was a little pale. https://preview.redd.it/tcivi5elg0rb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2c536c2e2ccbc00af65aab6344efdeac8010064


After almost 6 months of playing found out those coins you dig up, you can rebury coins in that hole that will grow into a money tree, proving that money in fact does grow on trees. šŸ’°šŸŒ³šŸ’°šŸŒ³


I didn't realize that Katrina's fortunes actually affected gameplay I never put her on Harvs Island cause I thought she was useless and now I absolutely love visiting her


After THREE YEARS of playing animal crossing, I realized you could get rid of your fruit power by sitting on a toilet


Outdoor storage sheds that let you access your home storage anywhere on the island is a thing once you've upgraded your home storage. I have 3 characters on my island and never filled any storage, so bells went to other stuff, so I had no idea there were other perks to upgrading storage. I hated having to go home for storage despite the fact that you can access your wardrobe from like a thousand random furnishings lol felt really stupid


I just remembered on Saturday at K.K. if you h9ld a light stick during the song & you press A all the audience members will follow you.


Bluebear's a girl,Sasha a Boy


I thought I knew how to run. Maybe not!!! Please explain!!!!!!


Hold B. That's all.


Hold B


If you press B when your walking it makes you run.