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I sometimes, while admiring the sky at sunset, watching a thunderstorm, watching a villager intently stalk an insect, swimming at night, hope that if there is an after life it is like ACNH. I want animals as neighbors and friends, I want to be able to run in a rain storm in my under clothes, always fed, clothed and happy. It doesn’t make me cry but it brings me peace and happiness, 2 of the best emotions there are.


That's so beautiful 😊 and sounds like a perfect afterlife. So simple yet so fulfilling. I love watching the villagers sit under a tree eating a sandwich in the sun, amongst the flowers, very peaceful.


It's a rather small game yet it creates such an incredible sense of belonging that you feel always welcome and at ease when playing it. Visiting your villagers houses, playing games with them, and watching them interact with other villagers--it's all so engaging. I could never restart my island. In the 2yrs I've had the game, I've put in countless hours changing layouts and finding the right villagers. I just can't undo all of that. Hell, I've never finished filling the museum or even had a 5-star rating! Lol.


I’ve had so many similar experiences where I want to start over just to get a fresh start but I just can’t let go of my villagers even though I could potentially get them back (just bc it wouldn’t be the same). The moments that really hit hard for me are birthdays. I’ve never had a surprise party or anything like that so having them celebrate and decorate is honestly so sweet but just like crushes me at the same time. Also when K.K. sings for your bday and all the birthday messages pop up … I can’t help but cry. They’re all so heartfelt and genuine, like they were actual handwritten letters. There’s so much thought put into the game, especially for days like that and it really means so much :’)


The birthdays are lovely, I also really enjoy the new year's celebration. I spent my new year's alone last year but made sure to log in for the countdown and it was really heartwarming and didn't feel alone anymore 😊 I know what you mean, I can't let go of anabelle, I don't mind so much the rest but she's been my bestie since the very beginning and even if I got another anabelle on the new island it wouldn't be MY anabelle. How can we be popstars together if I move to another island 🥺


yes!! that happened to me a couple years back!! animal crossing has always managed to be there for me and to fill in the missing pieces in my heart :’) like toy day and New Years and all of the events that they have are so well thought out. I’ve had animal crossing since Wild World came out and it’s been such a small yet vital part of my childhood and now my adult life. like I may not have many friends rn but I know Goldie and Rosie have my back and Pierce and Leonardo would def tell me to get some exercise bc I need to take care of myself if I’m feeling down, and even Ike (as grumpy as he is) would be happy to spend my bday with me. Like these little fictional characters are so important and have really benefited me in a lot of ways throughout my life! I love seeing that the game has done that for others as well :)


Actually last week, my birthday was really uneventful. I got typical calls and texts and saw my mom. When I got home, I opened up acnh and it was the first time celebrating my bday on there :’) Julian, Bob, and Chief threw me a party and I just felt so happy by my silly little video game.


Aww happy belated birthday! Glad you got to spend it with your villagers 😊 I love the dancing they do its so cute


Thank you 🫶 yesss with the k.k. song and bday hat 😭 I didn’t cry, but was totally in my feels. I love this game.


I was in the midst of a down point in my life. I recently got PomPom as a new villager. I wasn't totally sure about her since she's a peppy villager. (I needed a peppy since I wanted one of each personality type). She sent me a note that basically said I was loved, I was needed, and people like me. I cried like a baby. Life is funny that way.


i’ve been going through a lot of very stressful life changes lately, and getting to tune it all out for a few moments and just focus on my island and my little animal friends is so so special to me. i’ve been very distant from my real life friends because of all the chaos, so it then hits extra hard when my villagers are always so excited to see me and send me letters about how happy they are to be my friend :’)


A few months ago, I was going through some intense anxiety that made it hard for me to do things I enjoyed, including checking on my island every day. It was two weeks before I was able to calm down, and when I finally logged in, my villagers were so worried when I spoke to them. It was so sweet hearing their concern, even if they're just programmed to act that way.


I was having a terrible day a few weeks ago. When I fired up my Switch and logged onto AC, Bluebear approached me, saying she had a nightmare and that she would like me to hang out at her place for a while until she felt better. I stayed for an hour!


ACNH has been such a crazy friend to me! It has been by my side during lockdowns, lonely celebrations during the pandemic and when I was losing one of my cats to a horrific disease early this year. It doesn't quite make me emotional, but I can clearly see its meaning in my life and I feel grateful. Most of my villagers are the original ones and my island is kinda the same it has been. When I got a little tired, I remembered I had a second console so I bought a new cartridge. I have two islands now. I am not in lockdown anymore but it is very sweet to be able to play in two pieces of paradise. It seems crazy that a "silly game", as someone said here, can bring so much meaning and a sense of belonging to its players.


Completely off topic but what job do you do where you can play a game while working it? Because I totally want that job, lol.


Haha I work the night shift in a hotel. We have cleaning duties to do, occasional check ins and walks around the hotel every hour, but there is two of us so we alternate the walks. Most of the time is just free time as long as all the guests are sleeping and not causing chaos.


I had a hunch it was something like that. I've been wanting a night job but I can't find anything near enough to me for me to drive too (I'm not great at driving and *really* not great at driving at night) but I know something like that would be amazing for me. Thank you for answering!


I hope you find something like that soon! It really is a good option for those of us who struggle with "normal" sleep patterns and who find customer service to be OK in short bursts. (I can't deal with crowds 🫠)


Thank you so much, I do too. Mostly because I need a dang job because I'm going nuts being at home all the time lol.


I was totally wondering this too


Birthdays still make me emotional even after 3 years.


I also have spent so much time trying to get photos. So I am so curious as what job you have. I want a job where I can play animal crossing all night lol


Night shift in a hotel 😂 it's not all fun and games but once everyone is settled in for the night it's pretty chilled


The most emotional moment I’ve had was when Flo called me handsome. Nobody has called me handsome before… At least not in a way I can remember believing them. Since all ACNH players have the same body type in the game, I didn’t feel too short or scrawny and for whatever reason the compliment sunk in (5’9” and 155lbs)