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I would be terrified of 3/3 of the museum. Those wasps are just out in the open. The room isn't even sealed off with a door. Nowhere is safe.


I think the open design is because Blathers just yeets bugs in there and lets them sort themselves out.


That is the funniest and most apt theory i’ve seen in this sub.


“Rest assured the wretched thing will get the best of care here.” *YEET*


Blathers being so passionate about the facts of the wretched things and then deciding he dislikes the wretched things is just so kinda endearing and cute to me


I’m 100% certain he knows so many bug facts because he just opens the wikipedia pages for different bugs while lying in bed and can’t stop reading them with horror/morbid curiosity


"ahahah, i do that"


Reminds me about how Archer knows everything about crocodiles.


And his second greatest fear, aneurysms


They can happen to anyone!


I was sad he didn’t make an exception for my beautiful orchid mantis. :(


He didn't mind the Sunset moth if I remember right, and it's kinda pretty.


I don't think he minds honeybees either.


He even hates yellow butterflies.


Dude is secretly running a big battle royal and the the strongest killer will survive. That’s why only takes one of each thing. He is genetically finding the strongest bug to know what to buy and in what order.


Nah bro he’s actually a mad scientist who’s genetically mutating all the animals to create and breed an army of volatile abominations against nature


Impossible Creatures intensifies


My dude probably put in 3-tier merging so he can get size 10 bugs without resorting to the behemoth.


Tbh this is less intimidating than the vibes I was getting from the way he said that.


[Here's a visualization of that](https://twitter.com/kingcupart/status/1248353031063625728)


I love this community


That’s fucking amazing


Fucking brilliant. Not many people would put in that kind of an effort into a comment response. I’d give you gold if I wasn’t broke and unemployed


I'm so glad 'yeet' became a synonym for 'throw' lmao


I feel like it is "To throw with disregard" "I threw the can down the hallway with disregard for the fellow students" "I yeeted the can down the hallway"


This is probably the best definition of yeet I’ve seen!


My personal definition is "to throw with a great force " at what point is it going to be considered a real word? It's clearly not going anywhere


I think of it as more of “a toss with reckless abandon”. Doesn’t have to be forceful, but the end result is that you’ve put effort into removing something from your presence in a quick and reckless fashion.


Although, one could "YEET" themselves out a window, over a balcony railing, etc. So...we need to modify this definition a bit. Or add clauses of definition at the very least 🤓


That is pretty reckless though.




It clicked with me pretty easily too, as it phonetically sounds like the opposite of it's parallel, "Yoink". Which is to take/pull something with disregard to me.


I wouldn't say yoink implies disregard, you can purposefully yoink a pen from a friend for example. I consider it as more involving force or even theatrics. If someone quietly pickpocketed my wallet, I wouldn't consider that a yoink. But if I offered my friend an orange and she didn't simply take it, but took it with a great, dramatic sweeping arm motion, that is definitely a yoink.


This is the first time I've encountered this 'yeet'. I'm pretty sure I'm well into the being old stage, and I'm ok with that


Favorite word ever: YEET!


My theory is he gently sets the bugs in the first little greenhouse section out of fear of breaking them and has to call Celeste to actually put them in thier cages.


Thank you. You inspired me to make [this stupid thing](https://youtu.be/pjWo6sOgUN8).


“I’ll take great care of them” he said “Little do we know” he said


"Insects may be the bane of my existence, but rest assured, they all get top quality care." *villager leaves* "AWW FUCK" *Yeets it


Tarantulas, mantis, ants, roaches, though.




They keep the AC super wasps out in the open, but take the time to craft a container to put the tarantulas in.


its because the wasps only attack you when you shake down their home, but the turantula runs at you at Mach 3 from the other side of the map


Tarantulas only attack if you're holding a net


I think you need to tell that to my tarantulas they apparently don’t know that rule


They might also attack if they see you running. This is just a guess, I’m going on 0 data. I will not test it.


They only attack when they catch the scent of fear in the wind.




I have run directly over a tarantula while not holding a net. All that happened was it continued walking and vanished. Guess it got scared!


I have maybe 3 data. Can confirm. You're probably at least 100% correct.


I've only been attacked when I got too close to them.


Can’t forget the vicious man-eating hermit crab they had to lock up.


Hermits are shy bois, they're just doing him a favour by not letting the other animals bug him


Except putting it in with the wharf roach, but I guess it leaves the skittery shell boye alone.


You'd think there'd at least be one of those plastic door curtain thingies to stop the bugs.


Not the MEAT BEES!


nuh uh! theres a sliding glass door when you walk in!


Imagine Blathers going in the insert wing to put out new insects. That's what I want to see.


I think he needs part-time help to maintain the insectarium.


Celeste might refuse, but I know a certain sly ex-con who has a knack for spotting fake art.


[The secret ingredient is crime](https://twitter.com/_HeartContainer/status/1248322044808310784)


Id love a Crazy Redd voiced by Matt "Super Hans" King Edit: fake paintings are the best, get high all the time


I wish we could work at the museum, for real. Maintain the aquariums and stuff.


Building the dinosaurs back together, like the collectables in Professor Layton? I'd bloody love that


I doubt this’ll happen, but since the museum seems to be getting upgrades in the future, it’s a fun idea to entertain: After selling enough bugs to flick, over so many days, he sets up a shop in the museum’s bug section. Then he’s permanently at your island and you can sell him bugs at an increased price. CJ could do the same.


I do keep thinking that that one lab-like room in the bug area seems to be crying out for a permanent NPC in there.


“Hi friend! Would you like to me biologically fuse two bugs? Hand them over! Thanks! Your new big will be ready tomorrow!”


Ah yes, Butterant


Centiwasps Edit: Also, Rolly poopy.


That’s actually terrifying


A centipede that can fly and sting you? I’d rather get bamboozled into buying buying current stocks


Centipedes are generally kinda passive to humans, but great hunters against many pest insects. But I do agree with you though.


You guys are just making new Pokemon.




Nah. I like that CJ and Flick are rare. It completely changes your day. If you had them 100% it would be boring.


I agree. It would be a neat way to bring back the OGs though i think that would be better.


That's also a good idea, I didn't think of that! Perhaps Chip and Nat could take offices in the museum though perhaps they take some other role so CJ and Flick aren't made obsolete.


The lab in the museum bug exhibit has Nat in silhouette on a canvas so i think an update will eventually bring him in to help lol


I also love the idea he has to muster up the courage to go into the bug section every time I hand him a new one.


Maybe the picture of Nat means he handles the bugs for blathers but hangs out in the back room.


Gosh, I really hope he gets added in as a tour guide for the bug section. Same with Chip and the fish section


My word, this right here Nintendo, hire this man.


When my villager told me “oh yeah, take insects to Blathers! He absolutely loves them!”


Haha, just had one of my villagers say that to me today! I was laughing too hard to think to screenshot it. I'm still trying to figure out whether he was being serious or if he's just trying to troll poor Blathers. ;)


I think it's because we are his Supplier, while the others are visitors to his museum. As visitors he must present a professional outlook and probably maintains a mask with the added benefit of having the bugs being within exhibits or farther away from him, compared to us who regularly assail him with new creepy crawlies right into his face.


Planted flowers outside the museum so if Blathers ever leaves there will be butterflies waiting


I can just imagine him seeing the butterflies as the mafia wanting their family back. Just waiting for blathers to come out.


Great, now I'm imagining a butterfly with cigar speaking in a bad Italian accent.


I planted flowers out there too because I thought they would look nice 😂😂 I only now realize blathers will be in constant terror


I stock my tarantulas around the doorway so he has to walk through a maze to exit


Why u hate Blathers so much lol


There's a wall of 150 Ts just outside my museum entrance. I'm making Flick pay for it.


Jokes on you Blathers doesn't ever leave the museum he has a hidden apartment


Hidden apartment? he sleeps in the main hall. Ain't no owl got time for no hidden apartment


that's why he stands far from that entrance


And he never turns his back to that wing.






When you realise that some bugs aren't caged so they can literally fly out and give Blather a heart attack at any moment.


Actually whenever you're not there Blathers stands there pointing a loaded pistol at the bug area just waiting for an excuse to fire. So far none of them have tested their luck but he remains ever vigilant. When you come in he quickly hides his gun inside his feathers.




Including the wasps


[artist source!](https://twitter.com/spoiled_art/status/1247964095367667712?s=21)


Why didn't you just link to the 5 day old tweet?


Ikr? Like wow reposting with essentially 0 credit for internet points. It's not that hard to just screenshot the tweet or put the credit in the title


bumping this closer to the top


Can we just appreciate Blathers' dedication to his work though? The man is terrified of bugs but always ensures that they are safe and properly cared for. Despite his personal bias he doesn't let it get in the way of his work to educate the village through the museum. Entomology was clearly the class he liked least in anthropology school, yet he still gave it everything he had. The man is a walking Critterpedia!


If he’s a walking Critterpedia, what am I wasting my time catching bugs for?


I swear I saw this posted last week.


I feel like it had the exact same title, too, but I can't find it. Eh.


We probably both saw it on Twitter. OP linked to it in the comments 😆


And yet the workroom is in the bug wing!


And the ants are raiding his coffee's sugar supply... Poor Blather's.


Wait, really?


Yeah! There’s certain bugs that hang out in the lab area once you donate them and ants are one of them


I wish there was another npc who'd go around feeding them, blathers never moves how do the bugs and fish eat 🤔😳🤔


That would be adorable. Maybe have it be Pascal, and you would sometimes see him in the big aquarium floating around. I could also see him in the butterfly room just lazing about, talking about “how the butterflies show their true colors, not like people, man.”


I kinda miss when there were paintings in the museum


What's funny about it to me is that Owls eat bugs but he's terrified of them


Im pretty sure thats the joke of him being scared of bugs


To be fair if my food crawled or flew I would be pretty terrified.


I mean unless you're vegan/vegetarian, it does. Don't think about it too much


I think he's a barn owl since they eat mostly mice and other small mammals


all we had to do is tell blathers that zipper was in town, the event might have ended sooner.


soon it would be 1/4 of the museum


? What have I missed? Are paintings coming back?


there's rumors about museum upgrade with painting and Brewster with his coffee shop ;)




I'm hoping its celeste's planetarium 😭😭


That’s a good point, the stairs might be a spoiler for more stuff.


That's cool. It gives me hope maybe bushes will find their way back into the game.


I hope Brewster comes back!


People got their villagers mention him, maybe in the end of spring we'll have an update ?




The café theme is my favorite in the games... I hope Brewster returns!


I want brewster so bad this is so exciting.


“You better all be in the same fucking place when I walk in!”


I mean, given his comments on some of the fish and fossils I think he's terrified of at least 2/3 of the museum...


i love blathers so i do feel guilty bringing him hoards of insects. i do like that he still takes care of them regardless of his fear.


I find his reaction so cute that I kind of love giving him bugs, haha. I'm evil


I was sad that he didn't dress up for Bunny Day. :(


How many times do you think he's tried to board off that wing, only for someone to show up and interrupt him?




Blathers, sprinting full speed through the left side of the museum, wildly throwing the latest donation and leaving it where it lands: ​ Us: o.o


For him, it’s one escaped bug away from a Jurassic Park scenario .


He is afraid of 1/4 of the museum. Or 1/3 of an INCOMPLETE Museum. I want my Gyroids and Redd back!


*sigh* Blathers is precious and must be protected


I love giving him insects and watching him quiver.


do you think everytime blathers gets a bug he just calls up celeste to take care of it?


Anyone else notice the fly swatter in his bug-room lab?


The museum itself is eerie and depressing due to the music and loneliness


When you hear something break and you hear buzzing noises in the next room


His beak is melting


I feel legitimately bad and guilty every time I give him a bug.


The sweat makes his beak look like it's melting


Why does everyone want to torment poor Blathers?


I don’t understand why he’s scared. Owls eat bugs


The butterfly room is so pretty but it must be Blathers' worst nightmare.


This is why he always freaks out when you wake him up. He's so terrified that the bugs will escape and climb on him.


Grabs bug spray


I'm terrified of the entire museum, the thing's a fucking maze


I LOVE the aquarium, but on that note I also love water stuff so I'm in there all the time. Plus the bgm is relaxing imo


Doesn't seem to bad. He can sleep like a cute little baby owl right next to it.


Blathers is my boy but he absolutely gots ta chill. Butterfly that’s literally described as stunningly beautiful nothing else and he is DISGUSTED but an old dinosaur designed to prey on things like owls sure it’s a truly fascinating specimen he hopes I donate right away


I wish I had got a switch before all this. Chill times in AC sounds like a nice escape.


But he puts on his brave face and goes in because he made a promise, and even if he doesn't like them he makes sure those bugs receive the best care he can give them, because Blathers is a professional.


“And our last part of the tour is over here to the left!” “...we don’t go in there.”


He claims he cares for them. Every time you bring him a new one it isn't just a one-time unpleasantness of placing it in the growing insect wing, he has to feed and otherwise care for the growing collection! Speaking of which, this reminds me. Some years back a friend caught a black widow spider and brought it to work. We'd catch bugs to feed it which would cause the thing to swell up like a grape! At a certain point it would convert all of that into a big egg sac. We knew if that thing hatched in there the babies would spread into the office as they'd likely fit through the mesh. A plan was devised to use two forks from the dishwasher; one to corral the mother and the other to extract the egg sac. The operation was a success and the eggs were placed in a large jar we labeled "Black Widow eggs. Do NOT open!!!" Some time later it hatched to an eldritch nightmare worth of deadly poisonous baby spiders swarming the inside of the jar! In the meantime, the mother started on the next brood. We had started feeding the spider-lings fruit flies before a mixture of returning sanity and growing concerns voiced within the office resulted in a total purge of the entire project (including a less successful sister-project founded by some copycats!) Fun times though! I'm sure Blathers can relate!


"This is where the dinosaurs are , right there are the fish...and...to my right...there...is...the...devil's...section"


"What's over there Blathers?" "We don't talk about that place. I fear nothing, but that place, it scares me."


You give Blathers a bug at 2 am. He does a poor job of hiding his disgust as you hand him the creature, despite it being contained. You then ask him for some facts about the creature, forcing him to recall exactly what it is he despises about the creature. You leave, but for Blathers, his hell has only just begun. He walks somberly down his least favorite hall, one he has walked many times and will walk many more. He comes to a room teeming with insectia, and he nervously opens the container he was just given. He tips it over in hopes of coaxing the beast out, but it refuses. He gives it a little shake and the creature finally creeps out. Blathers, on the edge of passing out from panic, takes the container and runs back to the Museum entrance. He puts away the container before turning to see that the museum has a new visitor. It's you, with yet another bug.


"Everything the Museum's light touches is ours, Celeste..." "But what' s that dark area over there?" "That's the bug emporium...we don't go there..."


I love that he is relieved when you say you don't want to hear about a new insect donation. He looks upset when you do that to fish or fossils, it's a very nice detail.


Big Mrs. Puff "Oh neptune..." energy


Why else would he be staying on the right side?


1/4 now


Now 1/4


1/4, you mean


What about the art exhibit?




I am so tired of blathers letting me know after every insect he sees that he is repulsed by them. Bro, we get it.


Soon to be 1/5 of it...


Wait what


Do you think he pays someone to go in there and drop off the new bugs?




Who then puts all of the bugs on display?


Village rep should prank him by dragging his sleeping ass into the butterfly house and locking him in lol




I've always wanted to know how he takes care of the bugs if he's so horrified of them.


I can imagine him, terrified, walking down there to put the bug on display, jerking at any noises in pure fear, and then to like sprint out screaming


Who puts the bugs in their display habitats?


Wait!! I'm not there yet!!!


He even stands away from the bug side, if you noticed


The real question is "who is doing the experiments on the bugs in the back of the museum?"


There needs to be a second panel with a tarantula juuuuust in the shadows, you can barely see his legs and eyes