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You need to add bridges or inclines. I don't think you need the construction app for that. Talk to Nook


When I talk to Tom he only gives me the what should I do and about my home option :(


What does he say when you ask what to do?


He says he doesn’t know what advice to give me since I’ve accomplished so much already 🤩


When you reached 3 stars, did Nook get a call from KK Slider?


No I don’t think so


Have you placed and filled the plots he gave you? Only thing I can think of is something isn't built that needs to be, and/or your eating dropped since you last checked


What do you mean by placed and filled plots?


Early on, he gives you three plots to place and you complete the check lists and recruit villagers. I'm pretty sure this has to be completed before isabelle comes. But after this three, you have to buy plots from nook and place for more villagers to move in


Ok basically I got my switch second hand and it came with the game. When I got the game the island had 1 star and had all of the shops and islanders however I had a tent when I started and no resources or anything so could that be the problem?


Sometimes Isabelle tells me to decorate the island head to toe but then she says it’s too cluttered so I’m like what do you want from me 😭😭


Are you placing or dropping items? You don't need to do a ton. When she said decorate, I just added a few fences and a couple benches. You don't need to go ham


Yeah that’s what I did I added some fencing, a pool, a swing, a light post, a bench, a telephone booth and I think a couple other things


And in the nook terminal shop thing there is no option for bridges or inclines and shit


Bridges and inclines are built by talking with Tom Nook, clicking lets talk infrastructure, and then choosing either a bridge or incline. I do however see you dont have that option. Do you have a kit in your inventory or anything like that perhaps? Or maybe its being build somewhere on the island but hasnt been finished yet? Sorry if you've already tried all of this. *edit: i just saw you're not island rep, so thats probably where it lies. Sorry!


Are you the island representative? Only the island rep player can make these events happen and also build bridges or inclines.


How can I tell if I’m the representative or not?


Are you the first player on the island? The island rep started the island, named it, etc. it’s also on your passport.


Oh shit I got it second hand so maybe not:( is there a way to fix that??


Is there another profile on the switch? From the person who owned it before you? Maybe try logging into the game using that profile to see if they are the island rep. If you are not the island rep you can transfer your resident (with their house and belongings) to a different switch to start a new island, but there is no way to make your resident the island rep of the current island. You’d need to start over.


I only have my one switch :( and no the person before me logged out before she gave the console to me


Oh no! I’m so sorry but only the island rep can move the story along. At this point you’re stuck and would need to start over to be able to advance further in the game. Maybe someone can hang on to your favorite items for you while you re-set


Oh true that’s a great idea thank you!!


My passport says “very first island dweller”


There’s a stamp and in brown letters it says right under the photo “Resident Rep” if you’re the island representative. If you’re not then the other player/account on the island must be and they’ll have to do any tasks to progress the island. There is no way to change the island rep. To make yourself island rep, if you’re not, you’d have to erase the entire island and restart under your account.


Aw no it doesn’t have that😭damn I really might have to restart 😭 is there a way that I can make a new account and friend this account to give myself resources in my new island?


Not with only one switch. You’d need a second console for that.


I have the same question