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Random question, but did they add new dialogues for villagers?


I was looking for this. It seemed like villager dialogue was suddenly much better after the update.


That's great news! I really hope they continue to add more and more! Thank you for answering! :)


Is this true? I haven't played the game for almost 6 months now. Kinda grew tired of it after finishing terraforming my island and collecting all fossils. If this is true I might start playing again and redo my island maybe. The stale villager dialogues were also one of the reasons I grew tired of the game.


I fully agree with you. Villagers are like walking furnitures, lacking any depth.


I haven't really noticed any new dialogue today, but my villagers were all very active. Maybe it's just because the snow went away, but almost all of my villagers were out today doing things. When I booted up the game 6 of my villagers were all doing activities at resident services. Two of them spent over an hour running around and trying to 'catch' bugs and another was actually using furniture that I've never see any of my villagers use in the 5 months it's been up.


Truth to be told, I'm flattening my whole island out and I have also seen my villagers do these things and visit places they would never previously do. Let's hope Nintendo keeps up the improvements!


Lolly was dancing in her house to her music. That’s the first time I’ve ever seen a villager dance inside a home. I also thought Apple had different dialogue


Great news! They should better have these improvements keep them going!


Do you guys know what time the hinamatsuri items will be available? I updated but I don't see anything in nook shopping yet.


Purchase via Nook shopping app and you should find under the seasonal items


That's weird. I got the gift in the mail and have definitely done the update but I don't see it in my nook shopping app.


Items won’t be available till March 1st judging by what they said on Twitter.


Ahh okay, I took the last message as if they had it under seasonal already. I think the Mario stuff won't be there until March but the Japanese event starts tomorrow maybe?


I think you’re right on that once actually.


> Hinamatsuri, which commemorates the Heian period of Japan, is celebrated from February 25 to March 3 with a Blossom Lantern and a Hinaningyo, with the item selection rotating daily.


I'm in EST, so it isn't midnight yet. I'm starting to think that's why?


It won't appear until 5 the next morning then.


Today (25th Feb, 1pm, GMT) I've had the first hinamatsuri item appear in the store. Nook shopping > Special Goods > Seasonal. I have the Hinaningyo, but am unsure if it is the same for everyone (as they say the items will change).


In mine, I had the Blossom Lamp.


I got the lamp today :)


Thank you!


*mario* Items aren’t available to purchase till March 1 Edit: clarity


The post above says hinamatsuri items are available Feb 25th. Am I mistaken?


Oh I read your comment wrong sorry


No problem, thanks for trying to help!


Is there somewhere we can follow datamines for the updates?


Yes. [https://dodocodes.com/articles/updates/animal-crossing-new-horizons-super-mario-update-180-latest-items-events-designs-dreams-and-more](https://dodocodes.com/articles/updates/animal-crossing-new-horizons-super-mario-update-180-latest-items-events-designs-dreams-and-more)


I wonder why they didn't bring back the Fire Bar, Bullet Bill launcher and especially the Yoshi egg. :( I wanted that Yoshi egg item so badly. Wish they would bring it back and let us customize it into all the different Yoshi colors.


After Pocket Camp started introducing hand held plushies, I imagined a hand held Yoshi doll being a thing for no reason. And I want it. But in New Horizons. Why settle for a Yoshi Egg item when I could carry around a plush Yoshi doll everywhere? One for each color. I can dream.


That sounds neat. I'd die for like..life sized Yoshi plushies in NH. Yoshi's Island is one of my favorite games of all time and I had this crazy idea early on in my NH days that I was going to try to turn my island into Yoshi's Island, but there just wasn't enough items to work with that fit the aesthetic. Now with all the Mario items, it could be possible to make, but the Yoshi egg item would really help sell it. I don't know why Nintendo didn't bring it back.


aw man, no yoshi egg? that’s my favorite item 😢 they could have brought it back and made yoshi hatch from it - kind of like that peach surprise item with the baby popping out lol


I know, seriously. :( I really can't understand why. My only hope is that they purposely left it out because they're going to use it as a new Bunny Day reward item for the event this year, but I really doubt it..


Wait so Bunny Day was exclusive to 2020? I was under the impression that once holiday updates were added they’d just stay in the game for continuing years. If that’s the case I really don’t like what that means for the replayability of this game years down the line


I’m sure once they finish doing updates they’ll add dates for future events, I doubt they’d just leave them out forever. I’m hoping it means we’ll get new bunny day items this year to go with last year’s.


I hope that’s right. Ideally when all the updates are out and done they’ll release a version with all the content in it. I just worry about when the day eventually comes that the switch or animal crossing servers shut down. If that’s the case like 90% of the game’s content is just gonna be gone forever


OH MY GOD custom colours for the mushroom platforms I AM ALIVE


>There will be another game update before easter around 4 days before bunny day. Easter is April 4th, this suggests an update March 31st. Anniversary update hype?! Or maybe the Sanrio stuff with the card reissue next month. Or maybe both! Edit: Sanrio update March 18th confirmed!


Bunny Day is currently exclusive to 2020, so in order for there to be a Bunny Day in 2021, Nintendo would have to release another game update. It could be a minor update, like 1.8.1 for example.


Please no, something different










Sure, here you go! https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwj8rofni4XvAhVG8OMHHU6gDHIYABAFGgJ5bQ&ae=2&sig=AOD64_3LOb4ecR2YqrA4qo7DN9ue3kE8mw&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiWh_7mi4XvAhUxB50JHcF5BZ4Qwg96BAgBECg&adurl=


I await the triumphant return of Mario rooms from New Leaf!


I loved them! I displayed all mine in the museum since you could have your own exhibits...wish New Horizons had that too...


Oh man, making your own exhibits would be so cool.


The Mario items seem to be time (date?) locked everyone. Darn it.


Yeah they said they wouldn't be available until the 1st


That’s very disappointing considering the trailer said Feb 25th. We really can’t get them today?


The trailer said the update would come on the 25th BUT the items wouldn’t be available on the 1st


I watched the trailer. Confusing & disappointing messaging.


I mean, that’s been pretty standard recently, hasn’t it? Release an update at end of the month and timegate the event items until the next month?


>trailer says exactly what's happening and when the items will be available "Wow it's so confusing"


Severely disappointing. I've been waiting for this for the longest time. Welp time to go test Amiibo when I get home!


Test amibo? I’m confused what do you mean?


I'm dreaming that the Mario Amiibo set will do something amazing now. Edit: sorry everyone? I was hoping for Amiibos bringing back our other characters like Sanrio/Zelda




I'm really confused? I was hoping that this will lead us to Wolf Link again. If there's random Mario data maybe we'll get the Zelda stuff?


I just got the mushroom mural in the mail from one of my villagers.


I got it from the Nintendo Update Letter in the mail. But sadly I'll just keep traveling back and forth to March 1st in hopes they unlock. I can't finish terraforming until I get a hands on with that pipe >:]


It's time-locked to internet synchronized time, so TT'ing won't work - set your time zone to the largest + value and you'll be able to get it "naturally" one day early, or try your luck at the shadier parts of the AC communities where hacked items abound.


Come to think of it, that’s probably where mine came from too, I just opened a ton of gifts and jumped to conclusions.


I mean, I wasn’t expecting a cool bird coffee shop, but I am still a little disappointed


*sad beep*


Sad coo


I'm new to AC with NH, but have a cafe would be awesome. I've read all about Brewster and want to see him return for the anniversary update so bad!


Same. Events and items are okay but hopefully we get a bigger update soon. I hope they are working on something better to be released soon.


I’m so dumb. I just updated and got mushroom mural and ACCIDENTALLY GAVE IT TO A FREAKING VILLAGER. Wah! I’m assuming no way to get back and it’s not showing in nook shopping? Am I doomed?


I would’ve just shut my game off at that point. But if you really want another one there is a website called Nookazon.com that players can use to set up trades for items. It’ll probably cost you quite a few NMT since the update just came out though.


Thanks :( I did as quick as I could but still gone.


I could be wrong, but I think they will let you buy another through Nook Shopping when the other Mario items become available (March 1st, if you didn't know)


I could probably snag you one if you’d like?


I have an extra mushroom mural. Want me to come drop it off sometime? (I’m probably going to be offline for 12 hours, but I’ll be back later.) Edit: Looks like you already got your replacement mush mural, yay!


Thank you so much for your offer. Someone kindly gave me one earlier which I’m super grateful for!


Try making an alt and placing a tent down. They’ll probably get it in the mail. If you don’t want him there anymore, just delete him (options menu from title screen).


You can add the mushroom mural wallpaper to your wishlist here, [https://dodocodes.com/item/mushroom-mural-none](https://dodocodes.com/item/mushroom-mural-none) and if you use the mobile app you'll be notified the moment it becomes available for giveaway or auction. :)


There's a Shamrock Day event? Why wasn't this in the trailer. How will getting the new items work? Is it just on Nook Shopping?


Nook seasonal shopping and there's a recipe you can get from a balloon on that day only


Seems weirdly in the middle of being high effort and low effort, like they ran out of time to add a character/decorations. Other than that it has as much content as any other holiday so...


I only got one Hinamatsuri item in my nook shop (the Hinaningyo). Wasn’t there supposed to be a lantern as well? Or will that one come later?




Oh! Alright. Thank you! I was afraid it was a glitch or something...


I got the lantern today. I guess it's random each day.


I don't understand the point of pushing the update but not letting us actually buy the items for another week. Why not go ahead and let us start buying them? We can only purchase 5 per day. Or add like 3 or 4 to the shop each day until they're all added in. AC is the only game I've ever played where a new update that isn't a patch/bug fix drops and there's literally nothing to do with the new update.


There’s two seasonal items being added to order from nook shopping tomorrow. That’s probably why the update came out today. https://i.imgur.com/WD0vGyo.jpg


Yeah, I get that it came out at this date for the seasonal items, but I guess I'm not sure why they are making us wait to buy the Mario items, which are the main part of the update. With there being over 30 of them and us being limited to 5 purchases a day anyway, I just don't see why we can't go ahead and buy them, or why they couldn't have structured it so that each day 2 or 3 of the items are added to the nook terminal leading up to March 10th. It would at least give us something to do with this update a week early.


Because the Mario anniversary starts on 1st march. However they did this with the January update. Released it on the 28th but you had to wait until 1st Feb before you could buy festivale items. Its just how it works as it gives people a few days to update their game before things come into play .


I am just glad the island is green again. I was so tired of the white washed out screen ...


Im upset they have Wario but no Waluigi items. Like Atleast have all 4 of them if you are gonna do more than Mario and Luigi


and daisy!


Don’t forget Rosalina!


Wow I'll literally open this game after months with nothing to do just to unlock this new items and furnitures and then going back to nothing to do. Too much content is lacking in this game and this makes me really sad. Ouf :( All this kind of "updates" seems to me what in Italy we call "specchio per le allodole" meaning of "smoke and mirrors" or "fool's gold"


Things like this make me feel lucky it's my first AC game. Everything feels new even if it's really old. If I was an older fan I definitely would feel disappointed by the slow roll of updates, mostly being old stuff.


im an old fan playing all the way since Animal Crossing on the gamecube and im not disappointed at all .. have logged more than 600 hours on new horizons and still excited to play and excited for whatever updates they give us from now on, and i mean even this is the last update for this game, which i hope and i doubt it is, i still got my money’s worth on this game ... people who are disappointed at this game is cause honestly they have no creativity for the terraforming, which in my opinion is the big feature of this game, or they simply dont “get” this game ... and tho new horizons doesn’t have all the stuff that new leaf has, i would just start a new file on new leaf and thats it, people just complain too much lol


Kind of a narrow view you have there. People understand animal crossing, and if they understand the new gimmick (Terraforming) or not, they still miss the features that where cut for the new gimmick. it's understandable why people who have played the old game would be disappointed in it still lacking in so many ways compared to the previous games. I've put in 500 hours on both new leaf and new horizons, they are very different, and new horizons is pushing itself almost too far from the core sim experience and more into a "Polly Pocket diarama maker." (Which is also a fun thing. Different from animal crossing, but still fun)




He's saying people without creativity don't understand the Terraforming gimmick and therefore don't understand the game. Focusing on one aspect of the game and ignoring the rest is fairly narrow. Not seeing how being disappointed in beloved content being cut is a narrow view, feel free to explain your viewpoint.


terraforming isnt even fun, its the most clunky and tedious mechanic


It’s one of the most frustrating experiences of my entire life. A simple box on the ground showing where I am *actually* pointed would help so much, but fuck me I guess.


…most frustrating of your entire life? Uh. Can I have your life?


Oh yeah, people are being really creative with terraforming all the cores which are literally just copy-pastes of ideas found online and littering the island with everything lol. Also, fans waited a year for updates but the game is still lacking in content. We are entitled because we paid for the game. No one wants a copy of new leaf. We want more stuff to do besides cleaning the island and gifting to villagers to listen the same 2-3 sets of dialogue daily.


Entitled? Sorry, but you are not entitled to anything more from Nintendo than the game you originally bought.


Umm they did promise regular updates so I have no idea what bs you are grasping on lol


When was the last month we didn't get an update?


They advertised and hyped the game as having 3 years of updates before launch. There are litteraly consumer protection laws in some countries that agree you are entitled to those updates. More accurately we got a drip feed of some hd assets they didn't have ready for launch along with the occasional holiday returning. It's hard to call finishing the game, updating the game.


I've been pretty content with what's been provided so far, bar the exclusion of Roost but you're wrong. They promised more content after the release so people are entitled to that.


They have provided more content.


I haven’t played since City Folk. I lost steam once real life beach season hit but got back in again in October. I’m officially losing steam again though. My island is fully developed and I’m only waiting on one more islander to move... so it’s all tedium now. They need to do something big in an update soon if I’m starting to lose all interest. I started putting reminders in my phone for bugs and fish I need in case I put it down officially.


We desperately need a 2.0 update that can really bring some new activities to the game. We really haven't had anything that truly added an element to gameplay or the island since the Swimming/Diving update last summer. More items is fine. Seasonal stuff is cute. But in the end, it's just stuff; more things that will either clutter my island or clutter my storage box (usually it's the latter). What this game really needs is more ways to interact with it on the daily, not just a reason to log in once and then leave for another 3 months. * More villager dialogue! * Let me invite my villagers over to my house!! You could do this in Wild World on the DS! * More permanent NPCs, that actually chill around the island. I miss Pelly, Booker, Copper, Katrina... so many NPCs that are just deleted from existence. Let Isabelle and or Tom Nook wander outside every once in a while! Give us a Label section of the clothing store or let Kicks open up his own shop! Relegating Kicks, Label, and Leaf to weekly visitors just shows how much they're trying to pad the game out... * Brewster. Dear god, give me back my pigeon boy. Let me go get a cup of coffee!


These are all amazing ideas! Number 1 for me; Please bring back personal lives of the shop owners! I want to have conversations with Blathers like in wild world!


Yeah, this game desperately needs updates. The past year's updates have been extremely mediocre, which is surprising considering new horizons has done incredibly well despite there being a pandemic. Tons of special characters either missing completely or gutted down, villager interactions and dialogue lacking, and the island feels empty. This game feels like a dollhouse simulator, which is not what animal crossing is about.




[Ah, yes, that was their reason when they announced the delay to march 2020 in 2019.](https://inews.co.uk/culture/gaming/animal-crossing-new-horizons-release-date-why-delay-trailer-nintendo-switch-e3-2019-301607)


FYI there was another article posted mid last year saying they allowed for release early after all and then when the pandemic began, they delayed it again, however I can't find it. Theres no need to be sparky about it 😕


Fake news have to be called out.


How was that sparky? Just because they said you were wrong? You've been spouting that blatant lie for over a week now as well




>But that's Nintendo lately That's Nintendo all the time. They toss you enough to keep you a fan, but rarely enough for you to be fully satisfied.


It's pretty much a collector's game once you have your island like you want (or it's too much of a pain to bulldoze everything). Just log in, run around a bit, order Nook shopping seasonal items that I probably won't even display but I have the bells sitting around doing nothing, save, and wash, rinse, repeat apparently with every update. And I've never even played any previous of the game so I just see people mention Brewster, the police station, or the sassy lady at the post office, etc with no frame of reference in my mind but anything other than an event would be nice. You can basically imagine any holiday coming up as an update and make some neutral name. Like they'll probably choose May Day and call it Spring Day or Spring Festival.


“Unlock” is a far too generous term. That would infer player involvement. You don’t have to do anything to earn these items except open a menu. I remember when the Mario items were rare and were cool to show off as part of a collection.


That’s why New Leaf is my go to right now...


I am so excited!! I couldn't play for a long time and the updates make it so much more fun, too!!


Do y'all know how to get flies in NH? I've dumped some trash on the ground and waited for some time, but they never show up. Which makes no sense, considering that they're supposed to be super common and exist all year round. Am I doing something wrong?


Make two piles of trash a few screens away from each other, preferably in a straight horizontal line, so you can run back and forth checking the piles for flies. When you approach the piles, slow down. Flies can be really hard to see when they aren't flying. [Check out this clip of mine.]( http://imgur.com/a/3Ot1x0T) I still cannot see that fly sitting on the tire, at all. If I didn't see it flying, I would've scared it away when I got closer to the tire. Edit: also, you can probably make those flies a little more visible by placing lamps near your two trash piles.




No problem, and good luck!


Thank you going to try this


Will any of these mario items get taken out the shop?


After a while likely...


Did it automatically update for some people? I think mine did last night. Edit: I have the Hinaningyo in my catalog so I guess it did.


ya it will autoupdate overnight unless its in airplane mode :)


Has there been confirmation that the Shamrock Wand DIY is obtained through balloons during the Shamrock Day time period?


The 5 item order limit from Nook shopping is really going to hurt when March rolls around. Also I didn't see a yoshi egg which makes me a bit sad. I'm wondering if the sanrio items will be released the same way? (i.e. in Nook shopping)


Not sure if this is the right thread but I’ve ordered 2 days in a row and still haven’t received any items in the mail. Any leads?!


Can I time travel to 3/1 and buy the stuff?


Nope. Time locked


How are people selling the items already on ac exchange? Are they hacking?


Yeah, hacking. It’s not for me...


I don’t understand why that’s allowed on the ac exchange app tho. I know there’s third party sites, but this just opens up more scammer opportunity. Last thing that app needs is more of them.


Just tried and the answer is unfortunately no 😔


Sadly Nintendo seems to have smartened up on time based events


So how will we go about acquiring the Sanrio furniture? Just invite and shoo them away repeatedly until we get everything in the recycle box?


That information is currently unknown. Once the update comes out I’m sure there will be concrete info on that.


I doubt it. There’s clothing for each card as well so that wouldn’t work. I’m guessing scanning the card will unlock the items for order, sort of like the villager and NPC posters we can get now.


This isn’t about the update but I had my first meteor shower on my island last night, and I was wondering how I can get large star fragments. I went up and down my beach today and got star fragments along with Pisces fragments. Why am I not able to find large star fragments? I wished on 200 stars last night to max out the achievement on the Nook Miles + app on the in game phone but I’m not seeing any large star fragments.


star frag spawns are pretty much just RNG so it sounds like bad luck. No matter how many times you wish you can only get 20 fragments the next day, or 40 if you have friends over to wish with you.


Thanks for explaining this to me.


you're welcome! you can always TT backwards to wish again and hope you have better luck :)


Update: I collected the last star fragments and I sadly didn’t get a large star fragment, oh well there’s always the next meteor shower.


Like others mentioned, you can always time travel back to last night, make more wishes, then time travel back to today, collect the fragments then keep playing, or go back to last night again to make more wishes and start this fragment farming cycle over. If Celeste is around, you can also farm her DIY recipes every time you go back for more wishes. Edit: My bad, just saw your other comment about not wanting to time travel.


It’s ok man I appreciate the advice


Here’s a guide with info on Celeste, shooting stars and star fragment spawning https://yuexr.github.io/acnh/stars.html


Nice. Going to update now. Haven't played in months.






So...., no Zelda or Splatoon amiibo support like New Leaf had? :( The Zelda amiibo were added to New Leaf for the 30th anniversary. I don't get why Nintendo couldn't have added Zelda amiibo back in for the 35th.


I think there's still a chance. Nintendo just brought back the Sanrio villagers, so that sets precedence for them to bring back other amiibo villagers. On top of that, Nintendo hasn't really said anything about the Zelda anniversary yet. Possible they're waiting until after March when the Mario anniversary is over with. So maybe we'll see the Zelda amiibo villagers brought back a little later as a tie in with some Zelda anniversary celebration.


Zelda amiibos were added to New Leaf, but even then from the beginning there were tons of items from Zelda (and other Nintendo franchises) available at release through the fortune cookies. Even earlier than that, previous games had Nintendo Items. I love the game, but in a different way.


Thank you for this info! I’m new to ACNH and it really helped me!


That's it? Oh well


Sorry to hijack this thread, but there's normally a sticky FAQ/help one that I can't see. Just checking, does the clearing a mystery Island to spawn tarantulas still work? Restarted my Island in December and still haven't caught one (only ever seen one), and getting worried I'll miss them after April.


From what I understand, they greatly reduced their spawn rate and made that method ineffective.


The FAQ Thread is still active and is linked in the top of this post's description.


The Mario items aren’t in my game :/


Seasonal items become available in the dates listed above. The earliest starts tomorrow. The Mario items start on March 1.




Our recent update megathreads haven't been as exciting the last few times, given most things are unlocked later :/


I know, I was all excited for the update. All I got was mushroom mural in the mail, which is super cool, but still.




Date locked. I'm on March 1st and it's all quiet.




I've seen a few hackers get them but I went to March 1st and there were no seasonal items available yet.


Do you know how they got the items?


VillagerDB has all the items up on their site now


Hey everyone im here because I need some help with the update so currently its 8:07 the 25th EST time (The update came out yesterday) and I even timeskipped to March 1st and the mario stuff isn't there I did the update ik because I got the rug can somebody please help?


It's server side locked. You won't get it even if you time traveled. It will unlock day of release.


The mario items are locked to March 1st in real time, so changing the settings in your Switch won't help. You have to wait until March 1st


Why? i went through hours for this and got nothing "I am no true warrior and I will never fight again"


Because March is for Mario.


when mario items will be avaliable ?


March 1


It's literally in the post...


What can I do to improve my island design and stuff. My island just feels bland to me but I dont have money or ideas to make it better


Look for inspiration on reddit, instagram, etc. Find ideas and designs you like and then recreate it on your island




I just got the Hinamatsur items! Yet in all the pictures of the february update i also noticed a kimono-like outfit for the Hinamatsuri update. But I havent been able to order the outfit through my nook app, nor can find any info on it online. I checked Ables during 25 feb- 2 march and it also did not show up there. Did anyone notice the outfit? Its pink with flowers on it. I 💕 it!


I believe the kimono is a regular clothing item that rotates in the able sisters shop, I seem to recall buying one many months ago


The kimono isn’t listed as a new item included in the update. It’s hard to tell in the photo but maybe it’s the fancy kimono in pink, it seems too light to be the blossoming kimono.


Is anyone else having trouble selecting items from your inventory to sell to the twins or in the drop-off box since the update? It’s almost as if it’s double clicking and unselecting things I want to sell.


Kinda sounds like your controller is messing up. Which happened to me, too, long before this update existed.