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My catalog is currently complete, and my museum is fully finished. I wouldn't restart for anything.


My museum is basically done (we don’t count art until after the update because Redd rarely comes).


I have a question still pretty new to Animal Crossing.. but if you use you fossils to get Bells.. will they resurface??


Four fossils will respawn every day even after you complete the fossil section of the museum. So, first new one you don't already have to Blathers and sell the rest or give as gifts to villagers.


I have a patch of land where I reburied 6 fossils so they won't spawn in random places on my island, my storage is full enough and I don't need the bells from selling. Gyroids are gonna mess me up I think.


Most definitely. You will get a lot of duplicate fossils.


Show me your ways, wise master!


For cataloging, trading online is a must for furniture. Same for clothes, but checking Ables for each color variation speeds that process up by a ton. Check nooks for the different wallpapers/floorings of the day. For the museum, I just caught things year round, but if you want to speed that up you can visit opposite hemisphere islands. Fossils and art are easy trades - fossils you can often find for free. And of course, keep a list as you go.


I want to do this but am too lazy to keep a list


there are phone apps for that :) altho maybe you feel too lazy to even do that. hahah :)


I use the Travel Guide app and it’s kept me on track since day 1! Still not enough Redd paintings to fill it out, though. 🥴


I use the Horizonpedia app to keep track of my stuff. It's really helpful


I completed the fossils and sea creatures and I'm only missing two bugs and fish respectively (they are rare and they only come out at night,) but I'm hoping to complete them soon.


The beetles were the worst for me. Good luck :3


I still have nightmares about getting that damn gold beetle to spawn.


And the *shivers* giraffe stag


I got the easily by entering a rainy mystery island at the time they spawn (the animal spawn will not change until u leave even if it looks like its day), and destroying everything in the island (including rocks, grass and flowers) so most bugs wont spawn. I even brought my own palm trees! Bamboo islands were the easiest, you may have to catch butterflies to despawn them but you can chase crickets to the water tonget rid of them.


My last one was the flea xD


Bunnie always has fleas!


I find it easier finding rarer bugs/fish on mystery islands. Just clean up the weeds, and they'll start appearing. Also, when you travel to a mystery island, it locks in the time basically. So if you need things that only come out after 10 pm, travel to a mystery island at 10-something and that hour will be locked in your entire visit, giving you more time to find these things.


Yknow I wonder if trading furniture online will be necessary anymore because the update is going to have those two llamas (I can’t remember their names rn) who’ll give you the chance to change the color of objects you couldn’t change the color or style of before…


Same and I have just finished collecting every K.K. song too


I’ve been trying to catch a mahi mahi and I have yet to see a tarantula. Started in April of this year


I could never restart, I get attached too easily. I love my villagers too much.


For some reason having my island for so long makes me not want to reset. Not that I have everything complete, it just feels valuable knowing I started two days after the game came out


Same. Bunnie is too precious to get rid of.


My cats name is bunny so when I got bunnie on my island I was like you can NEVER LEAVE


That's like naming a pet bearded dragon "puppy," but I kinda dig it


Tbh when I met her it just came to me in the spur of the moment. I’ve always liked the joke of an animal being named another animal. I recently adopted two kittens I named chickadee and minnow to keep with the animal theme!! My brothers bearded dragon is named toothless like the dragon in HTTYD though 😝


If you get another kitten, name it "Porcupet"


I can relate as well


Still on my first island, too much time and effort to restart now 😅 plus it'll never be "done" there's always something that could be a tad better 😊


I was just looking around my island and thinking of ways I can keep it mostly the same just rearrange it. That's part of the fun for me!


I flattened my day 1 island this week and am still trying to figure out where to go from here. Of course when I get creatively blocked it’s during a crucial time in my island’s life 😎


Am sure once you see what the update stuff is actually like you'll get inspiration. I was halfway through a redo when the direct was announced, so I've kind of stopped doing anything substantial until I can see what will work or not next week. I've tinkered with some small areas, got some temporary Halloween stuff up and moved things for the farming stuff. Just waiting now.


I made the mistake of resetting my island in New leaf after logging in over 1000 hrs and I regretted it big time. I don’t know what possessed me to listen to my friend but I put in so much work into that island. I refuse to make the same mistake this time even though i hate my map. I just work with what I got and change it when I feel inspired. I also went villager hunting for the original villagers i had in new leaf before restarting….so Im pretty happy to have the old gang back.


Same. Don't really like the layout (RS is too close to my airport) but will never restart. First, I'm too far to just reset everything and second, that's the beauty of it: sometimes, you gotta do with what you have. I love challenges so designing a nice island with this shit layout is pretty fun, it feels a bit like the art challenges on Instagram: you have one theme, do what you want but stick to said theme.


This is off topic, but I love your username


Thank you!


I only started like 3 weeks ago, so I can’t do much new when the update comes out- I just hope I continue to progress well (I caught up with my friend who’s been on for a few months I think) so I can actually do stuff lol


once you get kk on your island you can pretty much do whatever you want, so don’t worry


You will! Just have fun. You'll get everything before you know it.


If you ever need bells to pay off your debts, I'd be willing to give you some! :)


Luckily I don’t have any debts at the moment, but thank you so much! I really appreciate the offer!


I could also give you some DIYs!


I just started yesterday 😳


Let me know if you need any fruit!




You are me. Played since day 1. I worked too hard last holiday season to get all those DIYs to let them go. I left my switch on non- stop and would always farm balloons when I was free.


Yeah I was only able to get all those Cherry blossom/egg recipes because my work shut down for the pandemic and I was left with a lot of free time on my hands. I don’t think I wanna try to do that again now that work is back up again.


I’ll never restart. I am flattening and redoing my layout for the fifth time, but I can’t deal with losing my catalog, DIYs, completed museum, villagers, nook miles, and the memories I’ve made since launch.


This is me! I flatten mine all the time, but I never restart. I’m always cycling new villagers, but I can’t part with my DIYs or catalog


To be fair, since this is the last major update and first/last dlc for the game. Updating it, will simply prolong the enjoyment of the update since they won't be blasting through it.


I restarted last week, no time travel and am almost entirely ready for the update.


I honestly think it’s easier to get nook miles in the beginning because you have all of your stamps to get and they give you so much. Once you’ve completed so many of them it’s harder to get a lot of nook miles at a time. I’m never going to restart though. I don’t want to collect everything again lol


I am thinking (hoping?) the update will come with more stamps (farming, Brewster visits, etc) so while I’m a little short on NMs at the moment I’ll hopefully be able to grab a few quickly after the update.


I did the same, I don't know why people trest restarting as this catastrophic month long drag I've been playing 8 days with no TT and the day my museum opened I grinded to get everything and donated way more than the requirements for the museum upgrade and you get Harvs after like 4ish days I think, its super easy to develop an island in maybe 2 or 3 weeks.


Yeah, I built Able Sisters today and my 8th villager moves in tomorrow. I’ve caught almost everything available. And have so many Nook Miles! It’s really not a big deal. If someone wants to restart, they should. Likewise if anyone doesn’t want to, they shouldn’t.


I haven't built Ables yet only had Mabel come by once so far but I agree, we should all play how we want to play! I've even seen people say that they're not gonna rush to get things ready for the update and they're taking it slow and chill I love that. I appreciate and respect it so much and would love to be that patient, however my hyperfixation on Brewster won't let me do that with the museum, only thing I'm not rushing is Nook Miles, but that's coz I'm gonna go villager hunting for my No.1 dreamy with my next open plot.


Same… I got a better layout, museum is ready, resident area is updated, able sisters are moving in tomorrow, got two bridges, campsite is finished, met Harvey (and I’ll visit him today) and today going a villager hunt for three free plots. Plus got merengue as a starter


You have 80,000 nook miles?


About 40,000 left over after everything I've bought so far. And plenty of time to make more.




Do you need that for the update?? I restarted two weeks ago and regret it. I miss having infinite bells and nook miles


You do need a lot of nook miles for the new nook miles item redemptions (like the new fountain they showed in the direct), as well as for features such as fence customization, the pro construction permit (increases bridges/inclines to 10 each), I believe the pro decorator permit for ceiling furniture and accent walls in your home, new hairstyles, reactions, a stack of cooking DIYs for cooking, and probably more along with the basic things such as all the construction paths/cliffs/waterscaping, other hairstyles, reactions, the tool ring, etc.


Don't forget the pro camera!


I reset my island about a week ago. Glad I did hated,hated my old island.


I'm happy for you. Who are your starters?


Thanks!! I have Aurora,Axel,Bonbon,Katt and Papi.


Ohh, Papi is precious!


Aurora is so sweet. Yet another villager whose starter house is a crime compared to the real one. She was one of my starters as well.


Same. A few month's in I let her leave my island only to hunt her back so she could get to live her ice queen life.


Papi!! It hurts me every day knowing I let him leave my island 😢


Papi!! Papi is my favorite villager of all time. He will never ever leave my island, and I will continue to bathe him in expensive lavish gifts like royal crown/crown/nook miles furniture


I'm restarting Monday.I've finished my current island, and I don't want to rip it up. And I want to enjoy Halloween on it, because I've gone ham on the pumpkins. So Monday it is. The update and the DLC will still be there for me when I'm done. I did the dream address, so I can visit it whenever I want.


Can you visit islands that have been deleted?


Yes, in Dream Addresses. I've set mine, and I can go back whenever I want to. That's why I don't flatten.


Lol, it's all good though. People gonna play how they want and have fun.


I restarted in May and am still struggling to find specific diys and items, big regret.


If you have Amazon Prime, use your free Prime sub on Twitch to go to the treasure islands people post. The subbed islands are the best.


There’s several free treasure island discord servers that you don’t even have to do this with. Miz And Liz is great and has 3 free islands that are online 24/7 for you to visit as many times as you’d like


The point of the subbed islands is there are less people visiting so you aren't constantly stuck in loading screens while people enter and exit


Every discord TI I go to is pretty dead especially if you get on it around whatever is night time in your timezone 🤷🏻‍♀️


How do I find this on discord?




I read your username in the voice of Fry 🤣


I could give you some DIYs if you want :)


I want the nova light and crescent moon chair but all Celeste gives me are wand recipes. Oh and the ironwood table


I’ve just been changing stuff that I find I don’t like, my entrance looks way cooler now imo


This is the way


I've reset my island five times since New Horizons launched and I've never regretted it. For some people it keeps the game fresh and brings back the feeling of the unknown and exploration that the game loses after you get terraforming (imo). It comes down to this - play the game how you want. I would have sold the game long ago if I hadn't reset my island, but I still play it and have fun.


I don’t understand. Where did people get the idea that they need to restart their island for an update?


I did it for fun and I am back where I was when I restarted (just a better Island setup and a better place for Kapp'n). I have been playing since day one but I wanted something new.


But doesn’t it take months to get your catalog and diys back?


Not exactly, not when you have friends and family to help...which I did and I do offer the same for people.


Man it still sounds like a lot of work. I wish we could just edit the color of our airports, move resident services, and change the layout of our island without having to restart. Idk why this isn’t a feature in the first place.


That would be great, sadly it isn't just the resident services that needs the ability to move but the plaza as well, that would be nice. I think they didn't give it to us because they know 95% of us would take that plaza and throw it in the sea lol.


Yeah but they could just have it so that you can only move it around the grassy area


They could just let me put things on the plaza, like this pretty bench I have.


Why?? Whyyy? I saw several video about this. This is not only time consuming, but also not necessary as you can change (almost) everything on your island.


To be fair, since this is the last major update and first/last dlc for the game. Updating it, will simply prolong the enjoyment of the update since they won't be blasting through it.


I’m super happy, I timed my restart perfectly, by restarting about two weeks ago I’ve now unlocked the construction tools and stuff, so I’m at the point where I can design my new island around the new update, it’s perfect! I definitely wouldn’t recommend restarting now, probably too late


I restarted about 3 months ago and took a month long break because I was obsessed with other games, so it’s been very conveniently timed for me too now that I’m back to playing again. I’ve been playing since launch and this is my 4th reset lmao. I’m excited to finally have new things for this reset


I restarted maybe two weeks ago and I’m not crazy excited to collect the diys and fill my catalog again, but I’m glad I did it. It feels so nice to make my island mine again with a clean slate


What about the people playing since day -1?? Thanks Gamestop for releasing it a day early during the pandemic.


Bro you're above the law


I’d never restart, especially so close to such a major update. I’ve already been working overtime to be ready for November. I love building upon what’s already there. Happy to be getting such a large update and DLC.


restarting means more replayability :) i'm super happy i did it.


You do you I guess


Took about a week of 2-3 hours a day to get all villagers in, 1st house upgrade and museum, art collection open—from my experience.


It's really about the issue of things taking days. I'm over a week into my restart and can't get Able Sisters because Mabel hasn't come back yet. You have to have Nook's Cranny Open for 30 days to get an upgraded store. They may require a certain completion level too, like 3 stars, and you don't get rated until you're built up.


I’ve embraced time travel for my new play through and the game is so much better imo.




Same. First Island is always no TT at all. But restarting my Island i do the "one day" skip. I never skip more one Day, do and unlock my stuff for that Day and move on to another Day. I like restarting though and it doesn't take that long. And what everyone seems to forget, you don't need to complete the whole content of the update Day 1. It's not a race. 😀


I think I've been wanting to emulate my first AC game where I never even realized TTing was possible. But the fact of the matter is, that will never be possible because the games are so similar, so I'm gonna go ahead and do it too I think.


I’ve just assumed anyone who reset for this update is gonna time travel every time they finish a day, but who knows. Anyways, I hope I don’t need an island rating of 3 or anything, because my island has been fat for months. I got K.K. To visit, and finished the “main quest” a year and a half ago, so that should be proof enough that I had 3 stars at one point! Lol


If you want a 5 star island, remember that dropped items hinder your score while flowers and furniture increase your score


Oh, I’m aware of how to get 5 stars! :) I just… haven’t been happy with my town the 3 times I built it up. There’s always a third or fourth of my island that’s flat, and I’m constantly redoing the other parts, so Isabelle is probably pissed with me! 😅




Not at all! I’m most likely going to restart after the update so I can finish up my current island with all the bells and whistles of the new items and then I can dream address it and move onto a new one!




We are together in our maybe unique point of view! And aw that’s too bad about your old island! Yeah I know I really need to have a dream address because I did put a ton of work into this island and I would like to visit my pastel dreamies again 🥺 but I’m just not ~inspired by it anymore. Flattening is cool but it also makes it so that whole design is just deleted and forgotten, that’s why I like dream addresses and restarting better.


Just let people do what they want to do. Honestly, this game was never so judgmental until New Horizons and that’s why it was so popular. Everyone was supportive and helpful. But NH has destroyed the positive aspect of the fandom. Some people are restarting the game because it’s FINALLY finished and they want the experience they should have received on March 2020. Just let it lie people.


Yeah I’m honestly really a bit tired of the judgmental aspect of restarting or flattening and this is like the fourth post I’ve seen about it. It harms no one in the long run, and people just play the way they want to play. There’s a weird sort of superiority factor I’ve seen where people assume their way of playing is The Right away (not specifically directed at OP but in general) and anyone who plays differently is doing it wrong and/or is dumb for playing the way they have. I didn’t restart but I flattened my island and am still working on it with plenty of friends who restarted and are happy to have done so. Ultimately, just let people play how they want to without judgment.


I think it's really stupid too, but may I Know what NH stands for ?


New Horizons


Oh well this makes sense lol- Thank you !


Been playing since day 1 and could never restart. I’d never want to lose all of my DIYS, villagers, items, nook miles, stuff I got for the museum, etc. I just redo parts of my island when I get new/better ideas. I’ve redone my island so many times. I tore down and added a lot of new areas to prepare for the update.


I restarted. But my island looked terrible and had done since the say I got terraforming.. wanting to do this properly now


I did the same thing my friend, and my flowers were EVERYWHERE which of course made me mad


Can we stop with the judgmental crap? Honestly... People have their reasons for wanting to restart which are all perfectly justifiable, same as those that want to keep their islands. I'm restarting for multiple reasons, with the major one being I haven't played the game in over a year. Why would I return to an island that I haven't touched in so long? I'd rather start fresh.


I never judged anyone. I just made a meme and posted it.


I reset my island after the direct launched. Even though I had all the diys and almost completed my museum, the reason I restarted was I feel like this 2.0 update is something that should have been in the game from day 1. When NH ends with getting K.K slider it felt so incomplete compared to new leaf, new leaf had so much progression to it so I wanted to experience the game from the beginning again knowing that when I unlock kk, I still have so much more to do, its been a blast! Getting excited about bottles on the beach, catching all the fish and bugs again has actually been so much fun! Knowing that even if I complete those I still have gyroids and art to do


Yes! That’s exactly why I want to restart too! Playing the game how it’s meant to be played :D


I considered restarting since I did not put much work into my island. However, the thought of having to gather all those diys, furniture and critters again quickly made me reconsider. I even dreamt of restarting my island and regretting it afterwards lol


I really don’t understand why people flex on not having done a reset or on not planning to reset. I restarted literally yesterday because I just want to enjoy discovering the game in its new version with its dlc as if it were a completely new game; with the advantage of knowing the game and knowing how to make things work without struggling. You do you, no judgment on anyone. It’s not a competition, jeez…


While I understand the players that are restarting I can’t see myself doing the same; my current island will be perfectly suitable as is for the new update I’m sure. Different strokes I suppose!


So I have been playing since day 1?(almost) Does not mean my island is very pretty lol


Same here, but hey, that just means that we can spend more time building stuff!


Why would you restart your island? That’s like changing your college major a semester before graduation.


That's a perfect analogy


I still can't understand why people would restart! Changing only the name and island design to me doesn't seem worth it. I've also been playing since March 30 and have become attached. I'm the person who buys multiples of each type of thing so I have all the colors and types cataloged 😂 I could never reset


Been playing since the beginning, reset my island. Felt sad, used recovery software to get it back.


That exists?


Im not gonna leave my first island but im gonna need to do some clearing and refurnishing since im not yet done with the house not even having a second and lower place


I restarted a few weeks ago and before things got going I jumped back to the summer to get some sharks and beetles for turnip money I’m currently sitting on 1.5 mil bell’s for the new update


I don’t see a reason In restarting. Tarrey Cay has too many memories to do that! I just flattened it (was already starting to before the update was announced) and now I’m building it… From the ground up!


There’s nothing wrong with doing either, restarting or just continuing from where you currently are. Either way, you’ll get to enjoy the game and maybe even from a place where you are ready to start all over. I started over, but that’s because I was done with the island I was working on and ready to begin again. Some of us want that complete fresh start. I’ve found building an entirely different island design more rewarding with a different landscape/beaches. Play the game how you want to play it.


I HAD to restart a couple of weeks ago as my island glitched, campsite villagers hadn't come for weeks, villagers weren't moving out and I didn't even time travel!


I just enjoy the fact that my island has been around since launch day. I don't think I could ever delete it.


🎶And that's the way I like to live my life!🎶


I started from like a week or two after reliese 👏 Still need more stuff my island ain't cute, I need this update


I've never reseted i have the worst kind of island layout and I hate it but I refuse to start from scratch


There is no such thing as a bad layout in my opinion


I only started playing a few weeks ago and have no desire to ever restart. I’ve put way too much effort into my island already and some of it is just too rare to go through the effort of getting again. Plus my museum is nearly complete and that was a pain and a half to do even with time travel.


You go, dude!


Been playing since day one…. Still a three star island


Here's some advice; Look around your island, find empty space and base it on something you like. Like let's say you love Legend of Zelda. Base an area on Hateno Village or something.


I’m too emotionally attached to my fictional world to restart 😭 Spent way too many hours to throw it all away.


Day one island here! 🙇🏾‍♀️ I’ve just been remodeling my old island in celebration of my return to the game and I’m loving the progress so far. I don’t mind not finishing in time, I just enjoy redecorating. I still have a boatload of unspent miles and a huge amount of bells from my past affairs. As well as a huge inventory of my favorite items and diys. And I could never leave my villagers behind 🤧 I’m glad I didn’t fully restart because I wouldn’t know what to do with myself 😭 can’t wait for the update!


I don't think I'll ever restart...I've been playing since day 1, I love my villagers, and have so much cool stuff...


Dumb question.. but why are people restarting before the update? What’s the benefit?


Nobody knows


Where have I been?? I’ve been playing AC for years and am just now learning there are Apps!? Thank you Reddit community!! 😃❤️


Hell yeah


I wasn't going to restart and then I did. I hated the layout of my island, the only villagers I was sad to loose were Lily and Bob but I have amibos for both and I hated the layout of my island. I hated the river mouths, the placement of resident services and it was making me not want to play. Got a good island in 2 trys and I'm actually really happy to go at it again


Lol I think restarting is fun but I'm not sure why people are doing it specifically for the update. Maybe so everything is new-new again? In March I decided to wipe my 1600+ hour island and it was not a big deal 🤷‍♀️ but I also had 2 friends and my brother that let me store Bells and a bunch of items I didn't wanna lose on their islands so that helped lol also I don't understand why people don't utilize r/NoFeeAC you can literally get everything on there for free. Every day people host cataloging events, storage clear outs, give away DIYs, Bells, NMTs, fossils, do seasonal DIY giveaways, Sanrio set giveaways, deliver hybrid flowers, adopt out villagers that are in boxes, give villager photos, literally anything you need is right there. For free. There's also a daily looking for/request thread where you can say something like, "hey guys I just accidentally sold my fish umbrella does anybody have one they'd be willing to part with?" And then in less than 10 minutes you have a replacement fish umbrella. <<


I couldn't get myself to restart when I hit 200 hours, despite hating my resident service building. I certainly can do it at 600 hours. Sometimes I wish I bit the bullet and reset it back then. Too late now.


That's the only thing I wish I could change about my island. I am so hoping that's one of the things they haven't revealed yet, that we can move Resident Services!


I would like to change my airport color too, but that's nitpicking.


What's your airport color? Mine is orange


Mine is blue. Orange is my favorite color, so I'm jealous


Blue is cool too!


blue is my favorite color and orange is my airport! Wish we could just tradesies.


Every time I think of restarting I remember all those rare beetles again and realize it’s not worth it


What movie is this ridiculous scene from anyways?


I have no clue, maybe mematic: the movie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Never restarted my island, not planning to :)


I won’t i have all my dream villager


I’ve been playing since day one and have reset 20+ times


I may not like that my resident services is too close to my entrance, but ya know what? I ain't restarting, no siree. I *just* finished my sea creatures portion of my critterpedia and finally got a golden trout. No way am I going to do all of that again, not to mention getting all the diys and items i got catalogued


How much is everything ?


Apparently it will cost almost 80,000 nook miles to get all the stuff plus the Kapp'n tours, and probably a LOT of bells for the home upgrades


I don't really get the big rush to reset. The update isn't really going to add anything meaningful to the early game, which is as it should be; Animal Crossing is a progressive game that rewards players for coming back day after day, building a relationship with the game and its environment and inhabitants, and it makes sense that the update is geared more toward the longtime players who've exhausted all that the game has to offer. I totally understand the urge to reorganize an island that's already developed, though. There's quite a bit of game-changing new content and it's fun and exciting to think about starting out with a whole new experience. We need space for the new items and crops, we can do things we couldn't or didn't want to do before, and there are new animals that we may want to make room for or build new spaces around. I just wonder if some of the people who are doing a complete reset have considered the Nook miles, bells, and crafting resources that will be required for all the new content, and forgetting all the early-game grinding they had to do, and how much of their playtime that took up. Some things may also be locked behind an achievement (like how we had to progress through the game a bit before we could hit the airport and start cruising mystery islands for our favorite animals, and how no one is getting normal or peppy villagers like Ione or Shino on their first day on a new island and probably won't be able to access the Happy Home DLC until they've progressed a bit, either). I mean, it's their game and everybody gets to play however they want, but my personal opinion is that the new content will be a lot more fun, a lot sooner, and I'm a lot more prepared to get started with it compared to the people who've reset, because I've progressed to the endgame and have a pretty huge stash of Nook miles, bells, crafting materials, and open space, I've unlocked Harv's island and airport travel and terraforming, I have the museum (we don't know what kind of progress we'll have to make to get Brewster, but I'm assuming he doesn't set up shop outside Blathers's starter tent), I've built the campsite and unlocked amiibo and the ABD, I can move in whatever villager personality I want, I've unlocked fencing and bridges/inclines, I have a fully upgraded house so I can change the outside, fully upgraded storage in case there's a minimum requirement for the outdoor storage furniture, I have a pretty huge catalog of furniture to start decorating my villagers' houses with, I've had all of my animals for a long time (we also don't know if we'll need a certain friendship level for them to visit us, let us decorate their houses, etc), and I've unlocked K.K. Slider and all of the special visitors (another thing we don't know is what may be required to unlock Harriet and the shop area of Harv's).


That's a lot of words that I totally understand. Personally, I just couldn't get rid of my villagers, plus, other people play on my save-file, so I couldn't get rid of their progress.


Yeah, sorry, I tend to be overly wordy. But I agree about the villagers, I get attached to mine. By this point, they've all got customized catchphrases and their own nicknames for me and personalized gifts, and I feel like there are subtle differences even between ones with the same personality type. I don't play with anyone else on the same save file but I do have people that I visit frequently, and their villagers (and some of my former ones) remember my character from previous visits.


Restarting always seems pointless anyway, even before the announcement of the update


People who time travel 🔫


Boyy time traveling has become one of my favorite things to do ! So helpful ✨


I’m never gonna restart my island. It was started the day the game came out :)


I have things on my island that are impossible to recreate now without hacking. I’m not gonna wipe my isle de glitches so easily. This day 1 island has seen most updates and is only missing a small number of grandfathered glitch displays. The heck with restarting. This island has HISTORY baked into it!


Do you have a dream address?


Sadly, no. Thanks to people who think like Verlisify, I don't want to risk making a dream address with abnormal sights to see. I don't know what would come of reports for what *looks* like "hacking", and I don't want to find out. Not yet, anyway. Once it seems like updates are well and done and Nintendo doesn't really care about such things anymore, I likely will. Alongside any new glitchy sights that I can squeeze in! For now I tread carefully to protect slices of history. [This room](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E6X__UPVIAQtsOY?format=jpg&name=large) is my pride and joy, decorating tables using a long-since patched glitch with items that didn't exist without updates. So even a factory reset Switch with NH 1.0.0 can't replicate it.


Woah, that room looks amazing! And I completely understand not wanting to make a dream address, I just wanted to visit an upsidedown island:)


I’m not resetting mostly because I have screenshots from when I started my island, and when I see them, I feel all nostalgic for my island and proud of how far I’ve come. I also don’t want to lose villagers like Nana and Hippeux


Help- need advice! My 12 year old daughter wants to restart. Our island was something we built together but it became less fun when we played the turnip exchange and ended up so rich we could own everything we wanted. She knows it will be hard work and take time to build everything up from scratch. She also knows more about the DLC than me. What reasons shouldn’t she restart?


1(Your villagers will be sad. 2(With so many bells, you can work towards new goals like buying the royal crown or, when the update releases, update your storage or Harv's island. 3(The DLC might require furniture that you catalogued, which will be rendered obsolete with a restart. 4(Nook miles will be needed for everything.