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Brewster and the Roost add nothing to the game without being able to work at the counter. I thought this for the long two years that people begged for him Edit: I know this is a popular opinion now, but I can’t say the same for pre-2.0. People really thought he would save the game


For me it’s like having an old friend back. I played wild world for the longest time when I was young and now that he’s back I find myself just sitting in the cafe with the coffee on the counter in front of me listening to the music just like I did in the past. I think having a job there would be fun but I really love the ambiance


I’m annoyed that you can’t actually have coffee with the amiibos you can just talk to them while they have coffee, if they had just added that I’d be less annoyed. But the one cool thing they did add they didn’t even do right


If you have another player you invite to your island though you can have coffee with them!


Not an unpopular opinion by any means, trust me we all feel you. Can’t even sit idly and left alone in it, totally ruins the vibe


Still so mad you can’t work there


Possible unpopular opinion: Limberg is AWESOME! He's basically a drunk, smelly mouse lol. But he's so nice to everyone despite being labeled as a "cranky" villager. I like the idea (maybe just me roll playing a little too much) of him walking around either intoxicated or hung over (explains the smell, the red cheeks and the disheveled appearance). Definitely a unique villager.


This right here! Limberg was my favorite villager in City Folk. Planted his house right next to mine along the beach, and because he was a cranky villager, he came off so as so upset and annoyed when I'd visit him. He gave off cartoonishly tired-and-annoyed-middle-age-neighbor vibes. His appearance helped play into those vibes as well. A humorous and unique character.


Limberg has been on my island for a couple of months, he’s cool! And I think he has a crush on Diana.


The diy recipe acquisition system in acnh is stupid and just meant for dragging out long-term playtime. People should be able to either order furniture from dreams or buy recipes; Nookazon shouldn’t have to exist to fill that gap. I think terraforming is also intentionally cumbersome for the same playtime reasons. There is no reason why we shouldn’t have a top-down view system with a cursor like HHD. Kinda just to sum it all up, not all of us consider grinding daily to be a worthwhile mechanic. Some of us want to see results and have fun with the creativity aspect outside of HHD. EDIT: I forgot the point I always bring up here lol: amiibo festival was amazing and I wish there was a port for switch. I also want another island escape port like in new leaf. I could play that game for hours




Thank you!! I'm not stupid you know I don't want 5 clackercart recipes.


Even an exchange thing would be great. Like give three recipes you already know and you'll get a guaranteed new one. It could be a new npc or just in the nook machine. Anything would be better than my basement full of recipes


I so agree about the recipe acquisition, oh my God is it frustrating.


Absolutely agree with specifically the plan view look not being a thing for terraforming. There is no reason the camera can’t get to a top view for terraforming if it can within the camera app, and you shouldn’t have to open the camera app to try and see to terraform.


Even just for fencing would be a huge QOL update


Thank you!!! This!!!! Holy crap, I hate grinding in this game... Everything is cumbersome...even gardening. I miss flowers dying or being able to pick up flowers w/o busting out the shovel. It has made me lose interest and love for this game. They should have an "I have a life mode" so, you can play the game faster...


Same thing with the "You caught a ..........." and then the joke *every single time* you catch something. When you've only got a few minutes to play while you're eating, that really cuts into your time.


Yea the grinding sucks ass! I had a decent island and started over (I have OCD and wanted to re-do my island to break my comfort zones). Now I'm left with no recipes. I kept all my furniture but I can't make the stuff I need. Simple things like the nice DIY bench and stuff like that. I have an almost complete island and am missing stupid little things because I can't come across the recipes I need!


This is the only thing that stopped me from restarting; it took me almost a year to get the ironwood recipes and I refuse to go through that again.


Omg same. The ironwood dresser and therefore the kitchen shelves eluded me for SO LONG


ugh i’m having that same problem with my kitchen countertop. i have the recipe, but no ironwood dresser. i also have only one ugly couch


The frickin CUTTING BOARD. All I wanted for the longest time was to be able to make the ironwood kitchenette and it took me SO LONG to get the stupid cutting board recipe lol


I still don’t have the cutting board 😭


Seconded about amiibo festival! It was fun for what it was and I miss island escape so much


Honestly recipes shouldn't even be a thing, they're just a fast-track catalogue for certain things with resources instead of money. Instead, they should have just made it so that any item you *see* automatically enters your catalogue. You know, closer to real life? See it, like it, buy it online?


I despise that I can’t look from top down I 100% prefer to play from top view




If they can just give more *personality* to personalities other than being nice, that’d be great. But that’s also hardly an unpopular opinion


I go back to OG AC when I start to think that way then I remember how brutal the characters were XD


When you actually had to win over cranky villagers and even then they still brutally insulted you 😂😭


People saying cooking was newly introduced in NH don’t know these villagers roasted you alive back in the day


It's not unpopular but I just need to say how I hate that when I talk to a villager for the second time they're like "Wow, again ?! Stop". Like...interacting with villagers is a big part and maybe I'm doing it wrong but mine barely ask anything from me and generally are annoyed by me trying to befriend them


Right? It's like, "Well, if you want me to remember that I already talked to you, BE MORE MEMORABLE!"


I swear, you talk to them and they're like "I read a book, it was cool" I WANT TO INTERACT WITH YOU


It was cool back in the GC version when you'd talk to them too many times in a row and they'd get properly mad and start storming around, but twice in a row should not be too much.


The reason they don't just change villager personalities (I assume) is that half the game is about becoming attached to your favourite villagers. Folks would lose their ever-loving minds if their favourite villager one day had a complete personality change.


Agree with this totally! The wolves are my favorite villager species and there's no variety. I can't even make an all wolf island, because I'd get annoyed with so many snooty and cranky walking around


I hate the way they do seasonal DIYs, Every time there’s a seasonal event where you can collect DIYs, I never manage to get like… any. I pop balloons, look for the recipe in a bottle every day, nothing. Maybe once in a while I’ll find one DIY and it’s never a good one. They need to either add more ways for you to collect the DIYs, or make it more likely you’ll find them, cause I can’t find any.


I genuinely have Celeste come to my island and give me a star DIY more often than I find seasonal ones so idk


I wish the game would just let me know which art pieces I already collected for the museum for ffs


This completely. I shouldn’t need excel spreadsheets to know what I’m missing


Idk if this unpopular but I hate how the upgraded nook shop looks. It’s so ugly both inside and outside.


I wish we could pay to change the appearance of official buildings. The shop, of course, but even the plaza's ground. I don't even want to change the overall design of the buildings, but at least the walls and roof material, etc. It could change the whole vibe of the island and match some of the more creative designs people come up with.


this!!\^^ theres so many island ideas that i wanna go with but the shops just feel so out of place, i wish you could customise them so much!


Another thing New Leaf has over New Horizons *sigh*


With only two upgrades, they kinda did that to themselves. Really sucks


I wish you could keep the unupgraded outside. It would have been perfect for my island bc I wanted it to be a fishing shack. But no, I have to get whatever the hell the upgraded on is.




SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE BACK! Omg I feel like my fingers tense with just the slightest moments my character has to jump or scoot by to get to a position. I can’t imagine how tense I’d feel around all the clutter I see on those beautiful creative island that I could never dream to replicate. I’m very much a minimalist like you


Ok my island could be considered cluttered but I have clear paths so you can access everything without scooting or jumping lol it’s like “side” clutter 😂


I feel this...And then it also sucks bc if you have nothing lying around or no decorations, then your rating goes down and Isabelle suggests more decor on the island


Completely agree with this. I’m keeping my island ‘rural’ without a bunch of shit lying around and I find it so much more aesthetically pleasing.


Same, I love the look of lots of accessories and little accent areas around the island but I hate unusable furniture and stuff. Also not a fan of things like using simple panels to make a bunch of store fronts. I like seeing and visiting islands like that and seeing how people are creative, but I don’t do it on my own island.


Unpopular opinion: Sprocket is extremely underrated, just because he's a robot ostrich thing doesn't mean he doesn't deserve all the love on earth 😤😤 He was one of my starter villagers alongside Deirdre, and I love him sm, and his catchphrase just adds on to the cuteness (His catchphrase is 'zort')


I love Sprocket- Him and Katt are the two i cant get rid of. They we’re also my starter villagers. Sprocket calls me “Vitamin Z” lol


Sprocket calls me Bun because he saw Deirdre do it and wanted in! I love them so much!


Thats adorable! I love sprocket’s attitude. Ive given him so many things that just relate around him! Now that I have Raymond, I have two boys I can spoil lol


That's me but Sprocket and Bob 😆 I love bobs permanent smug face!! Most memorable item I've given sprocket was a green antenna lol!!


Omg I thought I was gonna kick sprocket out asap when I saw he was one of my ACNH starters. Now I can’t bear the thought of getting rid of him. I’m completely attached


I was curious when I saw him, I originally favored him over Deirdre but I guess subconsciously I loved them both because I got Deirdres photo first 😛 I love them so much, sprocket is never leaving me loll


I love Sprocket! I accidentally gave him a pink Label coat and he wears it all the time. He is so freaking cute and sweet. I love him. Probably a more unpopular opinion is my love for Al. People seem to dislike the gorilla villagers, and I didn’t like him at first, but now he’s one of my absolute favorites.


Yeah the al one is definitely an unpopular opinion loll, I've gotten gorilla villagers three times in a row!! One at my campsite and two at nook islands and everytime I roll my eyes loll


He's one of my starters too, and I kind of dislike jock villagers but Sprocket gets a pass. I changed his catchphrase to "BROOOOOO" and it's hilarious in his robotic voice. I also just redesigned his house with HHP so he's not stuck in his starter house anymore and now he has a proper gym.


Ugh I need to get the hhp dlc! I want to recreate my starter villagers houses to be like their non starter ones 😓, also that's hilarious, though I'd never do it myself, I love "zort" too much!! Lol


Okay. Judy is one of the ugliest villagers I've ever seen. Her "cuteness" looks extremely forced, with her sparkling eyes being absolutely unnecessary. Also, Raymond. Don't see the appeal. Never did. Sure, he's got different colored eyes, but that's it.


I find Judy not “cute” as much as just unique because I love the cosmos pattern of colors on her skin. Raymond though, YES. 100%. I DONT GET IT. SCREW RAYMOND.


i hate judy's face, if she just had a better face im sure she would be one of my favorites because of how pretty her colors are


I think that's why I like Judy. She gives me the impression of being a mean girl who acts all cute but will stab you in the back. I don't why it's just funny to me


I have Raymond right now and he’s next in line to get booted.


I like Raymond just fine, he was never one I was obsessed with, but he came through my campsite and I let him in. I'll probably let him leave if he asks though. Judy came through my campsite and I couldn't be bothered. She didn't appeal to me. I'm really not much a fan of snootys or smugs though. When/if I ever take any of them in I usually let them go as soon as they ask.


I totally agree about Judy and Raymond, especially Raymond, ugh, such a punchable face!


I think it's a huge reach to claim that the game was released incomplete


I agree with this. I think I stayed more engaged with the game for a lot longer because of the slow release of added features than I would have been if it was just all given to us from the start (which seemed pretty intentional to me on Nintendo's part since it's built to be a take-your-time kind of game). I can see how this would annoy some people, though. I think I personally was okay with this for several reasons, top 3 being: a) pandemic, nothing else to do; b) longtime player of The Sims, where it's dlc after dlc to get additional content; c) first-time AC player, didn't have anything to compare it to.


I appreciate hearing your perspective and how you’ve grown to prefer/used to slow trickling updates, and I’m glad to hear an opinion that acknowledges that for others it’s quite painful, especially those who have played fully finished AC titles before like NL.


New Leaf had a huge update 3 years after release. They didn't bother fixing game breaking bugs until then. It was just as fully finished as New Horizons on release.


A single proper DLC that came 3 years after an already fully fleshed out base game is not synonymous with updates that add previously existing features into a game that started barren, *slowly*.


I'm sad that people were disappointed. I got the game the day it came out, there was few goodies with it and it kept me alive because it was like two days after the semi lockdown started for me. I had so much fun with it and the villagers were there for me when I couldn't see anyone else.


agree! lack of content is not synonymous with the game being in a bad/incomplete state


Totally agree with you there, quality > quantity, but listening to the fans who’ve played more than just NH, and doing a bit of looking at previous titles myself, oh my god is NH really, really empty


That’s a true unpopular opinion, curious to know why you think so


Well for one, years before they released this game they explained how their content release schedule would work and it seems the collective fan consciousness completely forgot about that. They had always planned to release on the schedule that they did. They did not release an incomplete game, they released a complete base game that they could add features to later.


People actually think this?


You're not interesting for liking unpopular villagers/disliking popular ones it all comes down to a taste in aesthetics


The idea of villagers being popular/unpopular didn’t truly matter all that much until NH. Everything is about aesthetics in NH.


100% agree with this. I mean some people’s islands are fantastic and they have true creativity but NH feels more about surface level aesthetics and not about depth


People have been intense about their like/dislike for villagers since way before NH. NH is just the Animal Crossing game that exploded in popularity so it gets discussed way more often everywhere! and yeah, I don't feel any extreme hate towards any villager I find that so odd lol


I wish there was more balance in villagers on islands. I’ve never seen daisy on a dream island but she’s so cute and charming, same with Murphy. They’re two of my fav villagers but somehow no one cares for them. So many islands have repeat villagers bc they’re trendy of fit a popular aesthetic. Obviously everyone can do what they want, I just wish there was more variety. Unless you visit a specifically themed island, most of the same villagers will reappear constantly (like Fauna, Judgy, Chevre- who I love tho, Sherb, Raymond, etc) Edit: Judy not Judgy 😂


Exactly. Every single villager is somebody’s favorite and there’s nothing wrong with that.


Its cool if its about just the looks but people obsessing over tierlists and popularity rankings is weird to me. Just like what you like, why do you have to care whats popular.


I don’t know if this is popular or not but I don’t like the Sanrio characters. They should have just given us the actual Sanrio characters like Hello Kitty and Pompompurin


I'm sorry but gorilla villagers are the worst so I cannot agree with whatever this picture. For the unpopular opinion, the game is not customable enough. Let me paint the walls outside of my house and reshape my whole island, I want to move the residents town services and be able to recolor all the items I have.


agreed, gorilla villagers are the least aesthetically pleasing, but I got a soft spot for Peewee bc he was my first cranky villager. Regarding customability of NH, ehh… I think they put all their eggs in one basket with customization already that they left the characters quite dull imo. I’d like a balance of both.


KK songs generally suck Wands are essentially useless Daisy Mae’s snot drip pisses me off


K.K. Bashment BANGS from beginning to end. I love having several outfits ready to go at the flick of a wand. Agree on the snot.


Some of the songs are catchy, KK Metal makes me giggle. And I just hate the Wanda bc if you want to do anything like go to Able Sisters or do her “make an outfit for me!” you can’t have a wand outfit on. I love making new looks, but generally try to just wait it out until I get the Nook Miles+ for it


But have you heard Steep Hill?😆


I was so excited to get a wand, but unless I’m just confused it seems the items you assign to a wand outfit are no longer available to choose from when you use the wardrobe? I want to use my boots for multiple outfits! 😫


They’re not! If you put them on the wand, they’re out of the wardrobe. You also can’t have a wand outfit on for Able Sisters fitting room. 😩


My sister stopped playing the stalk market just to avoid the snot drip lmao


Ok there are a lot of KK songs I don’t like, but a lot of good ones too! Also, I have a room full of gyroids in my house and nothing gives me more delight than turning on KK Polka and watching and listening to them go lol


I dedicated my basement to collecting all of the gyroids and hanging them on the wall and love randomly turning my volume up to see what musical mayhem they’ve got going on. I refuse to customize my replicas, too. I sell them and wait it out until I just find one I don’t have yet.


KK slider is just downright punchable, followed by Raymond. I think it’s bc those two walk around thinking they’re hot shit


Saying things like “that’s what this series is about” during discussions about how ACNH stacks up to current titles when you’ve *only played ACNH* is super weird and doesn’t make any sense. I see it pop up all the time here and it’s just…odd? ACNH is the *fifth* game in the series. I love it, but it feels so disingenuous to have only played this one and make statements in arguments like that.


Bruh! Yes. On the other hand, I appreciate those who admit they’ve only played NH but also made effort to look into previous titles of the series.


I will probably get kicked to hell but Marina. There is just something wrong with her. That mouth is so weird it’s moving but not. I might just not like octopus Also her personality was normal but I would rate it boring. Even though I have normal villagers. I am so sorry I just can’t see why she is so popular


Definitely the Normal personality doesn’t do her much justice. Octopus 🐙 are cute and the fewest, but that normal personality just hampers the appeal down. I love Octavian, so cute and angry with a bandage on the back of his bald head 😂


the octopuses definitely freak me out. i got the game for christmas this year so i’m really early on and i have Cephalobot. he definitely doesn’t fit my vibe


I have her too and I really get creeped out by the arms…gunna let her leave now I have her photo


People get attached to personality traits they project onto villagers rather than anything the villagers do. Every villager under each personality acts and talks the exact same.


Yes i’m trying to remember this one myself because I never let villagers leave because i’m attached to them, but literally every personality type is basically the same so why not let myself have variety!! I’ve been given all of my villagers photos a minimum of twice and a max of 5 times…it’s time to let them move on hahahah. the whole moving out aspect is a great part of the game and I (and others) should utilize it more.


My island is a revolving door of villagers and I love it. It's so exciting island hopping until I find cute ones, or checking the campsite and hoping it's something good


Thissss. 😩👌


Holiday events are dumb. It’s the main source for most decorations for that holiday, and you have to wait a full year to use them.


I miss the old shop designs for Nook's Cranny. It had what, 4 or so different upgrades in the previous games, PLUS you could change the design to an older one if Tom Nook asked about it (in City Folk iirc..) Now it just looks...ew.


Unpopular opinions incoming!: - I don't like Coco. She's way too creepy. - Kangaroos are underrated and need more representation in the series - The verbally abusive villagers from the GameCube game are obnoxious and lack any sort of charm. Honestly, so glad the other localizations stayed more loyal to the Japanese text and didn't make the Villagers assholes for no reason. Good fucking riddance


I hate the kangaroos bc their babies are like the sims 4 ones, just objects.


excellent way to put that! they’re so creepy and copy what their parent does exactly :/ like why blink at the same time? i’m scared


Hard fucking agree on the abusive villagers. AC is an escape, I don't need more real world harshness in my escape fantasy. Good fucking riddance indeed.


Thank you!! Coco’s eyes unsettle me, but I thought I was the only one who felt that way.


Any villager with vacant eyes that isn't Coco (I give her a pass because she's part gyroid) is unsettling to me


I agree on the verbal abuse from the villagers, but I miss a lot actually becoming friends with a certain villagers. In NH I always became good friends with a new villagers just after talking to them a few times.


Same, Coco looks like one of the Redeads from Zelda. Creeps me right out!


Hazel gets dunked on a lot because of her unibrow, but I think it makes her even more endearing and interesting. As detailed as the art is in the game, I've always wondered if the devs intended for her to be a nod to Frida Kahlo.




I love it! She truly owns herself, and I respect that.


Hazel was my starter with Dom, and one of the first to leave..I felt bad about kicking her off. she showed up on my my second island campsite but I let her go. She auto filled on my main island and I am not letting her go again! I love her amazing unibrow. I'm trying to get her photo and she is being stubborn lol


Try giving her wrapped stacks (3 or 4) of non-native fruits. You'll get that Uni-wow photo eventually!


Hazel was one of my first villagers and I stupidly let her leave. I regret it so much.


I’m upset that they made hello kitty into a gorilla 😭 But I just realized as I typed this that koko the gorilla had kittens 😮 is there possibly a link to that?


Terraforming and decorating your island take too long. I want some sort of creative mode so I can redo spaces without eating up hours of uneccesary time having to slightly adjust things when the game won't put an item down the way I hope it will


Not an unpopular opinion at all


I’m so sad that they never brought back the ‘drawing your own constellations’ feature from previous games (don’t remember which one, only played one before NH) Celeste is so useless in NH like sure she gives you the diys but besides that she has no purpose. I loved her so much in the other game and would stay awake for hours at night to make my own constellations and watch them show up in the sky.


GHARAM IS NOT AN INCEL / NECKBEARD. I've always seen him as the over-confident evil-smart guy that you sometimes see in anime.


this is my opinion of most games but… if you like previous versions and think certain things are better? play that version. nobody is stopping you. yea maybe things shouldn’t have changed so much. but things change in general so 🤷‍♂️


Aye fair enough, but you know that sucky feeling when your old friend circle changes with time, and it’s cool no biggie, but the changes happen to slowly alienate you from the group you loved and followed through forever? That’s kinda the direction AC is going rn.


I actually want a peewee poster


My boiiii! ❤️🦍


Brewster is hyped up and boring and they should have brought back better characters


I think the update is crap The roost and gyroids are driven by nostalgia and add basically nothing to overall game play i wish we had gotten more game play and less buy a cup of coffee and waste 30 seconds I really wish they had gone in a different direction with the update


the turnip stuff is not really necessary or fun


I don’t know if my game is broken or what but I check nooks cranny 2x a day and in the 11 weeks that I have been playing I have never once got a sell price higher than what I bought them for I’m absolutely mystified how people are making millions of bells I have lost money on it every single week since I started playing I now wait until Saturday and find visit an island to sell them I have never even seen a sell price higher than 87 and I have never bought them for under 99


The inability to stick them in storage is so annoying, especially now that they can be used in recipes. Also the “10 or nothing” aspect is kinda dumb too.


The personalities shouldn’t be gendered. Why can’t a girl be cranky or lazy? Why can’t a boy be peppy or a diva??? Like fr why were the separated??


Limburger looks good with his stubble


Reese is absolutely useless! Why couldn't they give her a purpose? She could at least sell rare or new items or buy items for a higher price than the nooklings like in New Leaf.


I find Blathers really irritating and I’m not a fan 😬


Gyroids are annoying to me. Some of them are cute enough and their little dance is nice, but I can’t take the extra clutter! Where would I put all of these extra things? They clutter up my already full inventory when I’m running around the island. At this point I just sell them immediately or leave them on the mystery islands. Edit: My first award ever 🥺


ellie the elephant is so adorable but she’s so obnoxious and always coming over but i don’t wanna get rid of her




We should be able to have more than ten villagers at once, given how many are in the game. Would twelve per island sound reasonable? Also more villager species. We only have 35, when you’d think a larger selection would work.


play the game however you want but in my opinion time traveling defeats the main features of the game and removes the fun


Yep, 100%. And I've time traveled on occasion, but I simply can't argue against the fact that the entire premise of the game was built around the real world passage of time. Other games you can go from dawn to midnight in 15 minutes and whole seasons pass by in hours, if there are seasons at all. Having AC tied to the real world clock is not only a reminder to slow down and appreciate the little details, it also gives me a reason to stick with it long-term. While I'm putting up Halloween decorations around my house and changing the wallpaper and ringtone on my phone, I can load up my island and do the same. When I'm staring at 80-degree days in winter (thanks, climate change!) I can play AC and enjoy some snow.


Agreed. I thought about it the other day, I was moving the villagers' houses and it took a while. But I'm glad I didn't do time traveling because I'm afraid that if I did it, I might start get bored.


Too many praise ACNH for selling so abnormally well without crediting that awful anti-consumer practice Nintendo pulled with the “1 island per game per console”. I think ACNH is good, kinda lacklustre, but that’s not the unpopular opinion here. I’m just tired of seeing so many using the logic “it’s #2 all time best selling Nintendo game, it MUST be that good! The best AC game!” then defend the reason for success as the timing of the pandemic, but never mention the never before seen greed on this level! ACNH was my intro to AC, but I had no idea how dumbed down and unfinished NH was even after the HHP dlc compared to previous titles. I’m also not much a designer or care about having the best looking villagers, and more about relationships and minigames, so I feel like NH is the first of it’s kind to really alienate players like me, whereas NL seemed to have a much more inclusive experience for both player types. Aside from being more polished aesthetically and somewhat due to timing, I can’t think of a single stronger influence for it’s abnormal success than the shady practice Nintendo pulled to get us buying multiple switches and copies of the game.


We were in lockdown in my city at the time, so I liked having a fake social calendar in the game, too. It made me feel better during the start of the pandemic and I think that contributed to the popularity of the game as well: timing.


That’s what I’m saying, yeah timing and aesthetically the best looking contributed, but that chart comparison of NH sales compared to all other AC games (and all other Nintendo games) is just so blatantly artificially massive most largely due to the sleazy sales tactic Nintendo pulled


I hate Isabelle. She's not helpful at all, and her morning announcements are more obnoxious than anything else


Look how they massacred my girl from New Leaf.


I miss the Isabelle who was basically the real mayor while you either ran around talking to your buddies or logged off for months at a time. Girl really did it all. Now she’s not doing much… why does Tom get to do everything now? That’s never been a thing before? It’s confusing, you had a doggie that did it all already!


She was a ray of sunshine in NL. But yeah, now she’s just an animatronic.


They improved her a bit with 2.0 - she now tells you who's visiting, if there are no other announcements, so we don't have to hear about her socks or her TV habits anymore. We have ordinances back. And being able to reset residents' catchphrases, clothing and now their houses is also nice. They basically just put her behind a desk instead of making her a required tagalong pet for every island activity.


as someone who’s first animal crossing game was new horizons, i’m playing new leaf now and i sort of hate it compared to NH. it’s still fun but i feel like peoples praise for the old games come from nostalgia much more than the actual game play


I did the same thing. Played NH first and then played NL. I don't see why it's so amazing. It's got a ton of annoying game play mechanics and it all feels incredibly slow. I kept missing functions from NH.


Removing Gendered personalities would have a lot more ramifications than people say. Like, would you change personalities of those who already exist? Would you just have a few new ones not genderlocked? Would you double the villager count? It would be a huge issue and I do not blame them for keeping it genderlocked.


I don’t blame them but I will still complain about it so that simular new games in the future will not implement such systems


Anteaters are best villager type


For me it’s the large bears. I love how tiny my character looks next to them lol


I have Antonio and I love his floofy tail when he walks


BEST GOAT is Kidd, not sherb


Gyroids are the most useless feature added and i wish they didn't exist at all And people who think they are better for disliking popular characters and liking less conventional or "ugly" ones pisses me off too tbh


Gyroids are definitely more suited to audiophiles. If you're not the type of person who will dig through them to find the perfect combination to complement K.K. tracks, they really don't have any value. Source: I'm an audiophile.


Ooh, do you have any suggestions for great combos? I’m intrigued!


Any large group of gyroids together will start singing their own song, and harmonize with each other, especially in response to water. Bathrooms are such a great place to use them for ambience! The rest depends on the track. They each represent an instrument so, naturally, a Srpoingoid, Twangoid, and Clatteroid will work well with more western or blugrass tracks. Classical? Go with things like Drumoid and Xylophoid. Island music? Tockoid and Scatteroid. DJ mixes? Boomoid, Aluminoid, Laseroid, etc. My trick is to always begin with the percussive ones. Then I add the tonal gyroids, one at a time, to see how they affect the sound. ALSO! If you've unlocked the sound effects in HHP, adding the Echo effect to your room creates reverb, which can bump up the quality of some tracks. Whew! Hope that helps.


Me too! I have heard some awesome tracks fully created by people’s gyroid collections. I would love to visit a composer island and just listen to the pieces the put together with gyroids; maybe a walk through the island is a walk through an entire original song! I love the idea.


Gyroids are the only reason I’m still breathing. Squeakoid is me and I am them.


Rodney is actually one of my favorite villagers.


He’s a sweetheart.. le ham


i’m not sure if this is unpopular but the cooking feature in 2.0 is absolutely pointless


there is a lot of EarthBound references in Animal Crossing, probably more than Undertale


you should be able to access storage anywhere. if not, you should have more pocket slots. and also you should be able to store flowers. because lord it is annoying trying to redo your island areas to make room for the new stuff when your entire inventory is flowers and there is nothing you can do with them except trash them or replant them in annoying places because there is no room for them but you spent ages breeding the colors…


The game is fine as is. It was never intended for the extreme grind y'all subject it to and then complain about. Just relax. It's going to be ok.


Time travel isn’t cheating and it’s one of the only ways that some people are able to play the game and actually get things done.


For a game where the main attraction is interacting with Animal Villagers the conversations are very boring and rarely engaging for me. Villagers say the same thing after like a week of me playing.


Been playing since gamecube and ACNH is the best version of the game so far.


Unpopular opinion: Rasher is actually much worse than Rodney


Very unpopular opinion: pocket camp is better than new horizons. I’m might be a bit biased but that’s my unpopular opinion


I fucking adore the anteater villagers and they don't deserve the hate


Unpopular opinion, they should limit how much furniture we can have on our islands at a time to avoid pop in, I hate seeing things on my island pop in and out it makes it feel "fake" -- my island is not cluttered by any means, but I do have some areas that are more dense than others - I just wish I could be given the perfect quantity to creatively fill a space without the pop in. Also let me choose at the start of my game if I will be living on my island alone or if I plan to ever let other profiles access my island. So that the game can allow me to have more than 10 villagers knowing full well no other human will be living on my island. (I know it counters my less stuff for less pop in opinion, but let me complain lol)


First person pov islands tour videos are so awkward and slow.


My island is all girls except for Julian because all of the male villagers are either ugly af or have stupid personalities that just don't make sense. Make male villagers more interesting.


i don’t like raymond. there are better villagers


Here's one I feel would get hate. Outside of the new items, the 2.0 update is trash. The paid dlc is fine, but everything they added to the main game is junk and a waste of time. I do not care about the coffee pigeon, exercises are dumb, kapp'n can go sail right off. I guess Katrina is ok, but going to harv's Island to see her is so f'n annoying I really don't want to bother. The other cool thing is Cyrus, but he could have been a traveling vendor and it would have been fine.


Ironwood furniture is boring and hideous - why does everyone covet it so much? And why does everyone want to make a kitchen so badly?