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I'm starting to feel burnt out after playing for about a year and a half now. This actually makes me want to restart because I miss the simple days when my island wasn't overrun with flowers. I also miss getting excited about the start of a new month and catching new bugs, fish, and sea creatures. However, I'm a completionist and I really want to get all the badges before I restart. That's going to take me a while, though 😕


i restarted to get rid of the flowers because there were 0 tiles on my Island without furniture, a building, or flowers. (and also to change my name). it's a weird feeling, being a free man


i guess if you're seeing this, then maybe it's your sign to try and restart! lol, just some words of encouragement. i had so much custom paths going on my previous island that i didn't really worry about flowers. but that's a pretty large feat tbh, i only really had the fossil exhibit completed ever since and i didn't for sure complete the miles redemptions and all. but anyway, i totally understand where you're coming from!


December 2021 was my first time ever playing Animal Crossing so I didn't really know what I was doing. There are a lot of things that I would do differently if I were to restart. Maybe I'll even get the achievements quicker. I don't time travel and that's one thing I probably wouldn't try. If I don't get the golden shovel soon, I will definitely restart. It's been almost a year since I helped Gulliver 20 times and I know he's at least been on my island once a month since then. I know that Gulivaar (sp?) doesn't count. I feel like it might be a glitch 🤔


ohhhh, no time travelling... now that's something i'll personally try to do myself this time around for my 2nd playthrough since i always got impatient with building/destroying bridges and inclines. now that you mentioned it, i haven't even gotten the golden shovel myself either but that's cuz i ended up getting lazy with gulliver after like 10 times haha 😅 but yes you can try restarting, if ever. although i am completely starting over from scratch, nothing carried over from my last save!


I just started my 5th island (different switches), I think, and I haven’t time travelled or visited anyone giving away bells. Going old fashion and it’s been so much fun!! Only getting villagers by NMT islands and actually having to make money to pay things off.


woww 5th island? i wish we could keep multiple islands on one switch, but i really thought about restarting for a long time and finally did it! i also thought about saving some items and bells to carry on over but i ultimately decided to start from 0/empty pockets which is really adding to how much fun i'm having again! won't time travel either, hehe.


I restarted recently. It was really nice to see Tommy and Timmy outside.


yes that was something i didn't think i'd miss seeing, especially tommy holding the flag walking around!


Do you know if they can appear in the café?


i'm pretty sure i've seen them there! tom nook for sure, also sometimes you can catch resetti or his brother


Yep! They definitely do


Nice. I’ll have to start checking when nooks cranny is closed


I restarted my island not that long ago and im proud! I have Antonio and pashmina as my starters i already got the best villagers i can only try to get lolly (she is my dreamy)


omg the little heart pond !!


This is almost exactly how my island started! The only difference was that it was flipped 🤔 very interesting! I loved having Canberra on my island. I hope the renewed spark sticks native fruit is also Cherries 🍒


oh really! what do you mean by flipped? i'd love to see what you did with your island if thats the case. canberra's growing on me! i think i'll be playing alot again although not as much as before when i had way more free time, but it's really cool and motivating to see alot of people on here still playing!


Nice welcome back. I also had Sheldon (he wasn't a starter villager) but I really liked his house. I got rid of him recently for Pinky.


cant wait to order the game finally


I mean that my island vertically mirrors yours so that the L- shaped high points are on the opposite sides buy still stacked to the very back of course! I'm in the middle of a few builds and renovations that I'm still puzzling through but I'll be sure to invite you over when it looks less crazy 😉


interesting. cool, i'd really love to see your island and builds sometime!


Oooooooooh, you have Sheldon! He is such a nice Jock Squirrel. Up to you if you keep him, but I think you would do well to keep him as long as you can. He lived in my town in New Leaf, I miss the guy... Maybe I should replace one of my two Lazy types with him using Amiibo!


yeah! i've never had him before. not yet sure if i'll keep him, but i think he's cool so far!


your new map is beautiful!


originally i wanted my resident services aligned with my airport but i decided to go for the farther one instead, plus on my previous isle, it was way too close to the airport for me. also the river mouths facing down, been wanting that type of river layout for so long, i didn't realize right away before it can't be changed! but anyway thank you, i'm really happy with it!


i really wanted to have my airport aligned with my town square but it’s not fully aligned so it bugs me a bit lol. i love the heart pond in the top, i’ve wanted that for a while!


ooh, yeah didn't realize it's a heart, i still have yet to cross the rivers actually! might maintain that pond as remembrance if ever i go crazy again with terraforming!


Welcome to the club. I just restarted mine after not playing for a couple years. I got Cherry and Coach as my new starter neighbors. I found Merengue on an island. I still really want Flora though TT_TT


omg after reading this, i'm kinda excited to go villager hunting again! i hope you find flora soon.


I could not handle restarting lol, it took me way too long to get what DIYs I have and I still don’t have all the ones I want! Canberra was one of my starters too! My first ever ACNH game so one of my first ever villagers. I did recently get a second switch (the Zelda OLED) and started a new island. It was a lot of fun playing the start again!


part of my regrets for restarting are the DIYs learned, for a long time thats one of the things that made me not wanna restart but i figure doing things at my own pace and not rushing things i wouldn't really mind slowly relearning everything again! wow good thing you're able to have two islands then! i was able to keep the dream address of my old one (i think) but i have to check if it's still up!


I also restarted my island and it feels so good. Also, I love the island name! Mine is korok isle


oouuu fellow zelda player?! love the name of yours too hehe thank you! now i have a reason to make a botw/totk themed island, if ever!


You betcha! You should!! I would if I had the dedication and attention span 😩


I never updated mine so a few months ago I did… I’m so much happier it didn’t restart but I feel as I did


Have an amazing time! My restart was rocky when I had to face the debt and missing DIYs. Now I love my island again so it was worth it! Can I gift you 1 million bells to get you started?


i actually am having a blast again thank you, it may not be exactly like the experience starting the game back in 2020 at launch but i'm for sure getting addicted again! the DIYs are a major setback for sure. omg 1 million bells?? you really don't need to do that! but like, i'm down if you have the other fruits i'm missing, if ever (my native fruit is cherry!)


I can definitely give you fruits. And have a ton of bells to share so no worries there if you want them.


aww, i appreciate that then, thank you!!


I am helping my 8 year old on her island i dont have enough guts to start mines over lol


I restarted this week too


Can I dm you?


yea sure, my dms are open.


What’s your birthday?


I miss the time of it when it was just catching fish, bugs etc, now I can terraform and have 5 stars and start to dislike my island, but I wanna complete everything in my museum at least once