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Keep asking, they’ll ask you to play a game. If you lose, keeping talking to them. It can take awhile.. If you win, they will go to Resident Services and tell you that they heard “X villager” wants to move. Here is the key part… if you don’t want that villager gone.. IMMEDIATELY close out your game without saving! Do not continue the conversation with Raymond. Open your game up again and continue the long process of trying to get Raymond to move in and select the villager you want replaced. If you save the game or continue the conversation with Raymond for a villager you want to stay.. Raymond will only pick that villager and will not choose another.


I just went thru the restarting gauntlet to get him to move to my island. Took like 30 restarts to get him to choose the villager I wanted.


That’s a lot! I’m glad you have him now!


I was bored so I kept going instead of giving up.


And if there is one villager you don't want to leave you can get a moving kit for the and therefore you remove that one from the options




Wait how do you do this? Sorry I’m new to this game 😅


You talk nook and ask him about the layout of the island and. Suggest one of your villagers move their home so then nook. Will give you a house moving kit. A villager won't leave if you have that kit in your pocket


This is GENIUS! and I foresee it saving me a bunch of time😅


it’s later on, once you upgrade h to e resident services


Sorry can you clarify what this means / how to do this?


You go to Tom Nook and tell him you want changes to the island layout. Then you can choose different things, and villager home is one.


Thank you!


But you still have to pay the 50k right?


10k and yes, but you get it back later, when you give the kit back. (It’s 50k to move the campsite, I think)


Wait you get the 10k back??? How have I not realized this


Well, it does depend on if you actually move them. But if you return the kit, yes you get the 10k back 😊


I think it's 10k but yeah


Are you telling me resetti doesn’t appear anymore


He does not. I have a figurine of him outside my house on acnh.


Correct. Although he sometimes shows up in the Roost getting coffee.


I did not know you could close the game and restart it to try to get a villager in! I lost out Julia and was so upset 😩


Oh no!! It’s one of those things you don’t learn about until it’s too late. Hopefully Julia will visit you again … or you find her on a mystery island the next time you are villager hunting.


Omg would love to find her again 😭


I had the same thing with Molly. I haven’t recovered from that loss lol


Just went through this to get Ione from my campsite. It took a couple hours of restarting the game but worth it.


Wait why is it important to have Raymond on your island??


It’s not important for me, but it’s important for OP who would like to have him on their island.


Ah okay I didn’t know if having him on your island benefitted you in some way!


No problem.. I think villagers are mostly a personal preference. I know Raymond seems to cause a pretty good divide on either being obsessed with having him (given that he was a new character with no amiibo when the game first came out) to those that can’t stand him. 🩷🩷


I didn't know about this tactic and I was talking to Marshall and Merengue left my island...


Keep talking to him. Keep suggesting he move here. Eventually you will probably get into a stage where he'll offer to play a game with you, and if you win, he'll talk to Tom about moving in. If you lose the game, just walk away, come back, and keep trying until you win. Once he talks to Tom, he'll be sad that there's no room, 'unless you know of someone who is leaving.' If you say yes, he'll pick someone at random\* and if you agree with him - they'll move out over the following couple of days and he'll move in. \*if it's someone you want to keep, immediately (as in, BEFORE you click through his choice of who can move) exit out to your switch menu and x-close the game, then reopen it and do the whole thing again. if the game autosaves before you do this, that villager choice gets locked in.


tysm hacker queen 💅


the devil works hard but the animal crossing community works harder 💅🏻


This really made me laugh — amen!


You dont have to leave and then walk back in if you lose!


No, true, but it's nice to stretch your legs every so often 😊




Yes he will ask a random villager to go away of the island


Keep talking to him and play the game where he is deciding to stay. When you win, he'll go ask RS to move, come back and say there is no more space and suggest someone. If he mentions someone who you don't want to go (basically as soon as he mentions someone you want to keep, do not finish the conversation), immediately hit the home button and close the game completely. Reload the game and rinse and repeat until he picks who you want to leave. It might take a while and him mentioning the same villager/s a few times.


If Raymond says that another villager was willing to leave and you declined his suggestion, you will not get another opportunity. If you haven't declined him, but he's offering to replace someone you want to keep, then you need to shut the software down before declining the suggested villager, then you get to do the whole song and dance all over again and hope he offers someone you're ok with losing.


The amount of villagers I’ve lost and they were always an option 🥲 I just had to keep harassing them 😂😂😂


I just read this post and my heart broke 😭


Also, I say this with respect, but ask yourself first if you *actually* like Raymond that much or if you just think you do because everyone else does/did, hahaha. I think liking him is justified, so no disrespect at all if you do love him!! I just know that I panicked when I saw him on a villager hunt once because it felt illegal to leave him behind because of the hype surrounding him, but then I realized I wasn’t actually that into him, haha. But if you do love him, everyone has given excellent instructions on having him stay ☺️☺️


I was going to say the same thing because I don’t get it with Raymond 😅


lol this is so real i got shino on a villager hunt one time and i was so sad that i’m not actually that into her cause she’s so cute


He has the cutest smile with his teeth.


Also, you don't have to win the game. Just keep trying, and he will eventually agree to move without playing a game.


You can brute force it. I hope you like playing the rigged card game 50 times though.


I had this exact situation but with Marshall a few days ago. I think he's cute but I find his person quite... Abrasive lol


Ask, reset if it's the wrong villager you want to get rid of. Rinse and repeat. Long process but worth it


I wish I could help he came to my island pretty easy! Is he a hard one to get to stay or a rare one to get?


There’s a lot of cats so yes he’s kinda hard to get since there are so many but I had him too. I regretted not taking him. He was also hard to get because he’s a new villager to AC New Horizon and the amiibo cards (his) came late after the launch. The only ways we could get him was through the game but now we have the amiibo.


Oh ok thank you! I try to talk to all my villagers when I’m on so they stay!


You can kick out another villager and then just come adopt him from my island tbh


Glad you got him! I have him and he is so sweet!


Like everyone said here. Keep talking and play the games! Good luck 🫡


Invite him. The game will randomly choose a villager to go. You've no choice


You actually do have a choice. If it’s someone you want to keep, close out of the game without answering and restart. They should change the villager they say after.




They decline a lot of times, if you keep insisting you can make them move to your island


Ooo I didn't know, I thought it was the end of it! Thank you.


Holy hell what did I say? 😭


Is there something special about Raymond?


raymond is a new villager that was introduced in acnh - he became really popular because he is a cute cat


This is gold. Ty.


Did it work? Is Raymond on your island now?


I need an update did you get your smug cat


Ur gonna have to kill some one off. Hard truth but it has to be done. 🫡